Your First Kiss?

Find'er Woo'er Ryder

:( lost ma Mayhem Title
So i was talking to The Disturbed and what not and he brought up his first kiss or something like that. Then i told him the story of my first kiss believe it or not i was four. It was with my neighbor shyloh and we were playing in my room then went to ask my mom for something and her and my dad were doing the deed. so we went back to my room, took off all our clothes and got on top of eachother (we took turns on top). Now im not talking about a little pecks on the lips. Im saying full-blown, open mouth, tounge down the throat, swaping spit, making out! So now im wondering what everyone elses first kiss was like? Was it hardcore like mine was or was it boring?
He didn't explain it well. What he was telling me was, they saw his parents do it and then they thought they could too. It's not like he really fucked her. They didn't know what they was doing.
What the fucking fuck!

Anyway, my first kiss was when I was 12. I was in my last year of primary school and we were all sexually charged adolescents. For some reason, we all took turns with different girls. Not in a sexual way but in a "You are my girlfriend for the next couple of weeks" way. And that was that...
What the fucking fuck!

Anyway, my first kiss was when I was 12. I was in my last year of primary school and we were all sexually charged adolescents. For some reason, we all took turns with different girls. Not in a sexual way but in a "You are my girlfriend for the next couple of weeks" way. And that was that...

Same here.
Mine was pretty awesome. On holiday for the week, in Wales of all places (sorry tastycles). Anyway I was 14 and this pretty 18 year old girl latched on to me thinking I was older than I was, we hung around most of the holiday. One day I was hanging out in the park and she comes onto the swings completely pissed off her face, remember I'd probably never been drunk at this point, and we end up kissing like crazy.

She was pretty shocked when she sobred up cos we were mostly friends beforehand. Afterwards though we were like a couple of teenagers. One of my biggest regrets was never getting back into her caravan as she probably would have gone all the way.
I was 13. It was in a movie theater, one of those cheap ones that play movies that aren't in theaters anymore, but not quite on video/DVD yet. Made out with her, then went back to her place, and felt each other up a bit in her giant, bedroom-sized closet in her basement.

Good. Fucking. Times.
First normal kiss was with a girlfriend when I was 8.

First proper kiss was a bit of a strange one, it kind of left me wondering "What the fuck just happened" for all the wrong reasons.
I was out with friends (male and female), had only been sat down for 10 minutes and out of the blue Female A (as she will now be known) randomly started talking about people being in couples and then suddenly announces that me and Female B (a good friend) would make a nice couple. Nervous laugh from a couple of people o_O, anyway I basically say we're just friends and, trying to prove this, open my arms for a hug and she does the same. Now I don't know at exactly what point that plan went wrong because before I before I know it, she's got her tongue in my mouth and she's in no hurry to leave. I went along with it so not to cause a scene but I was somewhat stunned and very embarassed because I'm such a private person.
From what I can gather the whole thing was planned between the girls because Female B had a crush on me. I was not impressed.
Been there, Loveless.

I feel your... pain?

Well yes because I had to crush her (in private, not that it did any good), then I had to explain to everyone who witnessed why, despite kissing her, I wasn't interested and that I wasn't infact a callous cold-hearted bastard who caused her to cry. Which is exactly how it looked to everyone.
What the fucking fuck!

Anyway, my first kiss was when I was 12. I was in my last year of primary school and we were all sexually charged adolescents. For some reason, we all took turns with different girls. Not in a sexual way but in a "You are my girlfriend for the next couple of weeks" way. And that was that...

Ah the good old school traditions of relationships, kids these days don't know the fun we had!

First kiss was like when I was 5 or God knows when, first proper kiss was 18, was just one of those typical, out one evening, walking with a girl, nice chatter, good mood, walk her back to hers, and voilah. Definitely felt like a movie cliche when you think about it.
I was 14. Was at a Pittsburgh Penguins game with one of my best friends, Jenn, and her friend, Jessica. We decided to have some fun and give each other "dares" to do. We gave Jenn the "dare" of standing up and screaming something sexually lewd directed at Mario when there was complete silence. She did. So Jessica and I both gave the other the "task" of kissing someone we had never seen before that night. Well, she went up to some 8 year old kid, and kissed him on the forehead. After I realized that: 1. I had never met jessica before that night and 2. She was hot, I decided to kiss her. She must not have minded, because we made out the rest of the night. Not bad for a first kiss. ;)
My first kiss was actually only about 5 minutes long before she gave me ******io. What up.
My first kiss was when I was 14. I was freaking out the entire time because we both had braces and I was afraid we would get stuck together. That was the same girl who turned my phone on vibrate, put it in her pants and then called it. I miss her.

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