Wyatt Family at Wrestlemania

MMA Mark

Occasional Pre-Show
Now that Wyatt vs Lesnar has been scrapped from Wrestlemania there doesn't seem like a lot of options for them at this point. My idea would lead to a 4-on-4 Elimination Tag match against the Social Outcasts. I know it sounds like a major step down for them, but in the same sense someone like Daniel Bryan could have an entertaining match with a broom, Bray Wyatt could have an entertaining feud with any inanimate object. So hear me out:

Bray starts to target the team for recruitment. Obviously the Wyatts are social outcasts in their own right and that is exactly who a cult like theirs would target. They try to divide and conquer them and the Social Outcasts work as baby face underdogs throughout the feud. Then at Wrestlemania you have them pretty easily dispatch Slater, Axel and Rose before setting their sights on Dallas. They mercilessly pick him apart until he finally gives in and stretches his arms out on his knees in the same way Bryan did. Bray hits Sister Abigail for the win and they carry Bo out.

That in itself could be good enough, but I'm a big enough Wyatt supporter that I would prefer more. So I would have the lights go out during Taker vs Shane and the Family appears to tip the scales in favour of either competitor. Either they can swerve and cost Shane or cost Taker, which would make more sense. Either way it is revealed that they were offered preferential treatment by either Vince or Shane for their help. This starts a major push for the Wyatt Family after Mania. Bray vs Taker, Taker vs Strowman, or Bray vs Shane. Eventually a MITB or world title win for Bray as well.

An alliance between the Authority and the Family, similar to the Corporate Ministry. The break up of that could then lead to Bray vs HHH at SummerSlam or WM 33.

I haven't seen it plastered all over the place but I read a few rumors surrounding Bray's current physical condition. I guess there is some concern over his back. If this is the case then it looks like no extended action for the leader of the Family. My guess would be the other three in the ATGMBR.

I would be down for a match against #SocialOutcasts just as long as Slater and crew went over.
They'll all be in the ATGMBR and dominate the entire thing. It will be down to them 4 when Bray tells them to jump out for him to bask in the glory. But then they turn around and stare him down as Luke shakes his head. They beat him up, throw him out, and Braun and Erick then walk out, allowing Luke to win, cementing him as their new leader.

Bray Wyatt turns face and goes up against Luke at Extreme Rules, while Braun and Erick go for the tag titles. Bray beats Luke in their first post-Mania match, but Luke eventually wins one of the midcard titles, and the Family stays strong.
Personally I would love for the Wyatt family to show up on NXT and cost Finn Balor some matches, maybe the title. Leading to Bray versus Balor. Have the other members of the family cost Balor the win.

Next night on Raw have Balor come out and say I cannot beat these men alone. I need backup. Enter the Bullet Club to help even the odds.
I was really annoyed Bray vs Lesnar seemed to be changed. I also heard both guys were as well. I have since heard that Bray has a bad back at the moment which is why he isn't scheduled for anything. Makes a lot of sense if you ask me because there is no way anyone should be taking suplexes with a bad back. It actually makes me think quite a lot different about the WWE if this is true as I thought they just decided to not do it because it was obvious or because they just don't care about the Wyatts. So if that is the case that he is injured it means they still have some hopes for Bray and co. Have Strowman win the Andre The Giant Battle Royal because what better way to push someone who is apparently going to get Lesnsr soon and someone who was considered for Taker. Then have Bray interfere in a match that's big. Not the way you want to play a possible main event match at Mania but it is an option, especially for the Lesnsr/Ambrose match. I'm not saying it should be done but if you need to have Bray on the card with a bad back then an interference is probably the best way for Bray. Could gather a lot of heat for interfering in the Lesnar match while at the same time continuing/setting up a potential feud.

Bray with a bad back I think just keep off the card. Let him heal and let Strowman or the family to win the Battle royal.
Now that Wyatt vs Lesnar has been scrapped from Wrestlemania there doesn't seem like a lot of options for them at this point. My idea would lead to a 4-on-4 Elimination Tag match against the Social Outcasts. I know it sounds like a major step down for them, but in the same sense someone like Daniel Bryan could have an entertaining match with a broom, Bray Wyatt could have an entertaining feud with any inanimate object. So hear me out:

Bray starts to target the team for recruitment. Obviously the Wyatts are social outcasts in their own right and that is exactly who a cult like theirs would target. They try to divide and conquer them and the Social Outcasts work as baby face underdogs throughout the feud. Then at Wrestlemania you have them pretty easily dispatch Slater, Axel and Rose before setting their sights on Dallas. They mercilessly pick him apart until he finally gives in and stretches his arms out on his knees in the same way Bryan did. Bray hits Sister Abigail for the win and they carry Bo out.

That in itself could be good enough, but I'm a big enough Wyatt supporter that I would prefer more. So I would have the lights go out during Taker vs Shane and the Family appears to tip the scales in favour of either competitor. Either they can swerve and cost Shane or cost Taker, which would make more sense. Either way it is revealed that they were offered preferential treatment by either Vince or Shane for their help. This starts a major push for the Wyatt Family after Mania. Bray vs Taker, Taker vs Strowman, or Bray vs Shane. Eventually a MITB or world title win for Bray as well.

An alliance between the Authority and the Family, similar to the Corporate Ministry. The break up of that could then lead to Bray vs HHH at SummerSlam or WM 33.


Pardon? What has Bray Wyatt done lately to deserve to even lace up HHH's boots much less have a match against him? Especially for the title?

He's LOST every feud he's ever been in for a start, including 2 years ago when he feuded with Daniel Bryan.
He's LOST every feud he's ever been in for a start, including 2 years ago when he feuded with Daniel Bryan.

To be fair, he actually won his feud with Bryan. Anyway, more on Bray. Most fans who are unhappy with his progression point to his feud against Cena at WM30 and the following months. I looked up some numbers on Wyatt since then. In Network/PPV events he has a record of 8-9, excluding Royal Rumble matches. He has fallen into WWE's 50/50 purgatory. What has really hurt his advancement into the upper echelon is how his feuds breakdown. Since then he has lost feuds to the likes of Cena, Taker (2x) and Reigns. On the flip side creative has countered by giving him victories over Jericho, Ambrose and the ECW Originals. His victories hardly stack up against the feuds he has lost...... Just some food for thought.
Wyatt apparently according to some reports has something wrong with his back, that's why he's been pulled from shows recently and didn't wrestle Lesnar at Roadblock.

I'm sure he will have a roll at Mania, but might now be a limited one. The reports I've read say he's been working injured for quite some time, but still kept plugging away. Win, loss records especially when it comes to Wyatt and his family don't really count. They never shown any interest in getting a title run, causing chaos seems to be his gimmick.

Even though I'm not a fan of his, would rather see him getting into the ring when he's able too, and not working injured. No one wants to see that.

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