2012 Debater's League: Smack Talk and General Discussion Thread

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D-Man with the debate topic win yet again!

great topic. Wish I had it. Alas I will have to study this debate closely, as I will have the honor of defeating the winner of this debate.
And then I'll have the pleasure of defeating whoever wins. Again.
Oh no, not again! Please, not again!

24 hours has passed, and no response from Dirty Jose. We're not too far removed from two days since the topic was posted. :( While I appreciate the punctuality points, I was really hoping for a debate this week. Hopefully, Dirty Jose is not going to Rohan-ize me at this stage of the competition.
Oh no, not again! Please, not again!

24 hours has passed, and no response from Dirty Jose. We're not too far removed from two days since the topic was posted. :( While I appreciate the punctuality points, I was really hoping for a debate this week. Hopefully, Dirty Jose is not going to Rohan-ize me at this stage of the competition.
Sorry to hear that.

Don't worry about me next week HHF, I have no intentions on no-showing you.
Damnit HHF, if only this topic was for our debate (I'm starting to assume you'll win sinec Dirty has no-showed so far). I so badly want to retort to your post, but it isn't my debate.
I have absolutely no doubt that Dirty Jose will appear in this debate before all is said and done. I'm sure he's been busy, or something unexpected has come up. I'll be shocked if he no shows the entire thing.
I have absolutely no doubt that Dirty Jose will appear in this debate before all is said and done. I'm sure he's been busy, or something unexpected has come up. I'll be shocked if he no shows the entire thing.
Oh me too, I'm totally shocked and somewhat saddened that he has no-showed. I hope everything is OK with him.

I do think that you have a huge advantage now though.
I can't say for sure, but I think there's actually a little strategic action going on here. It will be very interesting to see if it works, and how it will be received by the judges.
Damn, I lost by no showing on the last day against a guy who has no-showed in the present debate so far. Talk about irony.

Would have loved to have debated Habs in this topic. Not to be, I guess.
Loses in punctuality, but gains in everything else with massive post Habs wouldn't be able to respond to. Hell, that's an ingenious plan worthy of me.
Oh well, I guess there's no strategy in place after all, just a second consecutive no show. Disappointing, but that's all you can do :(

Hopefully Stormtrooper will manage to make it as we head into the final three.
This ingenious strategy Killjoy developed, I shall wait a year for the most unsuspecting opponent and put it into action. Of course the idea will have long dissolved from the minds of everyone at that point.
Oh well, I guess there's no strategy in place after all, just a second consecutive no show. Disappointing, but that's all you can do :(

Hopefully Stormtrooper will manage to make it as we head into the final three.
I've never left. I will be there, and I will be trying to kick your ass. If only we had this weeks topic next week, this weeks topic would have been perfect.

Best of luck in our debate, HHF. May the best man win.
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Habs, you are one lucky son of a bitch.

Lucky? Really? Not so much. I'd rather debate and lose, rather than win by default, twice in a row no less. Not much satisfaction in taking the time to post and have the other guy not respond, or not get any judgments rendered. And it's no real accomplishment to win simply because the other guy didn't show up.
Ok, the Loser's Bracket Final debate topic and thread has been posted.

As a result of recent happenings, a new rule has been added to the remaining debates: If a debater is late with their post, their opponent can post again and continue posting every 24 hours until they receive a reply. More posts equal a better chance of gaining the Persuasive points in the debate.

While I highly doubt this is will utilized in the present and future debates, it became a problem that needed to be addressed. I think this new rule provides proper resolution.

Good luck, guys!
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