Your *NEW* TNA Heavyweight Champion is....


Getting Noticed By Management
Tonight on Impact Eric Young defeated Magnus for the TNA Heavyweight Championship.

No disrespect to EY but :wtf:

I'm shocked

How do you guys feel about this?

Watching Impact the last month it seem to be going down hill. Tonight changed that somewhat. Now I am an Eric Young fan but I can't help but think tonight was an actual shot at what happened at Wrestlemania

Danyal Bryan wins against Triple H

EY beats 9 men together almost as tough as Triple H

DB wins WWE title in triple Threat the same night

EY wants and gets his shot the same night, wins TNA WHC

You can't tell me this wasn't done any other way then to mock WWE with how they booked WM30.

With that said Congrats to EY for winning the Impact Wrestling WHC even if it was to go against what WWE did.
I fucking love it. That's how I feel about it.

I am so incredibly happy for EY. Name me one person who has put more into this company than him the last ten plus years. Name me one person who has been kicked around and asked to do more nonsense, and done it all with a smile?

I know "casual" fans are gonna see this and freak, not understanding how this "came out of nowhere", but if you've actually been watching TNA the last two months, you'd realize that that silly EY of the past has been effectively put out to pasture in place of the courageous, scrappy odds-beater. It's actually a lot like what Sabin went through when he won it, except in EY's case, I think he's got a much brighter future, as he can carry himself well as a face.

Fuckin' A, EY. Fuckin' A!
I fucking love it. That's how I feel about it.

I am so incredibly happy for EY. Name me one person who has put more into this company than him the last ten plus years. Name me one person who has been kicked around and asked to do more nonsense, and done it all with a smile?

I know "casual" fans are gonna see this and freak, not understanding how this "came out of nowhere", but if you've actually been watching TNA the last two months, you'd realize that that silly EY of the past has been effectively put out to pasture in place of the courageous, scrappy odds-beater. It's actually a lot like what Sabin went through when he won it, except in EY's case, I think he's got a much brighter future, as he can carry himself well as a face.

Fuckin' A, EY. Fuckin' A!

I get all that. At the end of the day though, it's about as blatant of a ripoff of Wrestlemania as you can get. Now that's a good idea in theory, but at the end of the day, Eric has been serious for about two months. That's not enough to wipe away all of the bash me over the head "comedy" that Young has done all these years. It also comes off as wasting Magnus for a one night thrill, which is a bad idea given how long TNA has spent building him up.

It's not lasting until past Sacrifice and I don't hate it like some people are going to. It's more like "only in TNA".
I get all that. At the end of the day though, it's about as blatant of a ripoff of Wrestlemania as you can get. Now that's a good idea in theory, but at the end of the day, Eric has been serious for about two months. That's not enough to wipe away all of the bash me over the head "comedy" that Young has done all these years. It also comes off as wasting Magnus for a one night thrill, which is a bad idea given how long TNA has spent building him up.

It's not lasting until past Sacrifice and I don't hate it like some people are going to. It's more like "only in TNA".

In what sense — two matches in one night to win a championship? I suppose, but if the fans are into it, the fans are into it.

I guess I just haven't watched WWE long enough for that to matter for me. Plus, I don't even care for Daniel Bryan in the first place. But I suppose it's a legitimate gripe for fans of both companies who spend time watching both consistently, since it can be taken as a rip off of the same story — at least in part.
Meh. I'm far more intrigued by EY holding the belt for a few weeks than I was by Magnus. Since his push, I've always seen Bobby Roode as TNA's true top villain.

As for babyfaces, to be honest there's nothing outside of Eric Young since they fucked up James Storm with a dumb heel turn and Mr. Anderson by having him fool around with Samuel Shaw. And for some reason, they don't wanna use Austin Aries. They're in a corner. Might as well go with EY for a bit.
Oh boy, here we go. The IWC hypocrites right away comparing this to The E again. Really? Last I checked, there was no heel authority figure keeping EY down. Last I checked, there was no triple threat match tonight. Christ, EY was just starting a more serious gimmick only a couple months ago. You people were botching about Magnus being champ anyway for whatever reason, so what's the big deal?

I can just see the idiotic "articles" that Isenturd, LaTard, Fat Killiam are going to write just trashing this. Oh but wait, I thought everyone said the TNA Originals never get pushed, yet here we have another one winning the World Title.
Meh. I'm far more intrigued by EY holding the belt for a few weeks than I was by Magnus. Since his push, I've always seen Bobby Roode as TNA's true top villain.

As for babyfaces, to be honest there's nothing outside of Eric Young since they fucked up James Storm with a dumb heel turn and Mr. Anderson by having him fool around with Samuel Shaw. And for some reason, they don't wanna use Austin Aries. They're in a corner. Might as well go with EY for a bit.

Aries, from what I understand, is also dealing with contractual negotiations, so it makes sense in not wanting to pin this kind of responsibility on a guy you don't know is even gonna stick around. I mean, if AJ Styles can walk out, anyone can walk out.
In what sense — two matches in one night to win a championship? I suppose, but if the fans are into it, the fans are into it.

I guess I just haven't watched WWE long enough for that to matter for me. Plus, I don't even care for Daniel Bryan in the first place. But I suppose it's a legitimate gripe for fans of both companies who spend time watching both consistently, since it can be taken as a rip off of the same story — at least in part.

See that's the thing: I don't like Eric Young and never really have. He's never really shown me anything that makes me care about him and his matches are just in the middle. The comedy stuff is very much opinion based of course but he's been a serious guy for what, six months out of eleven years or so? That's not enough for me to buy into him as a top level guy.
Oh boy, here we go. The IWC hypocrites right away comparing this to The E again. Really? Last I checked, there was no heel authority figure keeping EY down. Last I checked, there was no triple threat match tonight. Christ, EY was just starting a more serious gimmick only a couple months ago. You people were botching about Magnus being champ anyway for whatever reason, so what's the big deal?

I can just see the idiotic "articles" that Isenturd, LaTard, Fat Killiam are going to write just trashing this. Oh but wait, I thought everyone said the TNA Originals never get pushed, yet here we have another one winning the World Title.

Last time I checked, Eric Young is a short guy with a beard that started off as a comedy guy and then got serious before winning a match earlier in the night to earn a title shot while hurting his arm in the process of winning the title in what was described as a hue underdog story.

Then again, I could just be reading too much into these comparisons.
Im happy for EY. He is a damn good wrestler and deserved a moment like this. fortunately I think this is exactly that, a moment. He will either get stripped or lose the title before or at sacrifice. The real question now is do they put the title back on magnus or give the strap to someone else completely.
See that's the thing: I don't like Eric Young and never really have. He's never really shown me anything that makes me care about him and his matches are just in the middle. The comedy stuff is very much opinion based of course but he's been a serious guy for what, six months out of eleven years or so? That's not enough for me to buy into him as a top level guy.

Because he's never been given a chance to stick as one. He was well on his way with both World Elite and his short stint with The Band, but I've also been a big fan of his, including his most ridiculous comedy segments for a while, so this is probably just one of those moments of bias on both ends preventing us from finding a middle ground. Not all that shocking, really.

I get the gripe over how long he's been put into this serious a role, but I also think it's a little unfair, as TNA are really entering into another brand new era here with MVP. In a lot of ways, it wiped the slate clean for EY, if you ask me.
I love this. I mean I fucking L-O-V-E this. EY has been one of the few reasons I have tuned into TNA for the last couple years, so to see him get this is wonderful. Seeing him as champ is going to make me far more likely to tune in every week than I am with Magnus as champ. I credit Magnus, his heel turn wasn't bad, but I feel like he was just spinning his wheels. This fucking rocks.
Last time I checked, Eric Young is a short guy with a beard that started off as a comedy guy and then got serious before winning a match earlier in the night to earn a title shot while hurting his arm in the process of winning the title in what was described as a hue underdog story.

Then again, I could just be reading too much into these comparisons.

Nah, you're probably right. It wouldn't be the first time TNA borrowed from (or mocked?) WWE this quickly. Then again, depending who you ask, there've been people saying the same of WWE lifting from TNA's ideas.

I'm not sure it matters, to be honest. He needs to be given a chance to do something here, same as Magnus did. Maybe TNA just didn't feel Magnus was getting the job done and wanted to get the title off him sooner rather than later?
Nah, you're probably right. It wouldn't be the first time TNA borrowed from (or mocked?) WWE this quickly. Then again, depending who you ask, there've been people saying the same of WWE lifting from TNA's ideas.

I'm not sure it matters, to be honest. He needs to be given a chance to do something here, same as Magnus did. Maybe TNA just didn't feel Magnus was getting the job done and wanted to get the title off him sooner rather than later?

Stealing the idea is certainly not a bad thing. I just think there are FAR better options than Eric. Like say Daniels, Kazarian, Joe, Storm or even Gunner (ok that's a big stretch). They've got the in ring credentials to make this far easier on me. Young will work for some people, but TNA had to know it was going to be polarizing.
Even before tonight, I saw parallels between the way D Bryan and Eric Young have been booked.

But damn, TNA has no shame hahaha.

Summer of Punk Walkout Angle > AJ Styles Situation

The Authority > Dixieland and Magnus

Now Daniel Bryan > Eric Young

Too bad they didn't copy the six months of serious buildup that was given to Daniel Bryan.

Good for Eric Young as he's been loyal and a hard worker for the company, but what's the logic in giving the title to a dude that's been booked as a jabroni his whole career up until a few weeks ago instead of a Samoa Joe who (although is fat as hell and isn't as promising as he was a few years ago) could be the face of your company? The only answer I can think of is to capitalize on the same underdog appeal that we see with Daniel Bryan.

Didn't even wait a full week lol.



Stealing the idea is certainly not a bad thing. I just think there are FAR better options than Eric. Like say Daniels, Kazarian, Joe, Storm or even Gunner (ok that's a big stretch). They've got the in ring credentials to make this far easier on me. Young will work for some people, but TNA had to know it was going to be polarizing.

Daniels and Kaz both have contract issues, and are both heels. As is Storm. You'd be bitching if any of them were the ones put in that spot in EY's place, and you know it. And you'd be right to. They make even less sense than EY, who at least had the last six weeks behind him to point to this.

I did think Gunner would be the guy they went to here, but they didn't. They went with the guy who isn't already directly involved in an unfinished feud.
Daniels and Kaz both have contract issues, and are both heels. As is Storm. You'd be bitching if any of them were the ones put in that spot in EY's place, and you know it. And you'd be right to. They make even less sense than EY, who at least had the last six weeks behind him to point to this.

I did think Gunner would be the guy they went to here, but they didn't. They went with the guy who isn't already directly involved in an unfinished feud.

Turn them. Not hard.

I'd have some issues with it, but that's probably because they didn't need to do this out of nowhere. It's rushed and a waste of an idea, like so many things in TNA.
Turn them. Not hard.

I'd have some issues with it, but that's probably because they didn't need to do this out of nowhere. It's rushed and a waste of an idea, like so many things in TNA.

Again, I'd bet a vital body part on you complaining about the lack of an adequate build, the "waste" of whatever it was they were doing prior (take your pick, based on your list – especially the heels), and this being "typical TNA" in doing things at the drop of a dime. Not to mention the same complaint you've repeated here, about this wasting what they've built with Magnus.

So what's the difference? At least in terms of this discussion, they gave it to a guy who was the closest fit to their current story lines, without sacrificing any of their other ongoing tales.
Again, I'd bet a vital body part on you complaining about the lack of an adequate build, the "waste" of whatever it was they were doing prior (take your pick, based on your list – especially the heels), and this being "typical TNA" in doing things at the drop of a dime. Not to mention the same complaint you've repeated here, about this wasting what they've built with Magnus.

So what's the difference? At least in terms of this discussion, they gave it to a guy who was the closest fit to their current story lines, without sacrificing any of their other ongoing tales.

Actually I wouldn't as much as you'd think.

Young winning the title I can live with. I don't care for it, but then again I don't care for Young in general. He's certainly easier to sit through than Santino anymore.

My bigger issue is how fast they set this up. Build to the gauntlet match for a few weeks and let people know about it. They did it with Sabin's win and it worked FAR better for me than this one did. That's probably my biggest issue with the whole thing: it came out of nowhere and had an hour and a half build instead of even a few weeks.
I have been holding off on watching TNA for the past couple months. I mean I haven't really liked TNA since Roode was champion. Now I feel as though the final nail has been hammered into the coffin... at least for me.

I really want to like TNA, and I loved it at one point... but god the decisions they have made are horrible. How can I get behind a character like EY when he was a comedic guy for most of his career. Not only that, but he does not even look like a World Champ.

Sorry for all those who "Love" this move by TNA, but I personally think that this is one of the worst moves they could have made.
Actually I wouldn't as much as you'd think.

Young winning the title I can live with. I don't care for it, but then again I don't care for Young in general. He's certainly easier to sit through than Santino anymore.

My bigger issue is how fast they set this up. Build to the gauntlet match for a few weeks and let people know about it. They did it with Sabin's win and it worked FAR better for me than this one did. That's probably my biggest issue with the whole thing: it came out of nowhere and had an hour and a half build instead of even a few weeks.

And that's a fair criticism. I'm no fan of fast booking either. I like long, drawn out builds with big payoffs. TNA just doesn't do them that often, and have arguably seen their fare share of success off this type of rash reaction.

RVD beating Styles for the title, for example, or Austin Aries beating Bobby Roode – both fast-tracked the guy they wanted despite the fact that there may have been a better pay off had the build been longer. Perhaps.
Again, I'd bet a vital body part on you complaining about the lack of an adequate build, the "waste" of whatever it was they were doing prior (take your pick, based on your list – especially the heels), and this being "typical TNA" in doing things at the drop of a dime. Not to mention the same complaint you've repeated here, about this wasting what they've built with Magnus.

So what's the difference? At least in terms of this discussion, they gave it to a guy who was the closest fit to their current story lines, without sacrificing any of their other ongoing tales.

I'm pretty much convinced that anything TNA tries to do, will get trashed, crapped on, and ripped repeatedly. They can't win. Hell, if Punk were to show up out of nowhere, people would be bitching about that.

EY winning was a huge surprise, and a nice one at that. I thought for sure that match would have a screwy ending with Magnus on top. I can see EY holding the title till Slamaversary.
I have been holding off on watching TNA for the past couple months. I mean I haven't really liked TNA since Roode was champion. Now I feel as though the final nail has been hammered into the coffin... at least for me.

I really want to like TNA, and I loved it at one point... but god the decisions they have made are horrible. How can I get behind a character like EY when he was a comedic guy for most of his career. Not only that, but he does not even look like a World Champ.

Sorry for all those who "Love" this move by TNA, but I personally think that this is one of the worst moves they could have made.

Austin Aries doesn't "look" like a World Champion either — depending on what your idea of "look" like a World Champion means. I mean, does Daniel Bryan look like one? Doesn't to me. I get that's coming from someone who's seen three hours of WWE programming in like five years, but I've never been impressed by Bryan likely in the same manner (or similar) as you aren't by Young. I feel/felt the same about guys like Rey Mysterio as well.
I personally could care less what either company does, or rips off as long as I am entertained, and I love EY finally becoming the TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

It's crazy the journey he has taken, I started following him since his Team Canada days, and man, has he come far.

I wonder now what they will do in terms of a rematch for Sacrifice.

Before this, I thought for sure Abyss was gonna turn on Magnus for the title, but hey this is cool too.

I wanna see Magnus v EY in the Cage for their rematch.

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