Zack Ryder Discussion - Woo Woo Woo, You Know It!

Zack's woo woo reminds me of Kofi's boom boom, weird but acceptable from a guy in bright purple tights. I would love a 'cool' fued between Zack & DJ, nice humor for late at night. As a former Edgehead, I anticipate Zack to play dirty at any time, like a surprise attack on funny Goldust when no one is expecting it.

I love Brian Lawler, no matter what's in his car when he crosses the border. I wouldn't even mind if Zack started wearing yellow shades. The first woo woo had me thinking "what the hell was that?", but by the second time I was happy to see someone talking silly when you know he's likely to hit you from behind. Nice mix.

(What if Zach fought DJ, only to later team up against Cryme Time? Party on, dudes!)
Im so extremely biased bc zack ryder is from the town next to me on Li and i will always hope the best for a local. I think the tool gimmick is decent because everyone hates that douche bag at the bar or club who thinks theyre hot shit and i think ryder is playing it perfectly. He's goin to have to lose that horrible ring attire, there is a reason why the one long tight thing hasnt been done before. Honestly the reverse overdrive move he does is sick. Not in a long while have i been that impressed by a finisher. I also love his leg lariat that i believe he does pretty well. Sucks for Curt Hawkins as he's prob fucked out of a job unless he gets paired up with Kendrick or something.

Honestly right now wrestling is without gimmicks and at least Zack Ryder has one and is playing it to the best anyone can. Right now the WWE is practically gimmickless and right now he has one that works as a heel and is better then other heel gimmicks out there in the wwe right now. To everyone who hates him id like to give a big wooo wooo wooo and a you know it bc as a heel he is doing is job bc i bet everyone of u would like to see him get his ass beatdown by an evan bourne or a christian
I love his gimmick and Stryker is just helping him with it by calling him the jerk who gets the car, the girl and has money. His finisher which I'm calling the reverse Playmaker is great, his tights alone grab your attention. His gimmick will be a great springboard to get him the ECW title then the IC or US title and possibly the WWE or World title. He has a great future I expect him, Ziggler, Hart Dynasty, John Morriosn and possibly The Miz to be the future of WWE. WOOO! WOOO! WOOO0! will be on everyone's mind for years to come.
This gimmick he has is horrible, but he plays it well. In the end I don't think it will help his career, but just get cheap heat. Everyone will remember him as the guy who had that "Woo Woo" gimmick. It would be nice if he would at least change his tights, it just seems cheap. I can't take him seriously, and his music sucks as well. I've watched just one of his matches. His wrestling skills are there, but I don't like the over all gimmick. I'm sure he could be more entertaining with something else.
I think this guy is hilarious. Like everyone else, first seeing him made me think, who the hell is that and what is he doing here. But after watching his matches, mainly against local jobbers, he has impressed me. The main reason is that he talks in the ring. Very few heels do this anymore. Chris Jericho does and it's awesome. Two weeks ago on Superstars he yelled at his opponent after hiding in the ropes 'I'm taking my headband off bro' as to say I'm ready to go now. Constantly talking to an opponent helps match psychology so much it's ridiculous. It is annoying but like others have stated, it is supposed to be. Give the guy credit for making people pay attention.
When I first saw him come out with this gimmick and the "woo woo woo" I thought it was a take on the Youtube video "My New Haircut" but I don't know if he is going to push it to the level of the video. The video is hilarious, but I doubt with the WWE being PG now they'll let take it to that level. Making him a cocky in your face heel is starting to work well, because he's getting some nice heat, but how long will he'll last.
Ryder's basic skills are there, and the small sample of the unique move set I've seen (Zach Attack, that leg lariet drop) make him stand out so far.

Attire is meh, but I applaud the attempt to be different.

The gimmick is hillarious, because you want to smack the shit out of this guy so much. We've all known someone like this in our life, even if it wasn't someone you knew personaly. And that draws heat like no other. Hence, he's doing his job right, and the crowd is responding in the way WWE wants them to.

It will be interesting to see how far this takes him.
While it's destined to be a short term character, it certainly could be a good short term thing. Ryder is someone that had absolutely nothing going for him ever, so why not throw something out there and see if it works? At worst, what do you lose? Not a damn thing because you didn't have a damn thing in the first place. If it works, then you have a good character that you more or less get for free. Sounds like a good investment to me. While it's like that with this gimmick nothing will ever come from it, he's getting TV time which is more than a lot of wrestlers can say at the moment.
Just a general discussion about this guy since he was repackaged. So far to be honest i'm quite impressed with what he has been able to do with this gimmick. At first thought, I think we all thought he was a joke and would be "Future Endeavored" sooner than later. How ever he is really starting to grow on a lot of fans including me.

I'm sure though, that some fans may still think the guy's gimmick will be a flop. I respect that opinion, and the different opinions is why I started this thread.

For me he has a decent look, awesome theme music, and a catchphrase thats so ridiculous it works. He is also, from what i've seen a decent mic worker as well and knows how to make the crowd hate him. (as would I) but any ways I think some good will be done with Ryder on ECW. And in time I can definitely see him becoming an ECW champion (but as I said in time). So far he has shown that he has the talent, charisma, and gimmick to prove he can get over with crowd.

So I would like to see your guy's thoughts on Zack Ryder and what the future hold for him. IMO I think ECW is the best place for a new start and he has definitely proved so in my book.
He's one of my top five superstars right now. It's like you said the gimmick and theme music blends perfectly. I don't think the gimmick is bad in fact I think it's good. He's like that cocky heel Orton was a few years back which is perfect for him. I seem him as ECW champion in the next couple of months as the top heel on ECW. Then I could see him drafted next year and win the MITB at Wrestlemania maybe two years from now.
so i'm inexplicably watching ecw, and who walls into tiffany's office? rene dupree! oh wait, thats zach ryder? they split up hawkins and ryder for this? in my eyes this is already a bust before it even has a chance to unfold. i guess i could wait until i hear his theme music. meh. i don't understand what they are even thinking. just fuckin cut him!

ARE YOU SERIOUS? He's been one of the only reasons to watch ECW or Superstars for the last two months. This new gimmick of his is amazingly terrible, but its like a car crash, I cant stop looking. His music is so gay its entertaining. "I like to sing with the radio" WOO WOO WOO. This is a perfect young and cocky heel gimmick, and hes doing it perfect. You say they took him from the Edge Heads for this? he hasnt done anything but gotten better. Cant wait to see what else this kid can do. His gimmick is dirrectly stolen from this link, and its working.
What's Curt Hawkins doing currently? Jack all indeedy. At least Zack stands out with his semi metrosexual I can't decide if I want pants or tights outfit, the Catchy Music and his Finisher looks twice as effective as MVP's rather lame Playmaker.

He's like Rico but more entertaining, agressive, cocky and um where was I going with this?

Plus anyone who kills off the lamer of the ECW Talent inititive "Cough Tyler Reks" can't be a bad thing can it?
Zack Ryder is just...sigh. he's just excellent. He's the college frat boy, he's the high school jock, he's the pretty boy guido all rolled into won. and thank god they actually gave him some wins. Or at least make it look competitive. I mean I ask you, seen Curt Hawkins around recently?

If it means someone is getting TV time to showcase their talents, while Jim Johnston earns his goddamn paycheck with that music, I'm all for it. On a side note, he should probably get a new finisher. The neckbreaker is innovative...but him landing on his back makes it look unwieldy and weak. How about he pulls out some hair gel and slaps it into his opponents face and screams

Zack Ryder is the FREAKING MAN! The catchphrase Woo Woo Wooo is soooo ridiculous that is awesome. His music is soooo weird and quirky that it works (and by golly is it catchy). He has the unique look with the half pants, half tights look and he is developing a good move set. He is unique and a great fit on ECW. I don't see him as anything more than a mid carder, but Ryder has gone from a nobody that had nothing going for him to a hit with a new gimmick and an interesting look.

I hated this gimmick previously but you know what its grown on me, and just think this all started as a joke on the dirtsheet, he is transitioning into one of ecw's must see talents IMO, hes working the gimmick and really drawing heat from the crowds, hopefully he will get to the top sooner then later and make a name for himself as one of ECW's best but only time will tell with this guy, but for now It's WOOO WOO WOOO!!!
Ah, Zack Ryder. Love this guy. He's hilarious! And he's almost certainly a take on the My New Haircut video. His entrance video seems to reference it, and if anyone's seen his Twitter, he posts things like "At the gym... gettin' JACKED!" and so on.

Hence why my sig references the video.
Zack Ryder. This dude completely snuck up on me. The first time he came out I actually said out loud "what the fuck is this?". Now I walk around my house saying "woo, woo, woo". Yep. He's a tricky son of a bitch and I like him! Ryder is completely over the top, fairly annoying, looks ridiculous and I can't help but want more of it. Aside from the craziness, he draws great heat, has decent mic skills and can get it done in the ring. I have high hopes for his future.
r u kidding me!!!! i love ryders gimmick and his music. he's a cocky asshole and he's great at it. and the tights he wears. he looks rediculus. its like i love to hate him. and thats what you want in a heel. he's going places just u see
Well Ryder was in the main event this week on ECW, and had IMO a pretty good match with Christian and I thought they worked pretty good together. Well Ryder's gimmick so far seems to be working and when he interrupted Christian and Dreamer in the ring the crowd gave him pretty good heat.

This guy has really impressed me since he has been repackaged with this new gimmick. His theme music believe it or not, but I actually think it's great as well as catchy, and it also fits his character perfectly.

I think that after Dreamer gets out of the ECW title picture, which I think is gonna be soon (again just my opinion) I think Ryder will be Christian's next feud over the ECW title. Have him challenge for it at SummerSlam because that would be a pretty good ECW title match, that I for one would actually care about seeing.

Anyways I do see a potential ECW title reign in Ryder's future, but the question is do you see him becoming the next challenger for the belt anytime soon?
Oh hell yeah, as Austin would say, the guy has the makings to be a great cocky type heel. The douchebag gimmick along with his great theme music has me backing him as my new main heel. He is such a relief from the Koslov fued I thought that was going to happen. I wouldn't want him to win it right now though. Wait for a couple of months for Christian to have a credible reign, Maybe have him take it at Survivor Series or the PPV b/f that.
i would love to see my man zack ryders face christian at summerslam,hes the best thing ecw has going right now,at first i hated bhim but his gimmic and himself grew on me,and he has a kick arse finisher
I would loooooove for Ryder to get a title shot at SS, but I don't know if that is gonna happen. I see something going down during the Extreme Rules title match next week. Either Ryder or Benjamin (cause he said he was gonna entertain Tiffany) or heck even both of them get involved in the match. And that could set up a fatal four way of some sorts at SS. Either way, I do see Ryder becoming a contender on ECW. The question is though, when will it happen. And I just don't see the WWE giving Ryder an ECW title match (solo at least) at one of the big 4 PPV's.
I have to agree with drtheo, Ryder did fantastic last night with his match. However there is no way that Vince & company will let Ryder have a one on one match at Summerslam this soon. I would assume that Shelton will attack Christian and Dreamer next week after seeing his segment with Tiffany last night.
wwe actually may have done something good for once. they may have actually created something. and his name is Zack Ryder. he is a future ecw champ and future world champ. woo woo woo, you know it.

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