Your favorite former WWE/F diva.


Future Diva, Womans and Divas champ
Okay this is simple who is your favorite past not current WWE/F diva and explain why she is your favorite.

Mine would have to be Lita. She was awesome in the ring and she was great on the mic. She also had a moveset that had never been seen done before by a diva. She earned the nickname the diva of extreme and is a former 4 time womans champion {I think she should be the 7 time champ not Trish she deserved it more she put her body on the line way more then Trish did}. Lita also had some of the best WWE fueds by a WWE diva and she could do great as a heel or face and you don't see that often and she kept the fans entertained. She also always had a great theme song and an original ring entrance. Miss her a lot she was and still is a role model for me and is my favorite of all time.{Mickie being a very close 2nd}

So who is your favorite and why?
My favorite former diva has to be the original Diva Sunny. Now she was never much of a wrestler, but then again she never needed to be. She was a great manager, had a good gimmick going on (even though she didn't really need one), was quite a big part of WWF programming in 95-96 and was maybe the best looking diva there ever was, plus she became the blueprint for all divas to follow, in a nutshell she did her job well, very well. You also got to remember I was 9 and 10 when she came in and back then I had a HUGE crush on Sunny, and for that reason she's one of the divas I remember most.
There maybe have been better divas that followed (like Lita and Trish) but Sunny was by far my favorite.
Mine would have to also be Lita, although i was upset all of that happened with the Hardy incident, she is still my favorite, becuse she was crazy, she was good, she was in Team Xtreme, and she is the hottest diva to ever step foot in the ring, right above ashley, who i feel copied litas look and character. Lita will forever be the best diva in the wwe.
In my mind Lita was overrated yes I know that may sound crazy to some of you but in my mind and others may agree with me she was kind of sloppy in the ring. The only thing that really separated Lita from other divas was that she could do a moonsault but I still believe Lita is much better than any current diva today. I would have to go with Trish because it was interesting to watch her grow from Vince Mcmahon's girlfriend to arguably the greatest female wrestler of all time.
As far as crushing on, it would definately have to be Sunny. She was the first person involved in wrestling that i ever really thought was sexy.

As far as an actual wrestler goes that would be Trish Stratus. She really evolved into one of the all time best women wrestlers.
Without a doubt I have to say it is a tie between Sable and Ivory. Sable with out a doubt was the original marketing tool in the WWF. She proved more so then Sunny that a women can be a wrestler and still sell. She's opened the door for Trish. She was good in the ring. She sold her sexuality the best of any diva. She also was the best Diva on the mic and in intensity. Overall she was great and built the diva division. My choice of Ivory is really odd. To me she shown that a Diva can be successful without being a grade A hottie. She had one of the best in ring skills of all divas. She made feuds interesting. Overall she opened the door for divas like Lita proving that a girl can be a tough nose gem not necessary a bombshell.
Wrestler: Candice Michelle: She was sexy, she knew hot to play to that. Even when she didn't know how to wrestle. Then she imprested me when she learned how to wrestle. She show'ed me moves (in the ring) that I had never seen before (even by men). Plus those huge boobs didn't hurt either:worship:. Managers : Debra and Stacy Keibler: I love that Debra and Stacy didn't do that stupid, get on the aporn and scream at the ref distarction.:banghead: Atleast in Stacy's case not all the time. I loved hom much Debra show'ed of the boobs (even in her bra still). I also love Stacy lifting her skirt, so thats why they are my fav managers.:worship:
Sable, hands down.

Sunny comes in at a close second, though.

Sunny was definitely the first woman who could draw on her own. The Smoking Gunns were lucky to be teamed with her, hell anybody was lucky to be teamed with her. Sable followed Stych's game plan carefully.

From her debut at Wrestlemania 12 as Triple H's valet, I could tell she wasn't one of the normal girls. This valet wasn't going to be tossed to the side. Cue program between Triple H and the debuting Marc Mero. Eventually Sable draws more reaction than Mero does and we all know where it went from there. Sable was one of the major characters of the Attitude Era, and people might forget that some times. Who could forget the gimmick where Sable was coming to the ring with bruises on her eyes, wearing a potato sack to the ring? The buildup to the Finger Paint Bra at Fully Loaded was golden. That moment is still considered by many as one of the defining moments of the Attitude Era.

"This is for all the men who came to see me... and all the women who want to be me. Are you boys ready for the grind?!"

Ha ha. That shit was priceless. Sable performed at two consecutive Wrestlemanias. First teaming with Mero at Mania 14 to defeat TAFKA Goldust and Luna Vachon, and the following year defending her Women's Championship against Tori. If you go back and watch those matches, while they're not comparable to some of the women's wrestling today, for the time Sable was raising a bar in the WWE.

Sable (and Sunny) carved a spot in WWE programming now known to fans as the Diva's division. Without them, WWE would have never been the same.
My pick is Mickie James.
Not only was she a competent wrestler unlike a lot of "diva's" who have a limited array of moves,but her "spunkiness" and "girl next door" looks made her one of the better divas.
WWE has a tendency to over manufacture their divas into silicone parodies of porn stars or barbies. It was always easy to get behind Mickie in pretty much any feud she was in as she played the underdog role very well and her spunkiness was infectious.
Well , I like the Divas who can wrestle .
So my pick would have to be Trish Stratus . PWI Woman of the year (2002,2003,2005,2006) , PWI Woman of the decade , she's a 7 time WWE Woman's Champion , and she's been apart of one of the best womans feud , Mickie James vs Trish Stratus.

Lita would be a close second . I just didn't like her with Edge . I disagree with you on how Lita should have been a 7 time world champion instead of Trish though . IMO , Trish is a far better wrestler and she is better looking . (I'm not saying she's hot , that would be creepy since I'm a girl.)
Lita spent far to much time from the Hardy's to Edge .
That's just my opinion . :)
I have to pick, Trish Stratus, she came in in 2000 and looked amazing, and she was amongst those like Lita, Chyna etc. It wasn't an easy division to compete in at the time and she made it work, she diminated for like 5 years the division including her over year long reign as womens champion...She never botched her moves, her moves were great and she also sold very well...only some injuries she had which were a bit serious, but she always came back wanted more...

Honourable Mention
Fabolous Moolah!
Def. Lita. Watch her work in TLC2. She's the only diva at the time that could pull a run-in like that off. Not sure any Diva today could (perhaps Beth Phoenix?).

Trish is fine and had a nicer ass but Lita was (IMO) a much-better all-around Diva and Wrestler. It's a fine line to be sure but again I give the nod to Lita just due to her ability to contribute to the Male wrestlers without it looking as stupid as if (say) tiny, frail KellyKelly tried a run-in.
My hands down favorite diva of all time is Ms. Mickie James. She was so vivacious and full of such tenacity and spunkiness that soooooooo many people loved/liked/cheered for the girl!!! I think she is one of the best technical female wrestlers the wwe had seen in a long time, so sad to see her go. Cant deny I am hoping for the day mickie james music fills a WWE arena again :) My second (and have to mention) diva, is Chyna. She was a powerhouse and yes, I know she didnt like competing against the women, but talk about dominant, and not to mention it was tight to see her become a multi time IC champ.
I think by the avatar you can guess it.

Mickie James was the sole reason why I continued to watch wrestling, still having an effect on me today. I pretty much lost interest in watching any form of wrestling at that time and was transitioning on like most youngens do... until she appeared on-screen and began to play out her character. Every week, I tuned into seeing her and despite being the heel, I was rooting for her to give Trish Stratus a beating. Other than being a fan, I felt that she was the best psychological wrestler the WWE picked up in a long time. I'm not saying this because she was a psycho character, it's due to her being able to use psychology in a wrestling match... something most girls fail to accomplish as a wrestler (as a Diva, I mean). Her technical skills were pretty good too and had moves in her arsenal for any situation, making her very adaptable to any match.

It's a shame she's left, but she's got new horizons to check out. Hopefully Dreamer picks her up for TNA. That'd get me watching for sure.
I went through stages of having crushes on so many of the WWE divas in the late 90s/early 2000s.

The Kat
Trish Stratus
Terri Runnels
Mickie James

but if I had to pick one I would say Trish- the perfect combination of stunning looks and great wrestling ability. Lita pushes her close, as I loved her high flying moves, but Trish's development from just being this INCREDIBLY hot valet with little or no wrestling skill, to being the best womens champion of her era, and one of the best of all time.

Plus she is absolutely gorgeous!
I like a lot of different divas for a lot of different reasons, so I can't narrow it down more than three. I find Lita to be all around overrated. She had a nice moveset, but it was an extremely sloppy one. Which, for me at least, detracted from her in ring work.

I like Molly Holly for her all around wrestling skill, she flew well when she was a face and she had a brutal brawling/technical game when she was a heel. I'm surprised no one mentioned her yet. Of course, she wasn't the same kind of attractuve as the other women and I know that factors in for some of you.

I also like Jazz because she's just a tough chick and unlike women like Chyna and Beth she's not overly muscular she's just naturally dominating. (Which can't be taught) She wrestled men without really being anywhere near close to their size and looked damn convincing doing it.

Trish Stratus is my final one simply because her charisma and looks was a draw to the women's division during her time period. She also developed into a pretty fine in ring worker. She was the first female total package that the WWE had seen in a long time and they've yet to find an all around talent to replace her.

For some reason, I'm really pulling for Alicia Fox to develop into that, but it was recently brought to my attention that not many straight guys find her attractive. Which, judging from this thread at least, is going to be a HUGE strike against her.
I'm torn between two...

One of the obvious ones, I know, but I was a huge Hardy Boyz fan and she was the Hardy Girl. Diving Hurricanrana, and a moonsault most male wrestlers would die for. And she wasn't afraid to mix it with the guys (TLC II, as already mentioned). Plus, with Trish Stratus, she put on the best diva's match in WWE (that actually main-evented RAW!)

Trish Stratus
The other obvious choice! Lets face it, as King would say, she didnt know a wrist lock from a wrist watch when she debuted. But she worked at it, kept putting the effort in, and by 2002 she was IMO the best diva wrestler in the WWE, and kept that status till she left. Hell, when she came back for one night as John Cena's tag partner, she still rocked more than the current crop.

Honourable mention goes to Molly Holly, but Lita and Trish were just on another level.

Almost all the other divas who accompany a male wrestler to ringside take on the characteristics of their guy. For example,Ted DiBiase is nasty, so they picked a nasty Maryse to walk with him.

Liz was the first diva who's character was in total contrast to her man. She personified sweetness and class even as Randy Savage was the most vile villain in pro wrestling. Their "Beauty and the Beast" schtick kept me coming back week after week hoping they would reconcile after their long estrangement. When it finally happened, Elizabeth looked so damn good at Macho Man's side after months of Sensational Sherry. Compare Liz's quiet, unassuming persona and put it next to Sherry's loud, over-the-top maniacal approach. Sherry was a female version of Savage and his return to Elizabeth's side made us believe that the beast had been tamed by the beauty. Great stuff.

For my favorite diva, I'd love to pick a wrestler.... but Elizabeth was such an outstanding character that I have to choose her.
Has to be Sunny, people have already explained why. She was just stunning and as a kid I was besotted.
oh im going way off the map here, but the ORIGINAL woman of wrestling.
Mary Lillian Ellison AkA " The Fabulous Moolah" if you ask almost any woman in wrestling today (over the age of 24) who inspired them to get into the biz was? and they will say Moola.
Okay this is simple who is your favorite past not current WWE/F diva and explain why she is your favorite.

Mine would have to be Lita. She was awesome in the ring and she was great on the mic. She also had a moveset that had never been seen done before by a diva. She earned the nickname the diva of extreme and is a former 4 time womans champion {I think she should be the 7 time champ not Trish she deserved it more she put her body on the line way more then Trish did}. Lita also had some of the best WWE fueds by a WWE diva and she could do great as a heel or face and you don't see that often and she kept the fans entertained. She also always had a great theme song and an original ring entrance. Miss her a lot she was and still is a role model for me and is my favorite of all time.{Mickie being a very close 2nd}

So who is your favorite and why?

I agree 100% with you. Lita was the best, no doubt about it. I LOVVVEEEDDDDD her entrance and theme plus she always had me on the edge of my seat. She was a great face but played a heel naturally. I liked her either way. She is my complete inspiration to become a WWE diva.
I wasn't a huge fan of Stratus when she was popular, mostly because of the whole Trish/Vince affair, and her heel run being the biggest thing around the time I started getting really into wrestling. But, I would have to say my favorite former diva is Victoria/Tara. Victoria was one of the best wrestlers in the divas division, had a great grasp on psychology, and was a great heel. Her run in TNA was great, and she was consistently one of the very best Knockouts. Now that she's techincally a free agent, I've been not-so-secretly hoping that she makes her WWE return. I know they would (most likely) take her back in a heart beat, because the backstage politics don't apply as harshly to the divas for the most part. Gail Kim is still trying to climb the ranks, but that's partially because of her lackluster performance, and not the WWE's treatment of her. Lita was wicked awesome, and a great case can be made for her as the greatest of all time, but Victoria is my personal favorite.
Sunny. The original diva. She was a WWF diva before the inception of the term.

Hot as hell. Great body, pretty face. Perfect bitchy disposition. Competent but not fantastic in the ring. Excellent manager, able to do promos, able to announce/do commentary as well.

She paved the way in a number of respects for the others who have followed her.

And she still looks pretty good today. Not as spectacular as back in the day, but still pretty fine if you asked me.
I think my favourite Diva is probably Lita, at this point.

For me, Lita was the most exciting WWF/E Diva that competed back in the day and she really had it all. Her run in the ring with Essay Rios and then The Hardy’s showed that she had the talent to be able to pull off some really exceptional things. I don’t think I have seen a Diva that has been as good or as athletic as she was when she was with The Hardy’s. Her feuds with Trish Stratus are probably the best Diva feud that the WWE has had in its history and it was very entertaining to see how it was going to pan out continually.

Not only was she exceptional inside of the ring, she was an excellent valet. She worked for both The Hardy’s and Edge. Her run with Edge was probably was probably her finest moment and that is actually saying a lot. Most people gave her the right kind of heat and her relationship with Edge was always entertaining. Her mic work was pretty damn good too and I think that outside of Trish Stratus, she was probably the closest the WWE were ever going to get to coming up with the total package for a WWE Diva.

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