WZ Big Brother Season 1

KB has sold his time to a sponsor.

Are you the owner of an award winning elephant? I know I am, and if you're like me, you know what the biggest problem with them are: Earwax. That's right. How many times have you been heading to an elephant judgement and you see a ball of wax taht slightly resembles Al Gore in your prize specimin's ear? Well now that's no longer a problem, thanks to this right here!

This my friends, is the waxon, waxoff-omatic 5000. It is used by the top elephant ear waxers in the world, and now you can use it too! For just 39.95, you can erase all of your elephant's ear problems once and for all! Just call the number at the bottom of your screen and order the only elephant ear waxer the professionals use!
After a chaotic last few hours, here we are. Congratulations to the top 8 for getting this far! Let's get down to business. For this challenge, we're going old school. And what could be more old school than your favorite arcade game.....PAC-MAN! For this challenge, you will be playing Pac-Man! All you need to do is screenshot what you think is your best score. You can play this game as many times as you want. You can only send in your score to me via PM once. If you send me another score, I won't accept it. So just make sure to send me your best score. Like I said earlier, KB will have an advantage in this challenge. It'll be a points advantage but how many points will be left a mystery. AS ALWAYS, YOU HAVE 24 HOURS TO COMPLETE THIS CHALLENGE. So try your best and get the best score possible! Here's the link to the game ---> http://freepacman.biz/ If you're having trouble getting a screenshot because the game's screen might go away too fast, just try and remember your score and I'll take your word for it. But please, remember the HONOR CODE. And if you've completed multiple levels, try and remember your score and add them all up then tell me. Sorry for the inconvenience.

The next person eliminated this cycle will be the second member of the jury. So keep that in mind. I can't stress this enough and this might be the last time I remind you all. But please get in your "one bold" post per day as much as possible and be as entertaining as you can because this will come into play very very very soon ;)

Edit: Disregard Pac-Man. It's changing.
nightmare (First jury member)

Unfortunately for some of you....


..... I'm afraid I've got some bad news.

Now where did I put my gavel?
Would you happen to know another Pac Man site? This one keeps going back to the starting screen right after a game ends, making it kind of hard to get a screen shot int ime and the score disappears.
Might be better doing a different game since I'm having issues getting a screenshot too. Never know if people will BS their scores.
--- UPDATE ---
So, I kinda screwed up that last HOH challenge. So you guys will NOT be doing Pac-Man for your HOH challenge, sorry about that. COMPLETELY DISREGARD THE POST ABOUT PAC-MAN. But I gotta get going right now but I'll be back later. I'll post the new challenge as soon as I get back home. Sorry for the inconvenience once again.
Okay, this is the real HOH Challenge #5. I screwed up the last one, so apologies for that. This game is called Grenade/Shield/Nothing. Since there are 8 of you, you will be facing off against one other opponent. What you'll do is PM me your move whether you want to throw a grenade to your opponent, Shield yourself from your opponent, or do nothing. Here are the scenarios that will make you win.

1. If your opponent uses a grenade and you use a shield, the grenade will bounce back to your opponent, thus eliminating your opponent and you move on.
2. If your opponent uses a grenade and you do nothing, you obviously will be eliminated.
3. If your opponent uses a grenade and you use a grenade as well, I'll PM you guys back and you'll need to submit another move. Your move can be to use the grenade again but that might not be wise :p
4. If you and your opponent both use a shield, I'll PM you guys again and you'll re-submit your move. You can use the shield again if you want to.
5. If you and your opponent both do nothing, the same thing happens. I'll PM you guys and you'll need to re-submit your move. You can do nothing again just like scenarios 3 and 4.

Here are the matchups:

First Bracket:
klunderbunker vs. Blade
Rated R Enigma vs. Thriller

Second Bracket:
Spidey vs. A11
Milenko vs. M

The last person standing will be crowned the HOH. Please try and PM me your moves as soon as possible. I'm hoping we can finish this challenge in 48 hours or less. YOU CAN ONLY PM ME YOUR MOVE ONCE. IF YOU CHANGE YOUR MIND AND PM ME WITH A DIFFERENT MOVE THEN I WON'T CONSIDER IT. SO MAKE SURE YOU'RE SUPER DUPER SURE ABOUT YOUR MOVE. If you don't submit your move in 24 hours, I'll just assume that you're doing nothing and if your opponent uses a grenade, then you're out.
so basically just say shield and you cant lose? or is there something i didnt read properly

^this, Rock paper scissors is faster and has the easiest rules to follow if you want to do something like this
I think he meant to say do nothing > shield, otherwise there is no reason to say do nothing.

But then again if someone doesn't reply in 24 hours and wins off of that, that would be highly unfair. I'd say just eliminate them automatically from the challenge.
I knew I kinda messed that up. But yeah, if you use a shield and your opponent does nothing, then you're out.

When you say nothing, does that include giving no response? Or do they have to actually say the word "nothing"?

Also can people that selected shield already change their picks since the rules have changed?
When you say nothing, does that include giving no response? Or do they have to actually say the word "nothing"?

Also can people that selected shield already change their picks since the rules have changed?
You have to PM me saying that you do nothing. And yeah, since the rules have changed, those who have PM'd me saying you use "Shield" can change their moves.
Sooooo.......what exactly am I getting out of winning the last Head of Household?
KB's Advantage from last HOH Challenge: Oh right, let me explain that. You'll have two lives but just once in the entire "tournament." So let's say you use a grenade and Blade uses a shield. You will be eliminated. However, you're not out yet. So if KB advances passed Blade, then he only has one life left just like everyone else. But if he beats Blade with no extra life needed, he'll carry that on to the next round. So basically, KB will need to be beat twice before he's eliminated.
A11 looks around the house, unsure how long he has been inside the house for

Do you know what i really miss? Lee reminding us all what day it was in the big brother house

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