John Cena is a PURPATRAITOR!!!


Occasional Pre-Show
Now for a few years now, I've been watch'in this cat "John Cena" wrestle on WWE TV since he debuted in June of two thousand and two. And yes he has come a long way since that time. I remember when John Cena aka "The Prototype", first came on Smackdown try'in to be HIP-HOP. And it's nuth'in wrong wit that at all, there are no colorlines in rap. At the beginning of two thousand and three, I saw John Cena wear'in urban clothes. Such as "Throwbacks", "Streetsneekers", and "Trucker Hats" try'in to be Hip-Hop.

That was cool in my opinion. And he got some flow, for a white cat from tha burbs. BUT!! Two years later, when John Cena became a main everter, and won the WWE Championship against JBL (John Bradshaw Layfield) at Wrestlemania twenty-one in Los Angelges, and then moved to monday night raw. It was almost like he "forgotten his Hip-Hop roots" for some reason?

After that he started to get boo'ed by WWE fans all alike in & out the arena.

Sure he came out wit a rap album that started out on the charts at #15. But after those weeks his record went downhill. And his movies (he starred in) were no good. His film "12 Rounds" went to DVD within like two & a half months.?

All I'm try'in to say is. That John Cena used the Hip-Hop culture as a way to get over in his profession, and then drop it like a bad habit when he didn't need it anymore. And as not just as a african-american, not just as a Hip-Hop man, but I see things for what they are. And what John Cena did, that's NOT what's up!

I'm very offended by what he did. And it is not apprecated at all! Now John Cena is a damn good wrestler, one of the best I've ever seen in a long time. He has alot of heart. But no matter who you are. You CANNOT out pimp the Hip-Hop system, at all.
Oh my Gawd, someone used something for their own personal gain. Call the police.

Seriously man, why are you the least bit upset with what Cena did? It's not as if you own rap music and he abused your product. I know what you mean about him dropping the gimmick but who cares? It didn't harm anyone when he dropped it and he has gone on to be more successful and much more of a talent without it. Lighten up a bit. You may be a hip-hop fan but that should be about you. Not about what someone else does on TV. Hell, he made it though a prodominantly white company using the gimmick and brought it some more attention with his album.

What did you want and expect him to do with it?

Also, apostrophes go where there is a missing letter. For example: Wearin' not Wear'in.
Now for a few years now, I've been watch'in this cat "John Cena"


That was cool in my opinion. And he got some flow, for a white cat from tha burbs.


BUT!! Two years later, when John Cena became a main everter, and won the WWE Championship against JBL (John Bradshaw Layfield) at Wrestlemania twenty-one in Los Angelges, and then moved to monday night raw. It was almost like he "forgotten his Hip-Hop roots" for some reason?

He just went with a different gimmick. One that would allow him to be the face of the company and a man that the kids can look up to. He was being built to be The Man of this era. You can't have a smack talking hip hop guy at the front of the locker room if you're trying to reach out to the kiddies. He was good as a hip hop guy but it was time to launch him to the top.

After that he started to get boo'ed by WWE fans all alike in & out the arena.

That's bullshit. He doesn't get booed as much as he gets cheered, trust me. He get's boo's for sure, but he is still way over.

Sure he came out wit a rap album that started out on the charts at #15. But after those weeks his record went downhill. And his movies (he starred in) were no good. His film "12 Rounds" went to DVD within like two & a half months.?

What's that got to do with his wrestling character?

All I'm try'in to say is. That John Cena used the Hip-Hop culture as a way to get over in his profession, and then drop it like a bad habit when he didn't need it anymore. And as not just as a african-american, not just as a Hip-Hop man, but I see things for what they are. And what John Cena did, that's NOT what's up!

Are you seriously this annoyed that he's not as hip hop as he used to be? Dude, people are going to change and tweak their gimmicks all the time. And the John Cena today is much more over than he was as a hip hop guy.

I'm very offended by what he did. And it is not apprecated at all!

He didn't do anything, you've got your knickers in a knot over nothing.

Now John Cena is a damn good wrestler, one of the best I've ever seen in a long time. He has alot of heart. But no matter who you are. You CANNOT out pimp the Hip-Hop system, at all.

Ummm. I don't really get your last line, oh well.
Now for a few years now, I've been watch'in this cat "John Cena" wrestle on WWE TV since he debuted in June of two thousand and two. And yes he has come a long way since that time. I remember when John Cena aka "The Prototype", first came on Smackdown try'in to be HIP-HOP. And it's nuth'in wrong wit that at all, there are no colorlines in rap. At the beginning of two thousand and three, I saw John Cena wear'in urban clothes. Such as "Throwbacks", "Streetsneekers", and "Trucker Hats" try'in to be Hip-Hop.

That was cool in my opinion. And he got some flow, for a white cat from tha burbs. BUT!! Two years later, when John Cena became a main everter, and won the WWE Championship against JBL (John Bradshaw Layfield) at Wrestlemania twenty-one in Los Angelges, and then moved to monday night raw. It was almost like he "forgotten his Hip-Hop roots" for some reason?

After that he started to get boo'ed by WWE fans all alike in & out the arena.

Sure he came out wit a rap album that started out on the charts at #15. But after those weeks his record went downhill. And his movies (he starred in) were no good. His film "12 Rounds" went to DVD within like two & a half months.?

All I'm try'in to say is. That John Cena used the Hip-Hop culture as a way to get over in his profession, and then drop it like a bad habit when he didn't need it anymore. And as not just as a african-american, not just as a Hip-Hop man, but I see things for what they are. And what John Cena did, that's NOT what's up!

I'm very offended by what he did. And it is not apprecated at all! Now John Cena is a damn good wrestler, one of the best I've ever seen in a long time. He has alot of heart. But no matter who you are. You CANNOT out pimp the Hip-Hop system, at all.


I've heard a lot of reasons why people don't like Cena but this is got to be the worst one of them all. Nobody was harmed or injured when he dropped his gimmick and that former gimmick helped him to be popular with the crowd and he came to a point where he didn't need it anymore. He's more successful now then he was dropping freestyles. Why would anyone be offended with him changing his gimmick?
First of all, he only slowly dropped the gimmick because the writers fazed it out of his promos. You don't think he writes his own material do you?

Second, the hip hop thing is real. I remember him on Jay Leno once and he had mentioned how he was always a fan of Hip Hop. So I'd say he is still a fan but the writers got him to tone it down. Blame them.

Just noticed your reply dude. Consider this case closed?
None of us are offended, we are just shocked at the claim that Cena was out to hurt Hip-Hop.

At then end of the day, Cena did what he needed to to get noticed. I mean, would you have done the same in his position? If the WWE writers came to you and said that they could make you huge if you adopted another gimmick, would you take it? Or would you stick with Hip-hop and the lower annals of the WWE? I for one would have done the exact same thing as Cena did and so would you have probably.

Stone Cold once said:

"If you're not here to get your hands on the belt, I dunno why the Hell you are."

Them be wise words. Think about it. If you are not there to try everything to make yourself a success at any cost then why are you there in the first place? To rot away in obscurity and go the way of old Kizarny? Nah, Cena dropped a good gimmick because he could go further without it. I, for one, don't blame him one bit. I would have done the exact same thing.
Ballistic, as a fellow fan of hip-hop/rap, please tone down the "gangsta" talk. No offense, but it lowers your posting value. You have strong, well structured ideas, but it's hard to take you seriously when u typez lyke dis.

Now on to your post. Nobody except the veterans writes their own promos. So blaming Cena for dropping the rap gimmick is a somewhat flawed opinion. And Cena didn't really tone it down until Fall of last year. I remember a promo of him saying the word "bitch" in his feud against Batista last year. And I'm pretty sure that was after the PG Era started to take effect, so he only toned it down when the overall product toned it down.
I was always a big fan of the rapper Cena. But would he go far with the gimmick. He won a couple of big matches, but the rapper Cena wouldn't go far. And you're mad of a gimmick change? It's kayfabe. He's still a big fan of hip hop, and he always will. But in a PG era, would little kids really be looking up at a rapper? No. Gimmicks get tweaked, and sometimes they change dramaticly. So you just left me :wtf:.
Now for a few years now, I've been watch'in this cat "John Cena" wrestle on WWE TV since he debuted in June of two thousand and two. And yes he has come a long way since that time. I remember when John Cena aka "The Prototype", first came on Smackdown try'in to be HIP-HOP. And it's nuth'in wrong wit that at all, there are no colorlines in rap. At the beginning of two thousand and three, I saw John Cena wear'in urban clothes. Such as "Throwbacks", "Streetsneekers", and "Trucker Hats" try'in to be Hip-Hop.

That was cool in my opinion. And he got some flow, for a white cat from tha burbs. BUT!! Two years later, when John Cena became a main everter, and won the WWE Championship against JBL (John Bradshaw Layfield) at Wrestlemania twenty-one in Los Angelges, and then moved to monday night raw. It was almost like he "forgotten his Hip-Hop roots" for some reason?

After that he started to get boo'ed by WWE fans all alike in & out the arena.

Sure he came out wit a rap album that started out on the charts at #15. But after those weeks his record went downhill. And his movies (he starred in) were no good. His film "12 Rounds" went to DVD within like two & a half months.?

All I'm try'in to say is. That John Cena used the Hip-Hop culture as a way to get over in his profession, and then drop it like a bad habit when he didn't need it anymore. And as not just as a african-american, not just as a Hip-Hop man, but I see things for what they are. And what John Cena did, that's NOT what's up!

I'm very offended by what he did. And it is not apprecated at all! Now John Cena is a damn good wrestler, one of the best I've ever seen in a long time. He has alot of heart. But no matter who you are. You CANNOT out pimp the Hip-Hop system, at all.

I'm slightly offended, as an Englishman, by what you have done to our language. But to be honest, I'll lose no sleep nor will I shed any tears over it. I will not make a thread about it. You see, this is exactly what you are saying.

I'm not a hip hop fan and at first I highly disliked Cena's gimmick. It wasn't my thing. I much prefered Triple H and The Hardys. They were a little Rock. That was much more me. But I respected Cena for what he did in the ring and I was happy when he was pushed and later given a US Title run.

Now, his character is that of the Goody Two Shoes. The guy who will fight for justice against all odds. Might as well just call him Superman. I'm not a particular fan of this. The whole idea of being a act first, think later type fo guy just strikes me as idiotic. I prefer people who are a little smarter, which I find tends to lead me more often toward heels than faces. Yet, I still respect him.

So John Cena isn't a hip-hop white boy cat (why his race has anything to do with it, I'm not sure, but then I'm not supposed to notice that am I?) but that takes absolutely nothing in regard to how he performs in the ring. You have even said this yourself. You perhaps gave him more credit than he deserves. That's your opinion I suppose. As is your opinion that he has personally committed a hate crime on all Hip Hop worldwide. I'm sure the wider opinion would contradict that view but hey... go for it!
Now for a few years now, I've been watch'in this cat "John Cena" wrestle on WWE TV since he debuted in June of two thousand and two. And yes he has come a long way since that time. I remember when John Cena aka "The Prototype", first came on Smackdown try'in to be HIP-HOP. And it's nuth'in wrong wit that at all, there are no colorlines in rap. At the beginning of two thousand and three, I saw John Cena wear'in urban clothes. Such as "Throwbacks", "Streetsneekers", and "Trucker Hats" try'in to be Hip-Hop.

That was cool in my opinion. And he got some flow, for a white cat from tha burbs. BUT!! Two years later, when John Cena became a main everter, and won the WWE Championship against JBL (John Bradshaw Layfield) at Wrestlemania twenty-one in Los Angelges, and then moved to monday night raw. It was almost like he "forgotten his Hip-Hop roots" for some reason?

After that he started to get boo'ed by WWE fans all alike in & out the arena.

Sure he came out wit a rap album that started out on the charts at #15. But after those weeks his record went downhill. And his movies (he starred in) were no good. His film "12 Rounds" went to DVD within like two & a half months.?

All I'm try'in to say is. That John Cena used the Hip-Hop culture as a way to get over in his profession, and then drop it like a bad habit when he didn't need it anymore. And as not just as a african-american, not just as a Hip-Hop man, but I see things for what they are. And what John Cena did, that's NOT what's up!

I'm very offended by what he did. And it is not apprecated at all! Now John Cena is a damn good wrestler, one of the best I've ever seen in a long time. He has alot of heart. But no matter who you are. You CANNOT out pimp the Hip-Hop system, at all.

I'm deeply sorry if I offended ANYONE! The reason I posted this is because I felt offended by what John Cena had done. But then again, I'm not a hardcore wrestling fan like some are. But once again...I'm sorry.
That's the most entertaining thing I read today look I'm not a huge Cena fan but to say he killed rap/hip hop is false. First off I hate rap so it killed itself secondly Cena is not bigger than the WWE he sure as hell isn't big enough to bring down a music industry. Just say you hate John Cena you'll feel better trust me you sound like a fool trying to rationalize it.
That's the most entertaining thing I read today look I'm not a huge Cena fan but to say he killed rap/hip hop is false. First off I hate rap so it killed itself secondly Cena is not bigger than the WWE he sure as hell isn't big enough to bring down a music industry. Just say you hate John Cena you'll feel better trust me you sound like a fool trying to rationalize it.

I hate no man or woman brah. If I see John Cena in person, I would shake his hand in respect.
I'm deeply sorry if I offended ANYONE! The reason I posted this is because I felt offended by what John Cena had done. But then again, I'm not a hardcore wrestling fan like some are. But once again...I'm sorry.

You didn't offend anyone you just made a rediculous post about Cena ruining hip hop and we called you on it. If you do feel really strongly about your opinioin debate it, don't apologize.

I hate no man or woman brah. If I see John Cena in person, I would shake his hand in respect.

Ok, so you would shake the hand of this guy that apparantly offended you? Ok that makes sense :shrug:

Look, I kinda get where you're coming from but to get your opinion out there and for us to take you seriosly you need to learn how to get your point accross properly with decent grammer and arguments to support your feelings.
John Cena a good wrestler????? LMMAAAOOO....I can see that you really aren't a big fan of wrestling at you stated...he's not, AT ALL...a 'good wrestler'...he's very limited in the ring...Bret Hart, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero..just to name a FEW....are GREAT wrestlers...I'm not hating on Cena...I'm just calling it like I see it....he's BORING in the ring..and I agree with you that I hate that he dropped the rapper gimmick in 2005...idk how some dumbasses can say he dropped it last year...he didn't, he dropped it in mid to late 2005....but dude....punch, punch, kick, kick, shoulder block, shoulder block, a slam thingy, 5 knuckle shuffle into a standing fireman's carry is NOT a good wrestler....and post something WORTH posting next time, this was shit.
John Cena a good wrestler????? LMMAAAOOO....I can see that you really aren't a big fan of wrestling at you stated...he's not, AT ALL...a 'good wrestler'...he's very limited in the ring...Bret Hart, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero..just to name a FEW....are GREAT wrestlers...I'm not hating on Cena...I'm just calling it like I see it....he's BORING in the ring..and I agree with you that I hate that he dropped the rapper gimmick in 2005...idk how some dumbasses can say he dropped it last year...he didn't, he dropped it in mid to late 2005....but dude....punch, punch, kick, kick, shoulder block, shoulder block, a slam thingy, 5 knuckle shuffle into a standing fireman's carry is NOT a good wrestler....and post something WORTH posting next time, this was shit.

And like this really has anything to do with the topic of this thread? So follow your own advice.

Now to OP, I can understand where you are coming from, you felt offended which we all have in our lives and you wanted to vent your feelings, however where you went wrong, was not by you orignal post, but by not backing it up when push came to shove. These people responded to your post, not to bash you, but to offer their opinions as to why they disagree with you. You have no need to apologize, don't do it, not on here, these lovely beasts will eat you alive, but what you do is fight back, give even more reason as to why you feel the way do, it's like a hip-hop battle man. Once the other guy raps back, you don't just stop, you fire back and keep firing back until you have exhausted your every reason for why you feel like this. And for your sake, I would work on the grammar of your posts, it's just a way to keep people from picking you apart.

So do I agree with you? Not at all. He did not do away with his hip-hop gimmick to insult the hip-hop world, for one it was written out of his gimmick so as to make him marketable to be the figurehead of the WWE and it has been extremely successful for him, so why not right? He did what he had to, that doesn't mean he's still not hip-hop, hell he has even said he wants to put out another album. He still loves to rap, loves the hip-hop scene, it's just not his gimmick in the WWE right now, that doesn't mean he used it. Yes it got him ahead and yes he has moved on, but he really had no choice. So Ballistic what do you think?
John Cena a good wrestler????? LMMAAAOOO....I can see that you really aren't a big fan of wrestling at you stated...he's not, AT ALL...a 'good wrestler'...he's very limited in the ring...Bret Hart, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero..just to name a FEW....are GREAT wrestlers...I'm not hating on Cena...I'm just calling it like I see it....he's BORING in the ring..and I agree with you that I hate that he dropped the rapper gimmick in 2005...idk how some dumbasses can say he dropped it last year...he didn't, he dropped it in mid to late 2005....but dude....punch, punch, kick, kick, shoulder block, shoulder block, a slam thingy, 5 knuckle shuffle into a standing fireman's carry is NOT a good wrestler....and post something WORTH posting next time, this was shit.

Change your sig too... you do not deserve the title of Smark. You are quite clearly an idiot. Watch Cena's early stuff from OVW. Cena can wrestle better than most guys to have come out of this decade. He fully deserves his spot.
It's already been said, but Cena enjoys hip hop and respects it.

That gimmick was used to get him noticed, and it worked pretty fast. I don't think it worked as well the longer it went on, especially when he reached ME status.

Could you really picture him rapping every night in the ME scene for the past 6 years? I doubt it. Well, "I" do. He, or creative, "matured" his gimmick into a more PG friendly hero. It just never would have done well in the long run, even if you currently dislike his current gimmick.

For the record, I did enjoy it when he was a heel.
Dumbass you obviously didn't see how I replied to his gimmick're an idiot...I mean, an Orton its obvious you will defend someone as limited as Cena...and to the other idiot who brings up OVW or UPW...seriously, how long ago was that? I don't see Cena doing shit like that in WWE....did you see his demonstration videos where he couldnt even do an armbar? or a leg sweep? ...yeah keep talking shit...and keep repping me down, you're only doing me a favor...I speak the truth, and if you can't see that, then I feel sorry for you.

Don't call someone an idiot or dumbass for their opinion. The point he was trying to fucking make was that Cena can wrestle. Every main eventer uses repetitive moves. When you main event every show that you are on, including house shows, it would be hard to have different moves every match. To be honest, unless it's a high impact match like Taker/Michaels from WM25, I don't like long, technical matches. And the audience that the WWE has targeted since the mid-90's wouldn't like a long-ass mat-based match. That's why Jeff Hardy is a 3-Time World Champ, and Chavo Guerrero has only won the ECW Title when he was associated with Edge. And he lost it in 9 seconds.

I'm not even going to waste my time red-repping you, because I would be lowering myself to do it. What's sad is that you probably think you have a well-structured, quality post when in fact, it's quite the opposite.
I liked Cena back when had his rap gimmick going on because he was just far more entertaining and actually had some attitude. His just had to adjust with the direction of the WWE product, which is a shame but you can blame that on Vince. Cena is just a perfect fit for the pg era because the kids just love him and so do the women who bring their kids to the shows. I've hated his character ever since he dropped the rap gimmick but his only doing his job and his charcter his aimed at entertaining kids, which is why he'll always be main eventing and will probably end up with 50 wwe titles by the time he retires. So whilst I hate his character I don't blame Cena, its really just been Vince's choice in taking the WWE into a more cleanier and friendly place......BORING...blame Vince.
First off regarding Rap i'll quote a great man Mr Perfect who once said
"Rap is Crap" "IIIII Hate Rap"

As a Hip-Hop recording star Cena was laughable and as a movie star he's soso, better than Hogan or Roddy Piper but still he's a wrestling actor not a legit actor

ever think it wasn't his decision to change from the Thug rapper onscreen?
and he still uses a hip-hop rap entrance

Probably another thing someone in the brass didn't wan't a "superstar" doing,
Cena was at his best when he was the Dr of Thuganomics, now he's just ultra lame/ boring. with a catchy tune

Saying that as a Thug you are obviously a heel, so they wanted him to go fulll fledged face it's hard to be that and still live a "gangsta" persona and rap with a semi positive message that didn't revolve around being a Thug so the kiddies could follow him

So now we are left with the lame-oid who's
* always paying respect to everyone
* shouting cheap crowd pops
* constantly stating the obvious
* occasionally cutting a funny line "he's like a hobbit" lol
* struggles to wrestle a decent match without everyone else's help,

sure he's a main eventer which implies only a handfull of moves + 2 finishers however he can't even handle that. He needs to work on the STF ffs he executes it poorly every time. and 95% much like Hogans were all play out exactly the same. Run around do a couple strength moves, get beaten the crap out of for for a few minutes, make a miraculous comeback not selling any moves, do a few flying shoulder tackles, a u can't see me knuckle buster, then a attitude adjustment and an poorly executed STF. end of match

The wrestling ability is certainly his fault, noone can make him execute moves better or learn to better tell a story in ring, if he has't improved by now he never will.

However the character side is certainly not entirely his fault, he would've been given the Hoganesque gimmick and have to work with it

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