You wanted it... you got it... Cena's gimmick change!

I agree with Smokey... He really isnt bad in the ring anymore... His matches on PPV's are much better...
Aren't you drunk Paul? J/k

His matches in the PPV's are 100% the same, I've watched them and the only time he used something different was at ONS.
Flames Out
Yes I am...

SD Cena > Raw Cena

Back to the gimmick... It really hasny changed much? I think hes doin the camo/salute thing to promote his movie...
Cena is useless, he can't wrestle, he can't get the crowd on his side all he does is sell t-shirts and run into people. He needs to get the hell away from the main events.
SyStem said:
Chokeslam = Body slam
Tombstone = Piledriver
RKO = Stunner

I really can't think of a devastating finisher.

And who the hell are you to diss his work ethic? Cena is one of the hardest working people in the WWE. He does whatever they tell him to and has earned the right to hold the title. You just wish you could be half as loved as John Cena is. You probably haven't worked hard for a damn thing in your life ever, so you think you can run around flapping your gums like you're tough shit. He is an accomplished wrestler, has a movie, has his own CD, and is constantly traveling the country promoting the WWE. So, unless you've done anything near what he's done. Shut your mouth, know your role.
I'm sorry, do you mean that only legendary wrestlers are allowed to criticise John Cena? Or maybe just your average Hollywood movie stars? Also, I don't see the Chokeslam being all that similar to a body slam (and if it is, I'm obviously not allowed to like it), the tombstone is actually called the tombstone piledriver and the RKO is kind of similar to a stunner but it's actual name is a jumping cutter and it's much more athletic than the stunner. But hey, you're right, we think we're tough sh*t because we don't like John Cena and we have the actually toughness to type in a mesage on the internet forums
SyStem said:
Chokeslam = Body slam
Tombstone = Piledriver
RKO = Stunner

I really can't think of a devastating finisher.

And who the hell are you to diss his work ethic? Cena is one of the hardest working people in the WWE. He does whatever they tell him to and has earned the right to hold the title. You just wish you could be half as loved as John Cena is. You probably haven't worked hard for a damn thing in your life ever, so you think you can run around flapping your gums like you're tough shit. He is an accomplished wrestler, has a movie, has his own CD, and is constantly traveling the country promoting the WWE. So, unless you've done anything near what he's done. Shut your mouth, know your role.

wow man you must really love Cena to come to his rescue like that...i know everything about hard work buddy...50 hrs. a week in a mill will do that to you, and i work hard because i have a family and a mortgage to you know your role and clean you room before your mamma grounds you
mr. krinkle said:
wow man you must really love Cena to come to his rescue like that...i know everything about hard work buddy...50 hrs. a week in a mill will do that to you, and i work hard because i have a family and a mortgage to you know your role and clean you room before your mamma grounds you

What he's saying about cena is that he's got a job to do, just like you do. For all you know, he probably hasnt even had time to learn something new because he has been a.) promoting the WWE and b.) promoting/filming the movie. He's still a young wrestler and he has a way to go, but all you have to do is give the guy time. Sure probably him having the title wasnt the BEST idea ever, in fact, im sure he would be 90% less criticized if he wasnt such a main-eventer
sd cena > raw cena

the rapper gimmick was a lot better than the soldier gimmick is. i like when cena would wear all the throwback jersey and all that. thats what i liked about him. wearing throwbacks and rapping, now with that wierd salute he does and wears his own shirts, i dont like it much at all. bring cena the rap gimmick back, turn him heel, or bring him the sd.

and he cant wrestle period. he does the same stuff over and over again and its so predictable. when i was at raw/sd supershow at continental, he only did about 3 moves on striker and i bet they changed and shortened the match cuz of all the cena sucks chants that went on throughout the entire show.
goleafsgo23 said:
What he's saying about cena is that he's got a job to do, just like you do. For all you know, he probably hasnt even had time to learn something new because he has been a.) promoting the WWE and b.) promoting/filming the movie. He's still a young wrestler and he has a way to go, but all you have to do is give the guy time. Sure probably him having the title wasnt the BEST idea ever, in fact, im sure he would be 90% less criticized if he wasnt such a main-eventer

Exactly I wasn't trying to diss the hard workers. And most people seemed to take offense that I was speaking to them but I was really only talking to the guy that called John a "preppie wigger." And honestly, diss the WWE, don't diss John. John has only done what they've told him to do.

I've never seen any personally but they said he was a pretty damn good wrestler when he was in OVW developing and that's why they brought him up and pushed him so hard.
Well i dont think its his gimmick thats changed, he said in an interview that he really don't like rap these days. so he is kind of gotten away from that. now him dressing like a rapper might sound good to little kids, but not to me. i like cena, he'll be a legend, brother!
cena's new gimmick is alright... he just needs to get rid of the rest of the 'rap' clothing (shoes for instance!). if the wwe considers cena to just be this 'soldier' then at least get rid of his skate shoes and get sum sh*t-kicker boots on him.
Quite frankly, no. The new gimmick is only half a change and he stills talks in that pathetic accent.

I think Cena should turn heel, become the most prominent jobber professional wrestling has ever seen, and then real wrestling fans would look forward to him getting beat up.
jsn23 said:
cena's new gimmick is alright... he just needs to get rid of the rest of the 'rap' clothing (shoes for instance!). if the wwe considers cena to just be this 'soldier' then at least get rid of his skate shoes and get sum sh*t-kicker boots on him.

actually there reebok pumps and there basketball shoes.
i like his character better than the pathetic white boy act his tough ass blue collar, its his character hes the best wrestler in the wwe hands down
yes i agree with u chaingang, today he is definately one of the best in the business, u look at his first matches and he was nothing, but over his transition from smackdown he has really cleaned up his in ring ability and works hard and tries to make the best of the gimmick that they give him, and i respect these other ppls opinions but come on, u cant say he cant wrestle, he has had great matches with the best of them already such as hhh, kurt angle, and the good thing about it is he is still young and already accomplished almost everything there is to do. u have to give him credit man.
^yeah but both triple H and Kurt Angle can make anyone look good....even him! lol
I hate Cena, period...This new 'soldier' gimmick annoys me even more, if that's even possible, than his old one!
apparently you guys don't follow hip hop too much
there are SEVERAL rappers that have been soldiers or "souljahs"
look at Eminem, he even has a song called "Soldier"
I dont think he's changed much at all,I think the "soldier" gimmick(which i dont consider to be one) is more for the face version of Cena& he'll revert to the more hip-hop oriented Cena when he's transitioned into a heel(especially if he goes to SD!) What I think is so hilarious is that Cena is considered by Vince&WWE management to be the future of the company,and they wont consider pulling the plug on him anytime soon.So all you dudes bitching about him are just going to hve to get used to him,cause he will be headlining WMs for a very long time!
First post here... But wrestlers say it time and time again... the most successfuly gimmicks are ones that arent really gimmicks at all... it is when the wrestler acts like themself but just amplifies the characteristics which would make them successful at being what they are trying to be (face / heel). Undertaker's american badass gimmick was him being himself. John Cena has grown up obsessed with the hip hop culture... thats how he talks and dresses in real life.. for John Cena, the wigger angle is the one he'd excel the most at. He wouldnt excel with a gimmick that he cant comfortably do.

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