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Your Favorite Superstar nowadays!

Who is your favorite WWE Superstar Currently?

  • John Cena

  • Randy Orton

  • Christian

  • Alberto Del Rio

  • Rey Mysterio

  • Cody Rhodes

  • CM Punk

  • John Morrison

  • Jack Swagger

  • Kofi Kingston

  • Drew McIntyre

  • Wade Barret

  • Sheamus

  • Dolph Ziggler

  • Other

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Since he started last year I have been a big mark for Alberto Del Rio. Now, I admit not being taken by his pre-debut promos. I once thought he was the Mexican JBL (he basically is, but that's supposed to be an insult). After seeing him in action destroying countless opponents with the Cross Armbreaker I was sold. Plus, he won the Rumble! And his ring announcer is awesome!

Del RIo is one of, if not the most talented wrestler WWE has with an impressive resume in AAA to boot.

Honestly, his push to the world title was a little fast and would rather see him getting built over time and win the belt by next years Summerslam (instead of him winning RR). He has the look, the suave and the heat to carry Raw as a future champ. Keep building him up. Start with a US title reign right away, I mean at Over the Limit. Randomly jump Kofi and kayfabe injure him setting up the match for a quick tapout. Then start some "this title isnt good enough" promos and feud with Cena.

For finisher, I'd like to see an Impact finisher. The submission armnbreaker looks devastating when he hits it. He has a wicked German Suplex he used in AAA, so that should work
mine would definately be cody rhodes right now. he was given absolute crap with the pretty boy gimmick, but he made it work and got towards the top of the midcard. then this recent transformation of rhodes has really set him apart. he has become so demented and plays his character better than anyone else imo. he is pretty much the reason that i watch smackdown now. you can tell that they are setting him up for something big. mark my words, he will be world champ by the end of 2011.

p.s. once jericho comes back, jericho will be my fav again

p.s.s. if the rock starts wrestling again, he'll be my fav. lol
As of right now, I would have to say it’s a tie between John Cena and Randy Orton. Looking at the poll, it looks like they are tied at 7 a piece. I give the nod to Cena here, as he is the captain of the VKM’s Santa Maria, while Orton is captaining the Niña. For a while there, it was the Miz and Christian, but after this past week, well, I guess I’m just chasing the Gold.
- Reasons why you think you like him;
- Anything he could change in his gimmick/attire/finisher....
- Try to post his best match, or the one you think he really shined.

Chris Jericho
because his the best in the world at what he does.And its always funny when he owns people such as

Fan:Go back to Toronto
Jericho:Im from winnipeg you idiot

His coming back with a new gimmick so nothing here.

His had quite a few good matches but I really like Him vs Rey at The Bash 2009 im pretty sure.
ON Raw

Dolph Ziggler

WHY - Best Wrestler in the company and puts on great matches.
Things to Change - Give him the Mic more and lets him win with the sleeper
Best Match - Summerslam 2009 v Rey Mysterio. Still imo the best match i've seen in wwe for along time

On Smackdown


WHY - He is just pure Awesome
Things to Change - Would love to see turn Heel and bring back tomko and the entrance gear.
Shinning Moment - Too many however i Would say his NWA World Title Win.
The Undertaker.

He will always be my favourite WWE superstar until the day he decides to pack it all in. I know he is semi retired already but he is still about lurking in the shadows and until the day he leaves for good he will reside at the top of my list. I have enjoyed his career ever since I was a kid first getting into wrestling and followed him up to nowdays..loving almost everything he has been envolved in. I did not care much for his biker phase but even that I could appreciate and enjoy certain aspects.

It's sad to think his career is coming to an end because there will never be another Undertaker (in a way that is a good thing).

As for new WWE superstars.. I like Wade Barrett.
I have to say John Morrison. He continues to impress and pull off some great stunts. It's refreshing after witnessing a lot of boring/quick matches.
His mic skills continue to improve and he looks far more comfortable talking in front of an audience. The Dirt Sheet with The Miz saved his career. Before that, he was terrible.
I'll admit, he's still far from the best but I enjoy his segments and watching him in the ring.

Notable mention: Dolph Ziggler. I love how he takes bumps and falls. When he gets punched, he falls realistically. He's gonna be a big star in the next few years. I don't know if a face turn would help him right now. p.s. I do miss his heel days where he introduced himself to everyone. that was funny.
Had to go with Sheamus. Will be that way until he leaves the company. Whether you think he deserved it or not his title win had to happen. It drew me back in. It gave me a sign of hope. I keep seeing people say that Sheamus can't cut a promo but I highly beg to differ. He is a terrific worker all around and I would love it if he took the belt off Orton (Cody and Brodus would work for me too but I'd prefer Sheamus)
My favorite superstar nowadays is John Morrison.
I like him because he is just fun to watch, he is great in ring, his mic work is improving, and he is one of the few guys that men, women, and children can get behind.
I would have to change his finisher, the Starship Pain is a pretty move, thats what it is there for, to be pretty, but he barely connects most of the time, I think he should use the Moonlight Drive or the C4 to finish opponents, or heck, even the running knee, that has took out a lot of guys lately.
The match of his that I think is the best is a match he had against Jeff Hardy for the World Heavyweight Title on SmackDown in 2009. I might not like Hardy, but that night he and Morrison put on one of the most underrated matches of the year.
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