WZ Big Brother Season 1

We're gonna have ourselves a trivia game. What's the category you might ask? Wrestling! This might be a dick move since we all know KB is really good in wrestling trivia. But yeah, I guess I'm devious like that :p Anyway, we're going to play, "Who Am I? The Wrestling Edition." I will post the questions along with multiple choices. There will be a total of 7 questions. If there is a tie, I'll make more questions and PM it to those that are tied. Choose the answer that you think is the right answer. I know some of the answers might be found online but please, let's honor the honor system. Don't use Google or any other search engine.

Also, I don't claim to be an expert on wrestling trivia. I got all these questions from all over the web so hopefully you all honor the honor system and don't use a search engine. And hopefully all the answers I got were the correct ones. If not, I apologize, I'm only human :p Here are the questions. As always, you have 24 hours. PM me your answers.

Instructions: Bold your answers please.

1) Tonight is the first ever Wrestlemania. I am the challenger for the WWF Intercontinental Championship. Who am I?
A. Junkyard Dog
B. Tito Santana
C. Roddy Piper
D. Ricky Steamboat

2) It's the 1994 King of the Ring PPV. I've just become the new King of the Ring! I'm Bret Hart right?
A. True
B. False

3) We're at the Royal Rumble PPV in 1996. Diesel just cost me a chance to become the WWE Heavyweight Champion! I'm the Undertaker right?
A. True
B. False

4) The year is 2000 and we're at the King of the Ring PPV. I'm the new Heavyweight Champion. Who am I?
A. The Rock
B. Triple H
C. Kane
D. Undertaker

5) It's the July 24, 2004 edition of WWE Smackdown. Vince McMahon just fired me as the GM of the show. He can't fire me! I'm Paul Heyman right?
A. True
B. False

6) It's ECW's first ever December to Dismember in 2006. RVD just eliminated me from the Elimination Chamber Match. Who am I?
A. Sabu
B. Test
C. CM Punk
D. Hardcore Holly

7) Tonight is Wrestlemania XIX and I'll soon be making my debut in the WWE. I made my surprise debut the next night on Raw. Who am I?
A. Kevin Nash
B. Scott Steiner
C. Sting
D. Goldberg
I know, I know. Sorry :p But hey man, if you could lend me your help with your wrestling knowledge expertise, that'd be cool. I believe I have all the right answers but if you verified it, I'd be more confident :) You could PM me about it.
I feel I should be allowed to throw this out and write an actually difficult one as I got a perfect score in less than 45 seconds, including getting the answer you meant when you wrote a question wrong.
Jam of Cena,

It's time that you and I had a talk.

We need to keep things kosher.

Your games have become quite jarring.

Several are starting to flip their lids.

But we can come to terms with this pickle of a problem.

Just don't get green on me.

You're full of piss and vinegar, you know that?

But I like ya.

Don't be a cucumber, be a pickle.

-love, TAPG.
Oh and by the way: I've been granted permission to come up with the next wrestling quiz. I feel a Jake the Snake section, complete with visuals, coming on.
Ah okay sweet. I will feel truly achieved if I do well on that one.

Spidey wondered where all the toothpaste went, and then he looked up at the ceiling.
So whats the go? I'm gonna assume that we all got 7/7 or whatever it was. Do we just wait for KB to unleash his trivia challenge?

A11 bakes a cake and leaves it on the table.
M is going to love it when he gets the lowest score on the quiz and as a cruel twist of fate it is the lowest score that wins this time because plot twist. For now, though, M is worried that he'll be put on the chopping block due to the impending disappointment from the others for his severe lack of wrestling trivia knowledge.
I'm always surprised with how much random wrestling knowledge I've picked up over the years.

Thriller pours a little whiskey out in honor of KB, and then proceeds to start chugging the rest of the bottle.
I'm always surprised with how much random wrestling knowledge I've picked up over the years.

Thriller pours a little whiskey out in honor of KB, and then proceeds to start chugging the rest of the bottle.

I'm surprised that I know the Wrestlemania 1 card so well, despite having never watched the full show.

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