Your Realistic Wrestlemania 26 plans


So usually around this time the WWE starts to lay the groundwork for Wrestlemania. They have teased a few things such as HBK vs. The Undertaker part 2 but I don’t really think that’s going to happen. Here is what I would like to see happen storyline wise for the main events going into Wrestlemania and events I could see legitimately happening.

First up sometime between now and the Royal Rumble have Edge show back up but on Raw. Have the announcers put over a major trade that happened between brands and put over that the person who came over from Smackdown will be getting a WWE title shot at the Royal Rumble as part of the trade.

That person is Edge who like most when they come back after a long period of time will be over as a face. Then Edge defeats Sheamus at the Royal Rumble making him the WWE champion.

Next up have the Undertaker answer HBKs challenge by saying the only way he’ll face him again at Wrestlemania is if HBK can beat him at the Rumble in a Casket match. That way you can go over the history of the last time they were in a casket match HBKs career was over for 4 years. During that match have HHH cost HBK the match. Later in the PPV have HHH explain to HBK he did it so Shawn wouldn’t get embarrassed again and lose to the Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

Later in the Royal Rumble match have it be down to Cena/HHH and whoever else you want in there. But have HBK come down and somehow cause HHH to get eliminated. On Raw the next night HBK can explain he doesn’t want HHH to get embarrassed at Wrestlemania and have a horrible match like he tends to do. Then build a face/face HHH/HBK feud for a match at Wrestlemania.

Have Cena win the Rumble and “Shock” the world by challenging the Undertaker at Wrestlemania for the WHC.

At Elimination chamber I’d like Orton to win since he’s the most over heel on Raw and have him challenge Edge for the WWE title at Wrestlemania.

So your main events are


Of course a few main eventers are left with not much to do. I say throw guys like Batista, Meysterio, Jericho, and even the Big show in the MITB match. Bring back some actual star power to it so when a young guy does win it makes him seem legit.

That would be my ideal Wrestlemania 26 plans. What are yours? Keep in mind make them realistic. Don’t say “ROCK/AUSTIN 4!!!
I think it could be realistic thing to see John Cena vs Carlito at wrestlemania in some type of grudge match, digging up all their past and so on.

Also I definitely see Edge in the WM main event, I think they are covering their injury to create a suprise for his return which is always good, maybe a rumble win and could Challenge taker or whoever takes over sheamus for the title.
first of all it would never work like that cuz hbk didnt get embarassed by undertaker, i think dx are gunna keep the tag titles for awhile, why would he challenge him so early? taker cant refuse, they are not just going to have a caske match for no reason, i think its gunna be HBK vs Taker II for sure that will be a draw definetly and they are going to need that, if they do that even if however i think sheamus might keep the belt up till mania maybe thats why hbk challenged taker last night so vinnie mac could use that o draw attention already incase sheamus fails and sucks at mania which i can see being unlikely i have not cared about a title match in forever eve seen it all a thousand times anyways, i would like to see somebody cash in money in the bank the night they win it im surprised it hasnt been done, would be very smart or wait till next years mania.

HBK Taker II is a given

possibly a fatal four way match for the wwe title since its bee ten years exactly that that was the main event at mania
I like the idea of Edge being in the main event, but he should eliminate Jericho to end the Rumble. Then have Jericho win the title at elimination chamber. Id have DX defend the tag titles against the hart dynasty. Cena vs Taker and as for the WWE title, I'd have Orton Sheamus and Kofi in a triple threat. This would also mark the first wrestlemania that doesnt have HHH or Cena in a world title match since X7. Also I want the MITB match to have no champions in it. If you have a title but are in a match for a shot at another title that means you are most likely going to lose that title soon if you win
With the taker VS HBK teased, I think it might happen with DX versus the Brothers of destruction at WM. Obviously taker does not work the schedule to win the belts as I do not see him on both shows on a regular basis, but I do see them being able to put on a great match. And this could only happen if Taker drops the belt at rumble, which could be a possibility, losing to rey via disqualitation Bastista acutally assiting in getting rey the victoria against taker and rey vs bastisa at mania

I see Edge, Orton, and Shemaus some how in the title picture. Maybe a triple threat, or Shemaus losing to Edge or Orton, and and Edge and Orton at WM.
Jericho has been taking shots at Edge any chance he gets and Edge said he would come after him when he returns. The two can put on a great match and have excellent chemistry together. Its not typical but it could easily main event mania and be a big draw
There is only one reason why they have teased HBK vs Take II. Retirement. Either for one or both. In some way shape or form, retirement will be a stipulation - thats why they are going to give it time to shape up. Last time this match built in a months time and was match of the year. Put some REAL significance behind it and it will be the Main Event for WM.

Also, "F" the idea of Cena winning the rumble. Unfortunately, with his little "undefeated" speach I think that puts him the front runner. Hopefully thats not the case. This will put him in the main event in Mania.

Orton to win WWF Title in Elimination Chamber

Jericho to take WHC for Undertaker

Edge to return to challenge Jericho to start that fued.

Looking for Christian to jump ship before then to get involved against Orton and Cena and Shaemus

My Mania card at this moment:

HBK vs Taker II - Retirement match
Christian vs Orton vs Cena vs. Shaemus - WWF Title match
Edge vs . Jericho - World Heavyweight Title
Punk vs Hardy vs Show vs Tatsu vs Kofi vs E Jax vs. A Washington in MITB
McIntyre vs. Mysterio for IC title
Benjamin vs. Danielson for ECW title.
Miz vs. Swagger - US Title
DX vs Hart Dynasty w/ Brett Hart for Tag Title
Rhodes vs Dibiase
**Spoiler Alert** my answer reveals smackdown's number one contender for the Rumble.

This HBK-Taker thing has the complication of DX being the tag champs and Taker being the SD champ, and it'd be kind of silly to not defend the tag titles at Mania. It leaves us with two possibilities as far as Michaels-Taker II. First, and most likely scenario if WWE was indeed going this route would be to break up DX, most likely by having HHH go heel so we can have HHH vs. Cena for the millionth time. Second route is make it a tag match with Undertaker and Kane reforming Brothers of Destruction vs. DX, this is my favorite route and it would have to end with Kane and Taker claiming the gold, but it also means Taker will have to drop the world title at Rumble to Mysterio which would leave us with the likely Batista vs. Mysterio for the title at WM26.

Here's what I expect at this point.
Regal (c) vs. Yoshi Tatsu (ECW)
CM Punk vs. Matt Hardy (no title)
The Miz (c) vs Jack Swagger (US)
McIntyre (c) vs. R Truth (IC)
Mickie James (c) vs. Melina (c) vs. Michele McCool (maybe vs. someone else) in a women's title unification match.
Priceless vs. Hart Dynasty (no title; interpromotional N1C match)
DX (c) vs. Brothers of Destruction (Tag)
Rey Misterio (c) vs. Batista (SD)
Kofi Kingston wins MITB over Benjamin, Christian, Jericho, Big Show, Evan Bourne, MVP, and Mark Henry (w/ surprise return from Edge to screw Jericho at the end)
Cena (c) vs. Orton with Kofi cashing in MITB either during the match or after Orton's win.
There is only one reason why they have teased HBK vs Take II. Retirement. Either for one or both. In some way shape or form, retirement will be a stipulation - thats why they are going to give it time to shape up. Last time this match built in a months time and was match of the year. Put some REAL significance behind it and it will be the Main Event for WM.

Also, "F" the idea of Cena winning the rumble. Unfortunately, with his little "undefeated" speach I think that puts him the front runner. Hopefully thats not the case. This will put him in the main event in Mania.

Orton to win WWF Title in Elimination Chamber

Jericho to take WHC for Undertaker

Edge to return to challenge Jericho to start that fued.

Looking for Christian to jump ship before then to get involved against Orton and Cena and Shaemus

My Mania card at this moment:

HBK vs Taker II - Retirement match
Christian vs Orton vs Cena vs. Shaemus - WWF Title match
Edge vs . Jericho - World Heavyweight Title
Punk vs Hardy vs Show vs Tatsu vs Kofi vs E Jax vs. A Washington in MITB
McIntyre vs. Mysterio for IC title
Benjamin vs. Danielson for ECW title.
Miz vs. Swagger - US Title
DX vs Hart Dynasty w/ Brett Hart for Tag Title
Rhodes vs Dibiase
John Cena Vs The Undertaker would be a good Main event at Wrestlemania.

But I Dobut That Will Happen. At No Way Out I Would Like To See DX Lose The Tag Titles To Hart Dynasty. And Have HHH Get Real Angry With Shawn And End Up Beating The Crap Out Of Him. Thats What I Would Like To See.

At Royal Rumble, Have Sheamus Lose To Cena. But Edge Comes Out "Hopefully" And Spears Cena, And Wins The WWE Championship. Heads Over To Raw.

Also Undertaker And Chris Jericho Should Go At It For The World Title?

And Maybe A Rey Vs Batista Street Fight At WM26.
Well Those Are My Ideas.
IMO my realistic WM card as of now baring any injuries, or releases would be the following:

Cena vs Undertaker: Cena stated on raw he wont lose a match again untill he regains the WWE Title. I can see Cena getting a couple of DQ wins over Sheamus, and then win at No Way Out either in a # 1 contenders Chamber or regular match. The next night on Raw, when everyone expects Cena to challenge Sheamus or who ever is WWE champ by then, he shocks everyone by saying as focused as he is on getting back the WWE title, one thing has been on his mind and its this, he shows the clip of 'Taker tombstoning him at MSG. Cena then says that since he hasnt lost since TLC he can end the streak and continue his quest to be WWE champ again. Im paraphrasing but you get the idea of the storyline Im going with.

Chris Jericho vs Edge WHT: This one pretty much speaks for itself. I have never bought into the reports that Edge will be back in the summer of '10. Overstating injuries is a WWE trademark. Jericho wins the WHT at No Way Out, and then states that now that he has beaten 'taker there is noone left on SD. Enter Edge. Again storyline speaks for itself.

WWE Title Fatal 4 Way Match:
HBK vs Orton vs HHH vs Sheamus

Unified Tag Title Match:
Hart Dynasty vs Legacy

Tag Team Grudge Match:
CM Punk/Gallows vs The Hardy Boyz: There is no doubt in my mind, that all this Punk bashing of Jeff Hardy is paving the way for Jeff's return. Matt and R-Truth are a nice team but I honestly believe at WM the Hardy's will reunite either pre-announced or as Punk/Gallows vs Matt and a mystery partner.

Ziggler vs McEntyre vs Morrison vs Miz vs Show vs Kofi vs Shelton vs MVP

ECW Title:
Christian vs Bryan Danielson

Batista vs Rey: I just have a feeling this feud isnt going to die. I can see just one big blow off match here.

Im sure there will be a divas match of some kind. This is what i think could happen.
Jericho vs Edge (Grudge Match) Edge returns @ Rumble and throws Jericho out
I'd like to see co-winners of the Rumble this year with Ted DiBiase and John Cena like the 1994 Rumble and no bullshit like the 2005 Rumble. As one winner chooses who he faces, the other winner cannot pick the same man. Choices are made after the Elimination Chamber PPV when the belts have stopped switching.
Orton vs DiBiase (WWE Title) Orton gets out of facing Cena but DiBiase poses threat as he will not lie down to Orton and tensions rise after the Rumble since DiBiase doesnt want to play puppet to Orton like he did this past year at the Rumble.
Cena vs Taker (World Title) Cena wins Rumble and wants to make history by ending the streak
HBK vs HHH for pride after one eliminates the other from Rumble and issues stirring since Survivor Series.
Kane vs Winner of WM preshow battle royal for ECW Title (yes, like WM24)
The Miz vs Jack Swagger (US Title)
Rey vs Drew MacIntyre (Intercontinental)
Money in the Bank: Christian/CM Punk/Kofi/John Morrison/Matt Hardy/MVP/Shelton/Shemus
Generic Divas Thing
I like it
Edge/Jericho-Submission match (much like the austin/hart match)
Cena/Taker- WHC
HHH/HBK (WWE Title)- Have HHH turn heel at No Way Out or Elimination Chamber (whatever the hell it is) and win the WWE title
Batista/Sheamus- only problem with this wun is that i cant see sheamus as a face and Batista is MUCH better and MUC more believable as a heel, so itd be heel vs heel. Intresting match tho.
Money Ine Bank- Mysterio, Morrison, Benjamin, McIntyre, Punk, Christian...
Jack Swagger/Kofi- Give wun of them the IC or US title. That title should be defended at Wrestlemania
Tag Team Turmoil Match- Legacy, Hart Dynasty, Cryme Tyme, and what ever tag team they can put (throw) together. Put them all in wun match and give the tag team division some shine. Winner walks away champs
hmm its hard to predict but in my opinion i would go down the route of sheamus holding the title all the way to mania, and have the undertaker either keep it till elimination chamber then lose it too jericho or have jericho win it off who ever the champ is by the time we get to elimination chamber then setting up jericho vs edge for the whc : )

Jericho Vs Edge (WHC Match)
Sheamus Vs Cena Vs Orton Vs HHH (WWE Title Match)
Undertaker Vs HBK II
Rey Mysterio Vs McIntyer (IC Title Match)
CM Punk Vs Matt Hardy
Hart Dynasty Vs Legacy (Tag Team Title Match)
Diva/Womans Title Match OR Miss Wrestlemania Battleroyal
Christian Vs Benjamin Vs Danielson (ECW Title Match)
Kofi vs Morrison Vs Regal Vs Bourne Vs Miz Vs Ziggler Vs Swagger Vs MVP (MITB Ladder Match)

I Know im missing a few ppl i changed it round loads to fit ppl in but this is the best i could come up with lol and its what i would be happy with : )
I am goin to agree with alot of you here, that Edge will be back before Wrestlemania so he can work a match. my choices are

Edge V Jericho WHT
Cena V Taker Streak Match
Orton V Dibiase WWE Title
HHH V HBK Cage Match (cause if I am not mistaken the last actual cage match at Wrestlemania was Hogan/Bundy)

Miz/ Morrison/ Kofi/ Sheamus/ Shelton/ Bourne/ Yoshi MiTB

Punk V Danielson (Why? Because it would be FANTASTIC)

Swagger V MVP US Title
McEntyre V Rey IC Title

Christian V Regal ECW Title(One More Time)

Through a Tag Title match with Hart Dynasty V Anyone and a Diva's match and that is a wrestlemania card I would pay top dollar to watch,
Where did all you guys find out about the spam section?

Also, I hope Cena vs. Taker is still on. Bait and switch with the HBK thing, bait and switch...
I don't know how realistic it is, but I think this would make for a pretty damn good Wrestlemania 26:

-Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels II

-Batista vs. John Cena for the World Title

-Sheamus vs. Triple H for the WWE Title

-Edge vs. Chris Jericho

-Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase

-Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk

-First-Ever 10 man Money in the Bank Ladder Match: R-Truth, Eric Escobar, Dolph Ziggler, The Hurricane, Paul Burchill, Shelton Benjamin, Zack Ryder, Evan Bourne, Cody Rhodes, & Santino Marella

-3-fall 6 pack Challenge Match for the U.S. Title, Intercontinental Title, & ECW Titles:
The Miz vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Christian vs. John Morrison vs. MVP vs. Jack Swagger

-Hart Dynasty vs. The Hardys for the Unified Tag Team Titles (this one is a stretch, I know)

-Michelle McCool & Mickie James vs. Maryse & Melina- winning team members face each other for either Women's/Diva's Title

Yeah, I know they're some guys missing, but not bad, right?
Woops, replace Santino with Kofi Kingston in the Money In The Bank Ladder Match, and we have a card!!! Maybe Santino can do some backstage comedy to be part of the show...
Hopefully, I hope that they finally allow Kane to win the Rumble since he is alwas dominaten them. Taker needs to hold on to the WH Title.

Mania card:
Taker vs.Kane - World Heavyweight Title (Kane ends streak)
*just for kicks, I'd have Hornswogle dressed as a mini Paul Bearer as Kane's manager*
Cena vs. Swagger - WWF Title
McIntyre vs. Ziggler - IC Title
Batista vs Orton vs Kofi vs Mysterio vs Miz vs Morrison
Edge vs Jericho
Legacy vs Hart Dynasty vs Crime Tyme vs Henry/MVP
Christian vs Tatsu - ECW Title
My Realistic Wrestlemania Card for next year would be

World Wrestling Entertainment Championship

World Heavyweight Title
The Undertaker (c) V John Cena

Chris Jericho V Edge

Randy Orton V Ted DiBiase

MITB Ladder Match
Kofi, Drew Mcintyre, John Morrison, The Miz, Sheamus, MVP, CM Punk and Rey Mysterio

ECW Scramble Match
Christian (c), Shelton Benjamin, The Big Show, Kane, William Regal, Yoshi Tatsu

Some Divas Gimmick Match with McCool V Mickie
Everyone keeps saying have HhH turn on Shawn why not have Shawn turn on HhH they almost teased it in the triple threat match so have Shawn turn on Hunter after losing the tag belts that seems realistic because every time you see Shawn it seems like hes going to snap at any time and he looked like he did Monday Night when he challenged The Undertaker so why don't they do it the royal rumble They lose the titles or at EC PPV so here's what I think for Wrestle Maina XXVI Matches

Triple Threat Match Undertaker V Batista V Rey ( WHC )
WWE Title Match Christian V. Sheamus ( WWE Champion )
ECW Title Match Jackson V. William Regal ( ECW Champion )
Edge V Jericho Falls count any where match
IC Title Match CM Punk V Matt Hardy ( IC Champion)
Diva's Title Match Melina ( Divas Champion ) V Gail Kim
The Great Khali V. Big Show
MITB Ladder Match John Morrison Shelton Benjamin DH Smith Primo MVP And The Hurricane ( Winner Is Shelton Benjamin )
Womens Championship Mickie James ( Womens Champion ) vs Natalya
Shawn Micheals V HhH ( Retirement Match for Shawn Micheals
My card is:

1. WWE Title: Cena (c) vs Orton vs HHH vs Sheamus

2. World Title: Batista (c) vs Rey (Last Man Standing)

3. ECW Title: Kane (c) vs Vladimir Koslov or Ezekial Jackson (whichever is still aligned w/ Regal still) w/ Regal

4. Undertaker vs Jericho

5. MITB Match: Shelton vs Mcyntire vs Jack Swagger vs Kofi vs Christian vs Matt vs MVP vs R-Truth

6. Unified Tag Titles: Hart Dynasty (c's) vs Cryme Tyme

7. Ms. Wrestlemania Diva BR for the Women's/Diva's Title

8. Retirement Match: Bret Hart vs HBK 2/3 Falls Match
1st Fall: Normal
2nd Fall: Submission Match
3rd Fall: Ladder Match

For the WWE title, Have Sheamus defend the title against Cena at the Rumble, where Cena loses by count out, or wins by DQ. At Elimination Chamber have Cena win the title Back, and then defends the title at Wrestlemania in a Fatal 4 Way against Orton HHH and Sheamus, Retaining.

For the World Title, have Undertaker drop the title to Batista in a Triple Threat w/ Rey, afterwards Taker is attacked by Jericho setting up for a match at Elimination Chamber, where Jericho wins, and a Rematch at Wrestlemania, which Undertaker wins whether or not he is retiring, after interference from Edge, setting up the fued there. Batista Holds onto the title through the Elimination Chamber match, last Eliminating Rey. Rey challenges Batista at Wrestlemania, and wins the title.

For the ECW title, have Kane win the Homecoming Battle Royal, last eliminating Eziakial Jackson, and Koslov if he is in the match. Kane faces Christian for the title at the Rumble, winning the title so they can start building up Christian for the main brands. After the match, The Roundtable attacks Kane, momentarily unified against him, and Both Jackson and Koslov are put in a triple threat against Kane at Elimination Chamber, w/ Kane Retaining. On ECW, have Jackson and Koslov face off in a number one contenders match, with the winner getting the managerial services of Regal. Personally, I'd have Koslov win, because i like him more, and he is in more need of a mouthpiece, but i think Jackson would win after they turned on Koslov last week. At Wrestlemania, Have Kane hold onto the title, then drop it at a rematch at Backlash.
I don't have a full card, but I do have some ideas about what may happen:

Hinted at:

The Undertaker (C) vs. John Cena (RR Winner)
1. They simply can't just let that MSG Tombstone go unnoticed.
2. Unlike Swagger, Cena's undefeated streak will amount to something.
3. I think they will have The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels II at 1.4 RAW.
4. If Taker is nearing retirement, we need NEW challengers to The Streak.
5. Cena won't stop until he gets championship gold.

Edge vs. Chris Jericho (vs. Big Show?)
1. If Edge returns, there is no better opponent(s) for him.
2. Chris Jericho and Big Show have been ragging on Edge for months.
3. No need to involve any titles, the story can carry the match.
4. 1-on-1 would be ideal, but a triple threat would also make sense.

Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels - for the title?
1. Albeit subtle, there have been some hints of dissension amongst DX.
2. Possible foreshadowing in the SVR2010 game segment: HHH vs. HBK?
3. Would HHH & HBK want to steal the show at WM26 to win 2010 MOTY?

Vince McMahon vs. "A Worthy Opponent"
1. VKM told Piper he would come out of retirement for a 'worthy opponent'
2. Bret Hart has signed a deal - Ultimate Warrior potential HOF inductee?

Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase (vs. Cody Rhodes) - for the title?
1. This is a long time coming, a complete Legacy meltdown
2. Will Ted turn face? Will Cody turn? Will all three compete?

Logical Additions:

MITB - Sheamus, McIntyre, Miz, Punk, JoMo, Kofi, R-Truth, Christian*

Divas Championship, Women's Championship, or Miss Wrestlemania II

Batista vs. Rey Mysterio - a culmination of a 5-month feud.

* If Christian defends ECW Title, you could substitute Matt Hardy.
I personally feel we will see HBK vs Undertaker II retirement match at Wrestlemania, Retiring HBK. Michaels was quoted on saying "I wrestle more on a part-time basis" and losing like this will let him take another long break to recover from all those long term injuries. Plus if Degeneration-x still hold the tag belts this gives the Wwe a chance to break the belts up again, have on on each brand and revitalise the tag team championships.

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