Wyatts VS the new SS swat team?


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Let's say Owens beats Ambrose in a way that didn't sit well with him(heel ending or powerbomb on the apron with Ambrose off tv a week or two). Then reigns beats Owens. Starts go over or lose strongly. Up coming weeks a rematch at tlc vs Owens and bod vs wyatt with both programs ending there. Ambrose can't interfere and cost Owens and set up there fued. After that the next night on raw wyatts attack reigns and now bray has his sights on the title and reigns claiming they have unfinished business now that he's done with taker and kane. They keep attacking reigns until the usos join to help their cousin yet still overwhelmed by the numbers game. Que samoa joe. Now a full fledged nasty fued between the wyatts and Samoan swat team. Reigns vs bray,usos against Harper and Rowan(by this time usos beat New day for the bells and the wyatts finally get their title reign) and strowman vs Joe. They could have countless segments with knock down drag out fights through wrestlemania season. During the close of their fued lights go out taker is in the ring with everyone else gone with just bray there in the ring. Taker puts over wyatt at wrestlemania. After this altercation the rr winner confronts reigns(cena or Brock)usos continue with Harper and Rowan Sherman is in between helping bray and still clashing with Joe and n moves on to kane. I know there's better possibilities throughout the wrestlemania season but what if the state forced the Samoan family to come together and create a new ss swat team?
What do you think?
is there any way you can repeat what you just said, but the second time...SPEAK ENGLISH?

are you talking about putting Reigns and Joe in a team together, if you are please P.M. me your home address so I may come kill you. Joe needs to as FAR AWAY FROM Reigns as possible. period
You're entitled to your opinion brother as an I but please keep the d distrustful comments out of it.
Samoa Joe is heel and Roman Reigns is face... so i see no way of getting them together and i dont want them together either....
Wyatt's vs Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose has been beaten to death for the last couple of months. Count me not interested in another Bray-Roman encounter.
I think there are can be better alternatives... You have put too many people into one story: 1. Wyatt 2. Strowman, 3. Rowan, 4. Harper, 5. Reigns, 6. Jimmy, 7. Jey, 8. Samoa Joe, 9. Undertaker, 10. Kane, 11. The Royal Rumble winner. Just too many people behind one angle.
So will Roman be a part of the Wyatts vs SS SWAT ( :lmao: ) match, or will he defend the World Championship against the Royal Rumble winner? Same question regarding Wyatt... Moreover, I don't believe that Wyatt should be challenging Taker again, let alone beat him. Taker has one or two Wrestlemanias left, at the most, and it should be against special opponents like Cena or Sting.
I don't know what a knock down drag out fight is, but even that would get old if done one too many times, according to me. A long drawn angle like this featuring this many people, will be very tough to pull off.
While the idea of a Wyatt Family vs Reigns' family isn't bad, we have seen something like this already, a couple of months ago. Additionally, I feel that it should purely be a 4-on-4 feud, and not 2 people from this team vs 2 people from that team, while the captains are fighting their own battles and the fourth members are playing multiple roles. All eight members' focus should be on this feud only. It also should not drag on for too long, which is why I would like to see it during some other time of the year, and not Wrestlemania season. Maybe start at TLC and end at Royal Rumble. That's it, feud over. It might be a success, it might not. Finally, the writers will be faced with a sort of dilemma if they go ahead with this story- either to have the faces lose, and have the powerhouse Reigns as well as the debuting Samoa Joe look weak, or give the Wyatts the loss and have them become the cult that could never get the job done. So, again, I think there can be better options than this.
Let's say Owens beats Ambrose in a way that didn't sit well with him(heel ending or powerbomb on the apron with Ambrose off tv a week or two). Then reigns beats Owens. Starts go over or lose strongly. Up coming weeks a rematch at tlc vs Owens and bod vs wyatt with both programs ending there. Ambrose can't interfere and cost Owens and set up there fued. After that the next night on raw wyatts attack reigns and now bray has his sights on the title and reigns claiming they have unfinished business now that he's done with taker and kane. They keep attacking reigns until the usos join to help their cousin yet still overwhelmed by the numbers game. Que samoa joe. Now a full fledged nasty fued between the wyatts and Samoan swat team. Reigns vs bray,usos against Harper and Rowan(by this time usos beat New day for the bells and the wyatts finally get their title reign) and strowman vs Joe. They could have countless segments with knock down drag out fights through wrestlemania season. During the close of their fued lights go out taker is in the ring with everyone else gone with just bray there in the ring. Taker puts over wyatt at wrestlemania. After this altercation the rr winner confronts reigns(cena or Brock)usos continue with Harper and Rowan Sherman is in between helping bray and still clashing with Joe and n moves on to kane. I know there's better possibilities throughout the wrestlemania season but what if the state forced the Samoan family to come together and create a new ss swat team?
What do you think?

Firstly, I didn't completely understand what you're trying to say.

Secondly, from what I have understood, Hell in a Cell was the last stop for Roman Reigns vs Bray Wyatt feud. It had ended giving credibility to Roman Reigns. Not in any context I would fancy them to resume their feuds in the immediate future.

You sort of blasted off your words, assuming your ideas are catastrophic, but unfortunately they're nonintellectual. Sorry for the comments. In a nutshell, you should write a post that should be understandable to other, not just you.
Sorry I'm a little confused as well, but if I get what your saying I have to agree with others. Reigns and Ambrose vs the Wyatts has been done to death. They had it out when they were the Shield and afterwards both had a singles run with him.

Plus with all the injuries that have occurred tying up that many people into one story line doesn't make sense. We need more singles feuds, not these multi-man matches. One of the biggest issues the WWE has today is that they've spent so much time on tag matches with singles guys, that they haven't really elevated anyone, and it shows now.

Let Wyatt's feud with someone else, like the Authority perhaps, and let the singles wrestlers get a push.

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