WZ Big Brother Season 1

A11 stares at the HoH room dreaming of staying there a night or two, but then he remembers nightmare is out and he wouldnt know who to put up for nominations because the only person he despises has fallen on his sword
In that moment Spidey realized how anti-social he really was in the Big Brother House. Feeling that there was just no way of taking HoH this week, he cries in the Diary Room and starts popping jelly beans.
A11 stares at the HoH room dreaming of staying there a night or two, but then he remembers nightmare is out and he wouldnt know who to put up for nominations because the only person he despises has fallen on his sword

You have trouble with the meaning of words\phrases dont you.....


As nightmare watches along at home, he becomes worried that his former housemate will develop a jelly bean addiction & hopes the zesty one will guide him through this dark time.
Blade wonders how we can still see what eliminated housemates are doing...


You cant see me, but I can see you.
I have a hunch that you can find out every single answer if you know how to do research. By hunch I mean I already have.
Pretty impressed with the scores I received for this challenge. I'm not sure how you guys pulled it off. Did you guys work together to answer some questions right or something? Either way, most of your social skills for this game are pretty good. Here are the results.

A11oftheLights - 5/10
Blade - 8/10
Eddie's Head Cheese - 7/10
Rated R Enigma - 8/10
M - 5/10
hyoruinmaru - 2/10
Thriller - 0/10
In second place with a score of 9/10...
With a perfect score of 10/10 and our new HOH...
There you have it. You guys must've noticed that Thriller has no score which means that he didn't turn in what he needed to for this challenge. So with that, I'm sorry to say this Thriller but you will not be able to participate in the Power of Veto challenge. More than 24 hours have passed so yeah.

Anyway, Mr. HOH, send me your nominations as soon as you can. This is a regular week so Mr. HOH, you just need to name two nominees. I'll post the veto challenge as soon as I can. Probably in 5-7 hours or so. Until then, get your "one bold post" a day in because it will be important pretty soon.
--- UPDATE ---
No fancy write up here. KB has nominated: Fallout and Rated R Enigma. Up next is the Veto Challenge that everyone except Thriller will be able to participate in. I'll post the veto challenge in a couple hours. A couple hours usually means 5-7 hours for me :p If you think you can't get the challenge done in 24 hours, then please PM me if you'd like a soft extension. Until then, get your "bold posts" in!
I'd just like to say to all players in the game to vote KB in the next round, whether he is part of an alliance or not due to his danger in challenges like these and the fact that he cannot be trusted with information, truthful or not. Thank you.
Just received news that I'm going to be pretty inactive on weekdays over the summer, which means I'll be unable to continue playing this game unfortunately, and I would like to request a substitute JAM.

Before I go, here is some important information:
Thriller and Blade are planning to win the game by themselves.
Rated R moled some important information from his alliance to me in order to keep himself safe last round.
Spidey is using his alliance to keep himself safe and nothing else.
KB is a threat to EVERYONE and has leaked information to many players.
M and A11 both think they are the third man in Blade's alliance, when they are both being used as puppets.
A11 is being kept around due to him being a good scapegoat.
Milenko asked me to join the alliance, knowing full well that I was apart of Blade's alliance.

Just received news that I'm going to be pretty inactive on weekdays over the summer, which means I'll be unable to continue playing this game unfortunately, and I would like to request a substitute JAM.

Before I go, here is some important information:
Thriller and Blade are planning to win the game by themselves.
Rated R moled some important information from his alliance to me in order to keep himself safe last round.
Spidey is using his alliance to keep himself safe and nothing else.
KB is a threat to EVERYONE and has leaked information to many players.
M and A11 both think they are the third man in Blade's alliance, when they are both being used as puppets.
A11 is being kept around due to him being a good scapegoat.
Milenko asked me to join the alliance, knowing full well that I was apart of Blade's alliance.

Awks cuz I knew i wasnt three

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