If Zack Ryder Is The Internet Champion, Who Is The #1 Contender?

Radical Canadian Goose

Getting Noticed By Management
So, apparently Zack Ryder has been the internet champ for a little bit now, and this must be a title where you don't have to defend. So here I am in make believe land wondering, how did Zack Ryder become internet champ? Is it because the IWC loves him (why?) or because he is an internet sensation and constant tweeter . My question is if he had to defend this joke title over the internet to another IWC favorite who would it be. And if its because hes a tweetaholic who would he defend against then

Top 5 IWC faves for Zack to defend against:

1) CM Punk
2) alex Shelley
3) Drew Mcintyre
4) The Miz
5) Crimson (seriously WTF)

Top 5 Twitter freaks for Zack to defend against:

1) Good Ole JR
2) Randy Orton
3) James Storm
4) Kurt angle
5) CM Punk

and one more question if Zack Ryder is the internet champ does that make Matt Hardy the internet chump?
Easy Colt "Boom Boom" Cabana.

The Art Of Wrestling podcast is the biggest form of Wrestling Media on the interent out there right now. He is consistently in the top podcast on iTunes and has one of the strongest Independent wrestling followings out there right now. Go watch The Wrestling Road Diaries and you will see.
Ryder is the Internet Champion to help further develop his character a little. The title means nothing and I do not see him ever defending it. The WWE realize how popular he is with the IWC and gave him a fake title to show that they see that. If they were legitimately going to have him defend it then it would have to be against guys like Punk or Christian who also have large online fanbases. They are main eventers though while Ryder is fighting for onscreen time at all. I could see this title being brought up in promos or something, but it will not be defended anytime soon.
Isn't it obvious? The #1 contender to the (and probably the TRUE) internet championship is Daniel Bryan. The internet championship belongs to whoever is the most over with the internet crowd much like how the WWE championship USUALLY belongs to whoever is the most over with the live crowds, overall. Who in the WWE is more over with the internet than Zack Ryder? Daniel Bryan for sure.
I doubt Ryder will ever defend his title, if he was going to defend it I think he would've defended it by now but he has not. But even if he were, why would he defend it against guys in TNA? He would surely defend the title against guys on the WWE roster as he is a WWE wrestler. Anyway, if he was going to defend it against anyone it would be out of Punk, Bryan, Christian or Miz as these guys are Internet darlings.
He probally defend it agains't Drew Mcyintire, Daniel Bryan, Punk and The Miz. For them are guys who are really loved on the internet. OH also Christain too. I just don't think they will ever have him defend the title as it is not real and is a prop for him to attempt to get over. Now if the WWE was to defend this title hopefully its on internet based shows and not on my t.v as I already have enough reasons to change the channle on Raw and Smackdown. If they were to bring in a title rather be something better than that.

An for him to defend agains't Colt Cabana and Storm would not happen they aren't WWE guys. Also you really said JR? LMFAO :lmao:
his arch nemesis Evan "Air" Bourne of course. They have had a rivavlry since 2009.
Bourne became famous on the independents 4 years after he got his wrestling license and Ryder became "over" last year. The the championship is like the Ted Dibiases' million dollar championship. I'm gonna get in trouble for spam but whatev
that's my 2 cents, peace!
God I hope this is a joke. The title is trash, Ryder is trash, Twitter is trash, Facebook is trash. If Ryder wants to defend that stupid toy, he should defend it against a welder and try to keep that stupid thing from being welded into something more useful. Like a watch or something.
God I hope this is a joke.
So do I the idea of WWE allowing Zack Ryder to put on matches for The Internet Championship is laughable, but if it actually happened it would be sad.. no wait disgusting. Look at WWE's history with championships. The heritage and history that comes with these titles is unprecedented. Not to mention the greats that have held the titles. The Brett Harts, Eddie Guerrero, Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit and so many more greats. If Ryder came in with his home made title he would walk over and disrespect all of the greats that have come before him, and that is not a way that he should go about getting himself over. He should get rid of that stupid toy, and get himself over in the ring, not by filming himself holding a friggin WWEShop.com belt covered with cut out paper logos! Grow Up!

The title is trash
Agreed, a toy title with paper logos scattered all over it is both stupid and a dumb way to try and get over, at first I thought at first it was a joke but now that it still going I'm over it.

Ryder is trash
Possibly but yet to be seen.

Twitter is trash
Facebook is trash
Very True
Easy,Jim Ross.That guy probably tweets 60 times a day.

A lot of people seem to think the "Internet Champion" is the guy that's most over with the IWC.It's not.Ryder calls himself that because he gets a lot of hits on YouTube.It's his online presence that allows him to call himself that.So in that respect,Cena would be the no. 1 contender and not only that,he'll probably squash Ryder in 4 seconds with the sheer number of Twitter followers and Facebook fans he has.

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