XBox One Reveal

I'm waiting until E3 for some real game announcements that are less obvious


I'm not that bothered about pre-owned games personally. I HATE buying pre-owned games, why the hell do I want to support game(stop) when no money is going to the guys who made the game?

I do realize that I am probably in a minority on that, but IDC. That doesn't change the fact that charging huge sums of money to activate pre-owned games is a dumb as hell business decision, the figure I heard quoted yesterday is that Gamestop would be charged about $35 for a game that was recently released, though I have also heard that figure could be expected to fall as the game gets older and the number of activations decrease.
I rarely buy preowned but when I do it's because I can't find the game anywhere new.
I rarely buy preowned but when I do it's because I can't find the game anywhere new.

True, but then if I can't find the game anywhere new and it hasn't been out for ages I do question why I can't find it new anywhere.
Because some games only have a limited release and the way stock allocation works generally means newcastle is missed out on.
Because some games only have a limited release and the way stock allocation works generally means newcastle is missed out on.

Geez guy, how obscure are the games you buy that a major city gets overlooked. Surely the game in the metro centre would get even the most bizarre of games.

Then again I remember when I was looking for a USB wireless connector for to connect my 360 controller to my PC I got told that there was no such thing in the Trafford Centre. Turns out they're packaged with 360 controllers in a red box right now, which I had to figure out on my own. But the looks I got made me seem like a crazy person.
Last two were SolaToRobo and Lost in Shadow. Game had 2 copies of SolaToRobo in Newcastle and the whole of Game had sold out within 2 weeks. This was a Game exclusive as well. I had to eBay it.

Or the games that are 'hidden gems' I definitely need to buy preowned.
We may very well be looking at the worst console since the Virtual Boy. There's literally no reason for me to get this thing unless they confirm that it is backwards compatible or they release a modernized FF7 remake on it and we all know how unlikely the latter is. I couldn't care less about anything that has been announced about the system thus far. I have all the more reason to save up for a WiiU now.


Animaniacs.....I miss it. Sums up my feelings about the reveal, GET ME OUTTA HERE!

Also a large portion of the 500GB is going to be spent on the operating system itself. I don't see the upside to this stuff.

And 3gb of the 8gb RAM is going into the three OS. Only 1gb of PS4's 8gb RAM is going into it's OS.

We may very well be looking at the worst console since the Virtual Boy. There's literally no reason for me to get this thing unless they confirm that it is backwards compatible or they release a modernized FF7 remake on it and we all know how unlikely the latter is. I couldn't care less about anything that has been announced about the system thus far. I have all the more reason to save up for a WiiU now.

Get a PS4 then. Especialy if the rumor that they're getting Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Kingdom Hearts III is true.
Why I don't generally hang about with Nintendo first party titles. Black and White 2 actually seemed cheapest on launch.
All these updates for this new system makes me want to get it less and less. I'm happy with my PS3. Microsoft's war against pre-owned games is pointless.
At this point everyone is taking speculation and going buck wild with it.

I agree that it is a PR nightmare for Microsoft and is going to lose em business in the long run but I wouldnt be surprised if they held back a formal announcement on this stuff until E3. It seems as though they're saving all of their game related announcements until then anyway.
Then they should have saved everything until E3 knowing they didn't have anything worth while and attempted to blow everyone else out the water.
I do not want to buy either the PS4 or the Xbox One.

Both are going to cost a lot and not being able to play borrowed games or older generation console games doesn't help one fucking bit. I'd rather just keep my 360; buy Fallout 3, New Vegas, Oblivion and then replay those, the Mass Effect trilogy and Skyrim forever and fuck everything else. The only thing that's hurting me is when Bethesda release a new Fallout or Elder Scrolls game and it's not available on the 360. I'd want to buy the Xbox One just to play single game. The whole entertainment imagery of the Xbox One is very unappealing too.
I do not want to buy either the PS4 or the Xbox One.

Both are going to cost a lot and not being able to play borrowed games or older generation console games doesn't help one fucking bit. I'd rather just keep my 360; buy Fallout 3, New Vegas, Oblivion and then replay those, the Mass Effect trilogy and Skyrim forever and fuck everything else. The only thing that's hurting me is when Bethesda release a new Fallout or Elder Scrolls game and it's not available on the 360. I'd want to buy the Xbox One just to play single game. The whole entertainment imagery of the Xbox One is very unappealing too.

So basically you only want to play games by Bethesda and Bioware. Fair enough, why not get a PC and play all of those games on it. Oh, yeah $3,000 every 5-6 years plus however much you spend on upgrading the hardware in the meantime (and this is coming from someone who is currently using the oldest PC he's ever had at just over 5 years. I should be getting a new one very soon but it'll probably be the last one I buy in a long ass time.

Oh yeah and uh, Bioware kind of suck... They've only put out two or three truly great games in the last ten years which is a pretty low strike rate compared to other studios in that time frame. Fuck, even infinity ward have managed two great games and they've only released 6 games in the past decade (COD 1 and COD 4 for those counting)
So basically you only want to play games by Bethesda and Bioware. Fair enough, why not get a PC and play all of those games on it. Oh, yeah $3,000 every 5-6 years plus however much you spend on upgrading the hardware in the meantime (and this is coming from someone who is currently using the oldest PC he's ever had at just over 5 years. I should be getting a new one very soon but it'll probably be the last one I buy in a long ass time.

I wouldn't say it's as much my interest in acquiring new BioWare and Bethesda games, as it is just the games I listed I really like and would definitely go back to and want to play again. I never even planned on buying Dragon Age III, it's just that I imagined Fallout 4 coming out and not being able to play it. That would be very disappointing. I've always been curious about the PC but I think that it would cost too much to maintain and gameplay on it with certain games has always looked awkward.

Oh yeah and uh, Bioware kind of suck... They've only put out two or three truly great games in the last ten years which is a pretty low strike rate compared to other studios in that time frame. Fuck, even infinity ward have managed two great games and they've only released 6 games in the past decade (COD 1 and COD 4 for those counting)

BioWare's demeanour has indeed taken a turn for the worse in recent years, EA's influence undoubtedly. I'd rather go back to games like the Mass Effect trilogy and KOTOR I & II when I play my console than spend ridiculous amounts of money on a new console and wait in hope for good new release.

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