Zack Ryder Ignored once again


Pre-Show Stalwart

If anyone noticed this last night, it notes The Miz the 5th most followed on Twitter.

Now look at this: @ZackRyder

The world follows me on twitter too. @WWE just doesn’t want you to know. I have 100k followers more than @mikethemiz.

Zack Ryder has nearly a million followers, The Miz has under 900,000 followers so the WWE are even ignoring Zack Ryder's twitter success!

Why do you think this is? Is he not a big enough name to the WWE to advertise even though obviously a million people on twitter know who he is?
Just goes to show why I dont watch anymore.
Zack Ryder is a superb wrestler that hasn't been given the chance to shine yet. He's been given some stupid gimmick which you can tell he hates. I think he could be either a top face or a great hell. He just needs to be given the chance. And he hasn't. Because he's not one of Vince's bunnys.
Props to him speaking out though.
Just goes to show why I dont watch anymore.
Zack Ryder is a superb wrestler that hasn't been given the chance to shine yet. He's been given some stupid gimmick which you can tell he hates. I think he could be either a top face or a great hell. He just needs to be given the chance. And he hasn't. Because he's not one of Vince's bunnys.
Props to him speaking out though.

What are you talking about?
Ryder made that gimmick what it is. And the reason he isn't push is probably because Vince didn't make it.

Anyway I think the reason Ryder was snubbed is because The Miz is a bigger star and a bigger name so it would make sense to include him in the list as opposed to Ryder.
What are you talking about?
Ryder made that gimmick what it is. And the reason he isn't push is probably because Vince didn't make it.

Anyway I think the reason Ryder was snubbed is because The Miz is a bigger star and a bigger name so it would make sense to include him in the list as opposed to Ryder.

I wouldn't say Miz is a bigger star. He's better at sucking up to Vince and is better at being singled out by the media yes. I'll also give him credit for being a media workhorse for the WWE but I don't know if I'd call him a bigger star per say. They had a Miz is awesome chant that was so inaudible the only reason you could tell what they were saying was because Miz pointed it out. As opposed to when MizTV was on and you could clearly hear "WE WANT RYDER". People genuinely enjoy Ryder more than the Miz IMO. Yeah Miz has been WWE Champion but that to me was a mistake. If Vince could get off his high horse and give these guys a tiny bit of creative control for their character. Nothing BIG just something like Ryder. Let them make their character then WWE might in fact be more interesting.
Welcome to kayfabe, ladies and gentlemen.

This is a work. Do you really think WWE would have John Cena acknowledge this if it wasn't a work? Do you think Zack Ryder would still have a job if he was making legit complaints about the business?

A well done work, but a work nonetheless
I love how Ryder clawed and scratched to get to where he is, unfortunately in the ring I don't think he's anything amazing. Just a wrestler with a silly gimmick and average in ring skills. That doesn't mean he should be forgotten though. The fans love him and love his catch phrase. But that's what the WWE does. Buries most wrestlers if they either don't think you have what it takes or just someone in the back that hates him. Either way it's not fair to him. Such is life in the WWE. Wrestlers either love the company or hate it because of all the politics that goes on.
This would have to be a work since Stone Cold Steve Austin has more followers then either Zack Ryder or The Miz and he's not on the list either.
Welcome to kayfabe, ladies and gentlemen.

This is a work. Do you really think WWE would have John Cena acknowledge this if it wasn't a work? Do you think Zack Ryder would still have a job if he was making legit complaints about the business?

A well done work, but a work nonetheless

Exactly right.

Online all day today, Ryder has been "complaining" about not being on Raw last night and for being snubbed. For months now, Ryder has been making these "complaints" online about not getting air time on Raw. It has all the markings of a work and some sort of potential push coming up. It might not be the case, but I think that it is.

Ryder has been kinda sorta teasing a character change on his youtube show for a while now. The 100th show is coming up soon and Ryder has teased some sort of big announcement. Not being mentioned on the Did You Know blurb last night could all be part of an upcoming change for Ryder, possibly a heel turn. If Ryder was legitimately as unhappy as he's claimed for the past several months, I think he would've asked for his release from the WWE.

If by some small chance it isn't a work and Ryder is completely serious, then his career in WWE is tanked and has been for the better part of 6 months now. It's just more indication that it's a work and potentially part of something. Ryder would know that bashing the WWE legitimately would be career suicide in which he probably would have been released a long time ago.
Add me to the list of those who think this is a work. Great point made by fenderjapan about Cena mentioning Ryder's situation. This makes me think it's a work for sure. Personally, I think that almost everything I read on Twitter or other websites, like this one, is a work. Another example that comes to mind are the reports of the backstage uncertainty about who will win between CM Punk and The Rock. This seems like a story put out to create some questions about who will win at the Rumble. I think the winner is pretty obvious and I'll just leave it at that. Not trying to change the subject, so I'll get back to Ryder.

I think Ryder has potential, at the very least, to be a player at the upper-mid card level. Once again, just my opinion. I really hope this is a work because if they are simply just down on Zack, it seems like a great opportunity lost for both parties. Not to say the WWE needs Ryder, but they do need more stars. Maybe Ryder will never be a mega-star, but I think he can certainly deliver at a higher spot on the card than he is now.
Welcome to kayfabe, ladies and gentlemen.

This is a work. Do you really think WWE would have John Cena acknowledge this if it wasn't a work? Do you think Zack Ryder would still have a job if he was making legit complaints about the business?

A well done work, but a work nonetheless

I completely agree, after watching his newest youtube video, that is produced through WWE... he is talking about how the WWE can't kill what he can create, so he is going to kill it before they have a chance.

I could see this turning into a character change and him turning into more of a serious character and hopefully getting some TV time as the result. I would love to see Ryder going and challenging for some mid card titles and starting some actual feuds.

He also did tweet about asking the shield to let him in? so maybe a heel turn could be in the work too but I feel that would defeat the purpose because a lot of people love Ryder and he is a merchandise machine.
Very sad. It shows how much creative control they have over their product. It's also not very encouraging for future wrestlers to want to push themselves to better means of marketing and promotion as they are "independent contractors." After watching the CM Punk DVD it shows me how much the WWE is willing to watch you kill yourself just to get signed, just to bury you in light of "bigger stars."
Just goes to show why I dont watch anymore.
Zack Ryder is a superb wrestler that hasn't been given the chance to shine yet. He's been given some stupid gimmick which you can tell he hates. I think he could be either a top face or a great hell. He just needs to be given the chance. And he hasn't. Because he's not one of Vince's bunnys.
Props to him speaking out though.

This is the biggest joke I have seen on any wrestling forum. Ryder is far from a superb wrestler. If he had any talent what so ever WWE would use him more often, cause WWE knows Zack Ryder has his puppet fan base cheering for him all the time cause Ryder kisses their ass constantly on his stupid Youtube show and on twitter. Ryder's career is over and I've enjoyed the past year watching him get buried every week on television. 2013 Zack Ryder get's future endeavered and I'll be so happy to see him go cause the man has been nothing but a joke since he entered WWE. Then he can take his Woo Woo Woo and go work at McDonalds.
It's a definately a work, anyone who can't see that needs to open their eyes. I can see a possible heel turn coming, maybe he will cost Cena the rumble by eliminating him? Maybe he will turn on a friend such as Santino to make a statement and get noticed?
If he had any talent what so ever WWE would use him more often....

You mean, like they did with Matt Morgan, Chris Candido, Sean O'Haire, Dean Milenko, Shane Douglas, Vader, Terry Funk (BOTH times they had him.), Tony Atlas, Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, Barry Windham, Dan Spivy, CW Anderson, Balls Mahoney, Francine, Men's Teioh, Dan Severn, Ron Killings, the first time they had him, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Kazarian, Kid Kash, Elijah Burke, 2 Cold Scorpio, and Jamie Noble.

I can keep this list going for as long as it takes, for you to understand that talent doesn't mean a goddamn thing to Vince McMahon. Vince McMahon will use, and crush anyone he wants, because the livelihoods of the talented are a small price to pay for the advancement of his chosen few, who can only have a real career with Vince, because they'd be exposed for having next to no talent, if they did wrestle for another company.
This is the biggest joke I have seen on any wrestling forum. Ryder is far from a superb wrestler. If he had any talent what so ever WWE would use him more often, cause WWE knows Zack Ryder has his puppet fan base cheering for him all the time cause Ryder kisses their ass constantly on his stupid Youtube show and on twitter. Ryder's career is over and I've enjoyed the past year watching him get buried every week on television. 2013 Zack Ryder get's future endeavered and I'll be so happy to see him go cause the man has been nothing but a joke since he entered WWE. Then he can take his Woo Woo Woo and go work at McDonalds.

I think you're being a bit harsh but I agree. Dude can't wrestle. He has to have the worst finisher in the WWE that isn't performed by Santino. I think Vince and the writers see him as sort of like Santino. A comedic break from the "intensity" of everything else. He was red hot in 2011 but seemed to never get past being Cena's buddy or the US champ. Possibly because most of his matches are short and his "bouncy" style is super goofy in my opinion. He just kind of doesn't move well and doesn't seem very athletic. Just a big, fit guy who had a decent run for 8 months or whatever but couldn't turn it into long term success.
"the miz is better at sucking up to vince" i guess everyone on this board is in the wwe locker room.

ryder got a decent push, and his gimmick wore thin and the crowd stopped caring. once the crowd stops caring then thats it
"the miz is better at sucking up to vince" i guess everyone on this board is in the wwe locker room.

ryder got a decent push, and his gimmick wore thin and the crowd stopped caring. once the crowd stops caring then thats it

That's just it. The crowd didn't stop caring. The live crowds at shows are still pretty well behind Ryder. I hear "We want Ryder" chants at every major WWE show that I've seen, over the last year.

It seems to me that WWE simply wants the crowd to forget about him, so that they can begin to push him, and claim that his success is their doing, and not Ryder's.
What are you talking about?
Ryder made that gimmick what it is. And the reason he isn't push is probably because Vince didn't make it.

Yep, I have denying it now but I am starting to believe that WWE creative (which may involve Vince) pushed him last year just to sabotage his popularity.

They guy was super over in his youtube show and fans ate him up. When WWE finally decided to feature him none of the creative deicsion made sense at all.

What really bothered me is how he won and immediately dropped the US title. He was getting huge pops at the time and I am sure WWE knew that dropping the US title the way it did would have killed his momentum (which it did). Afterwards they just decided to do nothing with him giving him a punching bag angle with Kane right after.

Anyway I think the reason Ryder was snubbed is because The Miz is a bigger star and a bigger name so it would make sense to include him in the list as opposed to Ryder.

What's funny is that Ryder was actually one of the top merchandise sellers last year. And had a huge reaction from the crowd even my casual wrestling fans knew who Zack Ryder is (albiet more with his theme song) but still that says a lot.

ryder got a decent push, and his gimmick wore thin and the crowd stopped caring. once the crowd stops caring then thats it

At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, the reason why the crowd stopped caring about him is because WWE effectively designed his push that so that they can say that "oh we gave the fans what they want and pushed Ryder" only to put him in angles or booking situations that would kill his relevancy Like I said take the US Title as an example, when he won the crowd loved it so why take the title away from him so soon? He could have been US Champ for a long time and he would have had entertaining matches and feuds that could have kept him busy and relevant as a mid card title holder.

And yes a Gimmick can wear thin from time to time but if Val Venis' fun gimmick game last 2 to 3 years and Hacksaw Jim Duggan can last almost an entire era I am sure Ryder's could have lasted longer than 6 months.

Simply put WWE killed his popularity.
Welcome to kayfabe, ladies and gentlemen.

This is a work. Do you really think WWE would have John Cena acknowledge this if it wasn't a work? Do you think Zack Ryder would still have a job if he was making legit complaints about the business?

A well done work, but a work nonetheless

Yeah I figured it was just that. Cena of all people wouldn't be getting involved if that wasn't the case.

Now the real question is, where are they going with this? Is Ryder going to be some badass that goes off on the WWE or what?
I can keep this list going for as long as it takes, for you to understand that talent doesn't mean a goddamn thing to Vince McMahon. Vince McMahon will use, and crush anyone he wants, because the livelihoods of the talented are a small price to pay for the advancement of his chosen few, who can only have a real career with Vince, because they'd be exposed for having next to no talent, if they did wrestle for another company.

Yeah, and the US government faked the moon landing and were secretly behind the Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11, right?

Give me a break. Vince isn't sitting in a room somewhere picking and choosing who he likes (with the criteria being that they couldn't succeed anywhere else...WHAT?!?) and telling the writers to push them at the expense of everybody else. You don't get to be the top business in the world, in any field, by making such stupid decisions. You get pushed in the WWE by being the best. And no, I don't mean the best "wrestler." In the WWE, wrestling skills mean precisely dick. And no, I don't mean the best at kissing Vince's ass either. Like I said, you don't succeed if that your standard. I mean the best at getting crowds to care about you. It's that simple. When they send you out to the ring, make the crowd want to see you again. It doesn't matter how you do it. If they want to see you again, the writers will show you to them again. Period.

Ryder got the crowd to care about him. Great. He was rewarded with regular TV time, high profile storylines, even a US title reign. Unfortunately for him, beyond his cult following that he developed online, he was unable to maintain that level of interest among the greater WWE universe. Once it stopped being cool to cheer for that internet guy that never gets a fair chance(because, at that point, he was getting his fair chance - it's like any sports underdog...once they stop being an underdog, many people stop caring about them), it was on Ryder to actually do something in the ring or on the mic to keep their interest, and he doesn't have what it takes. So they scaled him back to his more proper place on the WWE ladder.

In regards to the original topic of Ryder being left off the WWE graphic, two things:

First of all, The Miz was not listed as having the 5th most followers. Nowhere on that graphic did it say it was a list of those who have the most followers. They simply listed five superstars and the number of followers they have.

And secondly, this seems almost so obvious it shouldn't even need to be said, but this is clearly a work. Zack Ryder has complaining about the WWE since they took over his YouTube channel. You really think they would allow him to say that kind of stuff if it wasn't part of a storyline? You really think John Cena would be Touting about it if it wasn't part of a storyline? C'mon people. As soon as Ryder's gimmick got stale, all those months ago, the WWE started implementing phase two: the heel turn. This is just like Christian. Remember when he won the World Heavyweight Championship, then lost it days later, and the IWC lost their collective minds about how stupid it was, blah blah blah? Remember how he then turned heel and was more over than he would've ever been as a face? This is a very similar situation. The WWE planned this out months ago and it's been going perfectly so far. Last night was just the latest step. Eventually Ryder's going to get sick of it, snap(probably on a face, probably John Cena), and his career will be much better for it.

I know you've heard it before. Vince McMahon has said it himself live on TV. The WWE knows what's good for the fans a lot more than the fans do. (especially the IWC) There's a reason their storylines are always much better long term than anything the fans would've come up with. It's because they don't do what they fans think they want. This is just the latest example of that.
Yeah, and the US government faked the moon landing and were secretly behind the Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11, right?

Give me a break. Vince isn't sitting in a room somewhere picking and choosing who he likes (with the criteria being that they couldn't succeed anywhere else...WHAT?!?) and telling the writers to push them at the expense of everybody else. You don't get to be the top business in the world, in any field, by making such stupid decisions. You get pushed in the WWE by being the best. And no, I don't mean the best "wrestler." In the WWE, wrestling skills mean precisely dick. And no, I don't mean the best at kissing Vince's ass either. Like I said, you don't succeed if that your standard. I mean the best at getting crowds to care about you. It's that simple. When they send you out to the ring, make the crowd want to see you again. It doesn't matter how you do it. If they want to see you again, the writers will show you to them again. Period.

Ryder got the crowd to care about him. Great. He was rewarded with regular TV time, high profile storylines, even a US title reign. Unfortunately for him, beyond his cult following that he developed online, he was unable to maintain that level of interest among the greater WWE universe. Once it stopped being cool to cheer for that internet guy that never gets a fair chance(because, at that point, he was getting his fair chance - it's like any sports underdog...once they stop being an underdog, many people stop caring about them), it was on Ryder to actually do something in the ring or on the mic to keep their interest, and he doesn't have what it takes. So they scaled him back to his more proper place on the WWE ladder.

In regards to the original topic of Ryder being left off the WWE graphic, two things:

First of all, The Miz was not listed as having the 5th most followers. Nowhere on that graphic did it say it was a list of those who have the most followers. They simply listed five superstars and the number of followers they have.

And secondly, this seems almost so obvious it shouldn't even need to be said, but this is clearly a work. Zack Ryder has complaining about the WWE since they took over his YouTube channel. You really think they would allow him to say that kind of stuff if it wasn't part of a storyline? You really think John Cena would be Touting about it if it wasn't part of a storyline? C'mon people. As soon as Ryder's gimmick got stale, all those months ago, the WWE started implementing phase two: the heel turn. This is just like Christian. Remember when he won the World Heavyweight Championship, then lost it days later, and the IWC lost their collective minds about how stupid it was, blah blah blah? Remember how he then turned heel and was more over than he would've ever been as a face? This is a very similar situation. The WWE planned this out months ago and it's been going perfectly so far. Last night was just the latest step. Eventually Ryder's going to get sick of it, snap(probably on a face, probably John Cena), and his career will be much better for it.

I know you've heard it before. Vince McMahon has said it himself live on TV. The WWE knows what's good for the fans a lot more than the fans do. (especially the IWC) There's a reason their storylines are always much better long term than anything the fans would've come up with. It's because they don't do what they fans think they want. This is just the latest example of that.

possibly one of the best internet comments on any site, ever. absolutely a work with Mr. Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect involved... problem is, ryder still needs better style in the ring. He's got a very loose style that works well in his guido gimmick but he needs a better finisher than the rough rider. I mean there are only so many moves you can do but I believe that he could figure out something a bit more sinister looking. Granted the AA doesnt look painful but Cena lifts huge guys on the reg and tosses em around. A bit more impressive looking than straddling someone when they're lying down. anyway, I digress.

VKM knows his product. He may be out of touch, but the man is professional wrestling. Legacy of wrestling promoters and he oversaw the biggest increase in viewership/popularity in pro wrestling history. It's kind of like the girl you bring home to Mom whom is abo****ely hated by mom. Moms know a lot more about people because they've lived about twice as long as their children and have encountered all types of people and know more about their tendencies. VKM is like everyone's MOM in professional wrestling. He's probably got a ridiculous knowledge of past wrestlers, storylines, swerves, etc. New creative professionals could probably write material for weeks and not come up with a fresh angle that VKM hasn't put out there at least 5 times or something.
they may chant we want ryder, i havent heard it. but once he comes out, they dont want ryder anymore.

they just think they are trendy and cool because they watch his internet show and follow him on twitter. alot of fans are just sheep

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