Your Reaction To Matt Hardy's Youtube Video...


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I just finished watching "Matthew" Hardy's video blog about being on the hunt for freedom. Now while I do get what Matt's trying to say and by freedom I know he means a decent character push whether it be with WWE or another organization, but seriously that video post was just f'd up. I don't understand the over the top dramatics behind this latest video and the brandishing of guns and eating grapes on camera lol, I get the symbolism of being on the hunt but to brandish that shit is just a little over the top (IMO)...

To me, Matt & Jeff aren't really all that special, Jeff is a bit better in ring and has NO charisma, his promos aren't anything to mark out over and his matches really don't do anything for me personally. If you read an excerpt from the WWE book Unscripted The Rock states "I didn't have to jump off of ladders to connect with the crowd", to me that's all Jeff Hardy is, a glorified stuntman.

As for Matt, I liked him as Matt Hardy v 1.0, he was entertaining and a damn good Cruiser-weight champ, the match with Rey at Wrestlemania was fantastic. Since those days I really don't care for him at all and for him to go on these rants about not being pushed and being misused, well sorry Matt, but you get what you put into it. The guy's physique looks terrible, in ring he is nothing special and I really wouldn't want to see a Matt Hardy heavyweight title run at any point during my life.

So my question to the IWC is this... Watch the video and tell me if you agree or disagree with my view on not just Matt & Jeff as wrestlers and entertainers but also the validity and substance of Matt's video. I don't mean to rip on the Hardy's but we all have our fav's and these guys really do nothing for me...
I totally agree. How many guys out there would love the opportunity that he has been given.. Sounds like those grapes he is eating may be sour grapes at best. He is an average wrestler in the WWE and should be happy with a mid level push at best.
I agree pretty much everything you had to say Cmac, and to quote Matt form his previous video, "Die Matt Die". Here's a guy making a great living and all he can do is complain. If this were 10 years ago he would have had a case, but at this point in his career, he should be happy that he still has a job. Santino has been turned into somewhat of a joke, but do you see him complaining to everyone about how he's not being used to his full potential...........NO. I agree with mac329, nothing but sour grapes here. WWE should give him his release so he can see in a year just how good he actually had it.
Matt Hardy's video is quite sad, really. It quite honestly looks like an audition promo some guy would send to a random company in hopes of a job, but wouldn't land one. It's a miracle, IMHO, that WWE hasn't released this guy; If the sole purpose for not releasing him is so TNA doesn't get to sign him, it's pretty stupid because who IS Matt Hardy nowadays? He has become a shell of the "Main Event waiting to happen" days and seems to believe he doesn't need improvement. I agree w/ the OP about his physique. He's gotten fat, and his skills have diminished to a near-unwatchable level. At this point, Matt Hardy is more trouble than he's worth and should be released by WWE. I used to prefer him to Jeff, although he always--even at his best, played second fiddle to him and was never able to draw a nickel. No one EVER paid to see Matt Hardy wrestle. Now, he doesn't even have that wrestling edge anymore. Dude sucks and should be treated accordingly: with his release.
His video was borderline creepy. Does the guy really need YouTube to build a character? The Hardy Boyz were a good tag team, nothing more. Neither could talk, albeit Matt was miles ahead of Jeff in that department. Matt was modest at best in-ring, but he's old now, and literally in terrible shape. Why should he get pushed? Because he's been i the company for over a decade? He's had all that time to prove something of himself, and in my opinion, he's proven his midcard for life, if he's lucky.
I think it's ridiculous, personally. It seems all he's trying to do is be controversial and stir up some heat - get a notorious reputation (perhaps in a proactive attempt be fired by the E), add an edge to his himself, add some 'freshness' to himself. It's not working.

He just comes off as desperate, creepy and a rather delusional individual - he's well past his prime, and even when he was at his prime he was never anything to get excited about.
I'm surprised people are shitting all over Matt Hardy so hard in this situation. The reason the guy is in such shitty physical shape is because he's been wrestling pretty much nonstop for 10-plus years. While I'm sure all of us would like to think being a midcard wrestler is a cushy job, the physical toll of working house shows year-round must be tremendous. And whatever he's making money-wise, you can bet it isn't a fraction of what the main-event talent is drawing.

Perhaps it's correct to state the "no one ever paid to see Matt Hardy wrestle," but by that logic, all but about 10 people in the company have actual value. Really, if the WWE found MH as useless as the IWC, you can bet they'd have released him already. My observation is that the guy is quite over with the crowd (certainly moreso than 90% of the Smackdown roster), and while fairly limited, can still put on a good match, works hard, and is great for putting over new talent.

I understand it's the nature of smarkdom to offer brutal evaluations of performers and performances, but I think Hardy is total undeserving of the beating he's been taking here for several months. It's clear at this point the guy won't be a main eventer, but for all the sacrifices he's made over the years for the business, it doesn't seem that hard to understand why he'd be frustrated with that. Yes, his youtube videos are pretty lame, but really, that should be sufficient; is piling on to this great an extent really necessary?
I honestly am at a loss for words with Matt Hardy. I really do wish he could probably compose himself in better manner. I do agree he is not happy with his situation, and probably posting these incoherent videos is not the way to go about looking like a professional no matter what organization you would want to work for. Unfortunately, it doesn't help his brother who is in quite a bit of legal trouble himself. Granted, I am still a fan of their in-ring work, however, this type of shenanigans cannot bode well for him trying to get back into A wrestling ring anytime soon, no matter how much weight he loses. I really do hate to say this, but Matt, you probably should look into some kind of therapy, like talking over some anger issues, or something. He seems to have a lot of stress built up. He does dwell on quite a bit, past magazine writers who've written bad about him, still brings up Lita once or twice I've seen on other vids on his YouTube channel or on twit pics, these creepy incoherent videos about his alternate personality...I mean, its okay to ponder, but when you really splinter off, you have to start wondering what else happened behind closed doors that WWE is NOT letting slip out.
I agree also...

I get what he is saying and everything...

But when the fuck did "Matthew" get so damn weird??? He is going about all this in a way that could set his career back further or even kill it period.

BOTH Hardys should realize that succeeding in this business is a bit harder than just simply being born to do it.

No matter how much natural talent someone has, there should still be an amount of hard work and determination to succeed, that neither one of them are showing at this point in their careers.

Hopefully something triggers a stronger work ethic for both of them.
I'm surprised people are shitting all over Matt Hardy so hard in this situation. The reason the guy is in such shitty physical shape is because he's been wrestling pretty much nonstop for 10-plus years. While I'm sure all of us would like to think being a midcard wrestler is a cushy job, the physical toll of working house shows year-round must be tremendous. And whatever he's making money-wise, you can bet it isn't a fraction of what the main-event talent is drawing.

Perhaps it's correct to state the "no one ever paid to see Matt Hardy wrestle," but by that logic, all but about 10 people in the company have actual value. Really, if the WWE found MH as useless as the IWC, you can bet they'd have released him already. My observation is that the guy is quite over with the crowd (certainly moreso than 90% of the Smackdown roster), and while fairly limited, can still put on a good match, works hard, and is great for putting over new talent.

I understand it's the nature of smarkdom to offer brutal evaluations of performers and performances, but I think Hardy is total undeserving of the beating he's been taking here for several months. It's clear at this point the guy won't be a main eventer, but for all the sacrifices he's made over the years for the business, it doesn't seem that hard to understand why he'd be frustrated with that. Yes, his youtube videos are pretty lame, but really, that should be sufficient; is piling on to this great an extent really necessary?

Thanks for the post, I definitely appreciate the diversity in this topic, however I just want to clear up that I'm not in anyway shape or form slandering, shitting or smarking Matt Hardy...

Yes he has been wrestling non-stop for 10 years, (aside from the numerous injuries he has compiled the passed 4 years and the several months he was released by the WWE, before the Matt Hardy will not die angle), but honestly, who hasn't been wrestling non-stop for the passed 10 years? HHH has, Kurt Angle has, hell Mark Henry has... Does Mark post a video of himself in the shower (lol) whining about his career? No he doesn't....

I respect your view on Matt's ability to elevate talent 100%, but Matt is over with WWE Universe simply because he has been there so damn long... And no I don't think that only 10% of the roster is the reason for the fans paying money, look at all of these threads and even the posters in the arenas, there are fans out there who come to see not just Orton and Cena, but also guys like Miz, Morrison, R-Truth, etc. If Matt Hardy disappeared from the WWE I doubt that many people would miss him due to the fact he hasn't been a big name player in the main event scene in the entire span of his career. Look at Bryan Danielson's "firing", there wasn't a damn building that didn't start a Daniel Bryan chant, I guarantee your not going to hear a Hardy chant if he gets released...

Props to you though for going against the majority though and presenting your view respectfully, I can't stand reading people arguing on here...
MATTHEW HARDY.seriously i think he just loves attention because his not getting it in the ring.Ya remember die rocky die. It should be die hardy die.
Thanks for the post, I definitely appreciate the diversity in this topic, however I just want to clear up that I'm not in anyway shape or form slandering, shitting or smarking Matt Hardy...

Yes he has been wrestling non-stop for 10 years, (aside from the numerous injuries he has compiled the passed 4 years and the several months he was released by the WWE, before the Matt Hardy will not die angle), but honestly, who hasn't been wrestling non-stop for the passed 10 years? HHH has, Kurt Angle has, hell Mark Henry has... Does Mark post a video of himself in the shower (lol) whining about his career? No he doesn't....

I respect your view on Matt's ability to elevate talent 100%, but Matt is over with WWE Universe simply because he has been there so damn long... And no I don't think that only 10% of the roster is the reason for the fans paying money, look at all of these threads and even the posters in the arenas, there are fans out there who come to see not just Orton and Cena, but also guys like Miz, Morrison, R-Truth, etc. If Matt Hardy disappeared from the WWE I doubt that many people would miss him due to the fact he hasn't been a big name player in the main event scene in the entire span of his career. Look at Bryan Danielson's "firing", there wasn't a damn building that didn't start a Daniel Bryan chant, I guarantee your not going to hear a Hardy chant if he gets released...

Props to you though for going against the majority though and presenting your view respectfully, I can't stand reading people arguing on here...

Likewise, I didn't mean to accuse you specifically of shitting on Hardy; it's just the general tenor on the message boards has been shockingly negative in a mean-spirited way toward him for several months.

I'll take specific exception with a few points. While, there are indeed some midcard talents who draw, my point was that the vast majority of the roster isn't making the company money in the sense that "Oh, I see R-Truth is on the main card in a US title match, I think I'll order this PPV." Given how over he appears to be with the crowd, regardless of what the reason for that is, I don't see how he's any less valuable than any other mid-card talent. And the Daniel Bryan comparison seems a bit unfair, given that he seemed to viewed as having gotten a raw deal, whereas Hardy has been so poorly used for so long, I don't think people will be able to notice that he's gone.

And your point about other people with long tenures; Mark Henry is pretty much garbage as a worker at this point, and he's without a doubt worse than Hardy on the mic. Angle too has been in the game a long time, but he's basically only able to work now because of the much lighter workload he's subjected to in TNA.

That brings me to another point; Hardy has a legitimate gripe over how he is being used with the company. He's been in limbo for well over a year now, ever since his return from injury. They used the tail end of the Hardy-Punk feud to turn him face, and since then he's basically been jobbing to new heels without ever being booked in any sort of consistent storyline. I personally thought he did about as good a job as one could expect from the Drew McIntyre beatdown (and you want to talk about someone with zero charisma...), and house show reports suggest people have been highly entertained by the program he was working with Christian early this year, despite that fact that it had no narrative momentum to carry it.

While I'm typically a fan of wrestling's narrative aspects, I don't think it's fair to denigrate the connection a person makes with an audience because they used a ladder instead of a mic to do it. Personally, I enjoy Matt Hardy as a worker. I mark out for his theme song, his stupid hand gestures, and the fact that he still has the balls to go up for a moonsault. The Rock was a great entertainer, but no one ever accused him of being a great worker.

Basically, I'm trying to argue for Hardy getting some slack. I don't see him as being some prima donna who is trying to bitch his way to a big break; I see him as a proto-Randy the Ram, except he never even got to headline. While, as I said earlier, I don't see him main eventing, I'd like to see him have a chance to get in shape (if that's possible at this point in his career), and maybe be booked into some meaningful feuds for a few years before hanging it up. If that means a chance to feud with a big-name guy, all the better.
First of all, if Mark Madden happens to read this, I want in on your pool and I've got $100.00 on Matt.

I really used to like Matt Hardy, it was mentioned earlier by someone that they liked Matt more than Jeff, I definitely fall into that category, infact I still do. But that boy has just flown off the deep end. I understand he's had a rough year with injuries and set backs and I know he can't work out or eat like he used to, but damn... when you fall off the horse get back on it, don't cry about it, don't run away and stuff your face full of grapes, buck up and do what you've got to do. It seems like the WWE didn't have any problems with his weight gain or anything until he started making excuses as to why he couldn't perform and started putting all of his energies towards these whiny-ass videos.

I don't know why the WWE is so against releasing him, let TNA have him, let them re-unite The Hardy Boyz. It's really not going to make any difference whatsoever, infact it would probably take both of their careers a step back
Why can't WWE do their job and just release Matt hardy?? if he wants to leave fine than leave. There are guys in that business knows their character and knows where they stand. Matt had the Version 1 character. What I don't understand was why didn't he stay with it. After a couple feuds he just went back to being just Matt hardy. if he wants more than he needs to add something to his character to make it look more interesting that's all he needs to do. look at Christian, he wanted to prove that he can be a major player by going to TNA. He add a last Name to his character and look what happen to him. Maybe Matt needs to do the same thing

look at it this way, jeff went to TNA look what's happening to him. He still has to do that court thing, he becoming too sloppy in the ring, and even people notice he does his finisher very sloppy. Matt has a digestive problem which interferes his in ring ability. If Matt was to show up to TNA what difference would it make?? Most likely he probably complain about money or wanting to be in the title shot picture
Matt was modest at best in-ring, but he's old now, and literally in terrible shape.

Id like to know what you base this statement on...I mean im not a die hard Hardy fan but if you looked at the recent picture posted of him on Twitter you would see that he has lost something like 20-30 pounds and is looking in the best shape hes looked in the last 7 or 8 years.He has been given opportunities in the past but all people wanna say is he couldnt get over for this reason or that reason.Wasnt his last main push cut short due to an injury?

As far the videos themself..well i have my own opinions on that. I think it could very well just be him bored and playing around with the camera to promote him and Jeff's show while hes not being used on t.v to keep his name out there. There is also that slim outside chance that it would all be manufactured by the WWE to give him some new persona. Doubtful but it doesnt really matter.Like he said on one of his videos hes worth like 5 or 6 million.Im sure where ever he goes hell be just fine.
I dont understand Matt Hardy. We learned from his books and his dvd's that he grew up a wrestling fan, and always wanted to be a wrestler. He's been in the business for along time. He is obviously a creative person, creating the The Angelic Diablo character.

Yet in 12 years he has had the same look. You think he would have cut his hair and did a drastic change, at least ONCE. How can a person who smart to the business not understand the NEED to keep a character fresh?

I applaud him for using the technology that is available, unfortunately i don't think its being used effectively to push his wwe character or the product.

At this point i think if the wwe wanted to push hard as a loose cannon (like Brian Pillman), i think it would be interesting. Keep doing the weird/crazy videos, but let the E reference them on TV.
Well, I for one thought his youtube video was insane. Rivals the Warrior's old promos in that sense (without the intensity of course). But I think this is just what his character needs to be reinvented.

Think about it, Hardy shows himself to be this homicidal maniac and then gets really violent in the ring. Gets himself fired for being so violent, then gets picked up by TNA where he can use that as momentum. Who knows, maybe he'll get that global belt out of it there?

I don't think even Matt Hardy thinks at this point in his career that he's ever going to be the main event draw. But I think he does realise he needs to be reinvented.
my honest guess about matt hardy is that one or both youtubes are going to be his return gimmick, will we hear matt with the fist full of excuses about why he is underutilized or will it be Matthew, better yet if he goes on one saying the other is just a character than goes on the other and acts like he doesn't get along with the first, does it or does it not look like he is working on a split personality gimmick, im more interested as time progresses in seeing how different he markets both personalities. there is a bit of intrigue in this situation enough that even has his haters tuning in (even if it is only to bitch because he is whiny)
I think Matt Hardy is coming across as a total whack job with these videos. He's had a great run in WWE many people would kill to be with WWE for 13 years and win half the titles he has. Not everyone has what it takes to be a world champion or a main eventer, and in my opinion he doesn't have it.

I guess the fact that his little brother has been a world champion and he hasn't is gotten to be too much for him to take. I think going online and airing out all his beefs is a really bad move. He should have just asked to be released. Now he looks like a whinny little bitch. With this crazy behavior I think even TNA would be leery to sign him, but of course they will.
This is too wacked out to be real, it's obviously a work. Now they doesn't mean he isn't leaving WWE but when he returns it will be something in his new gimmick

He's hunting for a world championship
matt hardy needs to go home he is a mid card wrestler who really cares if he leaves he was never a big name he did have one great run as v1 as a heel thats it the ecw thing was stupid and his edge fued was cool that i will not die gimmick but there is no room for matt anymre in wwe he wants to go so go home and stop making crap on you tube
I don't know why people are being so hard on Matt Hardy. In most of his videos he is just saying that he has been used as a jobber over the past year....fact, he is getting in shape and lost 20 pounds....fact, He has been injured and has been been overweight because of his intestinal injurys....fact. The only videos where he is acting crazy is when he is trying to be crazy. In his Matthew videos.

And the statements I here from alot of you people trying to be clever are ridiculous.
For example

Matt is fat.....THATS FALSE, if you think hes fat you have body image issues. Its quite sad.

Matt can't wrestle....THATS FALSE, yeah his matches with helms, edge jeff, rey, mvp, bourne, ect. were all shit. "Sarcasm"

Matt is shit on the mic....That must be true because were not all talking about HIS promos off of youtube right now. He didn't stir the pot and get like 20 threads made about his videos in the past week. "sarcasm" FALSE

His fueds with jeff, edge, greg helms, his run as v1, and his ecw run prove that he can do good promos. Look back.

and finally no one cares about matt and he can't draw.......False Say that to his merchandise sales or his huge pop he gets every where.
And scene.
The sooner this whacko goes to TNA the better. The most boring and stale Wrestler in WWE right now. I dispise the way he craves attention over the internet. He wants to grow up.
I’ll tell you my reaction, shall I?

My reaction is indifference. Honestly, I could come in here and comment about him being a fucking psychopath but that would just be going over everything that everyone has already said. In my mind, Matt Hardy is very fucked up but hey! That is all him.

He doesn’t get any attention from the WWE or the majority of the live fans, so he feels the need to go onto Youtube and post videos of himself in fucked up videos that say the same things over and over and over again. Let’s face it, the man is desperate for attention and Youtube seems to be the only way that he can get it now-a-days.

However, my indifference does not come from all of that. No! My indifference comes from the fact that he wants to be noticed. He wants people to see that and think he is nuts. He wants the WWE to let him go for being too fucked up in the head. However, everyone (including myself) has played into his hands by saying how crazy he is. The best thing to do is not to reach out to these people. Just let him say what he needs to say and then do what he wants. If he is so unhappy in the WWE, then just fucking leave.

No point making a song and dance over every little thing… Of course that is the Matt Hardy ethos.
Thanks for the post, I definitely appreciate the diversity in this topic, however I just want to clear up that I'm not in anyway shape or form slandering, shitting or smarking Matt Hardy...

Yes he has been wrestling non-stop for 10 years, (aside from the numerous injuries he has compiled the passed 4 years and the several months he was released by the WWE, before the Matt Hardy will not die angle), but honestly, who hasn't been wrestling non-stop for the passed 10 years? HHH has, Kurt Angle has, hell Mark Henry has... Does Mark post a video of himself in the shower (lol) whining about his career? No he doesn't....

I am a Hardy fan and I am....freaked out looking at the mental state Matt appears to be in. However, the IWC needs to realize that they are not above getting worked. That's all this is. Matt Hardy's way of staying in the fan's minds, getting his name all over the dirtsheets and wrestling magazines. There's no such thing as bad publicity. He knows what he's doing and you're all playing into it, he's stirring up controversy for himself in order to raise his perceived worth when he leaves the company. It's all an act.

In fairness to Hardy though, Kurt Angle has the ability to dose himself with as many pain pills as he wants and medicate himself with steroids in TNA. Take those away from him and perhaps Angle would be in the same state.

However, we all need to remember that the likes of Edge, Jeff, Matt and Christian have performed, perhaps, more high spots in the WWE than anyone else. They take a toll on your body, a toll not felt by the likes of HHH and Mark Henry because they've never taken the amount these guys have. Perhaps Matt, Jeff and Edge can't go like they used to but after falling off of 20 foot ladders numerous times I really can't blame them.

I personally like Matt but just because neither you 'nor the IWC like him does not mean that the remaining 90% of wrestling fans share your opinion. Go back and watch this year's Rumble, the reaction he garnered shows you why he's remained on the roster. Like it or not he IS over with the fans, claims to the contrary are wishful thinking on your parts. To claim he's only popular because of his time with the WWE is laughable also, Funaki was around for quite a long time but he didn't garner any response.

Look at Bryan Danielson's "firing", there wasn't a damn building that didn't start a Daniel Bryan chant, I guarantee your not going to hear a Hardy chant if he gets released...

Hang on....wasn't the reason he was rehired in '05 because of fans chanting his name every week? I'm not saying they'd chant it now but hey, they were chanting his name long before Daniel Bryan.

Whether you like Hardy or not he is there for a reason, has given much to the business and deserves at least a bit of respect.

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