Your Favorite Gimmick Match

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Ultimate X. Hell in a Cell. Last Man Standing. Feast or Fired. Money in the Bank. Elimination Chamber. Royal Rumble. Lethal Lockdown. Tables, Ladders & Chairs.

Where storytelling and solid technical contests are the bread and butter of pro wrestling, the gimmick match is the icing on the cake. That "something extra" that brings a sense of important or urgency to a match. They innovate and entertain, and often develop over time before coming full into their own as a concept. Wrestling would be a truly dull place in this day and age without the occasional gimmick match. But what's your favorite?

A few of my choices:

Money in the Bank - while I look forward to matches like the Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber all year long, as a concept they're just not fair. It all comes down to random happenstance: what number will I roll in this match? The guy who comes in at the end has a distinct advantage; the fact that he doesn't hardly ever win just makes them even more unbelievable. The Money in the Bank match is such a unique concept, that is totally and completely fair. A bunch of guys fight their way up ladders. Whoever gets the case wins. Everyone enters together, and generally speaking everyone has the same odds of winning. It's prize has yielded some of the best moments in recent WWE history too. I'll never forget Edge, Rob Van Dam, or CM Punk cashing in.

Ironman Match - Four guys made this concept special for me: Bret Hart, Shawn Micheals, Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar. Two of my favorite matches in history. One of them was free on Smackdown too!
I'll always have a soft spot for Last Man Standing matches.

When I started getting into WWE, Jericho had 2 great LMS matches with HHH and Kane. His match with HHH at Fully Loaded 2000 (joint favourite PPV) was great at establishing how much of a heartless bastard HHH could be, while Jericho refused to give up even with his "damaged" ribs. After taking a beating for a good 10 mins or so, he started to gain momentum and a couple of times I was sure he was going to turn it round.
Alas, trips kept him down for a ten count but only just managed to get up at the count of 9 himself. JR's commentary was also spot on.

Since then, whenever a Last Man Standing match is announced, I do get a tingle of excitement.
Ultimate X, Elimination Chamber, Money In The Bank, Feast or Fired, Royal Rumble, Championship Scramble and any other matches that involve more than two guys.

I like gimmick matches that involve only two guys but I'm more of a fan of gimmick matches that involve multiple guys. I just love the challenge of somebody trying to overcome multiple guys at one time more than just one guy.
Last Man Standing: Typically a NO DQ, No Pin situation where combatants fight all over the arena, using weapons at will. Great way to add drama to a match featuring two good performers or a way to hide the limitations of lesser talented workers. Direct relation to Falls Count Anywhere

Ladder Match/TLC: Usually a typical wrestling match with a glitch - you have to climb a ladder and retrieve something from the ceiling before your opponent to win. TLC adds a "Last Man Standing" aspect to the proceedings. Usually involves high falls from atop the ladder for both combatants, as well as table spots. Ladder matches were actually staged in Canada in the late 70s but virtually unheard of in the US. The first one on a major show was Tully Blanchard vs Dusty Rhodes at the 1987 Great American Bash (with barbed wire around the ring and $100,000 as the winner's prize suspended above the ladder). Although the classic WrestleMania bout between Shawn Michaels & Scott Hall was considered the first WWE such bout Brett Hart actually introduced the Ladder Match concept in house shows (vs Michaels) during his first WWE Title run. Edge might be the most experienced and successful TLC Match participant in WWE history and in fact participated in the very first World Title Match contested under TLC Rules (Jan 2006 vs Ric Flair on RAW). Tag Team TLC from WrestleMania 2000 and the Money In The Bank Ladder Matches of more recent vintage helped make this one of the most modified and copied concepts of all time.

Cage Match: The Best was the old school, till you drop blood fests in the old NWA when everyone but the opponents were locked outside and no one could get or in until one man submitted or was pinned. The cage typicaly played a huge role as a weapon for everyone involved along with high spots off the top rope and sometimes the top of the cage. Much more intense than the standard "Exit The Cage" style matches WWE put on in the 80s & 90s and the forerunner to...

Hell In A Cell: Combine Last Man Standing with Old School Cage and this is what you get. Beat one guy till he can no longer fight, using anything you can bring in the cage with you but once locked in no one gets in or out till someone loses.

Elimination Chamber/War Games: Elimination style match where opponents enter the ring in intervals, not at the same time. Someone gets pinned or submitts they exit and the match goes on. Elimination Chamber is more a singles type competition where as the match it is based on, War Games, was a team vs team concept. Both essentially fought with no time limit and No DQ inside a Cage.

Texas Death: Take Last Man Standing and have the match re start after every pinfall, submission until someone just cant go anymore. Usually the combatants wore street clothes (sometimes for Last Man Standing also), weapons allowed, No DQ, No Count-Out, a brief rest period followimg the conclusion of a fall after which the loser is asked if they can continue, if they answer yes the match continues.

Indian Strap/Leather Strap/Chain/Russian Chain Match: Bind two opponents together at the wrist in a No DQ environment and add the stipulation that in order to win you must tag all four ring corners before pinning (or forcing submission) from your opponent. Of course the strap/chain is used through out as a weapon. Unlike the unpredictability of Last Man Standing this match usually doesnt stray far from the ring because you have to carry your opponent around. Can be equally violent however, especially when chains are used in place of straps.
Another variation is the Dog Collar Chain Match (See Piper vs Valentine from Starrcade)

Taped Fist Boxing: Tape their hands and allow a more boxing like match style to proceed. Not seen today but was used sporadically in the 80s.

Scaffold Match: Same concept as Ladder Match only everyone starts on top of The Scaffold and fights everyone but the winner is knocked off. More dangerous than Ladder Matches because the entire bout takes place 15-20 feet above the ring (where most of the action in a Ladder Match except for individual spots takes place on the ground as normal). Due to the dangerous nature and difficulty in execution this concept died in the late 80s. Jim Cornette famously broke his leg taking a dive off one in a post match confrontation with The Road Warriors in 1986.

Coffin Match/Casket Match: Beat your opponent, often under No DQ rules, until you can lock him in a Casket. Often associated with Undertaker's gimmick.

Inferno Match: Pretty hard to set someone on fire in a wrestling match, sometimes done in conjunction with Casket Match setting, not seen much now.

Iron Man Match: Usual rules apply except that the match continues after each fall until the time limit (usually 30 or 60 minutes) has expired. Only top quality performers can sustain a match and maintain interest that long without too much repitition so this one isnt seen as much. Undertaker, Kurt Angle, & Triple H have wrestled in them. HBK vs Hart at WrestleMania is probably the most famous but like the Ladder Match it wasnt the first time such match was held in WWE. Hart wrestled Iron Man Matches vs Ric Flair during his 1st WWE Title run, again on the house show circuit, in late 92/early 93 before Flair left the company. The NWA didnt do Iron Man matches per se but they did rely heavily on...

Best Of 3 Falls: Sometimes without a time limit, first combatant to 3 falls (typical rules) wins. While Brett Hart was helping to introduce ladder matches & Iron Man bouts into 1990s WWE Ric Flair specialized in these marathon encounters during the 80s. Again, typically a longer match that favors more skilled in ring performers.

3 Stages: take the Best Of Three Falls Concept and add a twist... each fall is contested under different rules/gimmick. Maybe Submission Match for fall one, Ladder Match for Fall 2, cage match for fall 3 or something similar. Again, there is flexibility on the combination of gimmicks but more skilled performers are needed.

Hard Core Rules: Basically Last Man Standing but with a greater emphasis on the weapons angle, an ode to ECW.

Elimination Tag Team: Teams face off, usually under normal rules but with a twist. When a member of one team is eliminated via pinfall, count-out, or submission they leave but the match re starts with the remaining participants, lasting until one team has been completely eliminated.

Battle Royal/Royal Rumble/Bunkhouse Stampede: Put a large number of combatants, sometimes over twenty, in the ring together with elimination via over the top rope throws only and continue until only one man is left. Typically all the combatants are in the ring together at the start of the match. In a Bunkhouse style battle royal they wear street clothes and use weapons in a more NO DQ/Last Man Standing style. In a Royal Rumble the wrestlers enter the ring individually at intervals, usually every one or two minutes, based on drawing numbers. This style favors those who draw later numbers as they essentially miss much of the match (Like Cena this year) although stars like Ric Flair, HBK, HHH, and Rey Misterio, Jr have entered early in the match (among the first three participants) and held on to win in different years.

My personal favorite though...

Submission/I Quit:Take two competitors in an extremely fierce, personal feud and place them in a match where there is No DQ, No Pins, No Count-Outs, and no end until one combatant says "I Quit". Back in the day this match was incredibly intense because of the rarity of top level performers beating other stars with submission moves. That concept died in the 90s and in fact it is not uncommon to see Random Star A beat Random Star B on TV, PPV, or the house show circuit via a submission move if in fact that is their general finisher. Still, given the right set up story wise this match can still be an intensely brutal and entertaining affair. Brett Hart vs Steve Austin and Tully Blanchard vs Magnum TA are easily the most famous (and among the most entertaining).This match, due to the violent nature, is usually contested under NO DQ style rules and often with no time limit.
I always liked the battle royal. I like when all the guys start in the ring at the same time as opposed to Royal Rumble style. Battle royals just always had that unpredictable feel, and you gotta love when all of the participants gang up on the biggest guy to throw him out. It happens at least once in every one. Even today when they will occasionally throw a battle royal together I still enjoy them.
Money In The Bank
As if regular Ladder Matches were not great enough, these have several wrestlers competing at once and the prize up for grabs is the crucial briefcase with the guaranteed match for the WWE/World Championship. To say it's every man for himself is an understatement. The Money In The Bank matches are full of crazy spots when the competitors try to win the championship match opportunity. It's always fun to predict who will win and to speculate on what each contender would be like as the next world title holder. Some don't like that they now have the two (red & blue) as opposed to just one, but the gimmick is popular enough to make it work. Plus if things don't work out with the first wrestler to cash in, they still have the other one. I anticipate it every single time it is used....

I love these matches. The use of Tables, Ladders, and Chairs during a match where they are legal to be used as weapons creates a chaotic environment that has never failed to entertain me. Not just one, but three different items are legal weapons due to the match stipulation! Tables Matches and Ladders matches are crazy enough on their own but when you add them together with steel chairs thrown in under TLC rules there's endless possibilities of what can happen. Whether it be a 1 on 1, triple threat, fatal fourway, tag team, or any other combination of competitors, I look forward to just about any TLC match. The TLC PPV is my favorite of the gimmick themed shows too. Even if the match is between wrestlers I'm not even that interested in then I'd still consider watching it if it was under TLC stipulations. In the WWE video games TLC is hands down my favorite match type while on the real shows it and Money In The Bank are my two favorite types. TNA's Full Metal Mayhem counterpart is great as well!
My top three gimmick matches would be as follows...
1-Best 2 out of 3 falls, it was an old standard and use to be quit common, 2- Iron Man Match , a derivitive of the 2 out of 3 falls match but with a time limit added and falls just keep accumulating thrw out the match , 3- Submission matches / I quit matches - Making your oponant tap out or giving up always made for a hard fought match.
Royal Rumble match is my favourite. The fact that the winner is so important and shapes the road to the biggest night of the year grips everyone each year.

MITB for similar reasons as well as the incredible action and the spots in this match are usually unforgettable. Lethal Lockdown was another favourite of mine. I liked the use of weapons and the two different teams facing each other.
One of my favorites has to be War Games. Two rings, both enclosed in a cage. One man from each team starts. Then a coin toss determines which team can send a man in after the 5 min window ends. The teams rotate until all wrestlers from both teams are in the cage. Then, the Match Beyond begins. Submission or surrender is the only way to win.
Barbed wire matches nobody could get in to interfere and the opponents stayed in the ring, boot camp matches, bunkhouse matches, and other old school style no DQ matches maybe it was due to the amount of legit tough guys, barroom brawlers, and tough as nails country boys that were in the sport back in the day that made these matches believable and the scarcity of them today is why I miss these type of matches.
I would have said Money In The Bank but since it became it's own gimmick PPV and is not show cased at WrestleMainia anymore it has lost alot of it's steam IMO.

It was short lived but I was a major fan of the championship scramble match.

I have always been a fan of the timer in wrestling gimmick matches,it just seems to add a sense of urgency to the story being told in the ring and for some unknown reason I just REALLY enjoyed the match.

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