WZ names in Al Bhed

Why not?

What's Mister Awesome in Al Bhed?

Secdan Yfacusa

Sure do Eck

Alg.... Yikes, that was how Algebra was always abbreviated on my school schedules. From Al Bhed to English it's Isg, much better.

I'll give it a shot.

What is it?




Pronounced: "DE-raahOO-haah-PEeay-kuk-FEeaymm"

Loved the game. Very much disliked the sequel.

Same here. The only good thing about FFX-2 was Rikku's outfits, but I was single back then so now it's even more worthless to me. It's the second to worst in the series in my opinion, with 2 coming dead last. Hey, let's beat ourselves up to get more Health Points!

What's mine?

Ihtandygan dra 5dr
What the hell man, how can you not love "Guy speak beaver."

If you didn't abuse the system it was a pretty decent game, although the "Walk 4 steps in the wrong direction and find the level 40 mobs" is annoying at first
What the hell man, how can you not love "Guy speak beaver."

If you didn't abuse the system it was a pretty decent game, although the "Walk 4 steps in the wrong direction and find the level 40 mobs" is annoying at first

It's not that I hate the game that much. It was a decent game for what it was, but when you rank the Final Fantasy games.... Someone must come in last. It always comes down to 2 for its battle system, X-2 for being.... umm, well.... X-2, and XI due to my dislike of MMORPG's. I disliked the battle system when compared to the systems used in other entries of the series, I had more problems with the stat increasing than I did with the spell/weapon powering up system which saw a return in other series like Secret of Mana.... The characters were all memorable, and I agree that Guy speaking Beaver was hilarious. The game could have been so much better if they had not used the stat increase system. They could have kept the weapon and spell levels the way they were, but still used an EXP system or some type of more simple way of increasing stats. Getting Health from getting beat up was pretty redundant, and so forth.

What's mine?

Naseqea Cdayspuyd
You see, the language doesn't really work with names, because more often than not, you just get a seemingly-random jumble of letters, like snpnufhcduha. They never translated names into Al Bhed in the game either.

Right. It's more like a code. Each letter in normal speaking has another letter that it gets swapped with in Al Bhed. The two letters trade places. For example, each D in a normal word becomes a T in Al Bhed. They treat it as a legit language in Final Fantasy X, but in real life it's a code more than anything else.
Same here. The only good thing about FFX-2 was Rikku's outfits, but I was single back then so now it's even more worthless to me. It's the second to worst in the series in my opinion, with 2 coming dead last. Hey, let's beat ourselves up to get more Health Points!

See, the greatest thing to me about FF games has always been the depth in Characters. FF-III (american version; Super NES) was my first FF game. I was able to change every name to one of my friends and back then that was a big deal. Same with FF-VII, although that game has grown into stardom alone by the original names.

The other issue with X-2 that I disliked is that it's almost like regardless of it being a sequel to X or not; they completely changed the battle system. One of the things I loved about most battle systems was NOT being attacked when it was my turn and being able to think before I did something.

In X-2, my battles went.. *enemy attack, enemy attack, my turn, <waiting to determine what I wanna do>, enemy-attack enemy-attack enemy-attack enemy-attack, <I look back at whats going on and say WHAT THE HELL?!>, enemy attack-enemy attack-enemy-attack enemy-attack*

Oh, and let's not forget the "job" assignments. As if someone said "Hey, fuck the GF's, let's just say it's their 'jobs' now and they can only do one at a time."

But yet at an early stage in the game, you have to fight your way through every single GF in what was almost a back-to-back-to-back fighting segment. Such bullshit.

I never finished the game. Never had that much patience to care to. Didn't it turn out all along that it wasn't Titus and instead someone completely different all along though? That she was chasing in her dreams??
See, the greatest thing to me about FF games has always been the depth in Characters. FF-III (american version; Super NES) was my first FF game. I was able to change every name to one of my friends and back then that was a big deal. Same with FF-VII, although that game has grown into stardom alone by the original names.

I think you mean FF6. Not 3. ;) Yeah though, I went through the same thing with FF4. I remember changing Cecil's name to my own and then named the party members after friends, to a certain little 5 year old back in 1991 that was amazing. I always had fun picking who got to be which character and to a small extent still do. I loved doing that in RPG's until about the time I began working on Division Blade. I grew to respect "default" character names once I had my own cast.

The other issue with X-2 that I disliked is that it's almost like regardless of it being a sequel to X or not; they completely changed the battle system. One of the things I loved about most battle systems was NOT being attacked when it was my turn and being able to think before I did something.

The battle system was indeed bogus. I liked FFX's turn chart and screwing around with it to see what I could do to make the monsters almost never get a turn. FFX-2's battle system was bad but anything is better than 2's.

Oh, and let's not forget the "job" assignments. As if someone said "Hey, fuck the GF's, let's just say it's their 'jobs' now and they can only do one at a time."

I didn't have as much of a problem with that. I liked the jobs and was glad that some of the classics were brought back, alongside new ones like Gunner. I had more of a problem with Paine than I did with the job system.... I hated her lol

I never finished the game. Never had that much patience to care to. Didn't it turn out all along that it wasn't Titus and instead someone completely different all along though? That she was chasing in her dreams??

Spoiler alert so I'm tagging it:

It was Shuyin in the sphere Yuna had, not Tidus. He was the lover of Lenne. If you get 100% then there's a scene with Tidus and Yuna where he says he still does not know if he is real or a dream but he wishes to stay there with her.

Kind of bogus, it's a big middle finger to FFX if you ask me. They could have just had Yuna reunite somehow with Tidus in the original's ending, but they had the cliffhanger on purpose so the terrible sequel would sell, and its ending was even worse in my opinion. 2 is still the worst though due to replay value, which FFX-2 has even if it sucks.

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