WZ Big Brother Season 1

:disappointed: Dude, things are kosher between us, but its because I like you that I have to say this.

Im not a player in this anymore but, kind of a bitch move to rat everyone out just because you are not going to be able to play anymore. But hey, GOOD TO KNOW PEOPLE ARE PLAYING THE GAME LIKE ITS MEANT TO BE. Last man standing Fallout. Thats the point. The point of your rant? That I dont get.

So honestly (regardless if there is truth behind the reveals or not) whether your reasoning for this was stirring shit for the hell of it or being mad you were nominated.... lame move bro. You could have just bowed out of the game & let the others play how they saw fit.
Ooooh. Thank you Fallout for causing some drama ;) seriously though, this is Big Brother and it needs to get as dramatic as it can get, lol. Well anyway, I'm gonna find fix things up. Just give me a few hours for that. Since Fallout has left the game, he is not nominated anymore. So KB will need to name a replacement. But NOT YET. Let me figure things out first. I'll keep you all posted. Until then, cause more drama, go! :p
Thriller and Blade are planning to win the game by themselves.

There's players who aren't planning on winning the game? Damn, they should change their strategies.

M and A11 both think they are the third man in Blade's alliance, when they are both being used as puppets. A11 is being kept around due to him being a good scapegoat.

I admit, it definitely started out that way. But they've both become solid, trustworthy members of the alliance since Pancake left. Unlike you, who decided to sell us out for a final three spot with KB the first chance you got.

I hope you stub your little toe. Really hard. Wearing no socks. Right on the corner of your bedside table. That was a dick move.

Edit: Oh, wait. It's because you're bitter that KB let us know you were gonna backstab us. That's a shame.
M sits in the corner giggling to himself as the rest of the house appears to still be in some form of chatter among themselves. M is grateful that Fallout doesn't know what M's plan is.

M also knew all of the info that Fallout mentioned beforehand, but M either didn't care or felt that the information was useless and easy to deduce if you're smarter than a pencil.
I dont think anyone should be added as replacement for Fallout. Four people have been voted out already and i'd be pretty shitty if i was one of them if someone got added and won.
I'd just like to say to all players in the game to vote KB in the next round, whether he is part of an alliance or not due to his danger in challenges like these and the fact that he cannot be trusted with information, truthful or not. Thank you.

So wait, people have been lying, backstabbing and forming alliances?

Hey JAM, I know you're thinking about bringing back an evicted player but while I think of it I have another suggestion for you. Make Fallout the first member of the jury and continue on. The only issue I see with that is we're midway through the BB week and I don't know if doing that would require restarting the whole week.
Don't replace him. We're this far into things and the game is already rolling. Just let him be gone and cut things down a bit. With this many people to go the game is going to be long and you don't want people to get burned out. Also there's no reason for any player already out to get a second chance because someone left.
So here's what I've decided.

Since Fallout has left, there will be no eliminations this cycle. Instead, we'll skip right to the next HOH challenge since I don't really see a need to do a Veto Challenge. However, since it seems KB won HOH this week for no reason, he'll have an advantage for the next HOH challenge just so that he gets something out of being HOH last time.

Also, whoever was going to be eliminated from Fallout or Rated R Enigma was supposed to be the first member of the jury. But since Fallout is gone and won't be around much, I've decided that nightmare will be the first member of the jury. In case you didn't know, the jury ultimately decides who wins this game in the end. So now you have the first person part of the jury, let's hope you all played this game well enough to get his vote. But more on the jury stuff later. If you have more questions about that, just PM me.

So to recap, what I'll post next is the HOH challenge so that we can begin a new week since we'll consider Fallout as the one eliminated this cycle. Nightmare is the first member of the jury. Are we clear? I hope so. I'll work on the HOH Challenge post right now. So check back here in a few.

Rated R Enigma
Paige Thriller

Cereal Killer
Dynamite Dallas Paige
nightmare (First jury member)
Hey look, the rest of us all just made it to the top 8 by doing nothing. Congrats guys we're all one step closer to the half million dollars of JAM's money.

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