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Xavier Woods, Kofi Kingston & Big E: Nation Of Domination 2.0?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's gone.

Seems like the angle was scrapped. The moment I saw face Big E have the match he had on smackdown I was sure something was wrong.

Very bad decision by the WWE. We had a very promosing new tag team ( that already had their own team-finisher ) that was desperately needed. This is just sad. An entertaining angle getting killed off like this is brutal for everyone. Kofi and Big E will now be relegated to being smiley babyfaces once again. Feel more sorry for Kofi as he has been stuck in a rut for so long. Xavier Woods was very good as this fired up heel manager. Now? He's on NXT being irrelevant.

Well then, let's hope the Ascension make their debut cause we need a new team NOW!

I just don't get it. It's bad enough to start a faction like this and scrap after maybe 1-2 weeks after they start doing something that made a small impact, but they pulled the rug out from under all three guys before any of them had a chance to make it work.

I'm not one to bash storylines because I continue to think and hope WWE knows what they're doing, but it's crap like this that makes me think they don't.

The only thing I can think of is that creative was too nervous to continue it with the notion that the PC fans would rally against it because it gained any momentum.
It does seem like a major waste. All 3 men has been directionless for months(in Kofi's case for seemingly forever) and the stable seem like a huge opportunity to finally do something with them. Kofi could've finally gotten out of being that smiling friendly jobber, Woods looked like he was going to break out of that rookie only good for getting squashed role, and Big E could've gone back to looking dominate against other guys not named Sandow, all with the added bonus of the 2 younger guys possibly improving from hanging out with a seasoned vet like Kofi. I can only hope they'll bring it back post SS since the card is pretty stacked and WWE will have more time for them later. Otherwise, just SMH
I think that today's WWE wasn't ready for a new Nation of Domination. Sure we have a african-american president but the modern era WWE aren't the biggest Obama supporters in that sense. But I would have loved to see a N.O.D. 2.0. And have Mark Henry at the helm of the faction, if Mark Henry can't be WWE champion atleast give him a position as a leader of a stable then since we never seen Mark Henry as the leader of any faction in his long stint in the WWE.

-Mark Henry the leader
-Big E & Kofi Kingston as the tag team of the faction
-X. Woods as the mouthpiece of the faction
-R-Truth (or any other black wrestler) as the solid mid-card contender of the faction

The stable could have been nice but now it's not going to happen. What a tease WWE!
I'm sorry, but I have to say, that stable was God-awful. Big E is disproportionately bigger in size and in fan base than those two. Its a shame he never really benefited from his rivalry with Rusev. I feel like they rushed Rusev into a rivalry with Jack Swagger both out of fear that his rivalry with Big E would lose steam and in order to have the nationalistic rivalry for Summerslam. WWE should focus less on gimmicks and more on telling a good story in the ring. Big E getting a win against Rusev and going on to a rubber match would have been good storytelling.
I'm sorry, but I have to say, that stable was God-awful. Big E is disproportionately bigger in size and in fan base than those two. Its a shame he never really benefited from his rivalry with Rusev. I feel like they rushed Rusev into a rivalry with Jack Swagger both out of fear that his rivalry with Big E would lose steam and in order to have the nationalistic rivalry for Summerslam. WWE should focus less on gimmicks and more on telling a good story in the ring. Big E getting a win against Rusev and going on to a rubber match would have been good storytelling.

...as is Swagger doing the exact same thing...and to be fair that formula is 98% of what WWE feuds are. Win 1, lose 1...rubbermatch. Not really good storytelling, it's not sucky storytelling :p

Big E had no business feuding with Rusev, there was nothing there to feud upon, the reason they stopped it wasn't so much to get Rusev away from Big E, it was to get Big E away from Rusev. Fans had a hard time getting behind preacher Big E and that's what he got handed to deal with Rusev. They slip him out of that feud to give him something better to do so he doesn't lose momentum....all of that being said, getting squashed by Rusev a month and a half later is just stupid on WWE's part ><
Not to bump an older thread, but figured it was better to post here, than post a new one.

But do you suppose they axed the racism based story line because of what is going on in Ferguson? It has been a hot topic to say the least in the news since it happened Aug. 9th.

Call me crazy, but WWE made the right move on this one if that is the case.
Are you talking about the police shooting in Ferguson, Missouri? If that's the case I think you might be wrong.

The WWE continued with the Lana/Rusev/Putin storyline, even going so far as to say Russia wasn't responsible for the downing of that Malaysian Jetliner. I have no idea why the idea was shelved, but I don't think that was it.
So let's see everyone freaked out when Big E was alone on a match on Smackdown about a week and a half ago? So you figure that would be the Smackdown on the 8th? To make matters worse, Smackdown is usually recorded before Friday...so I don't think they're connected at all. I could be wrong but I don't think that's it. I think they just planned on pushing it back. If anything, it being dead now is because of the Ferguson thing.
A while back, it looked as though WWE was in the process of forming an all black faction consisting of Xavier Woods, Kofi Kingston and Big E. Reports suggested that there was talk of soon adding Mark Henry to the group. However, aside from their initial appearance in the ring together following a match and a couple of shots of them backstage watching matches on monitor, nothing's come about. As a result, it's led to the conflicting reports that WWE has scrapped the idea as no mention has been made of them on television since.

PWInsider.com is reporting that WWE plans on using the group and they're in the process of experimenting with them at house shows. They've been featured at house shows both as babyfaces and heels to gauge interest among fans, how to present the group and how to ultimately move forward with it.

My initial reaction was that, as an all black faction, a Nation of Domination 2.0 thing was looming on the horizon. However, if WWE is going to ultimately use the faction at some point, my guess is that they've decided it would be best to try and avoid anything with racial overtones. Issues of racial tension have been extremely high profile the past 2.5 years especially with the controversy surrounding the deaths of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman, Michael David Duncan shooting at 4 unarmed black teens & killing 1 at a Florida gas station and the current situation in Missouri regarding Michael Brown being shot by a white police officer.
I agree with that reaction, don't need to go this route at this point in time.

And given the lack of star power in this potential new faction (many of the wrestlers in the original nation were, at that time, closer to being main eventers than they were to being stuck as mid carders), I'm not sure what the future was going to be for them, outside of possibly being tag champs.
Probably for the best that they avoid the blatant racial aspect of the group, as it could wind up giving "shoot promo" a whole new meaning. Too soon? They're just words. Anyway, it's cliche and perhaps overstated, but it's 2014 for crying out loud. A group of black men should no longer immediately bring the Nation of Islam, Black Panthers, or a street gang to mind. There are so many of us in this country who really are past it or at least trying to be until it's flung in our face by ignorant people and/or the media, which sadly leads to old dividing lines being redrawn.

I'm for the group 100%. WWE should make giving all of their talents something a priority. It doesn't have to be substantial, but it should make them identifiable and show that they have a reason for being out there fighting. Heel or face, WWE should give them a go and just make their intentions clear so that we're all not filling in the blanks with "Nation of Jobberation" or other similar puns and references. I mean, of course there will be those who'll do that anyway (I might if I could think of a good one), but generally it's harmless. As long as WWE makes it clear that the tie that binds that stable is something other than race, then the company isn't responsible for any misinterpretation in my book.

Props to WWE for at least trying to tweak the stable so it could work for the masses. It would have been easy to throw it on that heap where they tossed Beaver Cleavage and Kizarny. Like I said, efforts should be made to give everyone on the roster an identity and purpose. If that can be accomplished by throwing a few floundering Superstars together that happen to be black (I always think of Carlin when I say that), then do it. If we're to move past racial issues, then it shouldn't matter what color the guys in a stable are. I know WWE has to walk on eggshells not only because of current events, but because there are journalists ready to tear into them for the smallest things. However, if they can make this work then they should. Lord knows Kofi needs and deserves something different to freshen him up after all these years.
Back when this group rumored to be forming i was all for it.. But Racial overtones are just so at an all-time high right now I am not sure if this is the right time for this group to form.. I really try to avoid the news all together.. I didnt hear about the Florida gas station shooting,i haven't kept up on the situation on Michael Brown.. But if this group is to form i would like to think we can all look past race and see the group for what they are.

Its 2014 I hope the audience is intelligent enough to know its only a story and nothing personal.. Same would be if an all-white group formed its only a story. I think between Big E,Kofi,Xavier Woods is an excellent stable of gifted performers.. A NOD 2.0 a lot of us have called it.. But I would wait until at least tensions die down a little bit to form this group! Some people are not ready for this to happen
As long as the three don't start cutting racially-fueled promos and bring up such events, I don't think it'll garner any controversy. The focus of the group doesn't have to be about being the best black wrestlers but rather being the best wrestlers who happen to be black. Going the Nation 2.0 would be intriguing and definitely edgy, but may attract some bad publicity depending on how it's presented - unless they want to stir the pot, which is always a possibility.
If they want to help assuage a couple of the racial fears, just do what the original Nation did and put a white guy in there.

Hell if Henry isn't going to join, put Titus O'Neal in there so we could add Heath Slater. He's been catching a thermal as of late, and there's your tag team of the group.
Its going to be very hard for them to have this stable and not have it be about their skin colour to be honest. Well they could have it but it will be a complete bust.

A stable can only get over if they have a very defined goal. From the Horsemen to the nWo to DX to the Hart Foundation and on to Evolution that has always been the case. The only exception to that rule is, arguably, the Shield, but I'd argue that the Shield never hit the same heights as the stables listed above for that very same reason.

Anyway, how are you going to put three black midcarders together and not have them mention their skin colour? Presumably they're coming together because they're frustrated with being in the midcard but then why only have members who are wrestlers who are black? Why aren't guys like Heath Slater involved?

I realise race is a hot topic issue in America right now so it probably isn't the right time to go with this. Or I'd say it absolutely is the right to explore this issue if the WWE had the creative team to pull it off. They don't though so I'd rather they just didn't create this watered down stable
Anyway, how are you going to put three black midcarders together and not have them mention their skin colour?

You're kidding right? It's actually very easy. They just don't mention it. Do you think when minorities congregate they just sit around and say stuff like, "How's your skin pigment holding up?" You're smarter than that statement, dude.
I'm a bit sick of hearing the "new nation" comments.

I'm not against a new Nation at all. I liked the original nation of domination and I'm not sensative or "p.c."

But why does it have to be about race!? Because they're all black? Were evolution or DX or legacy the Wyatts or the horsemen about white power just cause they were all white?

I just don't see the logic in it. The same thing happened when TNA put MVP Kenny King and Lashley together. Everyone said it was nation 2.0, but they never made it about race.

I know Los Matadors are a stereotype but they don't go talking about racial problems just cause they're not white. The usos aren't fighting the race war for Samoans. So why is it that I'd you put black guys together its instantly about race?

Everyone just needs to cool down and let them be 3 wrestlers that were put tofether . not 3 "black wrestlers" that have to make things about race.

I'm not too excited about the 3 involved but I'll give it a chance if wwe moves forward with them together. And I'll view them as any other stable. Not The "militant black stable"
You're kidding right? It's actually very easy. They just don't mention it. Do you think when minorities congregate they just sit around and say stuff like, "How's your skin pigment holding up?" You're smarter than that statement, dude.

Case in point: Lashley/MVP/King.
Controversy brings cash. Where would Kim Kadarshian be if not for that sex tape? If these three nobodies are to become somebodies, they will have to resort to controversial stuff that like blasting one demographic and fueling the other with feelings of revolution. Otherwise, why should anyone care about them if they are simply three lower midcarders fighting together? I guess that's what the WWE was worried about too- these three (with maybe a couple more) won't get far unless they are controversial... but if you give them something controversial, it might evoke strong criticism from the mainstream media and their sheep audience- something that might hurt their image. At the end, they decided it was not worth it.
I would love to see these guys work face. As heels, WWE's track record leads me to believe that they'd have nothing to define beyond the race card. And I don't put it past WWE to do that even now, although I would be surprised if they did it anywhere near the same way that the Russian dude is being used (don't remember his name because it's all Volkoff to me). At least as faces WWE Creative would have to think of something, ANYTHING else to get them over.

You're kidding right? It's actually very easy. They just don't mention it. Do you think when minorities congregate they just sit around and say stuff like, "How's your skin pigment holding up?" You're smarter than that statement, dude.

This is the WWE we're talking about. They take almost every chance they get to overplay the race card in a gimmick, especially if it is a non-White American. Not usually in a hostile or intentionally offensive manner, mind you. Less "racism" and more "incompetence".

See also: WWF and French-Canadians.

Controversy brings cash.

That was the thinking behind much of the stupid shit that was aired from the late 90's to the mid 00's. Specifically, you're using an Eric Bischoff line. And how many companies have we seen Bischoff drive into the toilet under his watch in large part because of this kind of stupid shit?

Where would Kim Kadarshian be if not for that sex tape?

Yeah that worked out great for Chyna didn't it? Controversy may often create cash, but it is FAR from being a sure thing.

If these three nobodies are to become somebodies, they will have to resort to controversial stuff that like blasting one demographic and fueling the other with feelings of revolution. Otherwise, why should anyone care about them if they are simply three lower midcarders fighting together?

Kofi had my attention for a long while without having to do the stupid kind of shit you're talking about. A Boom Drop on Orton at MSG put his ass over. WWE never capitalized on that properly. But please, tell me more about how stirring the pot of black/white relations in the US is the best thing (or by your own words, the ONLY thing) to do right now ("now" being "probably the worst fucking possible time for this kind of shit in the last 20 years or so"). You clearly know SO MUCH about how to get people over.

I guess that's what the WWE was worried about too- these three (with maybe a couple more) won't get far unless they are controversial... but if you give them something controversial, it might evoke strong criticism from the mainstream media and their sheep audience- something that might hurt their image. At the end, they decided it was not worth it.

You didn't have any point to make here, did you? Like, I don't see anything here beyond:

Shart Madden said:
Stupid shit makes money

These guys can't get over without stupid shit

Stupid shit might be stupid though

They aren't doing anything I guess

Which even then is wrong because the latest reports out there indicate that the group is still a group, they just haven't figured out where to go with it yet.

So, did you have a point? Or do you just like to hear yourself talk?
DirtyJosé;4980073 said:
That was the thinking behind much of the stupid shit that was aired from the late 90's to the mid 00's. Specifically, you're using an Eric Bischoff line. And how many companies have we seen Bischoff drive into the toilet under his watch in large part because of this kind of stupid shit?
Here we go again... DirtyJosé's weekly quest of quoting all my posts and replying the most brutally idiotic comments on earth. If you think WCW failed because of Eric Bischoff's tendency for controversial angles, then you need to brush up on your history lessons. This isn't even a reason. There are a dozen more important factors that can be attributed to WCW's demise.

Yeah that worked out great for Chyna didn't it? Controversy may often create cash, but it is FAR from being a sure thing.
Chyna's sextape sold more than 100,000 copies, with Chyna getting a fair share of the profits. In fact, if it weren't for that movie, Chyna wouldn't have this career in pornography today, by virtue of which, she has made quite a lot of money without being in a fragile physical state which wrestling would have landed her into. Also, the short-term objective is primarily cash. If you don't make cash in the short term, you won't even get to long term. Again, you need to learn facts before blabbering like a moron.

Kofi had my attention for a long while without having to do the stupid kind of shit you're talking about.
Your attention is of zero value, just like everything else about you. If it was possible, I'm sure worthless fools like you would be excluded from surveys of tastes and preferences. Anyway, if Kofi could do more than flashy Royal Rumble spots, he wouldn't be a lower mid carder today.

You didn't have any point to make here, did you? Like, I don't see anything here beyond:

<a typical DirtyJosé's failed attempt at insulting>

So, did you have a point? Or do you just like to hear yourself talk?
Do you? Oh never mind, you are just a waste of space. Your only purpose in life is to be a nuisance. Next time, post something at least remotely intelligent and discussion-worthy instead of continuing to misuse the 'Quote' feature... Actually, no. I won't even waste my time reading your next reply, because it will obviously be the same stagnant crap as always. Oh goodness.
Here we go again... DirtyJosé's weekly quest of quoting all my posts and replying the most brutally idiotic comments on earth.

Please. Even I don't have the patience to quote everything you post. Stop exaggerating, it's non-spam. Just the facts.

If you think WCW failed because of Eric Bischoff's tendency for controversial angles, then you need to brush up on your history lessons. This isn't even a reason. There are a dozen more important factors that can be attributed to WCW's demise.

Did I say it was the only reason? NOPE. I'd make a comment about how bad you are with the language, but I think it's taken as granted at this point.

Anyway, yes, we all have read the books or the interviews or the dirtsheets or the WWE.com special reports. We all know about WCW dying. And while the plug was pulled by a suit, guys like Bischoff put WCW on the death bed in the first place by putting on crappy show after crappy show for so long that even when they managed to put on a great show no fucks were given. And what made these shows crappy? "Edgy" content. "Risque" content. "Controversial" content.

Are you going to argue that?

Chyna's sextape sold more than 100,000 copies, with Chyna getting a fair share of the profits. In fact, if it weren't for that movie, Chyna wouldn't have this career in pornography today, by virtue of which, she has made quite a lot of money without being in a fragile physical state which wrestling would have landed her into.

You do know she had done Playboy previously, right? Whoops, there goes the basis of your argument!

Also, the short-term objective is primarily cash. If you don't make cash in the short term, you won't even get to long term. Again, you need to learn facts before blabbering like a moron.

And how does this apply to wrestling? Keeping your eye on the short term gains is AGAIN a Bischoff move that didn't really work out for him in the end. So, more Shart Madden butt hurt flamey goodness without substance.

Austin, contrary to popular belief, was not an overnight success for WWE. Even after the time it took to cook up the Stone Cold gimmick, even after "Austin 3:16", it still wasn't putting WWE on top right away. In fact, it was about 2 years before WWE would reclaim it's top dog position. Point? That the short-term approach is bullshit, and may lead you away from something that might actually work (and make people rich in the process).

Your attention is of zero value, just like everything else about you. If it was possible, I'm sure worthless fools like you would be excluded from surveys of tastes and preferences. Anyway, if Kofi could do more than flashy Royal Rumble spots, he wouldn't be a lower mid carder today.

More flamey butt hurt goodness. Please sir, this is non-spam.

Your silly prejudices aside, I know I was not the only one who was excited at the prospect of Orton vs Kofi back a few years ago when this happened. Did you see it? I mean, not just on YouTube later on. Were you watching Raw that night? It was certainly no "pipebomb" but it was clearly the centerpiece of the night's broadcast (intentionally) and had plenty of people talking. WWE's follow up? Something stupid involving NASCAR and maybe a squash match (if even that).

Do you? Oh never mind, you are just a waste of space. Your only purpose in life is to be a nuisance. Next time, post something at least remotely intelligent and discussion-worthy instead of continuing to misuse the 'Quote' feature.

Oh dear. You really shouldn't get so upset in non-spam sections. Just makes you look foolish. And I don't understand what you mean by misusing the quote button. It's what it's there for, right?

More to the topic, you avoided a bit under half of my post just to focus on the parts that hurt your feels. How about these talking points:

1: Is WWE capable of pushing black males without making race or stereotypes a big part of their identity. In my experience with them, I do not have much faith that they do. Mark Henry doesn't really count because I remember the days of "Sexual Chocolate".

2: Is media attention and controversy worth pushing buttons for? Is the possible (but by NO means guaranteed) bump in ratings or coverage worth the damage (see also: pretty much every stupid stunt WCW pulled between 1999 and 2001)? I don't believe so because even when WCW managed to get coverage and not totally fail at the box office, they still looked incredibly stupid to outsiders (the very people you're trying to attract to the product).
I guess they are still undecided one whether to present them as a face or heel due to the recent rise in racial tension in the US due to the cop shootings. I really don't think WWE has a choice whether to put a racial angle into the formation of the group. The fans are already labelling them as Nation 2.0. I believe this group should has more legs to run on than the Corre, or 3MB if the plans remain to keep them together. For one, Kofi is a more high profile wrestler than Barrett or Slater/Drew McIntyre.

I could see the stable feud with Henry and Show as heels or against the Wyatts as faces. But with the reactions the Wyatts, especially Harper is getting, that could prove tricky. It is hard for me to place them as faces since there is a lack of heels at the moment for them to play off of. But portraying them as heels could invite a backlash as well. For me the simple situation is to have the mouthpiece Xavier Woods be heelish but have Kofi and Big E remain with face characteristics. The end game would be a feud between Big E and Kofi with Woods backstabbing the one to remain face. Personally I think it is an opportunity to see whether Kofi can run with being heel but the easier sell is to have the bigger guy, Big E, be the heel.
Its 2014 I hope the audience is intelligent enough to know its only a story and nothing personal.

Yes, and I believe the team would be accepted for what it is; a group of individuals who banded together in common interest. If WWE gets skittish about the whole thing, perhaps they could include a white performer in the group to indicate.....without verbalizing it.....that these guys are as devoted to equal opportunity as anyone else.

I like the make-up of the faction: guys whom we all know, but who bring different elements and talents to make a stronger whole. Big E, for instance, is going nowhere as a single....though the organization has tried to break him through. Including him in a group like this will cover up his difficulties on the mic while taking advantage of that huge body. Kofi belongs because of his high-flying tactics and overall agreeable presence.....association with the others will add the element of power to his repertoire.

I don't know about Mark Henry. On one hand, he seems to be well on the way toward retirement. On the other hand, he might be able to stick around longer by consorting with a group, leaving him to do less of the heavy lifting while continuing to lend his fearsome presence.

In addition to these men, I'd add Titus O'Neil. He'd be the best talker in the stable, which is good. Meanwhile, his other deficiencies would be disguised.

I think the group would garner a strong, positive reaction.
A stable can only get over if they have a very defined goal. From the Horsemen to the nWo to DX to the Hart Foundation and on to Evolution that has always been the case. The only exception to that rule is, arguably, the Shield, but I'd argue that the Shield never hit the same heights as the stables listed above for that very same reason.

They will probably have a defined goal, I'm guessing something along the lines of beating the opposition, winning gold, & proving they are the best on the card.

Anyway, how are you going to put three black midcarders together and not have them mention their skin colour?

They same way you have a stable of white midcarders come together & not mention their skin color:shrug:

Why aren't guys like Heath Slater involved?

Because he's busy with Slater Gator

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