Wyatt Family showing what the future could hold for them?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Anyone catch them leaving NXT. Here it is if you missed it:


Now what's notable about this is the slight change of tone in Wyatt, and it is so slight that it easily sits alongside his messiah gimmick, but it could answer a problem I've had with the future of the Wyatt gimmick and that is what is the long term plan.

I'm a big fan of the current gimmick on Raw and do not want this to change for a long time but there has been rumours of an eventual 6 man feud between The Wyatt Family and The Shield, with people assuming that would mean The Shield going face to take down the heelish Wyatt Family.

This promo though, I think anyway, shows that there could be a face/tweener future for the Wyatt Family gimmick. He is less demonic in this and taps into the anger people feel towards 'The Man' or governments or whoever you think controls society.

I thought it was an interesting enough wrinkle in the Bray Wyatt character to flag it anyway :blush:
Holy crap that reaction the Wyatt Family received from the NXT crowd is freaking awesome. If he could get that same support the NXT audience gave him from the regular WWE audience as both heel or face, then anything is possible for the group.
WOW! What a reaction from the crowd!

I think you are correct, they could very well get over as a face/tweener stable. The only thing that worries me is that on NXT the crowd hung on every word Bray Wyatt said, on Raw you get the ridiculous 'What?' chants whenever anyone tries to cut a promo. I pray that Bray can get a crowd going like he did on NXT though, if he can he is a sure fire main eventer of the future
I think given time he'll get just as over with the Raw crowd as he did with the NXT crowd. I just couldn't see him working as anything other than a heel up until this promo.

If he doesn't then the waving hands from side to side will be next year's humming of Fandango's theme tune/Daniel Bryan's Yes chants, mark my words
I think quite a bit of would work would have to happen for him to turn face/tweener. Firstly, the creepy almost serial killer attributes of him would have to be totally eliminated. I say this because when watching RAW with an audience of non-WWE fans and they see him, you'd be surprised on how many people were questioning whether or not having a serial killer type gimmick is "appropriate for the WWE. Clearly there are those who say no. Now whilst I know this promo is more face/government themed, and not as messiah serial killerish, the mannerism are still pretty much the same. Menacing laugh, pacing, the sheep mask, I think a lot of that would have to go so for certain if this would ever happen it have to be an extremely slow change since we've been introduced to the serial killer gimmick already on RAW.
I'd like to see a match between the two actually most impressive stable in wwe, the Wyatt family and The shield. It can be created beacuse they are caotic madmen versus defensor of judstice (their personal kind of judstice, of course).

It can be interesting because we have no idea about the winners, and we all prefer match unpredictable, and we can finally find the secret leader of the shields, coming out during the match and help them to winning. So, the new Shield leader can be the top heel of the company. Doeasn't matter now who he will be (I'd love Wade Barrett, but they can choose a face to turn heel... even John Cena itself, wow!, or a middle card heel that can receive a great push with this match.
That was a good clip , thanks for sharing it. I don't pay much attention to NXT as life keeps me busy so it was good watch it. I had only heard bits and pieces about the Wyatt family from the IWC but after seeing their debut in WWE I am liking what I see. Given time to build I can see the trio going far with this angle. Harper and Rowen have impressive size and a backwoods look that really sell the image. Bray Wyatt comes off as an intellectual unbalanced psyco good and provides a perfect mouth piece.
Eventually they might clash with the shield but I don't see that happening until they make a run for the belts. I think they will work on increasing the body count for quite a while prior to that and when it does finally happen my guess would be that the shield would be on the face side of the equation.
As far as the tweener aspect is concerned I can see their potential for that but mainly because fan's these days pick who they like and cheer for them regardless of who they are suppose to like.
Cool clip. Thanks for sharing. I think the reaction they got from the NXT crowd is more indicative of this being billed as the Wyatt Family's last appearance there than anything Bray said in his promo.

For success on the big level I really think they have to keep a creepy heel vibe going for a while. The best word to describe them is "Cult-ish" and I think eventually that's what fans can become. They will never be clean cut baby faces. The ceiling would be something like Undertaker or Kane. Coming in as a fearsome freakshow and gaining support.

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