New Internet Championship! Could We See It On RAW?

The OP is the one suggesting this become a legitimate title

I wasn't saying the belt become like, WWE sanctioned. When I said legitimate, I mean a legitimate BELT. Not a toy belt with taped on pictures, but a real CHAMPIONSHIP BELT.

And even though I asked if it would be defended on RAW, I also never meant as a sanctioned title. Someone compared it to the Million Dollar Championship, and that's more or less what I was getting at.

My fault for not being more specific. But wow lots of differing opinions on Zack Ryder!
Ryder will likely carry it around for his gimmick, but it would moronic to think he would defend it as an actual title on WWE tv. Its a lot like how you cant wrestle someone for the peoples championship, its a metaphorical thing rather than practical.
Yes, well, I think thats kind of the point.

The OP is the one suggesting this become a legitimate title, not Ryder. The "old" Internet Championship looked even worse, so saying that it looks stupid is pretty pointless as it's meant to be a joke title anyway.

All it amounts to really is a prop to signify his success on getting over through the internet, so it makes sense and was actually pretty clever if you ask me.

You're entitled to your opinion, though I find him very refreshing.

We covered this, it's meant to be a joke, a prop.

Whats next, you wanna read my fortune? To assume that all Ryder fans enjoy him based purely on his "youtube show" is very very short sighted and moronic. I, for one, enjoyed him as an Edge-head and I find him to be pretty talented in the ring. The youtube videos? Those are just a bonus.

Oh, yes, how I wish Ryder could take someone down with the "cobra"... though Santino DOES have wrestling ability he's a joke when he's in the ring, and when he puts in offensive moves it's almost made out to be shocking that he actually got a move off. If they would allow him to wrestle, instead of further his comedy act in the ring, then he'd be pretty good as we all saw during his initial run.

And as far as Ryder goes, I'd say he's right on par with Santino as far as wrestling ability goes. However, since as I explained above, Santino is more of a comedy act in-ring, i'd definitely put Ryder ahead of him in the wrestling category. The kids got talent, you can't deny that, and judging by your thinking that us Ryder fans only enjoy him because of his youtube show I would assume that you haven't actually seen him in a match... you know, unless you want to consider going against Cole as a litmus test. :rolleyes:

This is a popular, and WRONG, misconception of us Ryder fans. We are not asking him to be put in a feud with John fucking Cena for the WWE Championship. We simply want to see him get his chance to be involved in a midcard feud, much like Evan Bourne.

Feature Ryder on TV enough and you WILL have reaction from the crowd, hell there already is reaction and he's been on RAW all of 2 times this year. To me, thats saying something. Give the kid a chance, thats all we Ryder supporters are asking for.

You make good points. Honestly I like Zack Ryder. I really do. I think he has a funny gimmick and no he's not bad in the ring. But the Ryder enthusiasts on here, at least most of them, have him way over rated. I can't count how many Ryder to the title threads have been made on here since he started his youtube show. He's good, not great. Give him the IC title in a couple years? Sure I can legitimately see that happening. But a first class talent he is not. And this title is a dumb thing, and the OP suggested it as being legit. That's what I don't like. I'm pretty sure it's made to be a funny prop for his show. Awesome. That's clever. But if it shows up on TV, I will crap myself in protest.
And this title is a dumb thing, and the OP suggested it as being legit. That's what I don't like. I'm pretty sure it's made to be a funny prop for his show. Awesome. That's clever. But if it shows up on TV, I will crap myself in protest.

Like I said before, when I called it legitimate I was referring to the fact that its now an actual belt and no longer a toy. Please refrain from pooping in your pants.
to all of the ryder ¨haters¨ out their, watch some wwecw. That show was booked great. They showed off ryder as he should be. I won't explain, just watch.
It's funny to read comments about people who constantly bitch and moan about Ryder, but these are the very same people who post in every single Ryder thread on this site?

Anyways, the title does look more legit, i don't know whether it will be used for WWE purposes or just for his show, but i wouldn't mind it being used for his stroylines on Raw.

Whether people like it or not, Ryder is currently getting a slow and steady push, he has his fans, including me, getting behind him. You just have to listen to the chants when he faced Michael Cole on Raw to know that he gets more reaction than guys like Kingston and Bourne. Zack's talented, and i'm looking forward to seeing where he goes from here after beating Cole.
I don't really see Ryder getting a push per say, but I do see him getting more air time than he has in the past. His belt looks ridiculous and I hope it stays where it is..on the internet. He's entertaining and I applaud him for finding a way to stand out in the crowded WWE locker room because it is incredibly hard to do.
Apparently the mods didn't feel this was a separate topic, so let's try it again here:

Just had an idea that I thought I'd share to see what you guys think. So if anyone saw the most recent episode of Z! True Long Island Story, he debuted his new Internet Championship belt and threw the old one in the trash like Medusa did with the Women's title in WCW.

It got me thinking of a funny idea...with more wrestlers using social media to try and get over, what if someone like say Bryan Danielson (who's just started a youtube channel) "finds" the old internet championship in the garbage, and then the following week on Z! While Ryder is showing off his Internet Championship, "Cult of Personality" could start playing with Ryder looking confused and then whoever found the old title could show up and they could have a stare down holding up the two titles, mimicking the current Punk/Cena storyline that there are two Internet Champions.

Then they could have a legit match on TV to further it, of course it would be silly but so is Ryder's persona and I think it would be pretty entertaining. What do you guys think? It would give Ryder some more material for his show.
I doubt we will ever see it on Raw let alone have it be defended because it doesn't sound like something WWE would do. I do think Ryder will finally be getting a push though. He got a full entrance and won a match. He got an excellent fan reaction during this match too. WWE are smart enough to know to push someone who gets cheered that much. I heard something about him forming a stable with the Nexus guys or perhaps that got cancelled? I am jus glad he might finally be getting a legit push.
Vince is so incredibly smart.

He KNOWS the internet gets behind guys they feel are wronged. So what's he do? He has Zack Ryder do a bunch of entertaining stuff on the net and never puts him on TV. So what happens? Some people on here like Ryder more than they would, or anyone would likely EVER like him if he was just another character. Maybe Vince didn't create this idea, but I'm sure he okayed it. The WWE knows that social media is big so they're using it. I love it.
God I hope not, that "title" is a joke, and a disgrace to any real title in existence. Then again, it goes with the joke of a character that is Zack Ryder (awaiting IWC hate messages).... people take a look, he is blatant rip off of Jersey Shore and "My new haircut" youtube video (if you havent seen it, look it up). He is in ring, is ok at best.

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