WZCW Discussion Thread

Yeah, continue to act like the picked on, red headed step child, draw attention to yourself and expect no one to respond, okay.

Ok. I'm going to ask you for the third time. Fucking stop, end of story.

This os the problem thst I brought up the other day when DC was talking. No respect, when someone asks you irl to stop do you a. Stop b. Stop or c. Poke the fucking bear. Most of the time here its option c here.

The sadest part here, was after I woke up and looked at that. I was going to comment what I did say alread, post for a show off. And then start some fun banter asking everyone what they thought was the best roleplay for the wz weekend show was and kc.
Uncle Phatso said:
And then start some fun banter asking everyone what they thought was the best roleplay for the wz weekend show was and kc.

Justin Cooper may be lineal champion, but I don't think even HE stood a chance in the match against Sandy. Definitely my fave Sandy RP so far...
Lmao yes keep commenting, I love the ignore list.

And let me see, I've got to agree with bear hear on SD, I enjoyed that roleplay. Still kind of at a loss for the best kc roleplay. Never been large on the comedy, I've said it. But doc did it right, I loved that roleplay.
Uncle Phatso said:
or c. Poke the fucking bear.
Am I going to have to trademark this phrase? First it gets horribly abused during a Dr Zeus match, now it gets used in a sensible way. It's a small wonder the riot hasn't started yet.

Speaking of... bears and poking... Uhm... I'd like to see how the hairiest match-up at the WZ Weekend got voted. I'd like to think I got at least one vote ;)

That scramble match will be like a mini-LL, unless something awful happens early on to that rocker-bud of mine. In my mind, that's a close call, too.
Rated R Nightmare said:
Scramble match? Close call? I doubt it. Unless any
member of creative is a stickler for RP's needing a
No, no... I meant, between the four of you, it's not as clear-cut. JAM's the obvious favourite (based on the seven or eight opinions expressed on the matter), but even if Amber's adorable, dainty hands grab that prize, it'll still be a hard-fought match.
The fuck? But Raven is voiced by Tara Strong. And she's the lead in the show that's being spoofed there. And.....
If Yaz and Harthan are still up for it by the time All-Stars III rolls around, the Apple Family is coming... just don't send somepony you want back.

And then my second character which I still have no idea what to do.
make it stop

i don't even dislike mlp but

combining two things to make an awful third thing is bad

very bad

Got to do something to pass the time before Kingdom Come is posted. Speaking of, where the bloody hell is Kingdom Come? My ticket says Sunday! Rabble rabble rabble...
Aerys II Falkaryen said:
Got to do something to pass the time before
Kingdom Come is posted. Speaking of, where the
bloody hell is Kingdom Come? My ticket says
Sunday! Rabble rabble rabble...
Don't steal our thing...
I don't know what you guys are all talking about... I'm eating pizza, watching Raw and getting started on my feedback - I'm having a fine Wrestlezone Weekend!
I'm too lazy to spread rep at the moment, so for now I'll just say thanks for the feedback, Bear. It's great when someone just gets your RP.

Also, the light bulbs weren't necessarily for homeless people. Maybe some people who have a home but can't afford their electricity bill? Either that, or the homeless people trade the bulbs for crack.

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