WZ Big Brother Season 1

A11 has chosen to give the Power of Veto to Thriller. This means Thriller has been taken off the block. Since Milenko won HOH this cycle, he will need to choose a replacement nominee. You have to choose one of the following people to replace Thriller on the chopping block, thus risking to send them home.....

Rated R Enigma

When Milenko's move is in, I'll tell you all who the new nominee is while also telling you guys who are the people eligible to vote.
I just want to clarify that I didn't ragequit. I have a job at the other side of the country that limits the amount of time that I can use a computer. Nightmare taking my place on the jury is more than fine as I'm still unsure of my schedule.
The new nominees are: KB and Blade. Next post will be eviction of one of these two members of the game. The people who are eligible to vote are.....

Rated R Enigma
Paige Thriller

Please send me your votes as soon as possible. In case of a tie, which can't happen since there's 5 people voting, Milenko will vote since he's HOH for this week. KB and Blade, if you want to plead your case with the people who can possibly vote you out, then go ahead. But you don't have to but you can. So who's going home and will be the next member of the jury? KB or Blade? You decide.
thats just how i roll, might have to start my own wrestling review sight next?

*not taking the piss there, actually enjoy reading the nxt reviews*
Rated R wonders if Spidey's account has been taken over by Aquarius.

The houseguests are gathered in the living room area with KB and the new newly-appointed nominee, Blade, are seated on the chairs specifically designed for nominees. With that being said, the votes are in. Let's not wait any longer. Here are the results.....
With a tally of 5 votes to 0, you are eliminated from the big brother house.....
KB! KB stands from his seat, nodding his head at the decision of his fellow houseguests. Knowing he was going home tonight, KB doesn't hug his fellow houseguests, instead, he bows in front of the camera and says, "That's all she wrote." Before he finally leaves the house.
There you have it folks. We now have our second member of the jury. Jury members, don't forget that you guys are ultimately the ones who will decide who wins this game. So I encourage you both to follow the big brother thread despite being eliminated from the game already. Next up, the HOH Challenge. Watch out for that. It won't be a timed challenge, so don't worry about it.
Well let's see.

I save A11. He doesn't give me the veto. He votes to eliminate me.

As usual, I'm kicked out of a competition because I'm a threat to everyone else. People gang up on me and get rid of me all at once.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am Andre the Giant.

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