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Your 5 top big men!


Pre-Show Stalwart
So WWE is doing a thing on their website about the best big men in the business and i was thinking to myself, Hey great topic for some discussion!

Limited to only WWE/F characters
Only 5!!!!! No honorable mentions!!!!!

So here are my top 5 in order from best to worst!

1. Undertaker!
Man this guy is WWE! He has held mutiple world titles, won a rumble match, NEVER LOST at WM. He has the best gimmick in the WWE, and always will. There is no one that could ever replace the guy. HE is a real company man. He puts people over like crazy and He is the Best there is!! So good in the ring for his size! WM 25 will forever be a moment in history as one of the best matches EVER!

2. Yokozuna
This guy was a solid heel for a long time. He won world titles,and was always one of the most hated. I think for his time in WWE he was golden and people loved to hate this guy. The reel Un-American! USA USA USA

3. Andre
Talk about classic big men. This guy was a great heel, he couldn't talk worth crap but he did have one of the biggest wrestling moments EVER with Hulk Hogan when he got slammed. This guy was good at what he did!He even had a classic moment with Bob Uecker!

4. Kane
At first when he debuted i thought he was only around for a while and then he stayed and it payed off for WWE big time. One of the most underrated guys in the WWE. True company guy, loves to put superstars over. Won one world title (shoulda been more) and was a multiple time tag champ. He is the best masked wrestler ever. Sorry Rey!

5. Big Show
Just a great heel! not to good as a face. He is a really funny guy! and can deliver in promos.Rapping with Cena (Classis) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcWe-VwfEk8. He can actually move in the ring just like taker and Kane. He is a multiple time champ and tag champ. My favorite wrestler to come over from WCW and stay in WWE. Sorry Jericho, you are an amazing wrestler and awesome on the mic! but Show has got ur number on this one in my book!!!

so what are your top 5 big guys?
I love the question, you gotta love a big man that can actually work. Thats why I have to disagree with Andre. I realise the guy was once the biggest name in wrestling. But during his main WWF the guy could hardly move, it was sad to watch.

1 The Undertaker. He has to be number one. He has stood the test of time and can work with any wrestler either big or small. He got a bit stale during the early 2000s but has totally brought back his A game.

2 Brock Lesnar. The next big thing Brock Lesnar was massive. He got a massive push and really lived up to it. The guy could really work and was a legit bad ass. The fueds with Kurt Angle and Undertaker were classics.

3 Bam Bam Bigelow. The beast from the east was one of my all time favourite wrestlers. Not only did he look really scary he could wrestler beautifully. Had a classic Wrestlemania moment with LT which made him some serious cash. Also had one of the best finishing move names ever (Greetings from Ashbury Park)

4 Kane. When Kane first burst on the scene he was fantastic. Attacking Taker during Hell and the cell, really shocked the wrestling world. Its a shame that he only held the world title for 24 hours.

5 Yokozuna. A truly great heel who sadly passed away too early. Teamed up with Mr Fuji and Jim Cornette he was the WWFs main man. BANZAI!
I would put Brock on the list, but he never reached 300 lbs, which for me is the minimum requirement to qualify as a "big man"

Here are mine:

5. Vader-Incredibly agile for his size. I mean the guy could do a moonsault for crying out loud! When I was growing up, he was one of my dad's favorite wrestlers and over time I grew to like him as much as he did. When you see a big guy with that unforgettable mask, you knew it was 9:18 PM...wait, no my bad...IT'S VADER TIME!!!

4. Kane-He was placed correctly in your list so I put him in mine. When masked, he was incredibly feared amongst the entire locker room. When he unmasked that just pissed him off even more. And now he's one of the most dependable guys to put over Vince's next big star. He may not win a lot these days, but he's still one of my favorite guys to watch in the ring.

3. Andre-It is so unfortunate that I was not born before WrestleMania III to watch Hogan/Andre but thanks to the wonders of the internet I can relive Andre's greatest moments. I never thought Andre was athletic, but what seeing him even on a computer screen is a sight to behold. I can understand why people paid top dollar to see him.

2. Big Show-He has what Andre didn't. An advanced moveset. Thanks to YouTube I got to witness Show perform a dropkick. How many people 500 lbs do you know could pull that off? Plus there are tons of rumors that he could pull off a moonsault in his prime, which I do believe to be true. Another thing he has is that he's incredibly charismatic. I still remember when he imitated Fat Bastard on Smackdown. Or when he imitated John Cena during his rapper days. True there was a time when he really wasn't all that fun to watch, but since he paired with Jericho and Miz, add to that his new face turn, Big Show has definitely helped me keep my eyes glued to the screen on Friday nights.

1. The Undertaker. 18-0 at WrestleMania. Numerous World Championships. Company man. Still kickin in his 40s (well, at least 6 months out of the year). But the thing that makes Undertaker the best is his ability to adapt and evolve both his moveset and his character. When people were getting smart about his Deadman gimmick, he became a biker to become more "realistic", and when people decide to accept his classic gimmick, he went back to it but at the same time, kept touches of his American Badass character. Not only that he is deadly in strikes, in power moves like the Last Ride and the Tombstone Piledriver, and in ground moves like his Hell's Gate submission. Undertaker top the big man chart and is definitely on my list of the greatest wrestlers of all time.
This is a good debate. WWE/F has been blessed with some great big men during the years. I've been a WWE/F views since 1983, so my picks are going to go back alittle bit

5) King Kong Bundy, a serious big man, who was always a heel. Making the Wrestlemania moment by beating SD Jones in record time and his vicious wars with Hogan were classic.
4) Big John Studd, one of the first big men in wrestling. His fueds with Andre and Hogan, always had you on the edge of your seat, hoping your favorite didnt get beat.
3)Yokozuna, a big man who could acutally wrestle and put on a great match with smaller, quicker wrestlers.
2) Undertaker, yes he has been the mainstay of the WWE/F, has held many many titles, changed his character back and forth, and still is a favorite of everyone.
1) Andre, the big man was LOVED by everyone, and when he turned on Hogan, you would have thought the world was comming to an end.
These are my thoughts, Whatcha think??
i'm gonna go against the mold just a little bit with some of mine or at least for my reasons in picking them:

1. number one has to be Undertaker. he is the WWE. with the streak, his many titles, his timeless gimmicks, his ability to go with anyone in the ring or with any style, his adapted move set over the years, etc. Undertaker has done it all.

2. Andre the Giant. besides the many classic moments and feuds this guy had, he really opened up the door to wrestling superstars getting into movies. this was the first guy to really be known to the non-wrestling world as a wrestling superstar. after his movies, you saw Hogan, Piper and now everyone in wrestling doing movies. Andre opened the door for wrestlers to go Hollywood, and for that he is a breakthru guy. plus he was the first man in the Hall of Fame and just all in all, the 8th Wonder of the World.

3. Kane. he's been around forever, did some terrible gimmicks, but overcame them to become the big red machine. his rumble appearances are pretty classic and he's had some of the greatest feuds and matches. many have said it before and i completely agree that this might be one of the most under rated stars of wrestling.

4. Bam Bam Bigelow. he may not have been the biggest, but he was one of the baddest. before the beast from the east, most big men stayed on their feet. but Bam Bam changed that for everybody. it wasn't just the running big splash as a finisher or a body avalanche. it was a top rope diving headbutt! this guy changed the way big men were seen as not just monster muscles, but monster high flyers with devastating move sets from the top rope and highly acrobatic for their size. if not for Bam Bam, there would have been no Vader with the moonsault and there would have been no Big Show with the drop kick. it would have just been lots of chokes, slams and splashes. truly a revolutionary big man.

5. Rikishi. i just liked him, so i'm putting him on my top five, but it's a close call between him and Yokozuna. all in all though, i thought Rikishi had a much better move and skill set. the stink face, though disgusting, was a huge pop every time. and his splash on Val Venis from the top of the cage, and his chokeslam from the Undertaker off the top of the cell for that matter, were super sick spots for guys half his weight. he really just evolved as a wrestler over his many gimmicks and the Rikishi character was my favorite of his and the most fun to watch, as far as big men go.
I'm kinda suprised that no-one has mentioned Hogan yet..... I'm not going to either, so maybe I shouldn't be that suprised lol. I'm going to ignore the obvious names and list a few that other people maghn not have thought of.
5) Godfather - One of the most popular gimmick of all time. Also wrestled in WWF as Kama Mustafa and Papa Shango
4) Scott Hall - Great on the mic, great in the ring. Simple as that.
3) Kane - I know he has been mentioned, but he's a great pick.
2) Kevin Nash - See Scott Hall
1) Undertaker - I can't say anything about him that hasn't already been said, so I won't even try lol
In no particular order my top five are :
Vader - The man around the world until WWE screwed him up. Was able to recover and be huge again over in Japan.
Big Boss Man - One of the best big men ever, still love his match with the Mountie at Summerslam 91
Undertaker - F'n love this man and all he's done for wrestling.
The Giant - I'm talking about the Big Show when he was in WCW in late 95 to mid 97. In that time he kept his weight in check, made the effort and was darn impressive. Sucked since then though
Sid - Crap in the ring but great charisma and, to me, was part of the move towards attitude when he caused HBK to get booed at Survivor Series 96
I'm not sure if the OP meant Top 5 Big Men as in DURING their time in WWF/WWE or that have at least competed in WWF/WWE. My list consists of the latter:

1. Big Van Vader (World Champion 10 times on 4 continents)

2. Sid Vicious/Justice (One of few to be WWF Champion AND WCW World Heavyweight Champion; former WCW United States Heavyweight Champion)

3. Kevin Nash/Diesel/Vinnie Vegas/Oz (Again, one of few to be WWF Champion AND WCW World Heavyweight Champion; held TNA and WCW World Tag-Team Titles)

4. Andre The Giant (former WWF Champion; side note - NWA World Heavyweight Champion Harley Race slammed Andre long before Hogan did at WM3 - also, Andre was billed at 7'4" but was really only 6'11")5

5. Bam Bam Bigelow (competed in ECW, WWF, and WCW)
I'm going to go with a more traditonal list

1 Andre the Giant - The 8th wonder of the world

2) Hogan - David to Andre's Goliath.

3) Taker - Pretty much took Andre's spot as the invincible force of WWE.

4)Nash - The edgy 90's version of what a big man should be

5) Hall - The best selling big man of all time. He makes whomever takes him out look like gold with his overselling.
1)Undertaker-Taker gets my number 1 for the fact he is 18-0 at wrestlemania, he is a former world champion.Has had some of the best Hell In A Cell and has one of the best gimmicks out there.The music fits him well and he has been one of the front men for WWE for a long time.

2)Kevin Nash-Nash had a terrible gimmick in WCW the first time around and then after teaming with Shawn he rose to gold.Nash became WWE Champion and took off.His work with WCW and the outsiders was great.How they invaded WCW and all that.Nash is still wrestling today and gets my number 2.

3)Andre-He beats Hogan cause I always liked him more.He is one of my favourite heels of all time and I loved to see him beat up The Ultimate Warroir.Andre gets this spot becasue of his speed for a big guy and some of his great matchs.

4)Hogan-The biggest wrestling icon on the planet.If you don't watch wrestling you still know Hogan.He is the biggest star of the 90's and a former world champion.He slam Andre at Mania 3 and that moment still lives on today.

5)Big Show-Show has been a former world champion and is still in the title picture.He has been tag champion and even WCW Champion.Show has shown over the years that he is one of the best big man of today.And thats why he gets my number 5.

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