How it Should Have Been: Matt Hardy's TNA Debut


WWE Attitude Era Champion
We all know about Matt's less than stellar run in TNA. It started with a boring bland heel Matt and ended with a boring Matt. But could his run in TNA have been handled better? Here's what I had in mind:

During the time of his debut, you had Jeff becoming a full blown heel in TNA. Backed by Immortal, Jeff was unstoppable. Say Dixie came to the ring and announced that she had found someone who could beat Jeff. Someone who knew him better than anyone else. And that person would face him at the upcoming PPV.

The Impact show before the PPV comes around and Jeff comes out cutting a promo on his mystery opponent. An enigmatic video package airs and shows a man with long braided hair from the back. The phrase, "The Angelic Diablo" appears on the titantron, and the man's arms extend holding out the V1 sign. He turns around and reveals himself as Matt Hardy. He enters the Impact Zone with a blaze of Pyro and walks to the ring. Jeff is in disbelief. Matt enters the ring, smiles and attacks his brother. Jeff escapes with the Immortal Championship, while Matt stares at him from the ring with the V1 sign held up.

The PPV comes around, and Jeff and Matt go back and forth. Matt finally hits the Twist of Fate on Jeff, but before he can pin him, Immortal comes to the ring and costs him the match.

Then, on the next Impact, Matt explains why he came to TNA. He explains that his brother is going down a path of destruction, and only he can help save him. He says he knows what it's like, because he went down that same path many months ago, (in reference from their last feud in the WWE) and he will stop at nothing to save his brother from himself. Jeff comes out and explains that he for the first time is experiencing what it's like to Live like a Hardy. He claims he knows his brother is angry. He knows his brother is full of rage, and he offers him a spot in Immortal, claiming the Hardy's can rule TNA together. Matt thinks about it, and shakes Jeff's hand, only to hit him with a Twist of Fate.

The next week, Jeff and Matt once again have a confrontation. Jeff threatens to end Matt's career once and for all. He belittles Matt. Claiming he carried him his entire life. He says that he has always been the better Hardy. Through school, through life, and through Wrestling. Matt says he has brought someone here who wants to talk to Jeff. He brings out their father. Their father asks Matt to leave the two of them alone. Matt leaves and Jeff and his father have a heart to heart talk. Jeff's father pleads for him to stop what he is doing and to see the error of his ways. He says that the fans love him still even though he's turned his back to them. Jeff thinks about it for a minute and looks out into the crowd who are chanting "HARDY! HARDY!" He shakes his head and hugs his father. The two embrace for a moment while the crowd cheers, Hardy then hit's the Twist of Hate on his own Father. Matt runs back to the ring and Jeff escapes through the crowd. Medical Personal come out to assist the Senior Hardy. Matt is emotional in the ring, but stares up at Jeff in the crowd, his eyes full of Rage.

The next week on Impact it is announced by Matt that he and Jeff will fight at the next PPV in a TLC match. He also says that he no longer intends on saving his brother. He is going to end him. The PPV comes and the two have an epic match. Finally Matt handcuffs Jeff to the ropes and continuously beats him with a chair. Matt is relentless. Finally Their father comes out and begs Matt to stop. After thinking about it. He does. He begins to climb the ladder to win the TNA Championship, when Immortal comes out. They beat down Matt and hold his father back. Finally Jeff gets up. They hold Matt and his father down and give Jeff the chair. They tell him to hit them both. Jeff looks at the chair and then at Matt. He looks out into the audience. Then he hit's Immortal with the chair. The crowd goes wild as Matt and Jeff work together. They both hit Twist of Fate's on Immortal and then they both climb the ladder and pull down the title together. They are both declared TNA Champion. And the show ends with the Hardy's embracing with their father and celebrating.

Over the next few weeks the re-united Hardy's take on Immortal. The two win the Tag Titles from Immortal as well, and finally, at Bound for Glory, the two Hardy's take on the two best from Immortal in a Winner Take All Match. The Hardy's win and Immortal is finally defeated. Afterwards, the two have a one on one match to see who the Undisputed TNA champion is. Jeff wins cleanly in a match, but the two remain a tag team.

This is EXACTLY how TNA should have played out Matt's TNA run. This would have been AMAZING. Considering how they had their feud in WWE a few months before, with Matt being the Heel and Jeff being the face, it would be great to see how the roles were reversed. And with Matt posting the videos on his youtube saying how he was not going to leave his brother to fall to this before he made his TNA debut, it seemed like this feud was inevitable. However TNA chose to go the same old boring route, and look at what Matt's most memorable moment was in TNA.....nothing.
if you are presenting an idea you cant have things like "the crowd who are chanting "HARDY HARDY" or "the crowd goes wild as matt and jeff..."
........unless the crowd are plants and in on the production of the show too. most likely, the crowd would just sit there, especially for this.

i hate the hardy's, i hate stories that involve wives, kids, dads or moms on a pole (looking at you mrs bagwell)

why would jeff attack immortal?? one week he is a bad guy hitting his father with a finisher and then suddenly for no reason he is hugging his father one week later?? i dont get any of this. confusing. plain. too rushed. unoriginal. it is PERFECT for tna.
That is actually brilliant. As we know it wouldn't end up happening due to both of them going through personal problems and not being around at that time in TNA, but I still would've loved to see that playout. One minor thing I would change would be for Immortal to no longer trust Jeff and betray him, forcing Jeff to earn his brother's trust back.
The main problems is that they are both drug addicts and are nowhere near as good of wrestlers as their fans think they are. The only time Matt Hardy had a real chance to get over was when he got fired in WWE for all the Lita/Edge crap, and then got re-hired a few weeks later. The booking team screwed him by having Edge destroy him repeatedly...but who knows, maybe all of that "firing" was done to cover a wellness violation anyway.
Interesting idea but it does fall down on certain points:

1: Matt was a career midcarder, so to thrust him straight into a headline feud would have provoked all the age old cries of distain about preferential treatment of WWe has beens.

2: To my knowledge, Hardy Senior has never been involved in any storylines - it would be fair to assume that this is because he doesn't want involved.

3: I'm guessing that TNA must have had concerns about Matt from the off and that is why he was inserted straight into the midcard - it wouldn't be an unfair assessment that he would have been a 'Victory Road' waiting to happen.

4: Joint World Champion is a cluster idea just made for derision. Jeff taking down the belt and giving Matt a one on one would cover the same territory.

5: This sounds very like the Pope versus D'Von feud featuring D'Von's kids assisting an assault on their father one week and then refusing to do the same the next. It didn't exactly set IW on fire.

Like I said - 'interesting', but as a big TNA fan - not something I would have been overly invested in.
Honestly, that all seems predictable to me. I mean, the specific details might not be, but the basic storyline is Brother A returns to feud with Brother B, Brothers A and B eventually re-unite. I think it's a stretch to think this would have somehow crystallized some series of special, unforgettable moments.

The other obvious problem: so, at the end of the day, the Hardys are Tag Team Champions and co-World Champions? Ugh.
On an initial first read, I think that sounds pretty entertaining.

I would probably be able to look deeper and pick out some faults and suggest some changes but right now I like that idea, other than the co-World Champions idea (very WCW circa 2001), but bringing in Matt as a face to take down is brother is something that I would have been interested in seeing- much better than the bland heel Matt Hardy we got.

However, it could never have happened due to both the brothers being so far below their best with their personal issues, which is a shame. I always hoped Matt Hardy would go on to be a World Champion, I loved the guy when I was younger but he just seemed to stagnate and never improve to the level needed to be a main player in a company.

But, if both Jeff and Matt had been healthy and motivated, a Matt v Jeff feud over the title in TNA would have been pretty cool.
Keep in mind that this is just an idea. Would it have gone exactly like this? Probably not. But that main point of this, was to get Matt over. There is no denying that this storyline, even if it was tweaked a little bit, would have been more memorable than Matt's initial TNA run. Feel free to post what you would change.
I honestly wouldn't change his debut. I enjoyed it as it was, but three things really made it fall short.
1.) He looked like he was trying to be Raven.
2.) It could have been built up a little longer.
3.) He was fat. He should have shown up in good ring shape.
I would have had him go out there and face Abyss who the second Hardy got into the ring with he destroyed him and sent him packing. Matt Hardy is far from what he used to be, and he was awful during his time with TNA, despite the gimmick and everything, he was in awful shape and was there for a quick pay check.

For this to be a post just now is crazy in itself. To think Matt Hardy still has fans is crazy.

But for the sake of all this ill respond to your storyline. The Hardy feud has been done and was done a couple years ago in WWE. It wasn't great there either. The whole Jeff turning face quick and then being fan favorite again after he was doing fantastic as a heel is a dumb idea. Also the worst part as others have stated was these two holding the tag titles and somehow being Co-Heavyweight Champ (which i don't think could happen since the TLC match would technically be a draw, and like a count out, dq or draw, it goes to the champion).
Honestly, there's a million different scenarios and possibilities that could have made for a more entertaining debut and introduction of Matt Hardy in TNA, but if you strip away the connection with Jeff, the association with Immortal, and everything else that Hardy did upon his arrival, I think the real way it should have been, was Matt Hardy, in TNA clean and sober.

Had Hardy had his life in order upon his debut in TNA, I think his in ring work would have been better, and he would have been in a much better place to succeed.

No storyline, gimmick, or feud was more important to Hardy's debut and success then his mental and physical health. I honestly hope he gets a chance to show fans what he's made of, on television again, this time of sound body and mind.
i can't remember the exact details of when he and jeff were both in TNA at the same time. i can't really remember what was happening in the major storylines either. i promise that's not a bash on TNA in any way either. i just can't remember because it seems like Immortal was around forever and the stable changed pretty frequently.

anywho, all of that said, i would have had matt debut to team with jeff and make a run at the tag titles. if i'm not mistaken, team 3d, motor city machine guns, young bucks and beer money were all still wrestling tag teams. i think that they could have gone the nostalgia route with team 3d in some ladder, table and tlc matches. they could have gone for the mentor/student/idol-growing-up route with the young bucks a la jericho and hbk in their first feud. they could have gone with the whole dream match route with the guns and done a best-in-the-world route with beer money.

i just think that they would have both done better as a tag team. jeff was in no shape and didn't really deserve the top spot at the time and matt was in an even lower boat. so i think inserting them in the tag title scene would have been best and that's how it should have been.

then again, i've always been a sucker for good tag team storyline and development...
It's an interesting idea, the problem is that Matt Hardy doesn't have the talent to pull it off.

It's not simply a gimmick or an angle that determines if something gets over with fans, it also has a lot to do with the wrestler or wrestlers involved and what they bring to the table. Matt Hardy is not a main event level talent. He doesn't have the ability in any way that I've seen. The first match I recall seeing the Hardy Boys in was just when Kane had first showed up and they were demolished. From that time up to this very moment, Matt Hardy has not demonstrated in the least that he has the in-ring ability, promo skills and/or charisma necessary to get over as a main event talent.

Hardy is a career mid-carder. He showed that in WWE and he showed it in TNA. There's nothing particularly special about Hardy other than the fact that he happens to be Jeff Hardy's brother.

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