WZ Fantasy Football

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I think you're talkin about the "cannot cut' icon...theyre players u cant drop...
it goes by stats but theres head to head matchups each week I guess...if you go to "my team" theres a win/loss/tie record under your helmet icon...if u look down the blue links theres one for "matchup" and it shows the week's matchup.
Ohhh I got you.... I wonder if Kapp actually picked his own players
I dont think so...he said he forgot so he prolly scramblin like the rest of us.

shit...if u look at the matchup u can see theres a empty D slot on my side...they best let me fix that shit before the week begins...my waivers betta go thru without beef too...my D is straight booty if not (minus Da Bears)
I switched my D to ummm Washington and picked up Mike Brown and Antrell Rolle... oh and Mike Vrabel
wtf? how come your waivers add/drops went thru and mine are pending until Sep. 3?
I got more.... I have to wait as long as you do.... The only one that went thru is the Randle El for KJ
yeah...but I checked the main transaction pagew n it says waivers was cahnged from 1 day to no waivers. whats up with that?
PauLwaLL50 said:
Ohhh I got you.... I wonder if Kapp actually picked his own players
No, I didn't pick my players. Like I said before, I totally forgot about the draft until someone mentioned it. I know it was bad on my behalf, because I created the league. I got the 5th pick overall and whoever they picked for me I automatically got. I didn't even do a pre-draft of the players I wanted to get. The only things i've done was the few transactions that i've done. I'm replying to you just to let everyone know that I'm not cheating or anything (if thats what you were getting at). I didn't create the league to do that. I created it, because I thought some people would be interested in doing it. Also because its free unlike alot of Fantasy leagues out there.

scalizi said:
wtf? how come your waivers add/drops went thru and mine are pending until Sep. 3?
I told you through PM whats going on, but I'm replying to this, so everyone knows whats going down. I changed the league to the "No Waiver" policy in hopes of transactions going through faster, so everyone can add/drop/trade at will, so you wouldn't have to wait. I don't think they've changed it yet, so hopefully it will be updated soon. The transactions you did on September 1st should of went through, so you should of got them today (September 2nd). If you put your transactions through today, then you should at most get your transactions by Sunday (September 3rd).

The reason why I got some of my transaction, because I did a few of them on September 1st. I'm going to completely read everything on there, so if I can change anything to make people happier with the league, then I will.
Its all good...I wasnt accusing you of foul play or nuthin...just wonderin what the deal was...everything went thru proper. I'm playing in actual money leagues and I care more about this one...LOL.
yo paul...you in trouble now...check out my defense now
*shane douglas laugh*
Not to shabby.... I just finished my team off... Check it out

What does W/R and W/T mean
PauLwaLL50 said:
Not to shabby.... I just finished my team off... Check it out

What does W/R and W/T mean

I think those are slots u can play either a WR or TE (W/T) and either a WR or RB (W/R)...I'm not entirely sure though.

Looks like I'm still favored to win by 14.5 pts. hahahaha

I had Bubba Franks on my watch list too fucker...
hahahaha...i was gonna take Peppers & Suggs too...I decided on kearse & Taylor
I like Deangelo Hall... Hes gonna put up #'s for me... Where do you see the point spread? Is it still the same...
yeah...hall is a good dback...i could make a couple moves that would lock me for week one but that would fuck me for the long term if somebody picked up my drop. You see Roethlisberger is out for week one? hahahaha...his appendix exploded.

theres no point spread really...just on the matchup screen it gives the projected points for each player this week and at the bottom its projected points total for all the starters.
Its got mine at 113.04
got yours at 103.23

I'm the 9 1/2 pt. favorite I guess. LOL.
Oh that... I dont care bout that... A lot of my team like Suggs/Roy Williams/Peppers are gonna have break out years.... Ill trade you LT for LJ :)
damn...thats tempting...I dunno if i wanna part with LT cuz he brings receiving yds and TD's too...plus if Rivers cant throw worth shit, he's gonna be carrying the load....I'll think about it...I got a couple blockbusters that could really do some damage waiting to get a response...

I got some guys ready for breakout years too...Rhodes is gonna be the go to guy on Indy now...Peyton is still the bread winner on that offense, but who do you think is getting those goaline touches? I couldnt believe he was still in free agency when I scooped him. Joe Horn has a guy that can throw to him now in New Orleans...thats a breakout waiting to happen. Reggie Wayne became more of a threat last season, Harrison is always doubled so Wayne could finally take the reigns as the number 1 this year. Stephen Jackson with the Rams...he's ready to burn turf. You can't outscience the professor...you can't solve Tha Problem!!!
Ima beat you... And take this whole thing... I guarntee it... But Im ify about LJ.... He might be a 1 year wonder you kno...
If you're worried about LJ being a 1 year wonder I'll trade you Fred taylor for him...LOL...he's been consistently average. And I can't wait to stomp you Kocky ass this weekend. LOL.
Yeah Taylors been real consistant.... Consistantly injured... I dont think so... You may beat me weak 1... But come weak 2... Ill kno what I have to do... And what players need to go...
Everybody in the league...make sure you vote for the weeks matchups at the bottom of the matchup screen.
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