Moon Knight
Original Prince of Darkness
Five games in two years. One's a God Of War rip-off, one's a gimmick, one's something I've never even heard of, two are sequels, one of a franchise that, with one exception, has always been loyal to Sony. What a list. The 360's list of existing exclusives pisses on this, never mind the upcoming ones. Halo 3, Project Gotham, Fable 2, Bioshock, Splinter Cell. Plus, there's rumours of MGS4 going the way of Resi 5, DMC 4, Virtua Fighter, the list goes on. Plus, it has rumble and no dodgy motion control which is completely useless.
Funny you say two sequals when 4 of yours are sequals..And most of the rest are not exclusives as they are for the PC as well. Fable 2, Bioshock, Splinter Cell and soon Halo 3 are all PC...The first 2 Halos went PC. It can easily be said that Bioshock is a Halo rip off and Fable 2 is Elder Scrolls wannabe. Project Gotham was terrible series. And the rumors about MGS are false as Konami has said it won't go 360 but their are rumors of Gears Of War going PS3....But it's PC as well so who cares. The PS3 didn't lose as many titles as you think and is getting more exclusives as we speak.
There are more than 5, I just stated a few. Just because you never heard of LA Noire doesn't make it bad, in fact it looks awesome! And which is an so called God Of War ripoff? Also MGS is a great series and makes great games, so it doesn;t matter about loyalty and FF is always good.