Best Big Man Wrestlers?

Ide have to say Kane when he was wearing the Mask he was great then ,he was always kickin butt and takin names but now that he dont have the mask on hes a bum everytime his match come on smackdown i laugh because i know whats gonna happen...hes gonna lose
r u crazy in my veiw i have 2 go with kevin nash he has the most devastating finsha in all of sports he has been a multiaple time wcw world champ(wea the big boys play)and also a wwf cham and what big men otha than big sexy can say " i beat bob bulcnd in 8 secounds
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. The Undertaker will always be at the top of anybody's list, that's something that NO other big man can do. Undertaker is truly a great and one of the only real legends in the WWE today. His loyalty to the McMahons is unbelieveable. Nobody besides Andre or Kane has ever stayed that long with WWE without ever working for another promotion or even talking about it. 'Taker was there through the high's and low's and that's just one of the reasons I respect him.

'Taker is just so athletic. I think that's what convinced me when I first saw him wrestle. The man can do things that almost no other 300 pounder can do. He's been over since day one. I think that of all the superstars today, The Undertaker leaving the WWE would hurt them the most. He's always been there. He's been unrivaled for years and he still has it. Undertaker is THE best big Wrestler I've ever seen. Andre and Kane are very close though.
4) Lance Hoyt: People can hate all they want but the best big man in TNA is Lance Hoyt he remind's me of Test but he's a little more athletic he's a very good big man and I hope he gets his chance to shine.

Worst i'd go with: Hulk Hogan: I don't know if he has a talented bone in his body, Andre The Giant: I don't think he could move let alone wrestle, Giant Gonzalas: I want even insult anyone by saying what he did was wrestling, The Great Khaili: I would explain but I don't think this one needs an explaination, and Abdulla the Butcher: he just f*cking sucks.

Wow...just wow. I know this was from a long time ago, and hopefully you've changed your mind, but you have Lance Hoyt on your list of good wrestlers and Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant on the list of bad ones.

Undertaker :undertaker2: ,hands down.How many others at near 7' can walk the ropes or do a suicide dive over them?
Athleticism does not make a good wrestler.

As far as my list...

1. Hulk Hogan - Should not have to be explained, but will anyways. The man was fantastic. He knew how to work a crowd probably better than any wrestler before or since. He could wrestle a variety of styles, and knew how to tell a story in the ring. His psychology was spot on. He was the biggest face AND the biggest heel in history. He led wrestling through not one, but TWO boom periods.

2. Vader - Most of what I could say about Vader has already been said. The guy was a freakin' beast

3. Undertaker - He is the go to guy to put against poor big man wrestlers and make them look good. He can also work very well with any style of wrestler. He's never displayed great selling skills, but that can't be held against him considering the gimmick. Believable offense, good charisma, and always has a hot crowd.

4. Andre the Giant - Most internet forum wrestling fans don't know this, but Andre the Giant actually used to wear trunks. True story. This is significant because in his early years he wore trunks because he did not have all of that weight on due to his disease and the man was entertaining as hell and was actually quite quick for a man his size. He was the biggest draw in the world before Hulk Hogan took over. Crowds would come to see him take on two or three wrestlers at a time. Andre in his prime was phenomenal. He had unmatched charisma and was loved by all.

5. Big Show - Simply put, he was the only interesting thing about the new ECW until his retirement. And, yes, that includes the random directionless matches that CM Punk had.
For pure technical wrestling ability the greatest "big man" wrestler would have to be Samoa Joe. I know he is under the 6'6" but a man 300 lbs that moves like a cruiserweight and is a technician like Benoit why should a few inches make a difference?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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