Should the Wyatt Family turn face?

Should the Wyatt Family turn face?

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All bronies will clop in hell.
In a recent thread attempting to bring up why Bray Wyatt has been left off of television, Navi brought up a very good point. There's kind of a Batman issue going on in WWE today... not enough interesting faces, too many interesting heels. Bray Wyatt may simply have been left off of recent cards because there was nobody to feud with.

Which makes me wonder... what if we turned the Wyatt Family face?

Now, I know this sounds a bit absurd, but hear me out. We wouldn't have to water down his gimmick whatsoever, simply change who they focus their tactics on. Sounds stupid, but it worked in turning The Shield face in record time. Plus, Bray Wyatt already talks about having the whole world in his hands, and he already gets one hell of a reaction, how far of a stretch would it be to have the family turn face if the gimmick is already about leading people and getting people behind him?

This would help clear up a couple of problems that Navi brought up in this thread... it would free Harper and Rowan up to take on the now heel(?) Gold Star for the Tag Team titles. It'd give Bray Wyatt a lot more to work with in terms of opponents. Hell, people were talking about the potential Ziggler/Wyatt feud, you could go ahead and slip Miz in there as the opponent instead, it'd work more or less the same way.

It may be a bit dicey, but I think turning the Wyatts face could work if done right.

I would've said no not too long ago, as I think the Wyatts are more ideal heroes, but the Cena feud botched it in so many ways. Beyond the poor writing, subpar matches, and Cena coming out on top, where does a heel faction go from there? Especially as since then he's started picking on the Big Show and Jericho, whose relevance has faded. The only way they can make a major splash as heels is if they replaced the authority as the 'main villains' so to speak...but that would almost require an authority feud...which would make them face....

So turning face might be the only way to keep him relevant and interesting...unless once again, they choose to make the Wyatts the new dominate heel faction...because Rowan and Luke have only jobbed in the past 2 feuds they had and Wyatt had to cheat to beat Jericho who usually does the jobbing...Ugh, shit. A face turn feels like the only thing they can do at this point...

It would be an interesting experiment, if anything.
It's inevitable. Jake Roberts, Undertaker, want to cheer these types. I think Bray has some similar qualities/elements to those types of characters.
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Okay I'm simply stunned that someone actually read my post, but moving on.

I think why not, stranger things have happened and no one has batted an eyelash. They could even have Wyatt realize that he has to save the WWE from of all people the Authority who he now believes is out to destroy it.

That opens up one hell of a can of worms, because every heel on the roster would be fair game, in his mind they are all mindless minions doing the Authority's business. But deep down he also realizes that he himself is the ultimate Authority and well, he's going to keep that part quiet for the eventual heel turn that will follow.

I would love to see Harper and Rowan go up against Kane and Orton, be one cracker of a match. And in a way it would leave Rollins to his own devices, and maybe wondering if being part of the Authority is the best thing for him. Swerve, face turn again.

Okay it's obvious I've had too much coffee I'm going to have a nap until the caffeine rush wears off.
In a recent thread attempting to bring up why Bray Wyatt has been left off of television, Navi brought up a very good point. There's kind of a Batman issue going on in WWE today... not enough interesting faces, too many interesting heels. Bray Wyatt may simply have been left off of recent cards because there was nobody to feud with.

Which makes me wonder... what if we turned the Wyatt Family face?

Now, I know this sounds a bit absurd, but hear me out. We wouldn't have to water down his gimmick whatsoever, simply change who they focus their tactics on. Sounds stupid, but it worked in turning The Shield face in record time. Plus, Bray Wyatt already talks about having the whole world in his hands, and he already gets one hell of a reaction, how far of a stretch would it be to have the family turn face if the gimmick is already about leading people and getting people behind him?

This would help clear up a couple of problems that Navi brought up in this thread... it would free Harper and Rowan up to take on the now heel(?) Gold Star for the Tag Team titles. It'd give Bray Wyatt a lot more to work with in terms of opponents. Hell, people were talking about the potential Ziggler/Wyatt feud, you could go ahead and slip Miz in there as the opponent instead, it'd work more or less the same way.

It may be a bit dicey, but I think turning the Wyatts face could work if done right.

Actually, actually yeah, could totally work.

Imagining the scenario, they go against brock because he's not a "believer" he's just a mercenary or some shit like this. Long feud, both Harper and the other big guy get title shots where they lose miserably. At wrestlemenia Bray finally steps in the ring with a tired brock and kicks his ass. Bray wins and turns heel immediatly declaring the "age of wyatt" or some shit like this. New feud with a face, Bray lose the championship 'cause of someone interfering, but he never really cared about the title in the first place so goes feuding with this third guy (re-turning face by proxy mayvbe)

Just a potential scenario, although I doubt it's actually wise to make Bray champion this early, but a similar scenario with a minor belt could be interesting anyway. Bray is a heel that's quite easy to temporarily turn just by putting him against a heel.
Did I miss the shows where he was off of the card?

I clearly remember about 19 days ago he had a steel cage match against Y2J. Everyone remembers that right? Jericho was about to win when Bray crawled out of the door first? Still following me everyone?

Then the next Raw he fought Big Show. I remember this match because Bray did that jumping headbutt thing into Big Show, then he got fed to Big Show. He did all the work, Show hit a move and Wyatt's interfered. So let me make sure, that was 12 days ago correct? Yea, yea it was.

So now he had no feud to actually compete in at Night Of Champions which most of us agree was a good card without Bray. The feud with Jericho ended prematurely so Orton could get a win on PPV to look credible again after losing every match at PPV since Elimination Chamber. So 1 night.

Then on Raw they gave him the night off. And everyone is up in arms like how dare he get 1 week off. Before this thread would be about Brock Lesnar not being on Raw and I'm tired of it. They have like 40 competitors to squeeze in every week, Bray missed 1 week and suddenly his character is bland? The WWE no longer has faith in him?! He just had a night off. OP this isn't so much directed at you, it seems the whole IWC is losing their minds about this right now.

To answer your question, yes he should turn face and the simple reason is the fans wanna cheer him. The WWE should embrace it and turn him face he could feud with Rusev, Miz, Sandow or even Cesaro. I don't see why he's still heel anyway, if they turned the faction face it would also mean the Wyatt Family can fight for the tag belts again...that's a win win
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I was initially going to come here and tell you how stupid you are for wanting to turn them face.

Then I actually stopped to think about it. I started thinking about how the Wyatt family could mess with the minds of heel wrestlers and the fans would eat that up. And I started thinking about how a lot of people claim "wrestler x" should be heel because WWE makes them suck as a face. But the Wyatt family doing as faces what they are doing now as heels? It could work. People like them. Harper and Rowan work well as a tag team and are interesting in the ring together.

Reading through the thread shows that people could like this idea as well.
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Yep. People would love to see Bray destroy guys like Miz and Bo. And Luke and Rowan are the best tag team in the world right now.
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I would have preferred it if the WWE waited a little while longer to turn him since I think he could have some great feuds with Ambrose, Reigns, RVD, Ziggler & maybe even Sheamus before he turns face. Also I want to see him work with Batista at some point too & would loved to have seen the WWE use The Universe hating on Batista's last return to somehow help turn Bray babyface while they were feuding but that just seems like a dream now.

The WWE has already kind of ruined heel Bray anyways, having him get cheap pops by saying city names before he enters, having him come out alone, having him cheat less, etc., not to mention now he was kept off of a PPV & has missed some TV. So yeah, the WWE should definitely just left him turn full blown babyface since it's pretty much a done deal already.
Yep. People would love to see Bray destroy guys like Miz and Bo. And Luke and Rowan are the best tag team in the world right now.

So you see on a card for a PPV Bo Dallas vs Bray wyatt think for 1 second that Bo Dallas will win? NOPE. So basically you're a fan of squash matches that have no purpose.

This would help clear up a couple of problems that Navi brought up in this thread... it would free Harper and Rowan up to take on the now heel(?) Gold Star for the Tag Team titles.

Cool so you cleared up 1 month leading to a PPV then what....Oh we can just toss another heel team at them...(once dust loses his title he will be on his way out and Star will be lost) So lets see what other heel team can we use....Slater and Gator....woow now that sounds like a tag match from 5 years ago when tag team sucked....pointless.

It'd give Bray Wyatt a lot more to work with in terms of opponents. Hell, people were talking about the potential Ziggler/Wyatt feud, you could go ahead and slip Miz in there as the opponent instead, it'd work more or less the same way.

Wyatt/Ziggler...yea because face v face matches are common in the WWE...oops nope try again...So now Ziggler needs to drop the strap to a heel first like Cesaro or Miz....But Miz has lost his gusto and Cesaro everyone is crying for a face turn...So then you got Barrett who is a tweener which is a match I do want to see....however Bray is far better on the mic and Bryan and Regins plus his pull with the fans is bigger he IS a main eventer. WWE did that with his beating of John Cena.

It may be a bit dicey, but I think turning the Wyatts face could work if done right.

Because the WWE has an AMAZING track record of doing things right...See Cesaro.

Personally I think it is stupid, if you want to turn the Wyatts face, let time do it not force it.

Here is how I see it......

First you need to build them to be HUGE heels, the worse heels and the downside is the flack from kids, but I promise for every kid that parents take away one more pre-teen, teen and young adult will jump on board so with a 1 to 3 turn around you're gaining fans. BE THE WWE, step away from PC and make people realize THIS IS NOT REAL but ENTERTAINMENT.

The Divas are getting too much TV time so we squash it, with the Wyatts going out and destroying the Divas matches. Have Bray got out and with the Wyatts and plant Natalie and Bella ( Bryan's wife) Bryan can come back and get some tv time only to get a beating ( this at least gets you to remember D Bry before his huge return). With the NFL having such a huge issue the WWE can do what they do and issues fake statement like they do with everything else at the same time poking fun without coming out and saying this. This can be done at a PPV so we can keep the Wyatts out of all title pictures but still on the PPV's

This puts serious heat on the Wyatts, Once the USOS win the titles back they Wyatts attack the Funka-whatevers which I think one of the Usos is dating. Leading to 3 months later the Wyatts grabbing the tag titles defending in a 3 way style ( old school style) Any one of the family members can defend.

The 4th month following feud is a Old school guy, after beating up Nat, Bret hart makes a come back and gets destroyed. Tyson Kidd tries to help and gets the wrath, this can get NXT on Raw and maybe even a spot on a PPV. Having the Wyatts go down and destroy kid on NXT which WWE will show on Raw.

Wyatts start setting their eyes on ruining babyface, stomping out the like of Ryder, Ziggler, and others.

By the 6th month Lesnar will be on the shelf ( again he can't go year around because he is soft) Cena will need a heel to feud and if Lesnar is gone, wyatts are face then who is there to feud? Orton...LOL until he smokes some more weed. Who else Kane? rollins? you have to be kidding. This can help Rollins get the title after the Wyatts squash Cena after a match ends.

This sets a feud between Cena and Bray which we have seen or does it put Cena on the path to beat rollins who can do what he does and duck and dodge Cena like he does. Wyatts leave cena alone, because it turns out rollins and the authority paid the Wyatts to do it. ( Keep Bray out the title picture and leave Cena feuding with the authority with Regions, Ambrose and Bryan, oh did you forget all those faces are coming back?)

Royal Rumble is where the heat peaks. Bray Draws #1 but refuses to get in the ring.....Rowan and Harper draw #2 and #3. They all sit outside the ring. The lack of wrestling would piss me off and the heat would generate the biggest boos in WWE history. #4 comes in and as he is yelling at the Wyatts to get in they grab his arms and pull him out eliminated. #5-30 carry on the rumble like we all know and love Kick-Punch-Struggle in the corner. When #30 lets say Bryan or whoever is the biggest face tosses everyone the Wyatt's enter the ring and beat the person down and down and down. ( you need to have a good Main event after to make fans happy) Finally after the body has gotten 5 or 6 sister abigails they toss him and rowan and harper step over the top and let Bray win. ( think of the heat from the finger to chest win Hogan vs Nash) hence why you need the title match after the rumble.

I just made the Wyatts one of the most hated heels in WWE history.

But have not fear 12 year old and hope lovers, this will never happen. Wyatts will turn face soon and start kissing babies and for us fans who like a good heel to mix it up with goodie goodie faces. we are screwed to watch baby kissing, kid loving, John Cena repeats.

So why do I watch....Rusev.....look how they are working that is how heels should be produced. Which bothers me because WWE is not okay with stepping over the line with beating women or even letting heels win....But your okay shitting on the American pride.
A face turn can work in my opinion for Wyatt. He has charisma and charisma is the ability to control a group of people and manipulate their emotions to make you pay attention to them. Now, if he can do this as a heel to the point where people like him and start to cheer him like they have started to, then he could easily do this as a face if he decided to go after say Dolph Ziggler for the IC Title or even someone like Seth Rollins or the Authority in general.

The WWE is light on faces, that's really really true and the only solution to that is to A) pay more attention to your faces and B) start turning some guys. Cesaro should be another guy that they turn face, but I could see it working for Bray Wyatt.
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I've been saying this for the longest time. Yes they should be turned face and I hope that's why they've been off tv the past few shows so they can target a heel upon return. They're basically already faces anyway they get the cheap pop of saying the city, they get the crowd to interact by singing and putting up their cell phones the only that needs to be changed is who they're feuding with. I actually think Cena partially helped that case because anyone feuding against him is cheered that along with the previously mentioned face tactics got them way over.
Here is how I see it......

First you need to build them to be HUGE heels, the worse heels and the downside is the flack from kids, but I promise for every kid that parents take away one more pre-teen, teen and young adult will jump on board so with a 1 to 3 turn around you're gaining fans. BE THE WWE, step away from PC and make people realize THIS IS NOT REAL but ENTERTAINMENT.

The Divas are getting too much TV time so we squash it, with the Wyatts going out and destroying the Divas matches. Have Bray got out and with the Wyatts and plant Natalie and Bella ( Bryan's wife) Bryan can come back and get some tv time only to get a beating ( this at least gets you to remember D Bry before his huge return). With the NFL having such a huge issue the WWE can do what they do and issues fake statement like they do with everything else at the same time poking fun without coming out and saying this. This can be done at a PPV so we can keep the Wyatts out of all title pictures but still on the PPV's

This puts serious heat on the Wyatts, Once the USOS win the titles back they Wyatts attack the Funka-whatevers which I think one of the Usos is dating. Leading to 3 months later the Wyatts grabbing the tag titles defending in a 3 way style ( old school style) Any one of the family members can defend.

The 4th month following feud is a Old school guy, after beating up Nat, Bret hart makes a come back and gets destroyed. Tyson Kidd tries to help and gets the wrath, this can get NXT on Raw and maybe even a spot on a PPV. Having the Wyatts go down and destroy kid on NXT which WWE will show on Raw.

Wyatts start setting their eyes on ruining babyface, stomping out the like of Ryder, Ziggler, and others.

By the 6th month Lesnar will be on the shelf ( again he can't go year around because he is soft) Cena will need a heel to feud and if Lesnar is gone, wyatts are face then who is there to feud? Orton...LOL until he smokes some more weed. Who else Kane? rollins? you have to be kidding. This can help Rollins get the title after the Wyatts squash Cena after a match ends.

This sets a feud between Cena and Bray which we have seen or does it put Cena on the path to beat rollins who can do what he does and duck and dodge Cena like he does. Wyatts leave cena alone, because it turns out rollins and the authority paid the Wyatts to do it. ( Keep Bray out the title picture and leave Cena feuding with the authority with Regions, Ambrose and Bryan, oh did you forget all those faces are coming back?)

Royal Rumble is where the heat peaks. Bray Draws #1 but refuses to get in the ring.....Rowan and Harper draw #2 and #3. They all sit outside the ring. The lack of wrestling would piss me off and the heat would generate the biggest boos in WWE history. #4 comes in and as he is yelling at the Wyatts to get in they grab his arms and pull him out eliminated. #5-30 carry on the rumble like we all know and love Kick-Punch-Struggle in the corner. When #30 lets say Bryan or whoever is the biggest face tosses everyone the Wyatt's enter the ring and beat the person down and down and down. ( you need to have a good Main event after to make fans happy) Finally after the body has gotten 5 or 6 sister abigails they toss him and rowan and harper step over the top and let Bray win. ( think of the heat from the finger to chest win Hogan vs Nash) hence why you need the title match after the rumble.

I just made the Wyatts one of the most hated heels in WWE history.

No you just made him into one of the biggest jokes ever. So instead of turning the Wyatts faces, you'd have them go in and start squashing the Diva's.

You're kidding right. In a PG era, it's going to be okay for 3 big guys to go in and beat up women. Don't forget that half the people watching are kids and don't understand that this might be real. Oh I can see that working out well for everyone.

So after months of beating up the Diva's and the NXT guys, you'd have them enter the Royal Rumble and basically win it by not wrestling. Jesus Christ. You don't work for creative do you, because that's the worst thing I've ever heard.

Yes there are faces returning, but they are returning from injuries and we don't know when or in what shape they will be in when they come back. I see nothing wrong with the Wyatt's turning face for as long as they have too. The audience wants to cheer them anyway, so let them.
Problem with turning them face is why? wwe has spent a ton of time trying to make them top heels, what would make them suddenly be face? It has been said before, problem today is every heel wants to be that nWo cool heel which rarely works. Wyatt should have been an evil guy but those guys don't have merchandise to sell. Wyatt is a failure as a heel but fans cheered him when he went against Cena so wwe thinks they can turn him face. And what? Are people going to cheer him more when he teams with Cena? Why would any guy Wyatt fought against suddenly trust him? Fans will buy into it because the wwe tells them to but in the end, it makes no sense and is a bad idea.
It is a real pity that whilst turning Bray Wyatt face is logical given that they've basically ruined his immense heel potential, there actually aren't many Top Over Heels for him and his family to go against other than the Authority(Granted I have wanted to see the Wyatt family go up against the Authority for quite a while).

The problem at the moment, is that the top of the card is very very light in terms of true Main Event level Superstars; i.e. John Cena, Randy Orton, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins....Brock Lesnar when he appears....
Beyond that there is Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan who are injured.

3 of those guys are in the midst of a push into being firm Singles Main Eventers(the Shield guys) and hopefully, given they have been handled well enough, WWE won't mess it up.

With the injuries that have occured, we are currently left with.....get this....4 Main Event level Superstars to carry the show. And then fans wonder why the shows are sub-par.
It is very strange, that WWE can't seem to build guys on both sides(Faces and Heels) at the same time.

So as I said above;
Bray Wyatt going Face makes sense given his Heel booking has been handled poorly(trust me, his character as a heel is potential gold if booked right), but he doesn't really have much to work with if he goes face either, given that WWE have taken it upon themselves to NOT explore the possibilities of the character that they have 'created' or more aptly, as a fellow forum member put it in another thread, 'stumbled' upon.
You're kidding right. In a PG era, it's going to be okay for 3 big guys to go in and beat up women. Don't forget that half the people watching are kids and don't understand that this might be real. Oh I can see that working out well for everyone.

In this you are correct, It is the PG (Pathetic Guys) Era, Do I think it is okay, No it is a bitch move...I have no respect for Ray Rice ( even though he tried to back away from his girl and she kept coming the actual definition of self defense. but that is another topic) There is no reason in "REAL LIFE" that men should beat up on women. I know 1/2 the people watching are kids (This is the biggest reason wrestling is borderline dog crap). I also understand that the overall IQ of wrestling fans is limited very very limited which leads to many horrible parents not making sure their kids understand the storylines are not real.
What I am trying to do is build heat and lessen the Divas crap that we see, Divas have come and gone from wrestling because they are pointless and boring. It is more of a clown shoe showing for some fake reality TV show where instead of fighting they wrestle....leave that crap on Main event and now and again on raw...But far from PPV.

So after months of beating up the Diva's and the NXT guys, you'd have them enter the Royal Rumble and basically win it by not wrestling. Jesus Christ. You don't work for creative do you, because that's the worst thing I've ever heard.

Again this is to lessen the Divas match time and to get some old school vets involved because they help generate great heat. Randy Orton is lackluster and weak right now( which they seem to be trying to fix) But when he was smashing legends he garnered great heat. This is the same idea for the Wyatts Nat has bret hart which will open doors for other vets to come back for cameos.
As for NXT those guys rocked Raw not to long ago and proved that some of the NXT stars are far better than other on the main roster (Ryder, Nation 2.0 less Kofi, Matadors, Sin cara etc etc) This can thrust some of the players into the limelight like Nevill. Who might lose to Bray but those to could put on an epic match.
You say I don't work creative, but obviously no one else is either. I am giving a general outline as to not take up to much space. I am not sitting down to write a script.
As for the Rumble itself the idea has lots of holes, because it doesn't fit with the brash style of the Wyatts, they would never run from a fight. It is more tailored to The Miz or a Seth Rollins. ( Jerry Lawler did something similar back in the 80's or 90's by hiding under the ring, he got caught and tossed quick but it was still smart)

As far as the worst thing you have ever heard....You must be new, Red Rooster, Gobbly Gook, OZ, Mae young giving birth to a hand are just a few ideas we have seen that are far worse.

Yes there are faces returning, but they are returning from injuries and we don't know when or in what shape they will be in when they come back. I see nothing wrong with the Wyatt's turning face for as long as they have too. The audience wants to cheer them anyway, so let them.

Okay so basically you think the Wyatts should be temp faces? Pretending to be faces just so the fans can cheer them....This show how new you are. Stone Cold wasn't cheered at first, DX wasn't cheered at first.....Fans don't need a face or heel to cheer....People cheer for what they like NO MATTER what. Undertaker was cheered as a Heel, Lesnar is cheered as a Heel, Shield was Cheered as heels, NWO was cheered as heels.

Bryan is back in a few months, Ambrose is back now, Reigns will only be out 3-4 months ( 6 months is a worst case scenario) flip flopping back and forth is the worst thing that can happen to a pro wrestler and drains the career quick. Big Show, Henry, Jericho, Cody Rhodes and the list goes on.

Take Sheamus for example, He was a monster heel....Oh but the stupid fans what to cheer him lets make him a babyface.....Now he went from World Champion top of the mountain to scrubby US title now one take the US champ serious it is more or less a joke title. This is my fear for the Wyatts should be tag champ, Bray stomped on Cena now he is jobbing for clowns like Jericho? Already on a downhill slide, so what make him face and throw them at what, the Dust Brothers. You're not going to toss him with Lesnar and all the other titles are held by faces and face v Face doesn't happened at PPV's.
Maybe they wouldn't be too bad as a face. Although, I think it could work better if you started them out as tweeners for awhile and then slowly make their way towards being a face. Like the OP said, it could work depending on how WWE books it.
In this you are correct, It is the PG (Pathetic Guys) Era, Do I think it is okay, No it is a bitch move...I have no respect for Ray Rice ( even though he tried to back away from his girl and she kept coming the actual definition of self defense. but that is another topic) There is no reason in "REAL LIFE" that men should beat up on women. I know 1/2 the people watching are kids (This is the biggest reason wrestling is borderline dog crap). I also understand that the overall IQ of wrestling fans is limited very very limited which leads to many horrible parents not making sure their kids understand the storylines are not real.
What I am trying to do is build heat and lessen the Divas crap that we see, Divas have come and gone from wrestling because they are pointless and boring. It is more of a clown shoe showing for some fake reality TV show where instead of fighting they wrestle....leave that crap on Main event and now and again on raw...But far from PPV.

And those horrible parents that you speak of are the ones spending the cash, taking their ungrateful kids to the shows and spending idiotic amounts of money on wrestling paraphernalia. I'm sure someone like Vince McMahon doesn't want to lose that revenue, that keep his company afloat.

And you will never lessen the Diva's crap on RAW. We've been stuck with the Diva's forever now and they ain't going anywhere.

Randy Orton is lackluster and weak right now( which they seem to be trying to fix) But when he was smashing legends he garnered great heat. This is the same idea for the Wyatts Nat has bret hart which will open doors for other vets to come back for cameos.
As for NXT those guys rocked Raw not to long ago and proved that some of the NXT stars are far better than other on the main roster (Ryder, Nation 2.0 less Kofi, Matadors, Sin cara etc etc) This can thrust some of the players into the limelight like Nevill. Who might lose to Bray but those to could put on an epic match.

As for the Rumble itself the idea has lots of holes, because it doesn't fit with the brash style of the Wyatts, they would never run from a fight. It is more tailored to The Miz or a Seth Rollins. ( Jerry Lawler did something similar back in the 80's or 90's by hiding under the ring, he got caught and tossed quick but it was still smart)

As far as the worst thing you have ever heard....You must be new, Red Rooster, Gobbly Gook, OZ, Mae young giving birth to a hand are just a few ideas we have seen that are far worse.

Of course Orton is weak right now, he's been stuck in a rut for what seems to be the last couple of years. And there is no more legends for him to go after. In about 5 years he'll be a legend himself. It's time for him to take some time off so we can actually miss him.

I agree the NXT guys are better than some on the roster today, and that's why in another thread, I stated some of them should be brought up. But not to be Bray Wyatt fodder.

Oh and I'm far from new. I've been a wrestling fan for over 30 years. My 23 year old son is the one who got me back into it about 8 years ago. So yea I've seen all you talked about and even worse.

Okay so basically you think the Wyatts should be temp faces? Pretending to be faces just so the fans can cheer them....This show how new you are. Stone Cold wasn't cheered at first, DX wasn't cheered at first.....Fans don't need a face or heel to cheer....People cheer for what they like NO MATTER what. Undertaker was cheered as a Heel, Lesnar is cheered as a Heel, Shield was Cheered as heels, NWO was cheered as heels.

Bryan is back in a few months, Ambrose is back now, Reigns will only be out 3-4 months ( 6 months is a worst case scenario) flip flopping back and forth is the worst thing that can happen to a pro wrestler and drains the career quick. Big Show, Henry, Jericho, Cody Rhodes and the list goes on.

Take Sheamus for example, He was a monster heel....Oh but the stupid fans what to cheer him lets make him a babyface.....Now he went from World Champion top of the mountain to scrubby US title now one take the US champ serious it is more or less a joke title. This is my fear for the Wyatts should be tag champ, Bray stomped on Cena now he is jobbing for clowns like Jericho? Already on a downhill slide, so what make him face and throw them at what, the Dust Brothers. You're not going to toss him with Lesnar and all the other titles are held by faces and face v Face doesn't happened at PPV's.

There is nothing wrong with Bray Wyatt becoming a face for a few months or even until after Mania. My God they do it all the time. Who thought the Shield would have turned, and then Rollins would have turned on them. That story line played out perfectly. The biggest problem I have with Wyatt is if they try to pigeonhole him into a certain character with no change in sight, he will become another John Cena. The only difference is, Cena sells the t-shirts and caps, much more so than Wyatt does. Cena also has a firm fanbase, people just like to hold up their cell phones because it looks cool.

And John Cena is a better wrestler than Wyatt. He doesn't need Tweedledee and Tweedledum out there to help him all the time. The Wyatt character right now is going nowhere fast, and it needs a kick up the ass. If turning face won't help, then get rid of it all together.

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