So here's what I've decided.
Since Fallout has left, there will be no eliminations this cycle. Instead, we'll skip right to the next HOH challenge since I don't really see a need to do a Veto Challenge. However, since it seems KB won HOH this week for no reason, he'll have an advantage for the next HOH challenge just so that he gets something out of being HOH last time.
Also, whoever was going to be eliminated from Fallout or Rated R Enigma was supposed to be the first member of the jury. But since Fallout is gone and won't be around much, I've decided that
nightmare will be the first member of the jury. In case you didn't know, the jury ultimately decides who wins this game in the end. So now you have the first person part of the jury, let's hope you all played this game well enough to get his vote. But more on the jury stuff later. If you have more questions about that, just PM me.
So to recap, what I'll post next is the HOH challenge so that we can begin a new week since we'll consider Fallout as the one eliminated this cycle. Nightmare is the first member of the jury. Are we clear? I hope so. I'll work on the HOH Challenge post right now. So check back here in a few.
Rated R Enigma
Paige Thriller
Cereal Killer
Dynamite Dallas Paige
nightmare (First jury member)