WZ Big Brother Season 1

M, realising he came late to the thread, crawls over towards the corner of the main room and starts sipping from a box of apple juice, pondering what would have been if he was awake when the game started.
KB finds a frozen chicken in the freezer. He nods slightly, puts it down on the floor, and beats it 14 times with a steel folding chair. Satisfied, he puts it back in the freezer, puts the chair under the kitchen table, and goes to watch a Scrabble tournament.
M notices that Cereal Killer has indeed arrived, before taking another sip of apple juice and lying down in a relaxed fashion
M, realising he just spent the last 7 hours sitting in a corner sipping apple juice, stands up, takes his shoes off, pulls a flask out of the right one and commences chugging the flask whilst juggling the shoes in one hand, as is his usual bedtime ritual.
Cereal reminds his housemates that there are no TV's and there is no access to the internet in the Big Brother house. :D
I'll allow cable because the only channels you'll have is the History Channel and Animal Planet, enjoy :p Oh and there's Wi-Fi in the house but you can only go on specific sites (the not-fun ones). And the Wi-Fi shuts off at 8PM. How sad.

Glad to see you guys are having fun with this. It's been interesting seeing KB manhandle DAT CHICKEN and some guys already staring their own bar :suspic:
KB spears the door down to the basement, not realizing that it's right over a flight of steps, and goes flying down onto the concrete twelve feet below.
KB finds a frozen chicken in the freezer. He nods slightly, puts it down on the floor, and beats it 14 times with a steel folding chair. Satisfied, he puts it back in the freezer, puts the chair under the kitchen table, and goes to watch a Scrabble tournament.

A110ftheLights finally remembers how to open a door, walks in and heads to the freezer, he finds the mangled chicken wonders what exactly happened to it, sexually licks the chicken before rubbing Randy Orton's baby oil on it and placing it back in the freezer he heads to the bedroom where he will question what he was doing with randy orton's baby oil
A110ftheLights finally remembers how to open a door, walks in and heads to the freezer, he finds the mangled chicken wonders what exactly happened to it, sexually licks the chicken before rubbing Randy Orton's baby oil on it and placing it back in the freezer he heads to the bedroom where he will question what he was doing with randy orton's baby oil
Hyourinmaru watches A11ofthelights leave the kitchen and shakes his head.
A110ftheLights finally remembers how to open a door, walks in and heads to the freezer, he finds the mangled chicken wonders what exactly happened to it, sexually licks the chicken before rubbing Randy Orton's baby oil on it and placing it back in the freezer he heads to the bedroom where he will question what he was doing with randy orton's baby oil

M stares at A11oftheLights as this happens, his jaw opens wide in shock as he drops both his shoes and flask to the floor. It was at this moment that M realised that maybe the corner of the room wasn't such a bad place to chill out after all...
M stares at A11oftheLights as this happens, his jaw opens wide in shock as he drops both his shoes and flask to the floor. It was at this moment that M realised that maybe the corner of the room wasn't such a bad place to chill out after all...
want breakfast?
Here is your first task ladies and gentlemen. This isn't something that's big but I REQUIRE you to turn it in. This isn't a challenge or anything that'll win you a prize, it's just something I need from you. It'll be used later on in the game. When? You won't know obviously. Some of you will know what it's for since it's been done in the Survivor game but PLEASE DON'T spoil it for others. I guess this will sort of gauge how quick you guys can turn in stuff and can really set a pace for this game. But enough blabber from me, here we go.

I need you all to PM me THREE FACTS about you, simple as that. Don't make it boring though by saying "I'm 23 years of age." None of that please. Make it something interesting like "I've bungee-jumped once in my life." Things of that nature. This won't take you long to turn in I hope, so I won't give out a deadline. But please, turn it in as soon as you can. If 24 hours has passed and you haven't sent me your three facts, then expect a PM from me to remind you about it. Like I said though, there's no deadline but I need it ASAP. I trust you guys will turn it in ASAP anyway :blush:

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