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Xavier Woods, Kofi Kingston & Big E: Nation Of Domination 2.0?

Its going to be very hard for them to have this stable and not have it be about their skin colour to be honest. Well they could have it but it will be a complete bust.

A stable can only get over if they have a very defined goal. From the Horsemen to the nWo to DX to the Hart Foundation and on to Evolution that has always been the case. The only exception to that rule is, arguably, the Shield, but I'd argue that the Shield never hit the same heights as the stables listed above for that very same reason.

Anyway, how are you going to put three black midcarders together and not have them mention their skin colour? Presumably they're coming together because they're frustrated with being in the midcard but then why only have members who are wrestlers who are black? Why aren't guys like Heath Slater involved?

I somewhat agree with your first statement. Even though no one would think twice about the skin colour of a white stable, the elephant in the room of having a black stable will be "it's a racial minority banding together"

The defined goal is wrestling is usually to be the champion or kick someone's ass, not really rocket science.

The Shield weren't made up of established stars which is why they didn't reach the level of the mentioned groups

I don't think the WWE should make them 'act black', like Cryme Tyme etc.
You're kidding right? It's actually very easy. They just don't mention it. Do you think when minorities congregate they just sit around and say stuff like, "How's your skin pigment holding up?" You're smarter than that statement, dude.

Except for the WWE is a company that is predominantly white and who has a history of promoting groups along racial lines, like the Nation and Los Boricuas. And I'm not talking about real life here clearly, I'm talking about the WWE's tv show.

They genuinely will not be able to put a group of frustrated black midcarders together and keep the topic away from their skin colour. Could they do it? Sure but they wouldn't be able to do it well because they don't have the writing talent for it and so they won't. Don't believe me? Then look at Muhammad Hussan. Here's an Arab-American cutting a promo that is very clever, that is designed to show how Americans can be prejudiced and how he, despite being booed by the audience, is actually not the heel here. All well and good until week three when they decided to make the guy a terrorist.

So, with all that in mind, I guarantee you a stable of Kofi, Woods and Big E won't get through their first month without their skin colour being brought up.
Looking at this situation with KayFabe.. i believe it could work very well today, having nothing to do with race, xavier becomes Dr. Woods, or Dr. Xavier Woods... any name u want just uses the DR. degree and becomes a leader fed up with politics holding down TALENT not because of skin color but because they wont play by the PG RULES ANYMORE!!....

KOFI brings the speed, amazing athleticism, a once bubbly personality we'll see if he can be versatile... i BELIEVE 100% he can no more silly BOOM BOOM and he has to mention that the offices in connecticut forced to do that for years..

BIG E, juiced off his rocker, but seems like a good enough talker Huge Strength, Force, just needs to learn to sell a little better.. not like kofi cause hes BIGGER but like one man gang, bam bam, gordy..the old school BIG GUYS who moved like kofi but had SIZE along with athleticism...

I seem Big E and Kofi and instantly think ANVIL & HITMAN... ok ok kofi is no bret, but if he shows more agression in his offense, sold punches, stomps, less moves that Look like they hurt him too...

DR. XAVIER leads them with a jimmy hart & Heenan type voice and attitude manager style, but can of course work great in the ring... BUT needs to do more of the talking less work.. Dislay clearly he is the the leader. with uber high intelligence, and great schemes to help get his talent to championsips..

the 3 of them, then Dr. Xavier first recruit.. TITUS O'NIEL.. yes this man SCREAMS unlimited potential.. but we have time, no need to expect him to main event WM31 maybe 33...

My Favorite Part, to make it clear race is not the main factor but TALENT being held down by a corrupt system is.. HEATH SLATER wants to join and is denied because he lacks intelligence... But 2-4 weeks he proves himself using his ruthless agression offense to earn their respect. FACT: slater would be an ace if put into a faction like this...he can work... he can GO... he can tag up with titus or Big E randomly...

i dont wanna see one tag team in the faction like Big E & Kofi or Titus & Slater.. its a faction they are LED by DR. XAVIER who is constantly lying, scheming to get his talent better chances... PLUS

( love this idea) they HIRE an ACE Attorney to assist them : DAVID OTUNGA.. when i first thought about him i swear i didnt even think about his skin color... and no 1 else would find it important.... times are different.. maybe doin an angle with Homosexual talent would be pushin the enevelope but held down talent who almost all happen to be black..won't matter BECAUSE THEY TRULY ARE AMAZING TALENTS

DR. Xavier Woods : Leader, Works Microphone mainly, cheats when he can in a sneaky way, always trying to help get his talent chances at not just titles, but more MONEY ( thats not brought up enough in a kayfabe way)..SHOULD BE.

Big E : the Big THUG.. he needs to become more of a thug less acting like a super college athlete / powerlifter EVEN tho we know he really is.. that is not entertaining. this man needs to dominate and during a time when i promise MARK HENRY will retire at wm32 in TEXAS BIG E is the new strongest man in the WWE UNIVERSE and DR XAVIER will prove it with TESTS (gimmicked) When he teams with KOFI or SLater Let that partner work like BRET and he works like Anvil

Kofi Kingston : no more Bright COLORS, the team should have one team color scheme, maybe use one bright color and a group logo... Kofi needs to use his high flyin LESS and NO NO more stupid BOOM BOOM Gimmick must work more ruthless, watch HEEL HITMAN in 87,88... more wrestling but he can add in his kicks and double chop strikes just must be solid.... when in a tag match with BIG E or TITUS kofi should do the most selling but get the win more not with a finisher all the time either....
more finishes with QUICK SNEAKY ROLL UPS or like the WM8 bret-piper Finish or SuSL92 bret-bulldog Finish... moves that require athleticism BUT more intelligent in ring work less risk more purpose...so important

Titus O'neil : okok one day he can ROCK and break out but till then, once DR. X recruits him there is always some bickering for the Leadership spot which can allow Titus to show us his GREAT WITTY SKILL AND HUMOR but DR.X always needs to outsmart him and make him believe under his management, titus can rule the universe.. SO like BIG E he needs to work like not just a BIG MAN but a Super Athletic Big Man which he is... i say begin using the RAZOR'S EDGE (sheamus stopped)..
as signature finish but when he teams with Kofi, kofi should be getting the win...

HEATH SLATER.. once TITUS O'NEIL joins.. SLATER SPENDS weeks tryin to join like the geek who wants in the FRAT..except this GEEK has TALENT when the bell rings.. he can make others Look GREAT, Bumps like a young HBK, can be the more jobber ish type when needed cause losing doesnt hurt him he has to think he is smart..but DR.X is using him for what they needs to suceed... slater legit is almost as good a tag worker as BOBBY EATON was... and thats sayin alot... believe me, those of you my age know what im talking about, slater can help be the kayfabe weak link but in reality be the main bumper, jobber, and every once a while gets a win when it counts.


ok no1 recalls the varsity club besides a few of us!!!

the name is not important, i'm not dead set on my choice.. but i love my character idea and remember the GOAL is not just CHAMPIONSHIP TITLES but kayfabe BETTER $$$ Better usage like wwe films, media usage to represent WWE.

DR. X has a plan ..

besides everything above i see room for two more stables and i will post about them Saturday night.. i feel stables help take a crowded roster with talented guys who are FLOATING IN THE MIDCARD and give them a purpose...

remember in WWE you dont need to be in the main event to have success, this business is at its best when the whole roster is strong AND MORE IMPORTANTLY HAS COMPELLING STORYLINES and PURPOSE FREAKIN PURPOSE...

thats why i want them to keep US TITLE, Intercontinental Title, Tag Titles, WWE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION ( one belt one title even if brand split)... if anything i would

... 1. if brand split for real and for good i would retire US title. KEEP IC as 2nd to WWE world hvy. wt. title.... ADD SMACKDOWN CHAMPION, and MONDAY NIGHT RAW CHAMPION.. these would be considered 3rd to world champion but like old TV title must defended every tv show, has 15 min time limit, and can always be given in to GM or authority for a Match with Intercontinental Champion... if they lose they have nothing..if they win they only have IC BELT.. the tv title goes up for grabs .. BEST PART is MONEY IN THE BANK should have two matches one with 6 contenders for world title, then match with 6 contenders for IC BELT...

the 6 guys in the ic contendership are men who never held world title but have once held one of the tv titles... the world title money in the bank can only have either past world champs or past IC champs.. the title isnt good enough to get u in this match..!

the royal rumble winner always goes to WM to challenge the world champion

on smackdown and on raw a top ten is created the ic champ is not on it.. he and world champ are still exclusive to whatever brand they are on...
but wins/losses will matter.. because you can earn a tv tile shot once you are #2 on the smackdown or RAW top ten obviously #1 is the the SMACKDOWN CHAMPION or the MONDAY NIGHT RAW CHAMPION..

its simple..

plus the special events (ppv) make survivor series teams vs teams again.. helps give a special event not only that special feel but the shampions dont defend their titles.. make that event like 87,88,89,90, WAS simple Teams captained by Main eventer, co-captain top mid carder, then 3 guys maybe tag team and low carder.. 5 on 5 but use storylines and feuds to create the matches

ADD NEW special event, take away once with no special gimmick..
make it exactly like the 1991 starrcade LETHAL LOTTERY and BATTLEBOWL......
Call it what ever sounds good... but here it is. 1st every roster star name in put into tumbler, two names are chosen at random ( GIMMICKED!!) then another two names at "random" that gives us a tag match friends become foes, foes must team together GREAT TV!.... seriously it is when things have meaning......
so each winning tag team is then entered into battlebowl.. so both winners on winning team are gonna be in a TWO RING battle royal all men are RANDOMLY ASSIGNED A RING.. because they are close together there are only 3 sides to Eliminate a Wrestler make it EASIER to FOLLOW on tv by the ropes are all same color except for the side that doesnt count as elimination once ONE MAN is left in ONE RING... he must wait till there is ONE MAN LEFT ALONE in OTHER Ring..giving advantage to REST..
NOW.. NOW both men go into a one on one match anything goes using both rings weapons.. win by pinfall, submission, or KO or ref Stoppage....this winner fights the world heavyweight champion at next special event... again it adds meaning to an event and creates MEANING for battle for the best title instead of HHH just sayin " CENA WILL DEFEND AGAINST...."

NOW change one more meaningless ppv and make the main event WAR GAMES... the BIGGEST MOST POPULAR FEUD AT the time.. whether its a stable vs stable or one man vs one man then wrestler chooses a team FOUR vs FOUR but nothing else like old war games from wcw,,,, its held in HELL in a CELL at the HELL in a CELL ppv SPECIAL EVENT there can be maybe one more HIAC match if the feud needs it .. but the main event is simply the top feud in the WWE at time... best part is if its the WWE CHAMP then title is not defended which it shouldnt be at every event.... so main event is a FOUR ON FOUR Hell in a CELL match .. simple but great chance for heel turns, bloody wars, end feuds, create new feuds...the main event match is called war games cause it begins one on one then like WAR GAMES coin toss nest guy comes in ITS 2 on 1 till nest guy evens it to 2 on 2..... for those of you young who didnt grow up with it... it works GREAT when the heels have 2 on 1, that 2.5 min or 3 min or 5 min till the man comes in and evens it out is LIKE a HOT TAG..it works... truly doesnt need to be called war games at all have normal Hell in a cell PPV but i want that "war Games" style match on the card..

and on each tv show, when ever a smackdown or monday night RAW CHAMPION gives in that tiles for an intercontinental title match...it opens up a great story to create a new TV Champion which every Wrestler on the roster WANTS except for IC CHAMP or WORLD CHAMP... it should always be held on the tv show when it comes to crowning a new TV champ...so many methods, BUT just take the top ten LIST and that is ur match.. you could do battle royal, tournament (miss those), beat the clock (growin on me) ...i might have just made the most confusing post...

i am sorry for swaying off topic after i responded with my opinion on Xavier, Big E, Kofi.....


i also felt it time to give my heartfelt method to make WWE more fun, more stats related, more reasoning, more meaning... oh yea and.. HOUSE SHOWS should air at a later date on the network.....

but in my new dream WWE system some changes need to also occur at these LIVE EVENTS... cant be raw or smackdown (tv) titles changes..BUT could be IC or WORLD ( RARE) or tag belts...

now i see the divas improving GREATLY go my friend down in tampa MISS del ray doin it!! teaching in ring fundamentals and creating characters.....
again adding SPECIAL MEANING the DIVA'S CHAMPION will on be on her brand roster, so if Diva champion is Paige and Paige is on RAW... smackdown Divas must fight to move up on the top ten competitor list... at a special event / ppv the top 3 can fight the DIVA"S Champion in a fatal 4 way if thats what the gms choose or just one on one

but at gimmicked ppvs like survivor series there must be a 5 vs 5 divas match

and THERE MUST AND SHOULD BE A Diva's title #1 contendership MONEY IN THE BANK MATCH @ the Money in the Bank event....
they are no longer eye candy, they can work..but its not like the attitude era or even after where you had soo much eye candy kiebler, wilson..bla bla then a few who could work..... give respect where it is earned the Diva Division should have storylines and not just for the diva's title.... that will make survivor series compelling.. and the money in the bank..

thats what i tried to create with my ideas in this post... make WWE more compelling.
simple!... when i was still a traveling indy wrestler many times different peole said this.. but i recall the following since they ended up being succesful and made $$$ by not just having 4 -5 star matches... Austin Aries, CM Punk, Jim Cornette, matt bourne, chris candido, kanyon and many more said to me or around me " the marquee still says wrestling".....

WWE WORLD WRESTLING ENTERTAINMENT not sayin i agree with this, but one day down the road i forsee wrestling becoming a division of the company always will be the core but like WWE FILMS.. and more patents u can see on their corporate site or if you purchase stock like i have...

i hope i'm wrong on that last thought.

ps.. never say THE WWE does not make sense when it was WWF you could say THE WWF but Federation is Like LEAGUE or ASSOCIATION or but entertainment is a ... well i'm not go too deep into english class with nouns and adverbs and such.. simply put

its WWE...
i want to work for WWE
not I want to work for the WWE.
i Enjoy WWE's product not i enjoy the WWE's product...

i have vented enough... thank you for your time

i wish all of you who actually read this the best of all Luck in All of Your Future Endeavors

i love THE WWE!!!!....

what say you?
Its going to be very hard for them to have this stable and not have it be about their skin colour to be honest. Well they could have it but it will be a complete bust.

A stable can only get over if they have a very defined goal. From the Horsemen to the nWo to DX to the Hart Foundation and on to Evolution that has always been the case. The only exception to that rule is, arguably, the Shield, but I'd argue that the Shield never hit the same heights as the stables listed above for that very same reason.

Anyway, how are you going to put three black midcarders together and not have them mention their skin colour? Presumably they're coming together because they're frustrated with being in the midcard but then why only have members who are wrestlers who are black? Why aren't guys like Heath Slater involved?

I realise race is a hot topic issue in America right now so it probably isn't the right time to go with this. Or I'd say it absolutely is the right to explore this issue if the WWE had the creative team to pull it off. They don't though so I'd rather they just didn't create this watered down stable

It's apparent you aren't too familiar with what spurred this stable idea in the first place:


A mouthpiece, a high flier and a powerhouse. Hmmm..... Yeah, I know it puts a damper on that eternally stupid desire for a second Nation Of Domination. I mean clearly when there's racial issues in the country, poking at it with a televised organized group is a smart move, right? Especially when they have investors and ratings to keep in check.

I'd much prefer Woods, Big E and Kofi follow in the footsteps of MVP's Trio.
well actually they wrestled a couple dark matches this week or last im not sure which but it was the first action for them in weeks after not being around..they worked as both heels and faces..so maybe WWE is pulling the trigger on this faction..if they want them to make a big impact right away they should interrupt the tag title match on Sunday. im usually not a fan of dq endings in title matches but if its done right it could be a big deal..but knowing WWE if they do ever debut itll be against adam rose and the bunny or the matadors or something

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