Zack's woo woo reminds me of Kofi's boom boom, weird but acceptable from a guy in bright purple tights. I would love a 'cool' fued between Zack & DJ, nice humor for late at night. As a former Edgehead, I anticipate Zack to play dirty at any time, like a surprise attack on funny Goldust when no one is expecting it.
I love Brian Lawler, no matter what's in his car when he crosses the border. I wouldn't even mind if Zack started wearing yellow shades. The first woo woo had me thinking "what the hell was that?", but by the second time I was happy to see someone talking silly when you know he's likely to hit you from behind. Nice mix.
(What if Zach fought DJ, only to later team up against Cryme Time? Party on, dudes!)
I love Brian Lawler, no matter what's in his car when he crosses the border. I wouldn't even mind if Zack started wearing yellow shades. The first woo woo had me thinking "what the hell was that?", but by the second time I was happy to see someone talking silly when you know he's likely to hit you from behind. Nice mix.
(What if Zach fought DJ, only to later team up against Cryme Time? Party on, dudes!)