With what games can i ask? The only one i can actually think of is Skyrim with the lag issues.
The whole Call of Duty series, L.A. Noire (even though it was developed exclusively for the PS3, initially), Crysis 2, Arkham City and many more less popular games. It's been known for ages that the Xbox is much easier to develop for.
C'mon Rohan I like you! You're kidding right? One FPS sequel does not make all exclusives on the PS3 irrelevant. There are at least 2 PS3 exclusives coming out that renders Halo 4 irrelevant.
The Last Guardian: The Last Guardian comes from Team Ico, the folks that brought us the brilliant Ico and the memorable Shadow of the Colossus. By just looking at the clip below you'll understand why you need to be excited about this title. I'm a believer that games are art. That doesn't mean a game without a deeper meaning or clever exploration of some issue isn't worthwhile, I fucking love serious sam and the like. But that the pinnacle of gaming like any other media is both exciting and compelling but also makes us think about something, and properly. It's no secret that the people of Team Ico know how to tell a story(And a damn good one at that) & it just proves a point of my belief that games can be art. Will it appeal to a big mainstream audience of guys who want just a gun game like Halo? Sadly not but that doesn't make it irrelevant.
The Last of Us: Expected for a relase in late 2012 but it's by no means a certainty for 2012 release but The Last of Us is a game that I'm very excited about. This exclusive is being created by arguably the most talented gaming studio in the world and is set in one of my favorite settings for any a game - Post-Apocalyptic future. Unlike most post apocalyptic games like Fallout, this game doesn't seem to stick to one overlapping colour scheme(In Fallout 3 most areas had the same overlapping colour scheme with places like the wasteland all brown & dull). Has it given us many details? No but the exciting and frightening trailer certainly helped.
These games will be absolutely awesome. I'm sure of it. Hell, I'm pretty sure I'm going to pick up The Last Guardian and probably the Last of Us when it comes out, although rumours lead me to believe it will be developed for the 360, too. But, do you seriously think any of the two will shift as many consoles and units as Halo 4? When I meant irrelevant, I meant irrelevant to the industry (I probably should of clarified that). Halo 4 is the biggest release this year, and it's an xbox exclusive. 'Nuff said.
So Last of Us may not be an exclusive but what about these?
Twisted Metal: Just crazy, violent fun. Huge 16-player online battles, urban environments that can be destroyed by explosions, realistic weaponry and combat, and vehicles that you can customize. There's also helicopters! Helicopters!
Jak & Dexter trilogy: One of the last best platforming game series getting a re-release in beautiful HD. Great story, ever changing gameplay, damn fun characters, diverse missions. What is there to hate?
These along with rumors of a new God of War and Syphon Filter game, the new Rockstar game Agent(Where's Xbox's Rockstar exclusive?) plus the new StarHawk & Sly Cooper makes PS3 and all their exclusives everything but irrelevant to the Xbox.
Cool story, bro.
The Xbox has its fair share of exclusives too.
Ryse, a game set in the ancient roman times optimized for the kinect. Looks awesome and the best Kinect game, yet.
Fable: The Journey, another game that will end up shifting more units than The Last Guardian. Also, it looks quite nifty.
Alan Wake 2, yeah, it might be ''DLC'' but, it's basically a whole new game. Alan Wake 1 was incredibly moving and scary. Better than Resident Evil 5 when it comes to that department.
Oh, and not to mention all the timed exclusive DLC from games like Skyrim and COD. Sure, it may not seem like much to you and me, but the hardcore gamers live by that shit. Oh yeah, and Star Wars: Kinect. But, I'm reserving playing that card until I see any good footage.
Anyway, look. I'm no Xbox fanboy. The PS3 has its advantages, but they are just outweighed by the Xbox 360 for
me. That's what it boils down to. I love both consoles and they're both fine pieces of machinery but, I just find myself using the Xbox 360 more and that's why. Jeez-o.