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WZF - Raw

WZF – Monday Night RAW Results
Date: April 3, 2012
Location: LIVE from Key Arena - Seattle, Washington. Attendance = 17,459
Commentators: Enterkey & Dave.
Announcer: Y 2 Jake

- Tonight’s WZF Raw opens from Key Arena - Seattle, Washington as the Pyro hits and Dave and Enterkey welcome us to Monday Night Raw. It’s a sellout crowd in Seattle as the Camera pans over the crowd and the Raw music plays.

- Raw General Manager Lee’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring with a swagger, carrying a huge smile on his face. He is accompanied by a huge number of security guards as they surround the ring. The crowd is LOUD. Lee gets on the mic and says that tonight is a historic night, not only because it is the first EVER Monday Night Raw but because right now in this ring he will crown Raw’s First Ever WZF Champion. A security guard hands Lee the strap. He talks about a man who has wrestled all around the world and the best man to represent his brand. That man is Dman and Lee brings him out. Dmans music hits and out he comes. He is wearing a silver suit and what looks to be a pair of Gucci Shades. He struts to the ring slowly, pulling at his suit. He is all smiles as he walks up the stairs and casually enters the ring. He embraces with the GM and they shake hands, Lee hands the title to Dman and he kisses it as if it was his child. Dman says Lee could not have picked a better man to lead his brand. Dman says he is the best in the world at what he does and receives a chorus of boos for this. A loud boring chant starts from the crowd. Dman says that the crowd needs to shut and respect greatness because Seattle sees so little of it. Major heat here as Dman continues to rip into the crowd. Dman goes onto proclaim about how he has worked his ass off all his life to get to this moment as Lee nods in approval. Dman states that he has seen the rest of the roster and none of them match up to him in any shape or form.

Suddenly SNS Music starts and he makes his way to the ring wearing a T-shirt and jeans, huge pop for Norman here. He looks PISSED. SNS walks up to Dman and looks at him straight in the eyes and grabs the mic from the new champ. The Crowd is chanting his name. SNS talks about hardwork and dignity and that DMan resembles neither of these things. SNS says Dman doesn’t look like a champion but more like a young Ben Stiller. The crowd laughs at this. SNS says he wants a shot at the title TONIGHT and pulls his hand out for DMan. Dman hesitates and draws his hand and goes in for the shake. BUT a voice is heard stopping their arrangement. General Disarray is standing on the stage smirking also wearing a T-Shirt and Jeans. He cuts a promo on the stage listing why he deserves to be champion and heads to the ring. He engages in a 3 way stare down with the other two. Lee breaks them apart and announces a number one contender’s match for tonight. At this announcement Korn Breaks out and three men and a woman appear standing on the stage. The man in the middle dressed in a lavish suit steps out and introduces himself to the crowd to massive heat. He says he is LSN and this is the Cigar Lounge Society a group that will take WZF by storm. He points to a small but muscular man standing on the left of the group and says this is Hamler the toughest man in this business, he then points to the man standing on the right and introduces Mister Awesome the smartest man in this business. He pauses and his smile broadens and then steps back and looks at a skinny but slightly attractive women wearing high heels and a ****ty dress and says this is the lovely Litas Revenge his little helper. She giggles. Enterkey makes a comment about how he would like to have some time to himself with her. LSN puts over the group some more and addresses Lee. He says he better than those two losers in the ring and demands a match with Dman tonight. Lee gets on the mic and says he is the authority around here and says no. He makes a handicap match for tonight’s Main Event. SNS & GD vs The Cigar Lounge Society. No one in the ring except for Dman is happy and Lee’s music hits as Enterkey and Dave plug tonight’s main event.


Match #1
Singles Match: Big Sexy vs Ferbian.

- Back from the break, Jake brings out the competitors. Big Sexy is out first to nice reaction and he raps in the ring, Dave says Sexy si a mix of r-Truth and Kofi. The rap is cut off midway by Ferbian who doesn’t get a reaction. Dave likens Ferbian to Renee Dupree. The crowd is silent during Ferbians entrance. Dave says Ferbian couldn’t be any blander. The bell rings and they lock up. Ferbian pushes Sexy to the corner and starts to rain down the punches. The Ref pulls Ferbian away but he is having none of it. Ferbian unloads on Sexy and chokes him the corner pulling away at the 3 count. Ferbian goads the crowd to some small heat. Ferbian then charges but Sexy dodges as Ferbian goes straight into the turnbuckle, Sexy goes for Ferbian but runs into a big clothesline and Ferbs gets the two count. Enterkey yells that Ferbian needs to send Sexy back to the ghetto where he belongs. It’s all Ferbian here as he dominates Sexy with various rest holds on the mat. A Big Sexy chant starts as he begins to fight back. Just as Sexy starts to build momentum, Ferbian nails him with a big full nelson slam but once again only gets a two count for his troubles. He screams at the ref in frustration. Ferbian tries to Irish whip Sexy but it gets countered into nice looking DDT. Big Sexy gets the crowd involved and climbs the turnbuckle and lands a beautiful looking legdrop which Dave calls contraception. Sexy then pins Ferbian for the 1-2-3 for the clean win at 6:55.

Winner: Big Sexy by pinfall at 6:55.

- A short weedy man known as Disturbed is shown backstage with Coco the Monkey, Disturbed is in a cheap suit that looks far too big for him. Disturbed asks Coco how he feels about his match for the vacant intercontinental title with Milenko that Lee scheduled for tonight. Coco stands over munt and says that it won’t be much of a match. Coco states that no one can out wrestle him and asks Disturbed if he gambles. Disturbed says no and Coco says well he’ll start tonight. If Coco beats Milenko in fewer than 2 minutes, Disturbed will get a match with Coco next week. If Coco fails to beat Milenko in under 2 minutes he will buy Disturbed a new suit. Before Disturbed can reply, Coco motions him to stop and leaves. As he leaves he tells Disturbed that his fly is undone. The crowd laughs. Enterkey says that Coco is nothing but a pretty boy. Dave says Disturbed looks like a young Enterkey.

- The Cigar Lounge Society are in their locker-room. LSN is giving his friends a pep talk for the main event. LSN says that tonight they can prove themselves and begin their quest for domination of Raw. LSN tells his team that they need to get the job done tonight and Hamler and Awesome say they will. They embrace and leave. Litasrevenge tells the others to go ahead because she needs to make a phone call. As they leave, Sully is standing by the door and they shoot him a dirty look. Sully knocks on the door and Litasrevenage answers. Sully asks her if she wants to see his new van and that it is in the carpark. She snappily replies with a no and slams the door. Sully knocks again but she doesn’t answer, Sully shouts that he has anime in his Van.

- Dave talks about how creepy Sully is. Enterkey snarlingly states to Dave " He must get it from you". A graphic is shown for tonight’s main event as we cut to the commercial break


Match #2
Tag Team Match: Crock & Doc Connection vs. The Ragers.

- Crock and Doc come out to a great reaction ala hardys and race to the ring holding their hands out for the fans to touch and perform acrobatics in the ring. Dave says these two guys are the craziest he has ever seen. The Ragers follow them to some nice heat, the ragers remind Dave of cade and Murdoch. The bell rings and Crock and Tastycles start things off. They lock up and go to the corner. Tastycles backs off and walks straight into a drop kick from Crock. He gets up and Crock runs at him hitting a flying shoulder block. Crock lifts his head up and punches Tastycles continuously. Crock backs off and pulls up Tastycles from the matt. He sets up Tasty for what looks to be a ddt but Tasty counters into a Russian Leg sweep. Tasty takes control of the match and drags Crock into his corner. The crowd chant for Doc. Tasty tags in Rayne and they work on Crock. Rayne puts Crock into the tree of woe and dropkicks him. He then applies various submission maneuvers on Crock as Crock is struggling. We go to a commercial break.

Rayne puts Crock in a Boston Crab and screams at him to tap out. Eventually Rayne breaks the hold and smugly kicks him in the face a few times to add salt to the wound. He poses to the crowd as they relentlessly boo him. Rayne annoyed at his treatment goes back to work on Crock and puts him in abdominal stretch. He applies more pressure as the ref asks him if he wants out. Crock preservers and a lets go Crock chant starts from the crowd. Gradually Crock begins to break the hold and counters into a hangman’s neckbreaker and makes the surprise pin to a close 2 count. The crowd is HOT. Both men are laid out and Doc is screaming at the top of his lungs to make the tag as Crock plays the face in peril. Both men crawl to their respective partners as Crock is just leaning over the ropes now in desperation. Suddenly just as tasty tags in, Crock lunges to shrieks from the crowd and makes the hot tag to Doc. Doc races into the ring and hits back to back cloth lines and fires up. He readies himself and as Tasty gets up Doc lifts him onto his shoulders and hits a big samoan drop. He crouches and motions to Tasty to get up. Once Tasty finally does Doc runs at him and hits a modified swinging neckbreaker which Dave smartly points out is named surgery. He goes for the cover. 1…2…Tasty had his foot on the ropes. The ref points this out to Doc and Doc stunned picks Tasty up and nails him with a back suplex. He goes for the cover once again but Rayne breaks it up. Tasty takes advantage of this and gives Doc a cheeky thumb to the eye. He then chops blocks Doc and mocks the crowd drawing some major heat. He then drags Doc into the corner and tags in Rayne who proceeds to get in Docs face. Crock is leaning on the apron screaming at Doc to make the tag. Rayne and Tasty hit a double suplex on Doc and mock his signature pose (Hulk Hogan one). Doc is laid out in the middle of the ring. Rayne goes up to crock and antagonizes him. As he turns around he walks into dropkick from the doc. The crowd is hot and Doc rushes to tag Crock in. Hot tag and Crock cleans house starting with a sprinboard slingshot senton on Rayne. He then hits a running shoulder block on Tatsy and tosses him to the outside. He then signals to the crowd and lands a lionsault. He goes for the pin and gets the 1-2-3 for the win at 15:27. Nice little t.v match here.

Winners: Crock and Doc Connection by pinfall at the 14:27 mark

After the match Doc and Crock celebrate to a BIG ovation. Out of nowhere two masked men in run out and take the connection out to a chorus of boos. They send Doc to the outside and the shorter one motions to the taller one to bring Crock over to him. They nail crock with a double slingshot suplex. The shorter man takes off him mask and reveals him to be StormTrooper. He holds Crock by the throat and challenges him and Doc to a match for the vacant tag titles next week on raw. Doc tries to make the save but gets a HUGE powerbomb for his troubles by the tall masked man almost breaking him in half. He takes off his mask and reveals himself to be Justinsayne. Dave says they are called anger management. Justin and Stormtrooper exit the ring blood pulsing and just generally looking angry as the fans shout abuse at them. The camera pans to the carnage in the ring with the Crock and Doc connection laid out. Dave says these two have some serious issues and we go backstage.

- Stinger in a Red Shirt with Black tights andis yelling at Noah, a skinny little man wearing a superhero outfit much like Robins. Noah asks Stinger if he looks like a wrestler. Stinger says No. Noah gets in Stingers face and calls him the cockroach of the wrestling business. Stinger responds to Noah by exclaiming that he has a wife and she will beat him down like the juvenile baby that he is. Stinger tells Noah that as his mentor he needs to sit down and respect him. Stinger says that it is a travesty that he is not involved in the world title scene and says he feels stung by the general manager. Both men are breathing heavily and the tension is high. Stinger says that later tonight he is going to issue an open challenge and noah should be taking notes. He leaves in a huff only to bump into Xfearbefore which gets HUGE pop. They stare each other down and head back to the ring.

Match #3
Xfearbefore vs Encore

Encore gets the jobber entrance. He's on the mic and cuts a basic heel promo insulting the fans and the Mariners and anything else Seattle related for cheap heat. Just as he starts to hit his groove, Xfears music hits cue the rey like pop and we have a match. The crowd are INTO Xfear. Encore takes the initiative early on but Xfear deals with Encore's power with his own quickness. After some back and forth action Xfear sends Encore to the outside with a head scissors. He then follows this up with a suicide dive that sends Encore to the barricade. The Crowd is WAY into this. Encore manges to fight back though and drops Xfear head first onto the barricade, he argues with a few fans and rolls Xfear back in the ring. Encore locks a dragon sleeper on X and Enterkey thinks this one is over. Enterkey isn't holding back his bias and proclaims that Xfear is so small that Enetekry himself could probably beat him down in a fight. An Xfear chant starts up as X starts to resist the hold and he counters it into step up enzuigiri. He gets the crowd behind him and uses the nearby ropes to land a Tornillo. Xfear covers Encore but it's only good for the 2 count. Xfear sets Encore up in the middle of the ring and proceeds to climb the turnbuckle. He goes for what looks to be a splash of some sort but Encore rolls away and X lands awkwardly in a frontal position. Encore still slightly groggy taunts the crowd and looks to hit the killer blow but X fear reverses it into a modified tornando ddt. Dave says the move is called Xpained. X fear covers Encore for the clean win at 6:16

Winner: Xfearbefore by pinfall in 5:16

Bill Lesnar is shown backstage putting on his elbow pads and getting ready to a huge eruption. We head to the commercial break.


- Raw is back from the commercial and Stinger is walking around the ring with Noah by his side. Stinger says that if he is the cockroach, the fans and everyone else are the lice that he feeds on. Stinger says he wants a challenge. Stinger says he wants to flex his muscles and work off the Taco Bell he had last night. He continues but suddenly Bill Lesnar's music hits and the crowd erupts. Lesnar makes his way to the ring (Think Goldberg) full of intensity and Stinger now has his match.

Match #4
Bill Lesnar vs Stinger

The crowd is on fire. Stinger looks scared shitless as Bill Lesnar gives him a chilling stare. They lock up and Lesnar immediately overpowers Stinger in the corner and pummels him with repeated shoulder blocks. Lesnar gets ready to finish the job but Stinger slithers out of the ring and runs back up the ramp wanting no part of Lesnar, the Ref counts to 10 and Lesnar wins this by countout in 1:06. Dave calls Stinger a coward but Enterkey says he would have done the same thing. Lesnar is now standing in the middle of the ring, echoes of his name can be heard all over the arena. Noah sneaks up behind him and crushes a steel chair across his back. Lesnar does move but slowly turns around, agitated. Dave is going crazy at the table putting Lesnar over as an absolute beast. Noah cannot move and looks shell shocked. Lesnar almost kills him with a MASSIVE spear and finishes the job with a jackhammer on the chair. Lesnar poses for the fans and soaks up the atmosphere whilst Noah is taken away by officials ala Edge after been beaten by fatt hardy at 2005 Unforgiven.

Winner: Bill Lesnar by countout @ 1:06

- A graphic shows for the intercontinental title match between Coco the monkey and Milenko. Dave announces that it is up next.

Match #5
Intercontinental title: Coco the Monkey vs Milenko

- Milenko is out first. The crowd doesn't care although some boos can be heard around the arena. You can hear one fan telling Milenko to get a personality."Break the Walls Down by Jim Johnston" hits and out comes Coco to a ROAR. Big match introductions from Jake here give this match a big match feel. Coco offers his hand and Milenko goes in for the shake but pulls it away at the last second. Coco isn't amused. Milenko cheekily puts his hand out now and Coco slaps him across the face sending him stumbling across the ring. The crowd roar their approval. Coco still isn't smiling.The bell rings and they finally lock up and Coco takes Milenko down and immediately puts him in the sharpshooter sending the crowd into a frenzy. Dave is off his seat well into this, Enterkey isn't impressed. Milenko is wailing in pain as Coco turns it up a notch. They are dead center in the ring and eventually Milenko taps like a little bitch to crown a new champion in 0:35. Enterkey is annoyed that Coco "cheaply" threw Milenko off his game before this started. Coco climbs the turnbuckle and holds his new belt in the air in celebration to a HUGE pop. However as he gets down from his posing...

Winner and NEW Intercontinental champion: Coco The Monkey by submission in 35 seconds

Match #6
Non Title Match: Coco The Moneky vs Disturbed

- Disturbed comes running down the ramp telling Coco to stop. Disturbed isn't in the ring yet. He goes on about their little arrangement enduring WHAT chants as a result. Disturbed says he wants the match now. The bell rings and Coco plays around with him a bit. Distrubed spits at Coco and this pisses him off. Coco charges at Disturbed but gets a low blow. The ref rings the bell and the crowd aren't happy.

Winner: Coco The Monkey

Disturbed scared at what he has done, tries to escape but Coco pulls him back and locks in the sharpshooter. Disturbed is screaming in pain when out of literally nowhere Jackhammer appears and crushes Coco with a huge lariat. Coco is laid out. Jackhammer wearing a singlet and tights goes to the outside cursing. He picks up a chair and snaps it together. Disturbed points at Coco and tells Jackhammer to beat him to a pulp. The beat down is on and Jackhammer destroys Coco with a chair-shot right to the skull. Coco is busted open hard-way. jackhammer rains down left and rights and in a cool visual his white singlet is covered in blood. He rains down more left and rights and hits his finisher on the title belt which Dave calls D.I.Y but looks more or less like an impaler ddt/edgecution . Disturbed grabs Coco by the hair and gets in his face. He introduces Jackhammer and puts him over as the bigger man. Disturbed says Jackhammer is going to take Coco's title at Backlash and that next week on raw Coco will face them both in a handicap match. He drops the mic and they both pose and taunt in the ring. Coco is laid out in the middle of the ring a bloody mess. Disturbed is on Jackhammers shoulders now. Enterkey says thats more like it and discusses the situation with Dave. Trainers tend to Coco and a graphic shows of our tag team main event as we cut to the commercial break.


- Lee is in his office throwing a party as it's the first ever raw. Lee says this is a time to celebrate. There are various foods and drinks around the room and the party is starting to go off. Stingers wife is helping herself to a some custard tart when Sully approaches her and asks her if she wants to see his new van. She puts the pie in his face as the crowd laugh. Brain is seen in the corner of the room reading a book, Rox walks up to him and asks him if he wants to dance. Brain does not respond but looks at him awkwardly. Others seen include 911JP, Phatso, Sound of madness, Gelgarin and Macios. Lee has his arm around two attractive women taps and he taps his wine glass and says he has an announcement to make. He says that next week their will be a battle royale to open the show and the winner will face Dman in the main event. Everyone cheers at this and it's main event time. Dave says he was with those girls before Lee was.

Match #7
Screaming Norman Smiley & General Disarray vs The Cigar Lounge Society

- The Cigar Lounge Soceity are seen walking to the ring. The boos are noisy as fuck. Enterkey and Dave plug the Main Event

- The Cigar Lounge Society come out first to the second biggest heat of the night (disturbed got the most). They take an age to get to the ring and you can almost smell the arrogance. SNS and GD come out separately both to good pops, with SNS getting the better of it. Hamler and GD start us off and it's go time. They trade blows starting up a dueling chant with GD eventually getting the better of Hamler. He brings Hamler to the corner and tags in SNS and they chop the living fuck out of Hamler. Wooooo chants are audible in Seattle. SNS then gets in a few European uppercuts and sends Hamler sprawling. It should be noted that SNS works stiff as fuck. Irishwhip to a snap suplex nearly gets a two count and the crowd is well into this. SNS then scoop slams hamler and hits knee drop to the head. It's all the faces at the start here. A few more uppercuts and we are back in the corner. Enterkey says GD needs to shave his beard. GD gets the tag and climbs the turnbuckle for the 10 punch. He motions for his signature move(Much like a peoples elbow except its a leg drop) but Hamler rolls out of the way and stops GD dead in his tracks with a big boot. He makes the tag to Mister Awesome. Mister Awesome works over GD for a bit with some classic matt wrestling. He applies his finisher which is an armbar and GD is howling in pain. Ref asks GD if he wants to continue and GD says yes. Awesome lets go of the hold and starts stomping on the arm. He tosses GD to the outside and taunts the crowd. Without the Ref knowing LSN sends GD arm first into the ring post which looked brutal and rolls him back in the ring. Awesome then picks GD up and arm-lock scoops slams him to the canvas. GD writhes around in agony. He is selling that arm like a champ. SNS wants in. The crowd are chanting GD's name. We go to the commercial break as Dave plays up the face's troubling situation.

Back from the commercial and nothing much has changed. They replay a sick spot where GD was suplexed onto the ropes. LSN is now in and has the surfboard stretch applied. GD is big time playing the face in peril. LSN is getting in GD's ear, telling him to quit or it gets worse. Massive heat for LSN here. He really is quite the asshole. More GD chants start up and he gradually resists the hold, kicking LSN in the gut and pulling of a face buster. Both men are are down and their team members are begging for the tag. The crowd is lapping this up. Eventually GD makes the hot tag and in comes SNS who cleans house clotheslining Awesome over the top rope and tossing LSN shoulder first into the ringpost. He is fired up and so is the crowd. He gets puts Hamler in a powerbomb position but a thumb to the eyes allows Hamler to land on him in a pin fall position. He uses the ropes as leverage but ONLY gets the 2 count. Hamler is shocked and argues with the ref. Seattle is crazy. Hamler turns around only to walk into the cross face chicken wing and just as he looks to give up, the rest of the cigar lounge society hit the ring and attack SNS. GD jumps in to and the brawl is on. The ref rings the bell and the faces win by DQ in 12:37.

Winners: GD & SNS around the 12:37 mark by DQ

Eventually the numbers game captures up to GD and LSN nails him with his finisher which looks like a codebreaker but Dave insists is called Faked Intelligence. SNS fights back and belly to bellys both Hamler and Awesome and then applies the chicken wing to LSN and the crowd is berserk. Dave and Enterkey are all over the place. GD recovers and OUT OF NOWHERE hits a move identical to the kryptonite crunch on SNS. Dave calls it Der Fuhrer. The crowd is now silent. GD just stares blanky at SNS's fallen body and he motions the title around his waist. Lee's music hits and he is out on the stage shouting thats enough. He makes a triple threat number one contenders match for next week. GD vs SNS vs LSN. Lee's music hits again and he leaves. Amidst all the chaos Dman makes his way through the crowd and smashes the title belt against the back of GD's head to a chorus of boos. Dman smirks with menace as his music hits.Dman poses with the WZF Title and everyone else laid out as Raw goes off air.

Quick Match Results.

1. Big Sexy def Ferbian via pinfall.
2. Crock & Doc connection def The Ragers via pinfall.
3. Xfearbefore def Encore via pinfall
4. Bill Lesnar def Stinger via countout
5. Coco The Monkey def Milenko via submission
6. Coco The Monkey def Disturbed via DQ
7. SNS & GD def The Cigar Lounge Society via DQ
Ask Bill Lesnar any questions about the show. Tying up loose ends etc like attire/theme music etc. Bill Lesnar will give an answer.

Feedback appreciated. Bill Lesnar hopes to improve as we proceed. He may change the format for SD.
Lulz. Not bad. If this is your first time doing something like this, then I'd say you did pretty well. You'll get better over time. Looking forward to Smackdown now.

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