And your new TNA Heavyweight Champion is....

I was surprised last night. They made such a big deal about no one being able to help Magnus and how he couldn't save the title by being dq'd. I thought it was going to be a way to set him up to find some other underhanded tactic to win.

Even after EY won I was waiting for something stupid to happen that would have reversed the decision somehow or made the match continue.

Pretty much all it did was make Magnus look like a joke of a champion. He couldn't keep the title on his own and he lost clean to a comedy guy.

I'm happy for EY though. I'm sure he won't hold onto the title long though.
You know.... if they needed a tranistional FACE champion to give Daniels a run with the strap.... I'd be okay with this move...but only after seeing what takes place here.
I think you people have forgotten a fact about Eric Young. He has his own Animal Planet TV show. That's a big plus of exposure and yes, the fact that he's a TNA wrestler is constantly mentioned on the show.


Though I question Animal Planet's method of celebration. Daniel Bryan beards.
That would be great exposure except I'm pretty sure his show gets lower ratings than TNA (as in .2-.4 range the one time I checked).

I don't watch the show or even know what it's about, but I assume the show won't really help TNA get any ratings help.
That would be great exposure except I'm pretty sure his show gets lower ratings than TNA (as in .2-.4 range the one time I checked).

I don't watch the show or even know what it's about, but I assume the show won't really help TNA get any ratings help.

Think Jackass meets fishing. The show also seems to get great reviews despite the ratings and the second season will be out soon. So quite frankly any exposure TNA can take advantage of is good.
There's so much wrong with this. TNA is bootleg WWE, with knock-off versions of WWE characters devoid of charm. Abyss is an ugly bootleg Kane and Eric Young is a frog voiced leprechaun who grew a beard at the right time. It's hilarious that Young gets a new job in case TNA goes under, so they put the title on him because they need to raise their own profile. Think about that: they give up on AJ Styles as a main event draw, Magnus fails to draw as champion, their most relevant star is Samoa Joe who is out with a concussion so they give Eric Young a title run because they need to get television star power (and beards are SO hot right now). This seems like a doomed company, and direct imitation is often a death knell.
There's so much wrong with this. TNA is bootleg WWE, with knock-off versions of WWE characters devoid of charm. Abyss is an ugly bootleg Kane and Eric Young is a frog voiced leprechaun who grew a beard at the right time. It's hilarious that Young gets a new job in case TNA goes under, so they put the title on him because they need to raise their own profile. Think about that: they give up on AJ Styles as a main event draw, Magnus fails to draw as champion, their most relevant star is Samoa Joe who is out with a concussion so they give Eric Young a title run because they need to get television star power (and beards are SO hot right now). This seems like a doomed company, and direct imitation is often a death knell.
1) They didn't give up on AJ, they just couldn't come to terms for a new contract.

2) The show has been on since 2012. It's not new.

3) Despite similairities, Eric Young has always had a strong fanbase and last I checked it's no shit Abyss is a mix of Kane and Mankind.

4) Eric Young grew the beard before Daniel Bryan was even on fucking television.

5) Yes, Magnus sucked. Robert Roode killing it as an uber-heel didn't help.

6) It' always about the impending Apocalypse with TNA isn't it?
I've got no problem with the move in theory. I've been a big fan of Eric Young's for a long time. He's been a very entertaining guy, not a comedy guy, an entertainment guy in an entertainment business and has been a fan favorite because of that for a while.

Remember the 40 man Royal Rumble where Santino almost defeated Del Rio to go to 'headline' Wrestlemania. People were absolute for it at the moment, and not just because he was a face and Del Rio was heel. Their comedy antics make them some of the most over guys in their own ways. And what's great about that is when they are called to be serious and are capable or doing it just like Eric Young did, it turns that fan favoritism into viable world title contention.

For the record, I had no problem with Magnus as champion. I thought he was growing week by week into the role like Roode did when he became champion and look where he ended up. One of the best anywhere. I hope Magnus, EY and perhaps Joe all feud for the title for a little while personally.
1) They didn't give up on AJ, they just couldn't come to terms for a new contract.

2) The show has been on since 2012. It's not new.

3) Despite similairities, Eric Young has always had a strong fanbase and last I checked it's no shit Abyss is a mix of Kane and Mankind.

4) Eric Young grew the beard before Daniel Bryan was even on fucking television.

5) Yes, Magnus sucked. Robert Roode killing it as an uber-heel didn't help.

6) It' always about the impending Apocalypse with TNA isn't it?

Oooh, a LIST! Let's see:

1) They absolutely gave up on AJ Styles. In a way I actually admire that they cut him loose, he just wasn't working, but they are booking people in their main event now who are much worse talents. What's the sense in that?

2) Good for EY, 2 years ago he was at the bottom of the card (meanwhile Daniel Bryan was starting the YES! movement at 'Mania). Young needed a job, and it's ironic now that TNA needs a bearded celebrity for a champion. I liken it to WWE putting the World Title on Zack Ryder because he has a Youtube following, which never happened because WWE isn't shit.

3) Eric Young has always been a small frog voiced leprechaun who SCREAMS "enhancement talent" like no other. Barry Horowitz would be a better World Champion. Abyss is just a lame fat guy in an unoriginal mask, always has been.

4) His Animal Planet crew are all wearing DANIEL BRYAN BEARDS. Beards are "so hot right now" and to TNA that beats wrestling skill, strong character work and actual drawing power. Who the hell would pay to see Eric Young headline a show live??

5) Magnus was way more credible and entertaining than Ribbit McPoto'gold

6) TNA going out of business is my only dream in life.
The following things confuse me:

1) They absolutely gave up on AJ Styles. In a way I actually admire that they cut him loose, he just wasn't working,

In what way was AJ Styles just not working? Are you saying that AJ Styles, in most people's estimation the best talent that TNA has ever possessed, was so poor that he deserved to be fired? Are you saying TNA only realised this after making him world heavyweight champion? I think - hope - that I'm misreading you.

I liken it to WWE putting the World Title on Zack Ryder because he has a Youtube following, which never happened because WWE isn't shit.

WWE absolutely dropped the ball on Ryder, who was, at one time, more over than Del Rio, Ziggler, Sheamus or Big Show were when they held the world heavyweight title. There's no other word to describe what was done to Ryder than sabotage.

4) His Animal Planet crew are all wearing DANIEL BRYAN BEARDS. Beards are "so hot right now" and to TNA that beats wrestling skill, strong character work and actual drawing power. Who the hell would pay to see Eric Young headline a show live??

Even as someone who sees the parallels between this and the Yes Movement, I don't see how EY's Animal Planet crew wearing beards proves a thing about TNA's intentions.

And EY absolutely has strong character work.

I think that's about it.
Insert generic name here said:
1) They absolutely gave up on AJ Styles. In a way I actually admire that they cut him loose, he just wasn't working, but they are booking people in their main event now who are much worse talents. What's the sense in that?
Does anyone as TNA Champion make you happy? Because quite frankly, it could be Jesus Christ, Satan, Allah or John Cena and you'd seem to find a reason to bitch about it.

2) Good for EY, 2 years ago he was at the bottom of the card (meanwhile Daniel Bryan was starting the YES! movement at 'Mania). Young needed a job, and it's ironic now that TNA needs a bearded celebrity for a champion. I liken it to WWE putting the World Title on Zack Ryder because he has a Youtube following, which never happened because WWE isn't shit.
It's a bearded celebrity that can wrestle and is one of TNA's most tenured and successful stars. Common sense, I know.

3) Eric Young has always been a small frog voiced leprechaun who SCREAMS "enhancement talent" like no other. Barry Horowitz would be a better World Champion. Abyss is just a lame fat guy in an unoriginal mask, always has been.
And yet the fucker looks like Daniel Bryan on steroids. Wait a minute, I think a lightbulb went off in my head.

4) His Animal Planet crew are all wearing DANIEL BRYAN BEARDS. Beards are "so hot right now" and to TNA that beats wrestling skill, strong character work and actual drawing power. Who the hell would pay to see Eric Young headline a show live??
People that aren't as fickle as you.
5) Magnus was way more credible and entertaining than Ribbit McPoto'gold
According to who? The Impact Zone?
6) TNA going out of business is my only dream in life.
You are a pathetic scoundrel that doesn't deserve call himself a wrestling fan, really. A fickle whiner that will never be pleased because of some delusional sense of self-righteous (imaginary) intellect and (barely existant) knowledge of wrestling. Televised, simple as black and white, wrestling.

I admit I was surprised. I didn't think they'd do it after all the weirdness his character's exhibited over the years. I figured TNA would have them do a couple title matches and have him come close to winning, only to have Magnus beat him. But they've got me curious, which is a good thing, I suppose. He's a good wrestler, good on the mic when given the right character/storyline, and he's a likeable guy.
This could be a good move (or at least they've made worse decisions) because TNA has no faces right now and Eric Young has that TNA Veteran appeal and can get the couple hundred people at any TNA event behind him.

But you're lying to yourself if you don't see the Daniel Bryan angle . . . similarities. Lol. Y'all really don't believe that pre-Wrestlemania, it was the plan to have a guy who has never been close to the World Title scene and has been a jabroni character his whole career, to suddenly become this Goldberg motherfucker who beats ten men in one night lol.

It also says a lot about the importance of the belts (it's fake sports but still lol). LEGENDS like Razor Ramon, Mr. Perfect, etc. etc. have never held the WWE Title but TNA's Santino won it in one night.
I'm way too lazy to quote the remarks, but TNA didn't cut AJ Styles loose, he left. In his shoot with Highspots his description of events is, he met with John Gaubrick at the start of December, he offered him half his wage, with no additives such as travel or accommodation, AJ said he wouldn't take it and gave them weeks to come up with an offer. When he met with them for the last time, he had already contacted ROH and they had given him an offer he felt was better as they pay for his travel expenses and accommodation. That's AJ's version of events, which are he left because TNA didn't value him enough and because they're struggling they can't afford him.

And no, The Wolves and MVP are not being paid a combined $300,000 a year AJ was getting.
I'm way too lazy to quote the remarks, but TNA didn't cut AJ Styles loose, he left. In his shoot with Highspots his description of events is, he met with John Gaubrick at the start of December, he offered him half his wage, with no additives such as travel or accommodation, AJ said he wouldn't take it and gave them weeks to come up with an offer. When he met with them for the last time, he had already contacted ROH and they had given him an offer he felt was better as they pay for his travel expenses and accommodation. That's AJ's version of events, which are he left because TNA didn't value him enough and because they're struggling they can't afford him.

And no, The Wolves and MVP are not being paid a combined $300,000 a year AJ was getting.

Highly doubt that AJ's getting more than 150+ with ROH, unless you count in the NJPW deal to make up for it.
Are we seriously going to sit here and pretend that they didn't elevate the first person to walk down the hallway with a beard to main event status on Daniel Bryan's coattails?

Seriously, TNA fans?

I know it's stupid to sit here and argue about product between fans, but you gotta stop taking it personally when obvious parallels are demonstrated between what the WWE does and what TNA *tries* to mimic later.

"But Eric Young grew his beard BEFORE Daniel Bryan!"

This is why it's hard to take you guys seriously. Nobody is this deluded.
Highly doubt that AJ's getting more than 150+ with ROH, unless you count in the NJPW deal to make up for it.

Of course not, which is why he's allowed to work the indies, he just wasn't allowed to feature on any promotions TV show, so when the ROH/NJPW deal came around NJPW also wanted Styles, while they would have had no issue just signing him, ROH helped them with the signing anyway, probably so he can feature for both. Plus it was smart on ROH's part anyway - Styles is guaranteed to stick around for an entire year, can't sign for anyone else (like re-sign for TNA or sign for Jarrett's weather channel) and he isn't featuring on all tours of Japan, but for AJ, he still gets to make a lot of money.
I haven't watched TNA in several months.... This doesn't make me regret having taken a break from watching their product.
I haven't watched TNA in several months.... This doesn't make me regret having taken a break from watching their product.

EY had a good programme with Abyss, Joe had a programme with Magnus. Magnus hires Abyss as protection, EY gets included to settle the score with Abyss and to ensure Joe gets a fair match-up.

This all makes sense, but then...
This all makes sense, but then...

The last time I recall watching TNA was when AJ Styles began using his Get Ready To Fly theme again. It's been a rather long time. I hate Eric Young so him being World Champion to me is the worst decision TNA has made since bringing Brooke Hogan onscreen. I'm not watching again until he loses the belt.

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