WZ Big Brother Season 1

M, seeing that A11ofthelights has fallen into his trap, springs up and wrestles him into the chair before tying him down and forcing him to watch a PSA on why being a creepy mofo is bad for your health.

M wishes this will bring to life a new A11ofthelights who we can all befriend and not worry about what he'll do to you whilst you sleep.
M, seeing that A11ofthelights has fallen into his trap, springs up and wrestles him into the chair before tying him down and forcing him to watch a PSA on why being a creepy mofo is bad for your health.

M wishes this will bring to life a new A11ofthelights who we can all befriend and not worry about what he'll do to you whilst you sleep.

A11, now stuck watching a PSA, is unable to get the first aid treatment his cut foot needs. As a result it starts to grow a bit of fungus as it becomes infected. I only hope M can live with himself and his bigotry(not everyone is the sex offender you fear them to be)
Expect your first challenge to be up in 24 hours or less.

The winner of this challenge will be the first Head of Household. And if you read the OP (opening post) of this thread, you know that the HOH will provide the first two nominations. The first two nominations will be vying to stay in the big brother house while the other one will be the first person eliminated from the big brother house/game.

Haven't gotten my 3 facts from TLC yet. Please get those in as soon as you can. That will be all.
TLC is rather confused as to what all these weirdos are doing, he decides to sit in the corner and quietly ponder who to side with.
M, content that A11ofthelights has chanted his ways, releases him from the chair and hands him a generic video game med pack for his foot fungus. As M lets him leave, he whispers into his ear to consider himself lucky that M didn't decide to cut off his foot fungus and serve it to him in soup form.

M is currently lounging around on a poolside chair jotting down note for his WZCW RP. Not even M knows where he begins and the character of M ends. M should really see a doctor when he leaves the house.
The cooler guys furiously beat the shit out of Cereal with kendo sticks when they realise he is a fan of John Cena, they finish off with a triple powerbomb. A11 unhappy with being called a weirdo vicously assaults Cereal with numerous cunt punts
Guys, I just thought of something that would be pretty cool. Since you guys are making your own scenarios, why can't the host do it as well right? So yeah, when I draw up a scenario, I want you guys to respond to it. For example, I'll say something like "There is now Wi-Fi access for the next 24 hours. All social media websites are unblocked and you will be able to contact your families, post selfies, etc." Then you guys post what you would do in the house if that happens. Simple enough right? Let's start.


JAM appears on the numerous flat screens in the house much to the surprise of the housemates. Those that were sleeping are now awake because the volume on the flatscreens have been turned to it's highest.

JAM: Hello housemates.

JAM greets the housemates with a big smile on his face. Meanwhile, all the housemates gather in the living room to watch what's going on since the biggest flatscreen is in there.

JAM: I see that you all have settled into the house nicely. And well, Big Brother is feeling a little generous so he has something for you guys.

Chatter among the housemates ensues. Pancake is elated at the news and punches KB on the leg to show his excitement. KB no-sells the punch as if it didn't hurt at all when we all know that it did hurt :rolleyes:

JAM: Big brother knows that all of you are wrestling fans. And so he wanted me to tell you all that in an hour, the flatscreen in the living room will be showing Wrestlemania 30. The PPV will be shown in a 24 hour time period. So once 24 hours is up, the feed will cut once again so take advantage of this little gift Big Brother has given you all.

The housemates roar in approval of their gift from Big Brother. After a short while, JAM disappears from the flatscreens and the housemates disperse. Spidey and Rated R mix drinks while the rest of the housemates help Milenko cook up some popcorn.
M is torn between watching Wrestlemania 30 and finishing his RP...
A11 doesnt rate WM 30 as the part of the IWC that says "Undertaker had to lose because in a real fight he would" but then blatantly ignores their own "real fight scenario rule" as Daniel Bryan overcomes two fights against much larger men. So happily walks off and finds a soccer ball which he juggles consecutively 340 times (if u want proof I will actually go out and film myself doing this, if you dare Challenge me on this Fact I say to JAM that you should be up for nomination if and when i prove it)
Cereal takes a brake from all the madness and tries to hang with the cooler guys.

Milenko, you're getting help in the kitchen.


Fallout makes an audacious claim that WM30 may be in the top 3 of all-time.
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The cooler guys furiously beat the shit out of Cereal with kendo sticks when they realise he is a fan of John Cena, they finish off with a triple powerbomb. A11 unhappy with being called a weirdo vicously assaults Cereal with numerous cunt punts

Lying down in pain, Cereal screams to A11 that he shouldn't have kicked the shit out of him because he's not in the cool clique. Cereal then slightly tilts his head up while trying to watch whatever he can of WM30.
After replenishing himself on coffee, bagels, and thorazine, Spidey walks into the room, sees Paul Heyman's client, Brock Lesnar, conquer the Streak again, and lapses into a pseudo 'Nam flashback. Spidey rips his clothes off and attacks random members of the Big Brother household. By random we mean A11.

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Rated R wakes up, hungover and rolls over, falling into the pool in the backyard. He quickly wakes up and crawls out of the pool before stumbling into the house and looking to get some dry clothes.
KB was there and has the confetti to prove it. Also whoever punched my leg is going to get pecked like a chicken going after a corn dinner.

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