WZ Big Brother Season 1

No fancy write-up here because I gotta head out right now. The nominations this week are: KB and Thriller. The Veto Challenge will be up in 2 hours or so. So look out for that.
Hello everybody, welcome to the Veto Challenge. I'm sure you all will love this challenge (especially you Rated R ;)) Anyway, you are all going to play Snake!

Here are the rules. PLEASE LISTEN CAREFULLY.
1. Go to the link and select the mode "Worm." This pretty much equates a medium level of difficulty for the game.
2. Next, when you lose, stay in that screen where it says to enter your name and stuff. SCREENSHOT that page and send it to me. Please use tinypic.com to upload your image so that I can see your scores.
3. And of course, you're PMing your screenshot to me.

That's pretty much it. Don't try and use easy mode because I'll see if you've played the game in easy mode aka Slug mode. There is sound that comes with this game so if you're annoyed by it, just mute your speakers. Milenko is playing a different kind of snake since he only has access to a phone but I made sure he's playing in the "medium" difficulty mode as well. Here is the link to the game ----> http://playsnake.org/

As always, you have 24 hours to submit your score. Go go go!
Can I play Milenko's version, too? Because it will only show me half of the screen and the scroll bar is gone on my end.
Since you can save scores int his, would taking a screen shot of a score I got earlier work? As in my score on the high score list with the name KB? The level you scored it on is highlighted above.
Since you can save scores int his, would taking a screen shot of a score I got earlier work? As in my score on the high score list with the name KB? The level you scored it on is highlighted above.
Uhm. Not sure what you're saying. You got a score that went to the high scores list? If you read the directions, I said to screenshot the page that comes up right when you die in the game. So my answer might be no since that might not even be your score :p but whatever you feel is your best score, just turn it in I guess.
Yeah that's what I'm saying. I entered my name for it with the user name Klunderbunker. Would that work? I'm trying to break it and otherwise I'll have to keep taking shots of it.
So apparently I just set the second highest score?
Let's get straight to the results.

klunderbunker 2,357
Rated R Enigma 415
Spidey 1,238
hyoruinmaru 119
M 1,975
Paige Thriller 819
In second place, with a score of 2,487.....
Your Veto Challenge winner with a score of 2,814.....
You know the drill by now. Mr. Veto Challenge winner, PM me if you want to use the veto on one of the nominees: KB or Thriller. If not, then the nominees stay the same then we can proceed to voting out someone from the game.
M's heart shatters into a million pieces when he realises he didn't get above 2000 points.

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