John Cena Factions

CM Steel

A REAL American
Over the years we've seen the evolution of John Cena. From his early days as a rapper rocking throwback jersey's and trucker hats with a chain around his waste, to the boy scout character that we see every Monday night on RAW. A few years ago on RAW John Cena had form a faction with Cryme Tyme during their feuds with JBL and Priceless (Dibiase & Rhodes). The faction was dubbed "CTC". They were officially a stable when they destroyed JBL's limo one night in New Orleans on RAW. New Orleans is also known as "Cut Throat City". But the faction didn't even last long after John Cena got injured in a match against Batista at that years Summerslam.

From stories backstage from years ago, John Cena went to WWE creative team to request a faction in the form of MVP and R-Truth. A spin-off of them being a on-screen rap faction. But nothing came from it from WWE creative. But what's the thing in where John Cena has to be put in a stable with mainly african-american's? Sure Cena has a background in Hip-Hop. He dropped an LP back in 2005 after he first won a world title in the WWE. And who still remembers "The Chain Gang"? Now in the PG era we have "The CeNation".

If it was up to you. What kind of faction would you have John Cena lead? Because the WWE doesn't need a Marky Mark & the Funky Bunch faction or a Eminem & Slaugtherhouse-type stable either. PG era or not.
I would not give Cena any faction because his character doesn't need it. Stables have two main roles

1. To build heat for a heel and give a babyface a significant obstacle to surmount on his way to getting to that heel.

2. To build younger stars.

The first one isn't applicable because he's face. The second one? I just don't see anyone being built by being with Cena because they'll ultimately be overshadowed by him. He doesn't need help to overcome the heels because WWE has shown time and time again that his character can do it by himself. Cryme Time got a minor rub for a couple of months but it didn't last long and look where they are now. It'd ultimately only end up with the stable-members turning heel on Cena and I don't think that's the best way to have a break-out star.

On paper the idea of a young face becoming a main event heel by turning on Cena works but in practice he'll either job to Cena or he'll beat Cena, but the vocal fans will cheer him for it, turn him face and then he'll job to Cena, because being the top face is a lot different than being the top heel.
I would like it for him to turn heel then have a stable of one or two young guys and maybe a vet mouth piece or part timer. I know alot of people will say its Evolution 2.0 or Legacy but the fact is most factions are or start at around three members with maybe a mouthpiece/part timer.

A face stable i am afraid he would fully overshadow everyone which i dont think he would be the case as a heel. I think he would still be the main attraction but i think it would allow for the other guys to grow and get some of the spotlight more then if he was face. I also think if he was a Face during this PG era it would pretty much be the freaking justice league :/
If Cena was to turn heel then I would like to see him have:

Big E Langston - this guy has potential, travels with Cena and can learn even more from him being on screen together.

R-Truth - As the crazy wide eyed black man he was a few years ago.

Kofi Kingston - Bores the hell out of me as a face.

I dont know why but having 3 black men, 1 at mid card and the other two as a tag team just seems to work with Cena.
If Cena already had a stable with Cryme Tyme why does he need another? I mean, he's also been in stables in OVW.

Also, John didn't pitch the stable idea with Truth and MVP. MVP did. If John were to pitch the idea, it would have been on like donkey kong
John Cena is too a big of a draw for this type of thing. If the WWE planned on putting him in the mid card, which would obviously NEVER happen then you could do it. I would not like this idea though anyway!
Face factions just don't work unless they are short term and for a particular storyline, i.e. The Dudes with Attitudes, The Superpowers, Orton/Kane/Bryan, etc. One of the worst examples IMO was NWO Wolfpac who I could never tell if they were supposed to be face or heel and only seemed to be there to sell red and black T-Shirts.
Face or Heel, the only faction John Cena would fit in is:

Triple H playing the role of Mr. McMahon
Randy Orton playing the role of Triple H
John Cena playing the role of Stone Cold Steve Austin

The Power Trip 2.0

I’d love to see this happen, but keep Cena Face and keep Orton Heel with Triple H playing a sort of mediator between the two. I’d love to see the WWE Champion and the World Champion together as Unified WWE World Tag Team Champions. I’d even have Orton take the Intercontinental Championship and have Cena take the United States Championship. Having 3 Belts each would be the only way to top the original Two-Man Power Trip. Imagine the image you would see in the ring.
I love stables, but I agree that heel stables are really the only ones that work. If I were to make a Cena-centric stable it would involve him going heel... Probably never gonna happen. I'd probably go with 5 wrestlers. Cena, two potential main eventers, and a tag team.

John Cena - He would obviously be the focal point of the group, I'd keep him as world champion. How do you turn Cena heel? Easy half the crowd already hates him, so pair him with someone the other half of the crowd hates, enter in....

Paul Heyman - Start a face vs face feud with a guy the crowd loves, Punk makes the most sense. Keep Cena face, but make him escape matches with cheap wins. DQ's, countouts, etc. In the final confrontation, Heyman interferes and Cena goes full heel celebrating over Punks beaten body.

Wade Barrett - Obviously a lot of history with Cena, but they can play off of that. Say Cena respects Barrett for pushing him to his limit as a rookie, and he deserves better. This can be what Barrett needs to break through.

Mason Ryan - He can come in as the muscle initially, but learning from this group of guys can do wonders for him. I hear he's improved a lot in the ring since his last stint on T.V. and with Heyman as his mouth piece, he can be pretty good.

Hawkins and Ryder - WWE needs tag teams, and these guys can go in the ring and on the mic. Ryder has history with Cena, so it makes sense. I think Ryder's still popular enough where fans will care about a turn. Put these guys with Heyman and give them a mean streak. They can be very valuable, and comic relief in a serious group if need be.
I'd have him lead a faction made up of good & bad guys. When going against Nexus during their heyday, Cena had some good guy followers, but there weren't enough to face down Nexus. He needed to bring others aboard, and it was terrific when he enlisted mega-heels Edge and Chris Jericho to join him, convincing them with a "Don't do it for me, do it for yourselves" mantra that made them realize they'd be cut down by Nexus if they didn't cooperate.

That's the type of group I'd like to see Cena lead. He'd be so busy trying to keep them in line that it would be difficult to accomplish the factions' goals......yet that's what would make the the whole program compelling.

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