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WZCW Trading Card game.


Staff member
Kermit suggested this a couple of days ago and most people seem to think that it is a good idea. I have come up with a prototype design that we can use if we all agree. Still, there's a few things missing from my design that I would like to add and that's where I need you guys.

Basically, I was hoping that you could help me come to an agreement on which cards would be classed as "Common", "Uncommon" and "Rare" and "Extremely Rare". If anyone would like to put forward some names for the categories, I'd be more than grateful and it would add a nice touch to the prototype that I have been working on.

With that said, let me hear your suggestions.

Also, if you want to submit a prototype for the Trading Card game, then just post it here. If we get more than one, then we'll put it to a vote for the winner.

Thanks, fellas.
Cards like Steamboat Ricky, Celeste Crimson and such should be considered extremely rare... basically anyone who could return who was higher than mid-card from the old days.
Oh! And for anyone who was wondering what they would look like:

Also, if you want to submit a prototype for the Trading Card game, then just post it here. If we get more than one, then we'll put it to a vote for the winner.

Gelgarin fucking loves trading card games. I'll be taking a swing at this. Not sure I have the inclination to deploy my elite photoshop skills though.
I think moves like Enziguri and German suplex would be common..

World Champions would be extremely rare, champions in general would be rare, anyone who is relatively new and or has never won a title should be either common or rare. The extremely rare cards should be restricted purely to current/former world champions.
I think anyone who has created a character that is still talked about in a positive manner that we would consider to be 'WZCW HoF Worthy' is an Extremely Rare type of person, so Celeste, Ricky, Ty, Titus, Bratchny would fit that sort of bill. Obviously Joseph Rios will be common as anything ;). It's a question of agreeing who fits that bill, but that should be down to Creative to decide on the rarity factor.

PS - Love the design.
Not sure about actually saying "Rare" "Common" etc. on the cards in big letters, maybe color-code them instead? Red backing could be common, green for less so, silver for rare, gold for ultra-rare, etc. Other than that I love the idea and design.
Not sure about actually saying "Rare" "Common" etc. on the cards in big letters, maybe color-code them instead? Red backing could be common, green for less so, silver for rare, gold for ultra-rare, etc. Other than that I love the idea and design.

I like this idea; maybe we could make each card worth a certain amount of cash so if someone earns that card by beating you they get money.

What we could do is take the idea even further and ban a bunch of moves, so to customize a character you to "buy" signature and finishing moves.

You can also buy pyro and a custom entrance, manager, etc.
Not sure about actually saying "Rare" "Common" etc. on the cards in big letters, maybe color-code them instead? Red backing could be common, green for less so, silver for rare, gold for ultra-rare, etc. Other than that I love the idea and design.

Or stars could replace where the "rare" bit is written.
Furthering on this idea, when we put the boards up, if you wish you and your opponent could each put a card up as a bet, winner take all obviously. This would give just that much more incentive to win.
Actually that would kinda cool. Like the first to collect all five of Barbosa's personality cards wins some sort of prize

Oh and Stormrage is probably gonna need two cards....for all the fat
Барбоса;3868068 said:
There should be a special 5 pack of Barbosa cards - Catatonic being the rarest

It could be like summon all 5 pieces of Barbosa to win. I liked the idea behind a color scheme rather than the cards just saying "rare" or "common."

Maybe we could do cards of Superstars that aren't here anymore that you could buy in the WZCW store.
Sounds like a fun little distraction; I'll play.

Gelgarin presents: WZCW top trumps (less lame name pending).

Basic premise:

I took the basic game of top trumps, then added a bunch of additional bullshit rules to make the game more fun, collectable and better customised to the fed. Like all CCG's the game is more about collecting cards that actually playing with them, but I have tried to make the game as enjoyable and competitive as I can anyway... mostly just for shits and giggles.

You will need:

2 Players
2 Twenty card, customizable, roster decks
1 Fifty card event deck.

The Cards:

If you'll permit me to break instruction manual character for a moment, I'd like to explain that I'm not very good with photoshop; so the following graphics are going to look incredibly half arsed. I also couldn't be bothered to poor time into importing graphics and compiling an original template for something that may go no further than this post.

Just so everyone understands, these pictures are meant to give a rough impression of how the cards would be laid out and what information would be on them. It is not a representation of what cards in the finished game would actually look like or what their stats would be.

WZCW trumps uses two different kinds of card. Wrestler cards, and location cards.

Wrestler Cards

Wrestler cards are broken up into five sections.

Name: The wrestler's name and title. Each wrestler can have multiple cards printed of him with different titles, but you may only play one copy of each wrestler in each deck.

Alignment: Face or heel, alignment can come into play at various points during the game.

Stats: Each wrestler had seven different stats. These come into play during matches. Different versions of the same wrestler may have different stat distributions.

Effect: Every wrester has a different unique effect; these can be either positive or negative, and have a huge effect on game play.

Quotation: A sample quote from the wrestler in question. These are purely for fun.

Location Cards

Note: Hardcore should be listed as N on this card

Location cards are similar to wrestler cards, but have a few key differences.

Name: The name of the match. Unlike the wrestler deck, the pre-built location deck will contain multiple copies of some matches.

Location: The location of the match. This can be Meltdown, Ascension, Aftershock or any of WZCW's PPVs. Some wrestlers perform better in certain venues.

Stats: Like the wrestler cards, location cards have a value listed for power, striking, speed, technique, resilience, hardcore and charisma. However; unlike wrestler cards, these values are simply 'Y' or 'N' representing whether the listed attribute can come into play at that location.

Effect: Special matches such as King for a Day, Handicap or World Title matches can have extra effects on gameplay, giving additional advantages to certain wrestlers.

Quotation: Once again, just for fun.

The Rules:

Before beginning
Players sit across form one another at a table with their roster deck in front of them. The event deck is placed half way between them. Players toss a coin to determine who goes first. This player will be known as the active player.

The first round is now ready to begin.


Each game is broken up into a number of rounds. At the beginning of a round, each player draws from their deck until they have five cards in their hand. If either player is unable to draw from their deck then the game ends.

Once each player is holding five cards, the active player turns over the top card of the location deck. This card will display the match type, and which attributes can be used in in it. For the purpose of this explanation, let us assume that the location card was the "Singles Match" card we saw earlier. This means that the active player can pick from the power, striking, speed, technique and resilience attributes; but can not select hardcore or charisma.

The active player chooses one of the available attributes, then selects a card from his hand and places it faced down. His opponent then selects a card from his hand and follows suit. Both cards are then flipped face up, and the card with the higher value in the declared attribute (after applying wrestler and location effects) is declared the winner. The winning player takes both cards and puts them aside until the end of the round.

The player who won then turns over a fresh location card, and the process repeats.

Once either player has no cards left in his hand the round ends. Both players shuffle all the cards that they have won into their roster deck, and draw until they are once again holding five cards in hand. When a player in unable to draw five cards the game ends.

Simple no? Well it sounded simple in my head - I don't know how good a job I've done of explaining it. I basically see it as top trumps meets the LotR TCG (which nobody ever played). Like I said, the game is more about collecting than about playing, but having stronger and weaker cards makes collecting a much more entertaining notion. Plus with a few tweaks to the rules that I am now thinking of but am not willing to go back and edit in, it could conceivably be played online.


Obviously there are no frequently asked questions, but here are what I imagine they would be.

How would card rarity and distribution be handled?

I have already written the outline for two twenty card starter decks (one based on the Apostles of Chaos and one based on team WZCW if you're interested).

The way I see things working is everyone who wants to play the game picks one of the two decks, and they gets a thread opened somewhere with their cards listed in it.

In addition to the starter decks, we also have a booster set that changes every Kingdom Come. This would be 60 cards - 40 common, 10 uncommon, 8 rare and 2 Legendary. Every time you win a match in WZCW you are awarded a 5 card booster pack containing 4 commons and 1 uncommon or better.

Promotional cards could also be awarded as a part of other special events such as the prediction contest or the magazine.

Is there a reason for things to be so complicated?

Mostly it's just because complexity makes my penis hard; but I legitimately made this game as simple as I could whilst still covering all of what I feel are the absolute necessities for a CCG.

Do people collect location cards?

No, the location deck is standard. It might rotate once a year if the landscape in the fed changes enough.

Wouldn't shuffling your opponent's cards into your deck make this game essentially unplayable online?

Yes. I have already mentally revised that part of the rules. Like I said, this isn't a finished product, it's just to outline my idea. I'd rather not poor too much time into this until I know if people actually like the way I'm thinking.

Gee Gelgarin; could you please list off some of the advantages of your idea in the manner or a sales pitch?

Why thank you, don't mind if I do.

I think my idea has a number of advantages; which I shall list here.

1) It's playable.

Almost everyone of my generation collected some derivative of Pokemon cards at school. Did any of us actually play the game? Hell no, but being playable (and therefore assigning playability to the cards) made collecting a hell of a lot more fun.

2) It allows for multiple cards for each roster member.

If you're a greenhorn when the game comes out, odds are quite high that your card is going to suck ass. However; stick around till the next set/starter deck comes out and by the time it does, your next card will probably be a fair bit more collectable.

This also makes creative more cards (be they new sets or magazine promos) considerably easier than it would otherwise be.

3) It encourages trading/wagering.

If we just have a set of cards then people will just collect until the have them all; then cease to give a shit. The rarity scale I am suggesting means that you would have to win every match for an entire year to make obtaining both legendary cards a statistical likelihood. Couple this with rotating sets and promo cards, and this could encourage quite an active community (which I'd imagine is what we're going for here).

Speaking of trading, how would that work?

Sort it out privately, then PM whoever is running this thing. Easy.

Wait, you wouldn't be running this thing?

Objectively probably not. I'm happy to do as much legwork as is desired in the card production and design area, but the person running the game would need creative powers.

Can we see some more card concepts?

I still have a few image slots left, so I don't see why not.







So yeah; there is a fairly good indication of exactly how much time I've got on my hands at the moment. Still, I had fun thinking it up, so it's time well spent regardless of what you guys think. That being said, I'm still curious; so hunting season is open.
Seeing as the cards have stats for the Superstars. I imagine someone will have to create the stats for the cards.
We have the video game roster to serve as a basic template; shouldn't be challenging to fill in any blanks. I envisage the cards as highlighting different points in a wrestler's career though, so for example; Titus's world champion card might have better stats than a card based on Titus's losing streak from a little while ago.
Would multi man matches work in this game? Let's say each person putting down two cards and fighting over two attributes for a tag team match.
I have a few different tag matches, one eight man and one special multi man contest pencilled into the location deck.

The basic premise is that you play two cards instead of one, and the attributes get combined. All multi man locations (Lethal Lottery excluded) have the rider in their effect that if either player if not holding enough cards in hand to participate then a new location gets turned over.
There should be legends cards as well, which would be extremely rare. Like, only one makes it into every 100 packs of cards.

First, let's talk about how to buy cards/sets/etc. A fake currency would be ideal in my opinion. All members of the TCG can start with the amount of money necessary for purchasing a starter set, and from there receive a weekly allowance of enough money to purchase an expansion pack of cards, which could be composed of 5-11 cards depending on how many different types of cards we decide to put in there. You can also purchase individual cards for a certain price, but they'd likely be marked up. And for every game of WZCW the TCG game you win, you win an expansion pack and a certain amount of money.

As for the game itself, I think Gelgarin is off to a good start, but I think it should be more like Munchkins than Magic or anything like that.

Here are the types of cards the game would have.

Wrestlers- Obviously, these are the most important part of the game. Each starter pack comes with 3-5 wrestler cards, and each wrestler comes with his own set of stats, including striking, grappling, submission, charisma, hardcore, technical, speed and resiliency. I also like Gelgarin's idea of having different versions of each character that provide for certain stat boosts. For example, the "Saboteur- Crazed Assassin" card would allow Saboteur to up his striking, speed, and hardcore, but it halves his resiliency (which would serve as HP). On the other hand, "Saboteur- Healing Factor" would allow you to remove one damage counter from Saboteur at the end of each turn if you discard one card from your hand.

Once a wrestler is defeated, you put it in the discard pile, and it is inactive for the rest of the match.

You can play as many wrestlers as you want at the same time, and all can attack on any turn, but first they need moves, which brings us to our next card...

Wrestling moves- This would likely compose the bulk of the deck, wrestling move cards are what enable the wrestlers to do damage to the other opponent. There would be hundreds of different types of moves, ranging from a punch to a clothesline to a diving elbow to a vertical suplex. Each card requires that certain stats be met by the wrestler in order for it to come into play. A punch would do little damage, so the requirements would be low (two striking points on the card). However, a German Suplex would be harder to pull off, so it would require more points (8 grappling, 6 technical).

You play move cards one at a time, and wrestlers that meet the stat requirements perform them on the opponent of their choice. Once the card has been played and the damage has been factored, the card is discarded. Certain moves have additional effects. For instance, some cards, like a moonsault, allow the move a chance to be reversed, which discounts any damage the would have been done and immediately ends your turn. Others, like a stalling suplex, give you the opportunity to do more than the base damage. The possible added effects would be decided with a 20 sided die.

There would also be signature move cards, which deal out big damage, but can only be used by certain wrestlers

Each move would sap away a certain amount of resiliency/HP, which is important for setting up a finish.

Once a wrestling move is used, you put it in a special pile that will become your deck once you've run out of cards.

Finishing Cards- Obviously a match has to end in something more spectacular than a punch. Once you've weakened your enemy to a certain point (the finisher card would specify), you have to find a way to put your enemy down. Each wrestler would come with their own finisher card (Saboteur would come with Death Blow, Ty Burna with Consecrated Banishment, etc.), and by connecting with a finisher, you automatically end a match. Most finishers require that the enemy has all their HP/resiliency depleted completely, though there are exceptions for certain cards, like submissions, surprise finishes, or cheating finishes. When attempting a finisher the player rolls a 20 sided dice, and the card specifies what you need to roll for it to be successful. A finisher from a superstar like Ty Burna or Big Dave would be fairly likely to land, so you could roll a 3 or higher. A finisher from a low level guy would be less likely to land, perhaps a 7 or higher. A submission would be a 25/75 type of deal, and a roll-up would be a 10/90 type of thing.

Certain finishers can only be used by certain wrestlers. For instance, if your pack of cards has Saboteur's secondary finisher, Chris K.O. can't use that finisher, only Saboteur can. Other cards have stat requirements: a Boston Crab would need 6 grapple, 6 submission. A cheating finish (like a low blow/finisher combo or an illegal chair shot) would require 8 charisma, 5 hardcore.

Once you play a finisher, it goes into the special pile of cards that will be shuffled into your deck once you have run out of cards.

Role Cards: These cards would give your wrestlers stat boosts or temporary advantages, and only last one turn. The "push to the main event" card would allow your wrestler to use their finishing move immediately. The "bad referee" would allow your wrestler to execute a move he (or she, Celeste) does not meet the requirements for. The "super comeback" card would allow you to remove half of the damage counters on one wrestler. The "hometown hero" card allows you to add +2 to all your stats.

Once again, certain cards can only be used to certain wrestlers. The "AOC beatdown" card would only be able to used by the AOC edition of wrestlers. The "Jive Botha" card would only be usable by Saxton. "Political Pull" would only be used by Constantine.

Like moves and finishers, role cards are placed in the special pile after being used.

Objects: Objects are similar to role cards in that they give wrestlers bonuses, but unlike role cards, they last until the wrestler is defeated. The objects could include a microphone (add a point to charisma), kendo stick (add a point to hardcore), MMA gloves (add a point to striking), and so on and so forth.

Once again, there will be certain objects that give bonuses to the wrestlers, and these are generally more generous that the cards that could be applied to anyone. The Ouija Scroll gives Ty Burna +5 in grappling. Katanas give Saboteur a +5 in striking. Framed PhD gives Kurtsey a +5 in technical.

Objects are attached to wrestlers until they are defeated. Once the wrestler is defeated, the object comes with them into the discard pile.

Action Cards: This applies to the player, not the wrestler, and usually has to do with the turn, amount of attacks launched on a particular turn, and drawing cards. The "debuting team" card allows you to draw two new cards from your deck. The "jobbed out" card lets you place a wrestler card in your hand directly into your discard deck in order to draw three new cards. The "second wind" card allows you to have a wrestler attack twice in one turn, as opposed to just once.

Once an action card has been used, it is placed in the discard pile.

I think that's all you need in terms of cards, let's get to how turns work.

You can play with 2-4 players. Each players draw 10 cards from their deck (size TBD) to start. If you don't have a wrestler card in your hand, shuffle you entire deck and draw again. Once every player has a wrestler card in their hand, they simultaneously put that wrestler card into play to start the match. The player who played the wrestler card with the highest speed gets to go first. If there is a tie, players roll a dice to choose who goes first. Play than moves clockwise.

Each turn begins by drawing a card, and you need AT LEAST 7 cards in your hand at the beginning of each turn. If you have 5 cards at the beginning of a turn, you draw 2 cards. From there, the player can put more wrestlers into play and use role cards or objects to boost the wrestler's stats. After that, they can launch 1 wrestling attack per wrestler in play on any other opponent's wrestlers. They can also replace an attack with a finisher if the opposing wrestler health is low enough.

After each wrestler has launched an attack, your turn ends, and the person to your left gets their turn.

The game ends for a player when they have no wrestlers left in play or in their hand.

I think that's all you need to know about rules and stuff, and the rest we can figure out later. If you have any questions or need anything explained more clearly, feel free to ask away. Hope this is good!

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