Find me a link to that please.The main flaw in your argument being, that you DONT get the same preformance. does a screen to screen comparison of PS3 and Xbox 360 on the top 10 selling titles for both systems, and Xbox has routed PS3 evey time the comparisons have been made. Xbox soundly defeated PS3 in all showings. Look it up.
No, the point I'm making is that the particular package is probably just a sale package from Toys R' Us...a package which doesn't exist right now.Two things. Firstly, the page for the cheaper version of the Xbox, which has been dubbed the Arcade package. I then click on Buy Now as I am curious to see what you're talking about and I'm taken to a Toys 'R' Us page saying it's out of stock. Is that what I'm meant to be looking for? Are you questioning the existence of the Arcade package? You are, aren't you? It's an illness you have, you sick person.
If you can show me how there is any difference in that and the one right beside it for $350, let me know.
For only $50 you get a bette system to play GTA on.I still say the largest factor in this is the games library, which the 360 has the definite edge on. If you're primarily getting a console for GTA IV though, I'd actually heartily recommend the Arcade system. You can't go too far wrong either way. Unless you get a Wii. Good luck playing GTA on that.
Xfear, go with the PS3. It's worth it.