Your *NEW* TNA Heavyweight Champion is....

This is awesome. For a company who has been trying to reset for the past few months, why not have a career underdog like Eric Young, be the face of the new TNA? I wasn't against Magnus getting the title but it obviously didn't pan out , so why not give it to a talent like EY. Maybe it will only be a week long reign, maybe a year, who knows? I personally wouldn't mind him holding it for about four months and then losing it to EC3
I think I'll only barely care about EY being champion because at least he won't be having forty different people helping him win matches all the time.

I'm not impressed by EY, never really liked him much, but he's at least slightly more backable than Magnus. But there were many better options to go with than EY.
I'll admit that I was never a fan of EY with the comedy schtick. But I'll give credit where it's due, so congrats to him. I imagine that he'll have a better run with the belt than Sabin did. Curious if they let him keep it past Sacrifice, will he continue his feud with Abyss? Abyss could/will be an imposing challenger, and will be a huge test for EY's title defense.
Good. Fucking good.

I can't imagine anyone who's watched TNA with any sort of regularity disliking Eric Young. I honestly can't. He's not always been onto a winner - like when he shaved his head and did that whole, uh, World Elite thing - but he's always been a workhorse, he's always done well with what's been given to him and he's often been one of the rarest of things; a genuinely funny wrestling character.

If Magnus is world championship material, Eric Young should have more Hall of Fame rings than Ric Flair.
If they were serious about giving Eric Young a run with the title, at least repackage him a little more. Daniel Bryan might be a joke to some still, but he was at least booked strongly ever since his debut. Even in his comedy role you can still it having a place in the main event. The transition from that to the main guy isn't as far fetch as Young to the top guy.

Fans that stopped watching TNA years ago will tune in to see the resident comedy jobber now the champion. At least he looks different with that beard of his.
I haven't really watched TNA since the AJ Styles debacle but I thought this was hilariously transparent booking when I read about it. However if this sees the title transitioned back to Bobby Roode I'd probably start watching regularly again as he's easily been the best guy in TNA for the last 3 years IMO.
I stopped watching TNA at the height of all the DIxieland crap. Tuned back in after Lockdown and it really seemed TNA was getting good again even though Bad Influence and Aries were AWOL, they were still making good use of what they had. Magnus I think started getting much better as champ, loved how he put over the Wolves the other week.

Well... suffice to say I may well just be tuning out again. Eric Young as champion, I was very disappointed. He is in no way a main eventer in my eyes. He does not look credible, he is not exceptional in the ring or on the mic. I can't remember an amazing match from EY, or an outstanding promo. His promo the other week pleading his case to MVP was neat but no way should he have won the title IMO.

Difference with Bryan is that the fans wanted him to win the title, and WWE delivered in spectacular fashion (and I don't watch WWE regularly but I enjoyed Mania). Who the hell ever wanted EY to win the world title?

Well who knows, maybe EY is going to have an amazing title reign but I highly doubt it. I really wish TNA can prove me wrong. Off the top of my head I can't think of a worse TNA world champion, sorry!
I stopped watching TNA at the height of all the DIxieland crap. Tuned back in after Lockdown and it really seemed TNA was getting good again even though Bad Influence and Aries were AWOL, they were still making good use of what they had. Magnus I think started getting much better as champ, loved how he put over the Wolves the other week.

Well... suffice to say I may well just be tuning out again. Eric Young as champion, I was very disappointed. He is in no way a main eventer in my eyes. He does not look credible, he is not exceptional in the ring or on the mic. I can't remember an amazing match from EY, or an outstanding promo. His promo the other week pleading his case to MVP was neat but no way should he have won the title IMO.

Difference with Bryan is that the fans wanted him to win the title, and WWE delivered in spectacular fashion (and I don't watch WWE regularly but I enjoyed Mania). Who the hell ever wanted EY to win the world title?

Well who knows, maybe EY is going to have an amazing title reign but I highly doubt it. I really wish TNA can prove me wrong. Off the top of my head I can't think of a worse TNA world champion, sorry!

Meanwhile, the main guy who is ruling the wrestling world is about the same height and build as Eric Young, and even stole EY's beard but grew his own hair out so he would be little bit different. And don't even get me started on the fat talentless POS in your sig...

Eric Young as Champion should've happened a long time ago, but it didn't. And honestly, I like that he's champion now. I don't see a problem with how things are going for him, and if anyone else does then they need to go back and watch wrestling from the 70s, 80s, and even 90s... This is smart booking by TNA, let's just hope it stays that way.
I thought EY's victory over Abyss in the Monster's Ball was the perfect way to go...highlights his crazyness and at the same time made him seem more credible, by being slammed onto the tacks and that visual of the tacks/blood on his back even at the end of the match. Loved the finish: elbow-dropping Abyss while he was lying on the barbed wire. Good match, good build for EY.

But I can't help but think we've had too many half-hearted monsters ball matches on Impact rather than big PPvs where Abyss has lost...

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