Why are you a John Cena fan again?

When Rey is uninjured for an extended period of time (if you can remember back that far), he hovers around the main-event.

Not really. David is never the favorite to beat Goliath. How many times have you heard "Cena defeats all the odds"?

Throughout his career, Rey is more frequently a mid-carder. While Rey was WHC champion and in the hunt as well 2006-2008ish, I don't consider that the bulk of his career. Because it's not. I also don't count the "thank you" WWE title win as it was far too brief to solidify his status in that scene (he lost the title within the same night). The majority of his career as a full-timer, he was either in a Cruiserweight division (in both the WCW and WWE) or in the Tag Team division (where he's more often used again now as well).

As for Cena, he's always favored to win. (You actually support my argument below) In a storyline where he's supposed to be the "David" (like the Big Show and Lesnar feuds I mentioned), most people don't expect him to lose. That's because he's overcome the odds so often that they aren't exactly stacked against him anymore (and haven't been for quite a while). It's yet another babyface trope I'm bored seeing him involved in.

But let's be realistic here. John Cena has been world champion so many times it's in the double digits. He has main-evented Wrestlemania nearly every year. He's unquestionably the top wrestler (in kayfabe) in the company...why WOULDN'T he be the favorite?

My point exactly. I'm bored of seeing him as an always-winning babyface. He's done it all in that character multiple times over. There's more interesting things that could've been done with stories involving him. For instance, he could have struggled with sportsmanship from losing, he could have become arrogant and conceited from always winning, or he could have developed an "Achilles heel" etc. Instead they kept his character the same throughout the tenure of his main event status.

What you're saying is akin to asking why the Miami Heat always seem to be the favorite when they play...because they've been the best for such a long time. Of course Cena is going to be the favorite most of the time these days, how could he not be?

No, what I'm saying is not similar to that. I'm not questioning why Cena always seems to be the favorite. I already know the answer to that question (as you so concisely worded it). What I'm saying is that I'm bored with his babyface character. As I explained before, since the Attitude Era, I've become accustom with seeing every full-time major player (within 6 years of being in the main event scene) to have gone through a moral change during or after their title reigns. Either their characters have gone from good to bad, Or from bad to good. I gave some examples of the superstars who fit that bill. (Sheamus, CM Punk, Alberto Del Rio, Daniel Bryan)

But he doesn't win them...and he usually isn't expected to win them, so I'm not sure why you're saying he is.

Like I said, he'll always overcome the heel at a PPV because he's always the babyface. Once again, this is what I'm bored of.

But that's simply not true. His character has changed tremendously in the last ten years. From the white rapper to the street brawler to "The Marine" to the "overcoming the odds" to the "never say die" and now to experienced veteran, his character has transformed tremendously.

You'd have to go back nearly 8 years to the last time he had a largely considered "tremendous" difference in his character. He wasn't acting like The Marine in his gimmick. He added a salute and sometimes wears camo shorts...that's it. "Overcoming the odds" and "never say die" are characteristics he's had since he dropped the rapper gimmick (I'd argue he had those characteristics during that gimmick as well). Also (here's a shocker) those two things are used to represent the same thing - "Super Cena".

What you seem to be complaining about is the fact his transformation has never been sudden and immediate (as are so many character changes in pro wrestling). But that's not really a valid criticism as the transformation his character has gone through is FAR more realistic than the character changes the WWE gives to guys who aren't working.

Saying I'm bored of a fictional character isn't complaining it's just stating a fact. I'm bored of it. I get the feeling that people take offense to others having negative things to say about who or what they enjoy. You even go as far as to tell me that my own personal opinion isn't a valid criticism! I don't care what anyone considers to be "FAR more realistic" of a character change. This may be hard to believe but I don't watch WWE for realistic transitions of its fictional characters. I watch it to be entertained. I do not find John Cena's character of the past 6 years or so entertaining anymore. I find it boring.

They did and it resulted in a horrible storyline with Kane. But they also tested Cena's mettle in the first Rock feud, even causing Cena to lose because he tried to show the Rock up, instead of being true to his normal character.

My biggest gripe about the aftermath of the first match was that they never did anything with that. They never explained why he broke character at te end of the WM match. That moment never changed who he was. The match that he "had to win", didn't have any fallout after he failed to win. It was overlooked as if it didn't happen. It was never made into a character changing moment. It was simply, "Oh he's being cocky!!..Oh damn he lost...It's Ok, now he's off to beat Brock Lesnar in a PPV and he'll redeem himself by beating Rocky next year".

I don't mind people like you at all. While there are things I think you are incorrect about (as I've pointed out), I have no right to tell someone they have to like a certain character. The people who say Cena's character doesn't appeal to them, but still recognize his incredible ability, are just fine with me. Obviously I find Cena incredibly entertaining, but as long as you recognize his value, I have no real problem.

Even for those who don't recognize his value, I don't think you should have a problem with them. The best way to annoy a hateful person is to not engage them. The more hate they keep to themselves, the more they'll hate themselves and heighten the chances of them seeing things your way. heh heh heh heh *evil laugh*
I liked his physique a lot. It inspired me to put more effort into my exercise regiment.

I was never a mega fan of him but he was always entertaining and fun to cheer for or against. Half the time he is feuding with a wrestler I like a lot or a little bit more than him. Examples being Edge, HBK, Jericho, Angle, or The Rock. As you can tell, I'm an old schooler when it comes to faves but I have a few recent faves likes Sheamus, ADR, and Swagger.

So yea, he's got a great physique and he is very entertaining to me. I just always thought he should have been moved around on the card a bit more and the WWE should experiment with other guys in the World title picture. More than likely, not many guys are gonna be able to hold a candle to Cena, but I believe its worth a shot.
This is such a bad post that I'm going to take the time to refute each point one by one.

A few facts about Cena

Let it be noted that this poster uses the word "facts" the same way Sean Hannity does.

1. Average wrestler at best who still hasn't perfected the about 10 moves he does

Average at best wrestlers don't put on 5 star matches. Average at best wrestlers put on average at best matches.

2. Terrible talker who panders to the crowd to get them to like him and talks starts shouting for no reason and people call it a great promo. Its boring, predictable, repeated and just simply terrible

Pandering to the crowd? Every successful wrestler in the history of professional wrestling panders to the crowd, face or heel. Who do you like? CM Punk? You don't think he panders to his fans? Daniel Bryan? What do you think the Yes Chant is? The Rock? He may be the best panderer of all time!

3. Hypocrite - he talks about everyone else being handed everything when 20 years ago a guy with his talent level would be a jobber if he was lucky

In 1994, the top guy in the WWF was Bret Hart. The WWE would have LOVED guy like Cena to feud with Bret Hart: a big guy that could impress people with his size and good looks, deliver tough, competitive, entertaining matches, and talk on the mic.

Cena is basically all the charm of Hogan with extra versatility in the ring. The WWF would have LOVED to have a prime Hogan in 1994.

4. Overpushed

What does this even mean? How can you be over pushed when you are the best at what you do?

And before you argue that he isn't the best at what he does, I'd like to point out that Cena has been at the top of the WWE during it's most profitable stretch of existence.

5. Been at the top far too long

Read the last response.

6. Only sells merch because he has about 20x as many options as other guys

Or maybe he has so many more options than everyone else because he sells 20x more than the other guys. Ever think about that?

No, you didn't. Because you're an idiot.

7. Exploits the military, disabled people and kids to make him seem a nice guy to make fans like him

Because there's no way that a guy like John Cena actually cares about the men and women who serve in the military and children with disabilities.

This seems more like a projection of how you feel about the military and disabled children. Just because you don't care about things doesn't mean that other people don't.

8. He has nothing any male fan over 18 can relate to him about

Besides being genuinely funny, hardworking, honorable, and all in all pretty fucking cool?

9. Buries atleast 1 talented guy a month

I think you mean he puts over at least one talented guy a month. Sometimes he puts over untalented people, like Dolph Ziggler.

10. Takes tons of finishers and still kicks out at 2

Are we talking about John Cena or The Undertaker? Or The Rock? Or Stone Cold Steve Austin? Or Hulk Hogan? Or Triple H? Or Shawn Michaels? Or AJ Styles? Or Kurt Angle? Or Bret Hart? Or literally any other guy that's been at the top of a company?

11. Never loses CLEAN. Bryan at Summerslam not clean because he complained about his elbow the next night. Orton at TLC not clean he brought up the handcuffs. A clean loss is when the loser has no excuses he just lost to the better man

I'm pretty sure you are the only person in the world that considers the Daniel Bryan loss unclean. Well, maybe you and the rest of your community of neckbearded mouthbreathers.

12. Rarely loses at all

Yeah, this is completely unique to Cena. It's not like Hogan, Stone Cold, or The Rock were in the exact same boat when they were on top.

13. WWE makes legends say complete bullshit to put him over. eg. Mick Foley says Cena is the most hardcore superstar of all time

He's done some pretty hardcore shit. That match he had with Lesnar was ridiculous.

14. He personifies everything that is wrong with PG WWE

It's pretty much one of the best eras in WWE history, so by your logic Cena personifies greatness. Cool!

15. He has no athletic ability at all he is just muscular. If you want an example watch his running style on Raw

He runs... effectively? I don't even know what to say to this. I've never seen someone complain about his running style before. I mean, bravo for coming up with a new Cena complaint, but I can't say I understand what you mean.

16. Every man on the WWE/NXT has more talent than him as a wrestler

Great Khali. Boom, proven wrong.

17. Cant sell in the ring

He's probably the best seller on the roster. When you put John Cena down with a move, you put down JOHN CENA. Taking out Cena is pretty much the biggest accomplishment you can achieve in professional wrestling.
A few facts about Cena

7. Exploits the military, disabled people and kids to make him seem a nice guy to make fans like him

Exploiting the military?? As a member of our proud military I don't feel exploited by Cena one bit SO SHUT THE HELL UP. You haven't earned the right you pissant to talk on our behalf. Head down to your local recruiter and enlist, then lets see if you have another definition for exploited.

(I do enjoy watching the rest of these people bash this guy)

Here's my simple reason for being a John Cena fan. When he walks through that curtain he seems truly happy to be doing what he's doing and as if it's the first time he's gone through the curtain every time. Watching this past Monday after he went through the crowd, he started to come back down and literally stopped to hug various kids (not just disabled) took a picture with a grown man smiling for the dudes camera. Yeah he's been a face it seems forever, but he loves the charity work he does and for that I'm a fan.
I have to say, IMHO Cena has simply gotten stale. I respect him as a performer but in the last couple of years he has become boring and predictable. His promos are always the same. "I have more passion", "I do it for these people" all the while being holier than thou and looking constipated. I thought it absolutely stupid that on RAW they had Brock/Heyman walk in with winter coats and Cena walks in with his shorts. *facepalm* That's not brave or tough, it's just dumb. I don't care how much money he makes selling t-shirts. He needs to turn.

I agree completely his promos makes him kind of one dimensional and that's where the problem lies. I will be the first to admit I always felt The Rock being one dimensional as well during the Attitude Era in his main event face run. Of course the difference with The Rock and Cena is that he was also funny on the mic and his delivery came off more natural so even The Rock had this edge to him that Cena does not.

Cena's problem is that he's clean cut and falls flat when he tries to be funny or tries too hard when he's serious. Where as The Rock's promos always look like he's feeding of the crowd, Cena looks like he's in a press conference.
I love Cena themed threads, it always gets people fired up. Anyways I used to be a fan of his as the rapper. I'm one of those guys who look at the character and how it entertains me over the person themself. I dont care about Cena is with make a wish or if he politics or puts someone over or doesn't. I don't even care about the 5 moves or so that people say he has. I just care if a character entertains me and keeps me watching him.....to which I must say in Cena's case, does not. Boring ass character, nothing to talk about. Everytime he's on the mic he bores me. The lame speech after losing, giving his opponents credit etc is just lame to me. I've always been a fan of the more Badass types that spewed shit and kicked ass like Austin

I've also been entertained by Rock, Jericho and late Heel Batista. Those comedian gimmicks suited them well, kept me entertained. Never felt like a dull moment.

It makes me laugh that people always have to bring someones personal life in why they like or dislike a wrestler a la "I don't like Brock because he doesn't have passion for the wrestling biz, or Rock doesn't deserve this or that because he's gonna leave us again" I'm like well if you're entertained by these guys enjoy it, who gives a shit what their personal agendas are. People have become too sensitive in that fact.

Like with alot of Cena fans they get butthurt when other people don't see Cena the way do or dont respect him..they're like "well you can say whatever you want but don't say he isn't a good wrestler or you gotta respect him or blah blah blah" pull your panties up and let people think how they want and have their preferences. You can say Stone Cold sucks till you're blue in the face and I wouldn't give a shit and I'm one of his biggest fans....because i don't care what you think and you shouldn't have to waste your time fighting with me to change my opinion

Thats why this thread will be a rush because people all think differently but most won't give the next guy a break for not thinking like he does

Again if you're like me and just watch wrestling to be entertained, you would have no problem with anyone who doesn't like your wrestler because I'm sure there are wrestlers that he or she likes that you may not.

I don't know of I'll ever be a Cena fan..maybe get him with the right opponent and if they can work their magic and give me a reason to watch them, I'm all for it. If not I'll keep having to press fast forward and watching something i enjoy.

Speaking on fanboyism i was a huge punk fan for a while but the program he's working with the Authority/ Shield/NAO etc. is boring as hell so I find myself unentertained and skip those segments too which i have been criticized by many punk fans because i stopped caring. Point is you don't have to blindly follow something that doesn't interest you to show your fanboyism or loyalty to a wrestler, you're wasting your time
Like with alot of Cena fans they get butthurt when other people don't see Cena the way do or dont respect him..they're like "well you can say whatever you want but don't say he isn't a good wrestler or you gotta respect him or blah blah blah" pull your panties up and let people think how they want and have their preferences.
I've never really been a fan of allowing people to say stupid things. I always believe in correcting stupidity. If we didn't correct people who say obviously ridiculous things, how would they ever learn?

John Cena is a great wrestler. People who say otherwise are wrong. This is not a subjective subject. Whether or not John Cena entertains YOU can be subjective...whether or not he is entertaining and/or a good wrestler is not subjective. It's a simple matter of fact.

It's not about wearing panties, it's about correcting stupidity. While I can understand why YOU would be a proponent of allowing people to say stupid things unhindered, I'm not. I firmly believe in correcting stupid comments.
I wouldn't call myself a Cena fan. I'm tired of seeing him when I watch wrestling programs. I find him ridiculously corny.

But I can absolutely understand and even respect why he is so vital to the WWE. He's easily the best professional wrestler in the world, and has been for almost a decade.
I'm just a neutral when it comes to John Cena. I don't mind the guy as a wrestler, and as a person he seems like a great guy. I have a lot of time for him, and have a huge amount of respect for him and everything he has achieved in this business. John Cena haters actually infuriate me to the point I can passionately argue his case and sound like I'm part of Cenation, when in reality I'm not quite at that point. :D My best friend is a stout anti-Cena guy, and it frustrates me how he hops on the latest thing that's happened in the WWE that he doesn't like and how it's Cena's fault etc etc.

There is a guy on YouTube called Bruceblitz who produces sports content/podcasts daily, and reviews WWE Raw shows in a 2-3 hour podcast with other random irrelevant 30+ year old trolls who try and pretend like they represent the whole IWC. At least 2/3 of his shows are pure, blind hatred towards the guy, shouldering the whole PG shift on him (which is for a whole 'nother debate), making claims that he doesn't give a damn about the kids he goes to visit or do charity work for. Quite embarrassing to listen to. Same goes for reading stuff like that too. I'm all for debate, and I try to respect the opinion of others all the time, but blind hatred like that to me is ridiculous and laughable. The Cena hate bandwagon is full of these types.

The ONLY thing that frustrates me with Cena is the predictability that surrounds him and his storylines. That's not necessarily on him either, that's up to WWE creative most of the time. Yes, I'm 'that guy' that would love to see him have a run as a heel. Not even to the point where he turns his back on Cenation, but just something to the point where he snaps and just goes beast mode type destruction. We've been teased with stuff like that before (the destruction of Jack Swagger comes to mind) and that's the kind of thing I'd like to see more of. I believe he's more than capable of doing it. He turns 37 soon, but he still has the physique to be a brawler type. But at the same time, I understand the reality, I understand why an extended heel run will likely never happen.

Tl;dr - I'm not a Cena 'fan' but I've got a lot of time for him. I think the hate he receives is ridiculous, but I can't help but feel his character could have so much more about him if he wasn't in the position of hero to the kids, true face of the company etc.

I hope some of this post made sense, it's pretty late here and I'm very tired. :D
I've never really been a fan of allowing people to say stupid things. I always believe in correcting stupidity. If we didn't correct people who say obviously ridiculous things, how would they ever learn?

John Cena is a great wrestler. People who say otherwise are wrong. This is not a subjective subject. Whether or not John Cena entertains YOU can be subjective...whether or not he is entertaining and/or a good wrestler is not subjective. It's a simple matter of fact.

It's not about wearing panties, it's about correcting stupidity. While I can understand why YOU would be a proponent of allowing people to say stupid things unhindered, I'm not. I firmly believe in correcting stupid comments.

Congratulations on caring more about the opinions of people on the internet than I do.

People can think how they want in their own criteria. Some people believe men and men should not be allowed to wed. I personally can care less for the subject as I have no interest so I wouldn't go and 'correct' them though many do and call them names much like people do here in every Cena thead. Trying to make someone prove to them that Cena isnt the greatest thing since sliced bread. If that's their prerogative so be it.

People praising Cena are no different than the ones against him. As they usually overplay him and the ones that hate him underplay him extremely (I'm sure underplay isnt even a word but you get what I'm saying) case in point if you feel it necessary to take time out if your day to argue or 'correct' people on the internet, more power to ya. I've got better things to do

And on a second note, aren't these message boards about fans speaking out on things they like, giving their opinion, like with the Cena subjective issue. People are to base what they say on how they prefer. Even with obvious facts. Does Cena draw? No shit he draws so there's no point to even discuss something like that as their would be no banter or stating of one's opinion in that matter.

Topics like this one here is completely subjective. Why are you a cena fan? Simple if you say you arent because he bores you or hes not good in the ring is well ok because that's the particular view of the poster answering a question with thier personal opinion. Say the OP ask is Cena a good wrestler and depending on the criteria presented, it would most certainly be yes with no arguments to make, which really shouldn't even be asked unless the OP presents a wide variety of criteria or point by point system. But its not as black and white as you make it, its completely subjective in this thread...But with Cena themed threads you're bound to always have conflict. It's sad really

(If this is considered spam or unrelated, feel free to remove and issue me some sort of penalty message or whatever you Mods do here)
Congratulations on caring more about the opinions of people on the internet than I do.
Thanks. And don't worry, I won't tell anyone about you responding directly to my opinion.

People can think how they want in their own criteria.
Yep. It doesn't change the fact there are wrong and right ways to evaluate wrestling. :shrug:

I personally can care less for the subject as I have no interest
Now see, here's where me caring about people saying silly things will pay off for you.

If you have "no interest", how can you care less? How can you care less than no care? That doesn't make sense. The phrase you were searching for is "I COULDN'T care less".

You're welcome. Lucky for you, I'm here to correct. :thumbsup:

People praising Cena are no different than the ones against him.
Except the ones praising Cena are correct and the ones claiming Cena isn't a great pro wrestler are wrong. So...yeah, that's a pretty big difference.

case in point if you feel it necessary to take time out if your day to argue or 'correct' people on the internet, more power to ya. I've got better things to do
Obviously you don't, since you're here on an Internet wrestling forum responding directly to my opinion on an Internet wrestling forum.

And on a second note, aren't these message boards about fans speaking out on things they like, giving their opinion, like with the Cena subjective issue.
Sure. It doesn't mean they cannot be wrong and I'm just as welcome to tell them they are wrong as they are to speak out and be wrong. :shrug:

People are to base what they say on how they prefer. Even with obvious facts. Does Cena draw? No shit he draws so there's no point to even discuss something like that as their would be no banter or stating of one's opinion in that matter.
The fact he draws is a major factor in determining pro wrestling quality.

Topics like this one here is completely subjective.
Completely wrong. Pro wrestling is not completely subjective, it's not even mostly subjective. There are very real and definitive ideas and concepts behind pro wrestling which can be objectively evaluated. Pro wrestlers always don't achieve those goals in the same way, but the best ones always achieve them.

Why are you a cena fan?
Already answered that.

Simple if you say you arent because he bores you or hes not good in the ring is well ok because that's the particular view of the poster answering a question with thier personal opinion.
But saying he's not good in the ring is unequivocally false. And those people who claim he's not a good wrestler usually do so because they have a mistaken notion of what it means to be a good wrestler (most of the time, they base who a good wrestler is on their offensive moveset, which is a mostly aribtrary factor). So I correct them, hoping they'll learn.

Many people have learned.

Say the OP ask is Cena a good wrestler and depending on the criteria presented, it would most certainly be yes with no arguments to make, which really shouldn't even be asked unless the OP presents a wide variety of criteria or point by point system. But its not as black and white as you make it, its completely subjective in this thread...But with Cena themed threads you're bound to always have conflict. It's sad really
No, what's sad is how people can be wrestling fans for years and still think the factors which determine quality are subjective.
Hypocrite - he talks about everyone else being handed everything when 20 years ago a guy with his talent level would be a jobber if he was lucky

I know everyone has picked apart this ******ed post at this point but this one part is something that's always bugged me. Do people honestly think that Cena wouldn't excel in any era? He's a physical specimen who is also a great public speaker. You can put him anywhere in the past 40 years and every promoter in the world would love him.
I know everyone has picked apart this ******ed post at this point but this one part is something that's always bugged me. Do people honestly think that Cena wouldn't excel in any era? He's a physical specimen who is also a great public speaker. You can put him anywhere in the past 40 years and every promoter in the world would love him.

You're joking right? Do you really think a ten year main-eventer in today's global WWE like John Cena could have found a place on a card dominated by The Bushwhackers, Doink, Crush, Mabel and Mo, Earthquake, Adam Bomb, Kwang (Savio Vega), the Headsrinkers, and Tatanka? These guys were bringing the house down at Wrestlemania and Summerslam 1994. Surely you don't mean to suggest John Cena could have been successful with all that top talent.

And that's just the WWE. Look at all the top talent WCW had at Superbrawl in 1994. Thunder and Lightning, Jim Steele, the Equalizer, Terry Taylor, Johnny B. Badd, Max Payne, the Nasty Boys, etc.

No, you must be mistaken. There's no way John Cena could have found a way on the card with all those pro wrestling superstars.
When he debut, I started out as a John Cena fan. Then I, myself, turned on him after he won his 4th WWE Championship Title, 6th World Championship Title overall. It wasn’t until after WrestleMania XXVIII that I became a fan again, and that was all because of my 5 year old Son. The look on his face when my favorite defeated his favorite made me feel like I was a fan of Bane or Doomsday. The following year, I was actually pulling for Cena again as if it was 2004. So my Prince is the reason why I am once again a CeNation member / Chain Gang soldier.
I am aware that the IWC thinks it's somehow "cool" to hate John Cena, but I actually respect the guy. he has worked hard to get where he's at in WWE, unlike some people (*cough* Randy Orton *cough*) who were handed titles literally on a plate because HHH adores him and he has famous relatives.

I also respect Cena for his charity work, nobody else in WWE has granted as many "wishes" as he's done over the years.
Incredible talent. The fact that he invariably pops up in some of the best matches of the year, every year, is enough for me to be a fan. He's a joy to watch in the ring, and a good promo guy whether you're a fan of his character or not.
Me also a John Cena fan because he is most professional wrestler in a world.
He is always on the top for the too long. He always win the match without any cheating.
I'm a John Cena fan for multiple reasons. He kept me interested in WWE's product during the time he was in his rapper persona. My fandom was at its lowest point ever (other than possibly Miz's WWE Championship reign) and I nearly walked away from the product, but Cena was a big part in my sticking around as a fan. Then we have his time at the very top as the face of the federation. His "Never Give Up" mindset was extremely motivational to me during a tough time in my life. He can hype up a match like no other in his promos. I also have a tremendous amount of respect for him as a human being. His work with making wishes come true, all of the publicity work he has done for the federation, and last but not least is his passion for the wrestling business. He goes out there every single week to put on matches for all of the fans including the ones who rudely boo him or chant that he sucks. Cena lived his dream and loves doing what he does. He deserves more respect than he gets and I'll always be a fan of his.
I've been a fan since match on Smackdown. Loved his style and the way he worked the mike. He can be a little stale sometimes but, I don't really care. If he was to turn heel, I'd be right there with him.

I'm just a loyal fan. It doesn't matter what he does, I'm there supporting him.
He's a genuinely good person with the make a wish stuff that he does. I don't care if he's stale, he's really a true super hero. I don't find him stale either. He's a hot commodity. He won't be going all out on non PPV matches. When the PPV's come along, he rarely fails to deliver. I loved his match with D-bry, loved his match with Bray Wyatt, loved him in the elimination chamber.
I'm sorry but I don't understand how anyone over the age of 13 actually cheers for John Cena. The character is stale, never loses clean, childish...etc...
I'm sorry but I don't understand how anyone over the age of 13 actually cheers for John Cena. The character is stale, never loses clean, childish...etc...

Except to the Rock, Punk, Bryan, Orton ...

And to the 'five-move-of-doomers', please find me a long-time, main event guy who used more than 8-10 moves.

Austin - Nope.
Taker - Nope.
Rock - Nope.
Flair - Nope.
Hart - Nope.
HBK - Nope.
Foley - Nope.
Vader - Nope.
Hogan - Nope.
HHH - Nope.
Sting - Nope.
Luger - Nope.
Steiner - Nope.
Booker T - Nope.
Sid - Nope.
JBL - Nope.
Punk - Nope.
Bryan - Nope.

and the list could continue.

If you are watching 'top guys' use more than a handful of moves, you are watching indy feds. Even the best indy guys hone down their move set until they know psychologically where to place them in matches to get the most response from the crowd.
John Cena is a main stay, main event guy for many reasons. He deserves it.

If he REALLY wasn't any good at wrestling, getting a reaction out of a crowd and selling merchandise do you really think he would be a top guy still?

You can't force a crowd to react to a wrestler for this many years no matter how much it seems they are being given chance after chance. Look at a guy like Mason Ryan. HUGE muscle-bound guy who should get a response and a reaction from his shear size and strength yet he never made it anywhere unless he was behind Nexus.

I'll admit, I don't like John Cena all the time. His promos do make me cringe sometimes and it doesn't slightly annoy me how much a beating he takes during a match and then popping up in a few moves to defeat an opponent with one fairly weak looking AA.

But, I think, well, The Rock had the Rock Bottom and People's Elbow as FINISHERS. Those are probably the least painful moves to take as a seasoned wrestler yet they were believably finishers in this crazy world of Pro Wrestling. So Cena's are okay too.

The other reason I continue to like John Cena is he sticks to his guns about being himself. Good or bad. He doesn't succumb to the pressure to 'just wear trunks' to the ring. He wears his jean/army shorts proudly and clearly differentiating himself from others.

Oh, and yes, he CAN wrestle.
He's a great worker. Always working for the company 24/7, does whatever he asks them to do, isn't bad in the ring like some might suggest, good on the mic BUT he's getting stale. And that's not his fault. I'm sure creative tells him that "hey you have to act this way" in order to keep in character but I think he's been the same character for far too long. The joke cracking (not even really that funny minus a few good ones) and saying "never give up" like he's an underdog when he's the one always winning, it's just kinda boring and annoying at this point. He makes a lot of money and is great at fishing in the little youngsters for the fan base I know but I mean can't they make him just a little edgier? I don't know if he has to turn heel per say but at least do something to make him a little grittier. But anyway, why am I fan? Definitely cause of the rapper gimmick. That stuff was really good and it came at a perfect time where hip-hop was on the rise. I also always liked the jerseys he wore back then and his punk attitude and Boston accident mixed with funny raps about other stars was definitely entertaining.
So, I'm one of the more recent Cena fans. I don't call myself a member of the Cenation, nor do I dare claim to be in his Chain Gang. But I'm a fan. Admittedly, I've got a few Cena shirts, and even the black and yellow Cena hat. He's not someone I always liked, but after a while he grew on me. But as you asked, why?

Well it's simple. John Cena can just flat out go. He's great on the mic, he has a lot of charisma, his storylines make sense, and his matches are psychological masterpieces. As it stands, I'd put Cena on the list as top 10 of the best performers in WWE history. And no, Daniel Bryan and CM Punk are not on the list... And yes, The Rock is. And no, I'm not being a turn coat. I still hate The Rock, but that's a different story.

You see, people seem to think that in order to be great, you need to be all of 5'4, weigh about the same as a pen with a penny or two on it, and do a shit ton of high flying moves without daring to sell even just a little bit. That's fine, you can take your circus acts elsewhere and I'll keep my Pro-Wrestling because that's what Cena is. He's a pro-wrestler.

First of all, let's talk about his moveset. Top to bottom, his moveset is the most logical one I've seen in a while. He doesn't do a lot of high light reel moves, and he doesn't need to. He's a brawler with a lot of power, so of course he's going to use more power strikes and every once in a while throw in a grapple. It's what his character is, so it makes sense. And then, when he does end up doing moves like a hurricanrana, a suicide dive, or even his top rope leg drop... it adds to the match, and gives his opponent MORE credibility. Cena has never used the suicide dive or hurricanrana before he used it on Punk and Ziggler respectively. And he's faced guys like Taker, Kane, HHH, Big Show, Kurt Anlge, HBK, and a LOT more. So what's it say if he has to use those against those two?

Now, let's talk about this whole "Super Cena" bit that people complain about. Admittedly, I did in the past. But I always said that I'd rather him do it as a face, then for him to go heel and do it. And I meant it. Now, I couldn't imagine him without being Super Cena. It's the type of thing you'd expect from guys like Hogan, HBK, Bret Hart, Macho Man, Ultimate Warrior... hell Goldberg literally had maybe FOUR moves and was WCW's biggest draw ever. Yet Cena's the one who gets the blast for it? Yeah, go sit down now and grow a few years... then come talk to me like an adult, little ones. Or maybe just watch up on some wrestling history. WWE even helps people with their new network at 10 bucks a month. No more excuses for being stupid.

And finally, let's talk about the one that people seem to bash him the most for. "He always needs to be carried." ... well first off, no because he carried K-Fed through an interesting storyline, and the fans ate up that match as well. So shut up. Second, it takes two to tango. And have you ever noticed that since those matches someone "carries" Cena in, they hardly ever top it? Why? Because nobody on the roster has a grasp on psychology the way Cena does. I mean, if you've got veterans who don't even work for WWE, nor paid by them; saying that they'd love to work with him... doesn't that mean something? Or are people just that fat and ******ed to realize it?

Bottom line, Cena's just that great. I mean seriously, would people have bothered with Nexus if they had attacked anyone else on that episode of Raw? Oh wait, they did... They attacked Punk, and SES... [and Justin Roberts] but nobody remembers because nobody cares. People wanted to see CENA and his army take on the Nexus. People wanted to see CENA take on Punk at Money in the Bank. And people wanted to see CENA take on Rock at WrestleMania. So, again what's that tell you?

Also, before I go... If Cena's not so great, then people should stop using him in their fantasy bookings... Otherwise, you just look stupid. Oh wait.

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