WZCW Discussion Thread

Plus the Redemption main event doesn't feature creative....the era of creative hogging the title scene is over!

Barbosa gets promoted next cycle #spoilers

I'm really hoping Krypto comes back, but I do agree there's a lot to look forward to. The tournament should be fun; can't wait to see who we get randomized against
Feels surreal and kinda sad knowing this was the last round I'll be involved with for some time...

Awesome pair of shows guys. Kinda gutted my last match for now wasn't on the main card, but big thanks for creative for keeping X looking strong, even in a match where he was going to lose anyway. The rest of the WZ Weekend was really enjoyable, in particular I loved the Tastic/Bowen match.

KC was great. The War Games and the main event in particular were fantastic, but every match had something good in, and the entire show was a pleasure to read. Good stuff guys!
Former creative member vs. former creative member.

Soon, it'll be non-creative member vs. non-creative member. Not yet though, I'm not ready to give the belt to you chumps.
That's not what you meant.

I was pissy last time as I still think my rp last time was better. This one actually yours was probably the better one. But to lose an I quit match by one vote sucks balls. As I said in the rep, congratulations.

I'd like to have an actual proper round feud with you where no Ty Burna on the horizon.

I've talked to people like JGlass during this past cycle and have been telling them all along that my character was mess since Ty left. I took a couple rounds to smash a bunch of subplots into a couple RPs (the ones I "sacrificed" in quality) to tie up loose ends (see the dramatic drop of the savior gimmick and crappy resolve if Chris' mother story). It was messy and they strained my RPs, but I feel like i needed to do it to stand a chance against you. Every single person basically wrote me off as a guarenteed lost so I am proud that I could rebuild my foundation and take you to the wire.

Honestly, even if what I said means what you think it means, why does it matter? Everyone always saves their best material for the big event and builds towards them. For instance, your character kept saying he wouldnt talk about Chris at all until KC, despite our characters being at their throat at nearly every show. How is that not "sacrificing" quality in your terms so you could drop the load at KC. And how in any way is that a lack of sportsmanship? If anything I gave you my best because I respect what you bring to the table.

I appreciate rep, but can you blame me for catching mix signals when you are accusing me of somehow "cheating" the system with no grounds and then complaining about me through PM's to others?

I understand the loss sucks and I would be bummed to be on the other end, but give me a break. I get so much shit for losing or winning. At least at the end of the day you didn't quit and looked like a champ. Let a frog have his day. I'm sure ill slip into mediocrity soon enough. :/
I've talked to people like JGlass during this past cycle and have been telling them all along that my character was mess since Ty left. I took a couple rounds to smash a bunch of subplots into a couple RPs (the ones I "sacrificed" in quality) to tie up loose ends (see the dramatic drop of the savior gimmick and crappy resolve if Chris' mother story). It was messy and they strained my RPs, but I feel like i needed to do it to stand a chance against you. Every single person basically wrote me off as a guarenteed lost so I am proud that I could rebuild my foundation and take you to the wire.

Honestly, even if what I said means what you think it means, why does it matter? Everyone always saves their best material for the big event and builds towards them. For instance, your character kept saying he wouldnt talk about Chris at all until KC, despite our characters being at their throat at nearly every show. How is that not "sacrificing" quality in your terms so you could drop the load at KC. And how in any way is that a lack of sportsmanship? If anything I gave you my best because I respect what you bring to the table.

I appreciate rep, but can you blame me for catching mix signals when you are accusing me of somehow "cheating" the system with no grounds and then complaining about me through PM's to others?

I understand the loss sucks and I would be bummed to be on the other end, but give me a break. I get so much shit for losing or winning. At least at the end of the day you didn't quit and looked like a champ. Let a frog have his day. I'm sure ill slip into mediocrity soon enough. :/

He don't blame you. If the near simultaneous Twitter/Facebook messages regarding my vote don't count, him calling me an enemy in the magical forum certainly does. So it's whatever. I don't care I voted who I thought had the better rp and that'sthat.
No disrespect is intended to Meeks, he's a real nice guy and I'm going to miss him around here but I'm super pissed that we got fucked over by circumstance and he ended up dropping a stinker of an RP for what was the biggest match for me and Mikey in our time in the fed.

Especially so when I feel like my RP was not only the best I've ever written but was also plainly the best in the match.

I'm not mad at creative for what it's worth, just annoyed that circumstances fucked ME over and caused ME to lose a match that had any other RP of any even mediocre quality been posted, I would have won. I can't speak for Mikey but I wouldn't be surprised if he felt the same.

It's all I have to say on it.

I thought all of the RPs other than the one short one were about the same quality. In fact, I'd say DC's was probably the best, but your's and Stormrage's weren't far behind. Alas, those are the perils of multi man matches
Honestly surprised by the win, thought Krypto had it. Sad to see our feud come to an end as it was a fucking blast to be apart of though. Great, fun match and awesome show.

Wanna thank creative for encouraging our at times batshit crazy ideas and taking a chance with it.
I guess I should be angrier about losing a world championship match, but I'm just sitting here *********ing.
I just read my match and I loved it. Thanks Harthan for writing that. Even though she lost Celeste still looked strong in the fact that Barbosa couldn't pin her, and instead had to knock her ass out. I'm a little disheartened having lost 6-1, but it's no big deal as I don't regret my RP in the slightest.

I had an issue with the finish though. My finisher, the cruxifix choke, basically makes it impossible to elbow out of it. I could have seen Barbosa getting his other hand free and punching Celeste repeatedly in the face over and over, but an elbow seems farfetched.
I just read my match and I loved it. Thanks Harthan for writing that. Even though she lost Celeste still looked strong in the fact that Barbosa couldn't pin her, and instead had to knock her ass out. I'm a little disheartened having lost 6-1, but it's no big deal as I don't regret my RP in the slightest.

I had an issue with the finish though. My finisher, the cruxifix choke, basically makes it impossible to elbow out of it. I could have seen Barbosa getting his other hand free and punching Celeste repeatedly in the face over and over, but an elbow seems farfetched.

I used this image for reference:


I felt like that guy's left elbow could get free and start striking if the hold was not put in 100% perfectly, which I felt could be the case after all the punishment both had gone through.
I used this image for reference:


I felt like that guy's left elbow could get free and start striking if the hold was not put in 100% perfectly, which I felt could be the case after all the punishment both had gone through.

It's more like this...


Arm comes up and blocks the elbow. I was reading it thinking Barbosa had freed his other arm from her legs and was somehow contorting his body to elbow her in the back of the head.

But yeah... it's nitpicky so ignore it if you want.
It's more like this...


Arm comes up and blocks the elbow. I was reading it thinking Barbosa had freed his other arm from her legs and was somehow contorting his body to elbow her in the back of the head.

But yeah... it's nitpicky so ignore it if you want.

No, I see your point now. Just looking at different references is the problem. I was really going for the idea that the match had come down to seconds of tipping one way or another, but maybe I overreached a bit.
No, I see your point now. Just looking at different references is the problem. I was really going for the idea that the match had come down to seconds of tipping one way or another, but maybe I overreached a bit.

Don't worry, I was still happy with the way you wrote it. Now I can run the "wasn't actually pinned" angle.
So I'm working on a little something something to get a few kicks in until the break is over, but I want to know something;

I know former heavyweight champions can't participate; is there anyone else who can't?
So I'm working on a little something something to get a few kicks in until the break is over, but I want to know something;

I know former heavyweight champions can't participate; is there anyone else who can't?

Unfortunately this tournament will not allow lineal champions to be involved.

Celeste is in the the world title tournament.

We're all fucked.

I'm just gonna retire.

Blade was robbed!
Funny story, on my desk I have a Forrest Griffin and Jon Fitch action figure and sometimes when I write my matches I will use them to play out moves to see if they are possible. I'm pretty lame.

Lame? Nah, that's pretty awesome.

Though my opinion may be pretty irrelevant as I have a slew of WWE action figures. But I would definitely do the same thing. Even going as far as using the character rep if available.
From what I can guess choosing 8 competitors it'll likely be me, you, Crock, Merk, Killjoy, Zeus, JGlass, and Jessie. That's already very stacked.

I left out Infinity, Kermit, and Miko since they'll likely be doing title related stuff... or they could get in.

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