You guys are missing the big picture


Dark Match Jobber
I'm seeing alot of "Cena's turning heel" going around because of the stipulation that he is the only one who can bring back the authority, but think about it..

The fact that Cena has this ability tells me they are not done with the Authority figure roll. someone else will take over, and it will probably turn out to be worse than the authority.

Someone will have to save the day, some one who cares about the WWE. H and Stephanie have made it clear that their motivations were due to the love they have for the company.

So instead of this being Cena's heel turn, it's actually the authorities face turn. which I imagine will last a few short weeks before H turns his giant nose back up to the fans.

I don't expect this to happen quickly, probably will go on till summer slam, maybe even longer, but it makes so much more sense than Cena turning heel. I cant think of any one reason he would.
I tend to agree. Cena will never turn heel. He's been with the WWE for over a decade and has never changed. For him to turn heel now, would throw away everything he's worked hard to achieve. His hustle, loyalty, respect and never give up attitude would mean nothing.

Not to mention he is their cash cow, the guy brings in millions in merchandise sales. With the network not doing as well as they thought it would, and budget cuts, they will not give that up.

He's had so many opportunities to turn already and hasn't, and I just can't see him being any kind of heel, he wouldn't be any good at it. Whatever happens with the Authority is something that will play out, and but through it all Cena will remain the same, and the fans will continue to cheer/boo him whatever happens.
Have we not thought that there is still a power struggle in the works between Vince McMahon and the Authority? Have we not thought that the reason they make come back into power at the hands of Cena is that Cena is the number one contender again for the title and there could be a huge stipulation placed on this match with him and Lesnar? Wouldn't be the first time Lesnar has done HHHs bidding.
Given Mr McMahon's decree last night that only Cena can reinstate the Authority to power, I think the obvious route WWE will take will be to have Cena face Triple H at Wrestlemania, with the Authority regaining power if Trips wins.

If this is the case, as I believe it will be, then Cena won't be turning heel any time soon...
someone else will take over, and it will probably turn out to be worse than the authority.

That's true, but it points to the idea that the new Authority won't revolve around Cena; why would they want to dim his luster by casting him as the head of a managing organization that is worse than the original?

Further, plenty of folks posting on this forum seem to presume that Cena is the new leader of the company now that the Authority has been deposed. While it might be logical to think that, given that he led the team that squashed them, the logic doesn't necessarily follow.

After all, Cena isn't the guy who won the match.....he wasn't even around for the why would he be in charge of WWE? He never claimed his mission was to "take over the joint" anyway.....he just wanted to get rid of Triple H and Stephanie. In fact, wasn't it originally Triple H who named the "banished" provision, rather than Cena?

No, I believe Cena will go back to being "just" a wrestler, chasing the world championship and not looking to take over WWE unless others force him to.....and whether he does it as a face or heel remains to be seen.
So I'm guessing this will be like Sting bringing Hulk Hogan back as GM of Impact Wrestling, notwithstanding the fact that the Hulkster was misusing his power left and right during the Immortal storyline? It wasn't bad then and it doesn't sound bad now... I'd prefer The Authority over John Lauranitis, Guest Hosts and Laptop GM any day of the year.
The thing is, I think people are already too tired of this whole Authority thing. It essentially started back in Summerslam 2013, so it is like 1 year and 4 months now of seeing HHH and Steph in 20% of every Raw, Smackdown and PPVs. People are just tired, especially since nothing different happens. They just go anti-fans. Nothing interesting. They need to be gone and have no Authority figure for a while, or one that doesn't appear and make an impact a lot.
I think Trips is done with the onscreen role for a while as I expect Steph's line about "being at Stamford" is true... Trips now needs to shadow Vince far more closely in the boardroom than onscreen if he is to succeed him... and Steph is off on that "scholarship" thing she got for several months...if she isn't up the duff as rumored of course... her focus isn't going to be on WWE and now Trip's other baby (NXT/Performance Center) has grown there may be other projects they have him in mind to work on when not feuding with Sting....

The Cena thing is simply a mechanism that it can eventually be brought back down the line... Trips might be a face or it might be that Cena feels they need "one president" in charge rather than GM's all the time... remember it wasn't THAT long ago the whole roster were walking out on Trips, basically getting him fired... so there are always ways back.

To be honest I think they're taking the leadership thing in a different direction. There's a thread about Barrett on here and I put a scenario together with him and Austin...Austin is a likely's the kind of thing they can announce on the podcast or have Vince "offer him the job" on it and him say "I'll let you know at RAW..." Instant buzz and ratings boost.

The other candidates to me are all pretty much guys who can play the Tunney/Monsoon role... not be face or heel particularly, just show up to make big calls that piss both sides off from time to time:-

Ric Flair - pretty obvious if his health is back... he has the respect levels that few will "fuck with him" and is someone that Trips in the storyline could "try" and manipulate etc... "Hey' it's Ric... I know how to handle him..."

Mick Foley - He's lobbied for it and then seemingly taken himself out the running. He'd be a popular choice though, not sure he's right for it.

Jerry Lawler or Michael Cole - If they're ever going to change up the announce team then this is the time. King has been around long enough that the president role would work for him, he's over enough to manage it and they have Regal or Albert who can move up to take his place on colour... If it's Cole, then he kind of has the experience from that period we all thought he was the Anon GM... and it allows Renee Young into the mix for RAW. Not so sure the fans would go for that though... there are better candidates... My top 3 are:-

William Regal - The best GM/Commisioner ever on 2 occasions... he is ideally placed except for not being in the HOF but I expect that's probably gonna change this year. His new persona is more "elder statesman" than his previous shenanigans, of course he can always revert if the role requires... but everyone respects Regal, no one is really going to want to get on his bad side and he has the acting chops to make almost any situation work in the role. He'd also come accross well as someone who is "guiding the future" due to his NXT/training credentials... He'd be my 2nd pick...

Bret Hart - Again someone SO respected if he agreed to the semi-regular schedule then he's pretty much perfect for the role. Only concern would be his mic skills are not what they were, but for the Tunney style once in a while...he'd be more than fine and I'd make him 3rd pick purely on the pops he'd get whenever a decision was needed. He'd come across as fair too, which is quite important in a post-Authority era, having "lost out" to decisions in the past, he'd want to be seen to be "straight down the line".

To me though, I think it should be:-

Edge - If they can get him to agree it's a perfect role for post retirement Edge... he's young enough to be someone younger fans remember, has the "show" in his heart and has enough history with guys on the roster to build tension. To me, if not Austin for the mainstream attention or Regal for the genuine skill with the role, this is a complete no brainer if they can make it work. The fans love Edge, the "boys" respect him and he has the HOF career, mic skills and energy and..ahem Edge... to make the role important without hogging the limelight. He'd come accross, like Regal as someone focused on the youth movement and the future... Sign him up!
There's really no point in addressing Cena turning heel. That's always going to be in people's minds. Every time John Cena has a story people will talk about him possibly turning heel. It's just something everyone wants to see because Cena as a babyface is not evolving.
I don't think so. I think Vince just wanted to make Team Cena's win be more of a punishment to The Authority.

I don't think The Authority will be in power again. If anything this may guarantee the return of HHH, the part time wrestler instead of authority figure

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