Zeven_Zion - I need to understand you.

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Gone but never forgotten.
Ok, we've got a billion posters in the past that have shit on this guy for his negative views on the WWE. Yes, he can be a douchebag at times. Yes, his comments can be abrasive. Yes, he is a TNA mark. Yes, most of us probably disagree with him. And yes, you've all created bar room threads that insult him to the point of immaturity.

Zevon_Zion, that's why I'm creating this thread. Personally, I think we all just need to understand what you look for in pro-wrestling... especially me. I've seen your threads, I've seen your opinions, I've seen your views on the product. It just looks like you change your tune every day. So instead of me rebutting with you and things becoming heated, it might be best for you to just post your overall view here.

You've said in the past that WWE didn't have enough matches. For the past two weeks, they stepped up the amount of matches on the card and you complained about them. You also said the matches were too short, in the past. Last night, the matches were much longer and you said they were "too long." You wanted to be shocked and intrigued by the storylines and it seemed like the WWE did that recently but now you think they went from gold to shit in a matter of one week. You're like a swinging pendulum. I just don't get it.

So this is what I challenge you to do and the criteria I ask for... DO NOT compare WWE to TNA in this thread. DO NOT mention what transpired on Raw last night or in recent past. DO NOT mention TNA. Just tell everyone what you feel makes a great wrestling product. Then, we can finally understand you.

(I ask that other posters try not to step into this thread, be annoying, and ruin it.)
"It" seems quite obvious. Clearly states he wants to better understand the man's opinion as opposed to just jumping on him for his ever-changing comments.

Quite simple request actually. Im sure if Dman was just going to bait him in to attack, he could have done that in any thread ZZ posted in.
And he could not have asked this in any of those threads because? No one calls someone out in the bar room to have a respectful discussion. Wrestling is a rare topic in here. Dman just wants to call him a porch monkey boner or something equally mature.
Points will be given out for referencing the Kennel From Hell match. Extra points will be rewarded to those who defend its existence passionately.

And what exactly is "it" here? Your attempt to bait him into the bar room under false pretenses so you can vent your frustrations at him with no holds barred?

I explained in my initial post. I shouldn't have to write it in crayon for those who are too ignorant to understand.

I didn't hide the purpose of this thread.
If you really wanted him to see this then why didn't you just put it in the wrestling spam zone? :shrug:

Because I knew the thread would trigger other, immature and annoying posters to begin a flame war. After all, ZZ tends to get people to do that. I'm keeping the conversation in a room where no one would be infracted for such comments.
First of all, the mere existence of this section of a wrestling forum shows me how pathetic the people who run and moderate it are. I first heard of this months ago and shook my head at how ridiculious some people on the Internet are. Regardless of this abomination I'll simply say this.

I said that the matches were short and few. Now they're longer and more. Fine. But do you know what makes the length and the quantity of a match worth a fuck?

... quality.

See, to me, as long as the match is simply good (tells a good story, has decent pace, athleticism if possible and I care about the people involved), I don't care if it's 2 minutes long or 15 minutes long. Back then I thought that maybe why the matches don't click is because the quality of the bout is fucked up due to the length, and MAYBE having a longer match would mean these guys would have more time to muster something up. Unfortunately, they couldn't. For the most part. It seems to be a quality issue, not a time issue or match quantity issue. I don't know if WWE is limiting them, I don't know what the reason is. I just know it's not working for me.

And yes, they didn't have shocking moments before. They did in the last few weeks. The Punk and Vince situation. I liked both moments for what they were. But do you think I'll love the WWE forever just because they shocked me? Nexus shocked me. How did that turn out? It's one thing to deliver a shocker, it's a whooole new story to ride the momentum and make something better out of it. You don't want me to talk about TNA, but I don't think you'll mind this because it's a knock at them. TNA is the master at failing at shockers. They sure as hell shock me, but they never capitalize on the momentum to the fullest. A shocker is good for one night, then I'm over it. I look for consistency.

Now you want to know what I like about pro wrestling.

Just read my post on page 193 in the RAW Aftermath thread where I go into detail about what I don't like about RAW. I don't want to paste it or re-type it again. You'll get what I like by reading it.

That being said, let's get funky.

This forum is filled with absolute pricks, ********s and sissy ********ers who can't really stomach someone presenting his views on their favorite program in the violent, cynical and at most times immature manner that I do. A bunch of high-handed ignoramuses who will shove their poorly argumented opinions in your face the first chance they get, maybe mentioning their Degree in Business or Dingleberry Harvesting. Well, for those people - pucker up and kiss my ass. The reason why I go off topic in some threads and steer them in the smark direction is simply because I like to burst the bubble of a lot of people. Sometimes I'm serious, but most of the time I'm simply messing around. I get a kick out of it. Human psychology. It's a wonderful thing. Fascinates me to be honest how sheepish a lot of people are and how hypocritical they get. It's amazing what a few harsh words can do.

Here I am bashing the WWE for the right reasons - no smarky bullshit like someone's age - I straight out don't like the QUALITY of the show and I make that very apparent, and I get bombarded with comments such as "Just enjoy pro wrestling", "you're just a TNA mark hater", "wait until it unfolds" and so on. Sometimes spewed by the same people who finish up their post and then go troll the TNA section in an even worse, ignorant and idiotic manner than I did. And then I get called this and that and it's just a hoot.

Now I'm sure that people's insecurities will set their keyboards on fire, so go right ahead, scum buckets.

First of all, the mere existence of this section of a wrestling forum shows me how pathetic the people who run and moderate it are. I first heard of this months ago and shook my head at how ridiculious some people on the Internet are. Regardless of this abomination I'll simply say this.

I said that the matches were short and few. Now they're longer and more. Fine. But do you know what makes the length and the quantity of a match worth a fuck?

... quality.

See, to me, as long as the match is simply good (tells a good story, has decent pace, athleticism if possible and I care about the people involved), I don't care if it's 2 minutes long or 15 minutes long. Back then I thought that maybe why the matches don't click is because the quality of the bout is fucked up due to the length, and MAYBE having a longer match would mean these guys would have more time to muster something up. Unfortunately, they couldn't. For the most part. It seems to be a quality issue, not a time issue or match quantity issue. I don't know if WWE is limiting them, I don't know what the reason is. I just know it's not working for me.

And yes, they didn't have shocking moments before. They did in the last few weeks. The Punk and Vince situation. I liked both moments for what they were. But do you think I'll love the WWE forever just because they shocked me? Nexus shocked me. How did that turn out? It's one thing to deliver a shocker, it's a whooole new story to ride the momentum and make something better out of it. You don't want me to talk about TNA, but I don't think you'll mind this because it's a knock at them. TNA is the master at failing at shockers. They sure as hell shock me, but they never capitalize on the momentum to the fullest. A shocker is good for one night, then I'm over it. I look for consistency.

Now you want to know what I like about pro wrestling.

Just read my post on page 193 in the RAW Aftermath thread where I go into detail about what I don't like about RAW. I don't want to paste it or re-type it again. You'll get what I like by reading it.

That being said, let's get funky.

This forum is filled with absolute pricks, ********s and sissy ********ers who can't really stomach someone presenting his views on their favorite program in the violent, cynical and at most times immature manner that I do. A bunch of high-handed ignoramuses who will shove their poorly argumented opinions in your face the first chance they get, maybe mentioning their Degree in Business or Dingleberry Harvesting. Well, for those people - pucker up and kiss my ass. The reason why I go off topic in some threads and steer them in the smark direction is simply because I like to burst the bubble of a lot of people. Sometimes I'm serious, but most of the time I'm simply messing around. I get a kick out of it. Human psychology. It's a wonderful thing. Fascinates me to be honest how sheepish a lot of people are and how hypocritical they get. It's amazing what a few harsh words can do.

Here I am bashing the WWE for the right reasons - no smarky bullshit like someone's age - I straight out don't like the QUALITY of the show and I make that very apparent, and I get bombarded with comments such as "Just enjoy pro wrestling", "you're just a TNA mark hater", "wait until it unfolds" and so on. Sometimes spewed by the same people who finish up their post and then go troll the TNA section in an even worse, ignorant and idiotic manner than I did. And then I get called this and that and it's just a hoot.

Now I'm sure that people's insecurities will set their keyboards on fire, so go right ahead, scum buckets.

Major JO material.
He reminds of shattered a lot. I want to like him, I really do. But the TNA markism cuts him down at times. His trolling can be top notch though.
MAJOR JO material. Like damn dude, may need to tug one out right now.

By the way that word fort temper tantrum was a thousand times more pathetic than the existence of the bar room.

This guy is such a fucking tool. He's clearly not actually interested in a good wrestling program, he's just interested in finding something to bitch about and vent his frustration on while trying to be "rebellious" and rooting for the other team, even if their shit sucks most of the time.

Seriously though, that post in the Raw Aftermath thread was far and away one of the biggest piles of shit I've ever seen on this forum, ever. None of his criticisms hold any weight in reality at all.

And don't compare Zeven to Shattered. Shattered may have differing opinions but he's not very difficult to approach and converse with. Zion on the other hand seems to have a dynamite necklace around himself at all times reading "TALK TO ME AND I WILL FUCKING EXPLODE".
And don't compare Zeven to Shattered. Shattered may have differing opinions but he's not very difficult to approach and converse with. Zion on the other hand seems to have a dynamite necklace around himself at all times reading "TALK TO ME AND I WILL FUCKING EXPLODE".

I wasn't comparing them as posters.
Major JO material.
I'll defend this POV to the death. But at the same time, perhaps a few of you are looking for something a little more substantial. Maybe even a little meatier. After all, it might be approaching lunch time wherever you are. You need something to satisfy that rumbling in your belly. Well fine. Here it goes.

First of all, the mere existence of this section of a wrestling forum shows me how pathetic the people who run and moderate it are. I first heard of this months ago and shook my head at how ridiculious some people on the Internet are.
I agree. Every part of this forum should be no holds barred. We'd be better off for it.

The reason why I go off topic in some threads and steer them in the smark direction is simply because I like to burst the bubble of a lot of people. Sometimes I'm serious, but most of the time I'm simply messing around. I get a kick out of it. Human psychology. It's a wonderful thing. Fascinates me to be honest how sheepish a lot of people are and how hypocritical they get. It's amazing what a few harsh words can do.
Well it's entirely possible that this is true. On the other hand, most people get bored of poking the lab rats. After a while you sort of know what they're gonna do and move on. To do otherwise shows a bit of a sadistic streak. So either you're a sadist or you're just trying to play like everyone's reaction to you is your own doing to maintain some semblance of pride on these here boards. Arrogant of me to imagine that our opinion matters to you in some way, I know. But stranger things have happened here.

Either way, you're definitely funky. My prayers are with you.
Yeah, I may not always agree with SD, but there has been times that I do. ZZ? not so much. Seems far too angry at the world for some reason.
MAJOR JO material. Like damn dude, may need to tug one out right now.

By the way that word fort temper tantrum was a thousand times more pathetic than the existence of the bar room.

This guy is such a fucking tool. He's clearly not actually interested in a good wrestling program, he's just interested in finding something to bitch about and vent his frustration on while trying to be "rebellious" and rooting for the other team, even if their shit sucks most of the time.

Seriously though, that post in the Raw Aftermath thread was far and away one of the biggest piles of shit I've ever seen on this forum, ever. None of his criticisms hold any weight in reality at all.

And don't compare Zeven to Shattered. Shattered may have differing opinions but he's not very difficult to approach and converse with. Zion on the other hand seems to have a dynamite necklace around himself at all times reading "TALK TO ME AND I WILL FUCKING EXPLODE".
Weren't you a huge TNA fan? I remember reading posts of you liking just about every show. That is before Hogan and Bischoff came along. Are you one of those?

Difficult to converse? This is the first time I talk to you. I'm not difficult to converse you t-*BOOM*!
Pretty much the exact answer I expected. Hence, the reason why I placed it in the Bar Room.

While I respect your views and opinions, I find a ton of hypocrisy in everything that you post and do here.

Zevon_Zion said:
This forum is filled with absolute pricks, ********s and sissy ********ers who can't really stomach someone presenting his views on their favorite program in the violent, cynical and at most times immature manner that I do.

Aren't you the same way? After all, 50% of your posts are in reply to the views that others have on the product and you're pretty straight-forward with your disagreement with them. Cynical, immature, violent... all good words to describe your posting. But if you fail to mention hypocrisy then you're not telling the whole story.

You demand respect for your opinions? Fine. Then you should respect everyone else's, as well, without calling them "*****" and "********ers" for having an opinion.

The reason why I go off topic in some threads and steer them in the smark direction is simply because I like to burst the bubble of a lot of people. Sometimes I'm serious, but most of the time I'm simply messing around. I get a kick out of it. Human psychology. It's a wonderful thing. Fascinates me to be honest how sheepish a lot of people are and how hypocritical they get. It's amazing what a few harsh words can do.

I absolutely love the fact that you are 100% admitting that you are a troll of the forums and you constantly break our rules and regulations. I had a suspicion that this is what you were always trying to accomplish with your abrasive posting but now I have it in writing. We used to have a guy like you on this forum... a guy who "played a character" and stirred the pot for the sake of shit-stirring. His name was Lord Sidious and we all know what happened to him. Don't make the mistake of falling into his category of posting; you're too good for that.

Here I am bashing the WWE for the right reasons - no smarky bullshit like someone's age - I straight out don't like the QUALITY of the show and I make that very apparent, and I get bombarded with comments such as "Just enjoy pro wrestling", "you're just a TNA mark hater", "wait until it unfolds" and so on. Sometimes spewed by the same people who finish up their post and then go troll the TNA section in an even worse, ignorant and idiotic manner than I did. And then I get called this and that and it's just a hoot.

I really agree with you here. Fact of the matter is that not all posters on this forum have the maturity level or knowledge to really understand what they're watching on television. They see the show, read a few posters' opinions, and want to feel empowered and intelligent by trying to join the negativity, although they don't have a fucking clue as to what they're talking about. But this will never stop. So instead of being a total dick to them, why not just state your opinions and "school" them without making them hate you in the process?

All in all, I think you're a very good poster. I love people who speak their minds and don't let others' sway their opinions like 90% of the other posters on this forum do. Matter of fact, I encourage everyone to have their own opinions and stop posting like a herd of sheep.

The only thing I don't condone is being a complete and utter dickbag to other people because they disagree with you or because you live a miserable life. Posters come here to enjoy debating and discussing pro-wrestling, MMA, and other numerous topics. Let them post in peace and try not to allow your emotions to get in the way of passing on your message to others. Who knows, you might be able to find a bunch of other posters who agree with you and, in turn, can provide you with reasonable and rational conversation about the views that you all seem to agree on.
Holy mother of crap I just saw D-Man's signature and realized what it is. Jesus FUCKING Christ they have clothing with their Internet usernames on it and they get together. This is worse than I thought ...

Don't whip out your phasers.
They leave clothes over at one another's house. Pretty gay.
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