WZCW Discussion Thread

Before this conversation moves on to other recreational drugs which I have no part of, I will just say that I have never been a fan of drinking for drinking's sake. Alcohol is part of a night out for me. Not the whole night.
Well yeah, spending the whole night drinking without much conversation or dancing or trying to find the nearest McDonalds after closing time doesn't sound like much of a fun night out.
I have a bud that I go to this one club with near Cape Town. On the way, there's a notorious prostitution route. Not being used to hookers at ALL, we roll up. Sometimes they flash the goods, but almost all of the time, we're better off.
I only drink for drinking's sake when we organise a date for drinking games. Apart from that, I stay relatively sober now. I may have the occasional glass or two of alcohol but considering I drive a lot, I'd rather keep my intake down. Plus, alcohol is expensive, as is everything in Australia.
I was actually going to do a professional LD with the opening post including posters and such so if you guys can hold off, that'd be great.
Hi guys. It's been a few days and I just want you all to know I was serious in wanting to join, at the very least just to try it out. I have never done anything like this before, but it could be fun.

Awesome. You have about a week or so to get up an application.

Should be in by the end of the week. I have a good idea of what I want to do now, just have to finalize some things. It pretty much follows the idea I pitched to you and Killjoy.

What if he was a good RP'er?

I have no problem with keeping within kayfabe although I may need a little help initially in knowing what to do as far as the RP's are concerned until I get the hang of things, so to those who offered help I may take some of you up on the offer. I know what I want to do character-wise and his wrestling style at least. I've played Dungeons & Dragons for many years, but this would be my first experience with this type of role playing.

Drake Callahan vs. Dagger.

Book. It. Now.

Harthan's RP will out do his KC, LL and first World Title win Rps combined.

Wouldn't work, not for a while anyway. My character and Harthan's character have never met so our disagreements as posters are 100% out of character. Maybe somewhere down the line if an in-character feud begins.

I'm actually excited to see what Dagger will bring. We give him shit (myself included) but he's a nice enough and somewhat creative guy.

Thank you. I've actually considered joining for a very long time now, just never got around to it and wasn't sure if I'd be able to do the type of character I'm wanting to bring to the fed.

Come to think of it, an RPG-themed wrestler would probably be really fun.

Doc's post here is your final hint before I submit my application later this week. I am not sure what to expect but I am looking forward to trying this thing out. :)

I've a strong suspicion you've set to ignore me, so you probably won't even see this, but I just want to say that while I still don't particularly like you, no one should worry about it interfering with me being a professional member of creative with regard to your application or anything else fed related.

Thank you, I really do appreciate that.
Maybe I should do a KC WZCW.com-thing as well, since I have time for it, but I'm really hoping to get my Me-C-Dub BT rolling.

Dagger Dias said:
I have never done anything like this before, but it could be fun.
If I had a buck for everytime I was told this...
I have no problem with keeping within kayfabe although I may need a little help initially in knowing what to do as far as the RP's are concerned until I get the hang of things, so to those who offered help I may take some of you up on the offer. I know what I want to do character-wise and his wrestling style at least. I've played Dungeons & Dragons for many years, but this would be my first experience with this type of role playing.

It's pretty simple. You write. You write well. You win. The difficult part is coming up with material that people actually want to read, and doing it in a way that is better than your opponent.
Ah yes, the thread is dead now, but I wanted to let everyone know that Grizzly Bob won the celebrity Mini Golf Tournament as he was the only one who submitted scores for all three of the rounds.

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