WWW Elimination Chamber: United States Championship - Cesaro (c) VS Miz


It was announced on WWE.com that Antonio Cesaro will defend the United States Championship against The Miz at the Elimination Chamber ppv.

Their first match took place on the Royal Rumble pre-show and I thought it was pretty solid. It also had the right outcome with Cesaro retaining the title in a decisive manner. I'm hoping that Cesaro walks out of EC as champ. Since Miz's feud with Kofi Kingston ended and his subsequent babyface turn, Miz no longer has any real momentum to speak of. His face turn has generated mixed results at best and, right now, taking the title off Cesaro and putting it on Miz isn't going to do anyone any favors. I think the best bet is for Cesaro to retain and move them both onto other programs.
I'm really enjoying Cesaros title run, and his WWE tenure in general, but Miz has a movie coming out in March, and that generally equals a push for the lead star so I wouldn't be surprised if they put the title on him. But if I had a say in the matter, then I'd let Cesaro keep the title until Extreme Rules. I'm also worried what Cesaro will do if he loses the title, I don't see him going after the IC belt, he's certainly no tag team competitor (Yes, I know about his tag team with Chris Hero in ROH, but this is the WWE, so that doesn't matter) and he he's certainly not over enough to go for a main title. But hopefully he retains and creative will just cross that bridge when they get to it. These two put on a good match during the Rumble preshow, so I'm hopeful that they can put on another hit come this Sunday.

My Pick: Antonio Cesaro retains the title and keeps it until after Wrestlemania.

Most Likely Outcome: Miz wins because of his new movie coming out
I am glad that this match is on the actual card and not the preshow this time around. Their Rumble preshow match was pretty good. I have been enjoying Cesaro's run with the title, and I see no reason for him to lose it here. Like Jack Hammer said, since Miz's face turn he has not been able to gain or sustain any kind of momentum, and putting the US title on him wouldn't really help the title at all. A good point was made about Miz having a movie coming out, but they can push him without putting the US title on him. I think Cesaro retains here and holds the belt for a few more months.
While Antonio’s character could use a little fine tuning, some of his matches along with his in ring work is simply phenomenal. I would expect nothing less here between these two. I could see the WWE sticking Miz with the United States Championship to solidify his babyface role but Cesaro has been on an incredible roll as of late. Taking the United States Championship off of him now would force him into the undercard where history has shown, it’s easy to fade away. Keeping the United States Championship around his waist would definitely give him a reason to be on the Wrestlemania card. Without it, his chances are slim.
The same pretty much applies here. While I can certainly see the reasoning for putting the United States Championship back on The Miz, Cesaro definitely needs it more. Without the Championship around Cesaro's waist, his chances of actually making it to the 'Mania card (pre-show or not) is very slim. His abilities need to be displayed to a bigger audience in hopes of getting him more over. The dude is a machine in the wrestling ring. What he did to The Miz this past Monday on Raw showed complete and utter dominance over a former WWE Champion (who, I might add, once pinned John Cena in a Wrestlemania main event). I believe Cesaro needs the rub a lot more than The Miz. With that, I see another clean victory for Cesaro as the Elimination Chamber. While his feud with The Miz has been solid, Miz should not be the foil to Cesaro and his United States Championship. Save that for someone who can stand up to what Cesaro believes is wrong with America today; a hero.... a Chris Hero. Ok, that was awful.

Hamler's Prediction -Antonio Cesaro will retain the United States Championship.
I think Cesaro will retain the championship but Miz will win the match because of Cesaro getting Dq'd or something. Don't see how Miz would be able tp hvae another rematch if Cesaro beats him clean twice in a row.
The Rumble pre match was pretty good and I expect more of the same at Elimination Chamber. Cesaro needs the win here and keep what he has on him and keep making the United States Championship look like it can't be taken from him. I like this gimmick of how he has the belt yet doesn't care for America. Some American babyface will beat him eventually it just won't be Miz.

Miz needs to lose here just so he can keep trying to get the fans behind him and roo for him to finally knock Cesaro off at some point.
The U.S. Title has been the new European/TV Title ever since Zack Ryder won it at TLC last year. Miz isn't going to win, because he's "too good" for the belt. Cesaro is getting pushed hard, BUT it feels more like he's "outgrowing" the title than making it look important. The only reason that Cesaro is feuding with Miz is so that Cesaro can get a win over a "big name" before he drops the belt to a low card star and moves up the ranks.
I really like Cesaro and would like to see him keep the title, hopefully for quite some time. He actually has brought some attention to the title and can have meaningful feuds over it. As for Miz, I feel bad for the guy. Two years ago he was WWE champ and beat Cena in the WM main Event. Ever since, he has been more of a jobber. Yes he had held the US and IC titles, in that time, but he lost them quickly. His face turn has not worked, and he seems lost. I think he had the potential to be one of the key guys in the future but the WWE has buried him pretty badly. I think they will have another solid match, but in the end it will be Cesaro retaining the belt.
The US Championship won't help Miz's face turn. WWE manufactured Miz's face turn, and a run as US Champion will continue to force the "you have to like like this guy, because we say so" ideology.

A part of me would love to see Jack Swagger's new character take the US Championship from Cesaro, but that's another story for another time. Cesaro retains again, BUT I have a strong feeling he'll drop the title at Wrestlemania.
The US Championship won't help Miz's face turn. WWE manufactured Miz's face turn, and a run as US Champion will continue to force the "you have to like like this guy, because we say so" ideology.

Agreed. Miz's face turn is not turning out well at all, he's been given next to nothing as far as a character change. Winning the US Championship would not help him and it wouldn't be as big of a deal as somebody else defeating Cesaro would be. He's had the belt for a while now so it should be used to help build a face that can defeat him in a good moment, for someone who actually needs it and can benefit from it. Miz should be higher up on the card and this feud has not helped him or his face turn. It's good that the match will get to be on the actual PPV show this time around at least. It should be an ok match as long as Cesaro does most of the work. Cesaro retains and moves on to his next challenger while Miz moves on to some other feud, hopefully higher up on the card.

Antonio Cesaro retains the US Championship.
I feel as though this match was somewhat unexpected at least in my eyes. I know that The Miz and Cesaro have been feuding for about the past month, but it stunned me to see this on the card for Elimination Chamber.

I enjoy Cesaro as being a sort of "anti"-hero, or however you wish to word it. I'm surprised he hasn't generated more hatred towards himself from fans. It may be because he only holds the US Championship, but I thought more people would be on the anti-Cesaro bandwagon.

Cesaro retains US Championship after the EC. The Miz stands to gain nothing by winning the Championship. Hopefully his storyline gets a bit more exciting, because he seems stagnant as of late.
I think this is an interesting feud for both men, specially with Wrestlemania right around the corner. Cesaro finally gave a little twist for his character by being a good old fashioned vicious heel, he beat the crap out of Miz. This way their feud got more personal, I really like when a heel attacks the face after/during a match, a great simple way to gain tons of heat.

However, even if I'm kind of excited for seeing Cesaro, I don't expect anything lees than a mediocre match between these two. Even if Ric Flair "gave" Miz the figure four leg lock, and even if Miz has become a better technical wrestler, he still is pretty mediocre inside the ring.

If Cesaro loses here, I don't think he is going to have much to do, Miz doesn't really need the title. Therefore I hope Cesaro retains.
miz is going to lose at EC so that he can win the championship at wrestlmania in order to keep his streak intact (i myself would laugh at this phrase a few years back but not now) but what will happen after that ? well WWE is full of unpredictablity (and foolish storyline ).
.... Miz doesn't really need the title.

This is true. Since his days as world champion ended, it's been hard to figure out what management intends to do with Miz. Yes, they want to utilize his speaking ability and gave him MizTV, but it matters not whether he's a good guy or bad guy to do this, nor does it matter whether or not he's chasing a title.

Sometimes, it seems as if Creative wants to boost him to the very top again. Then, he goes on a losing streak that negates all that. His matches are generally entertaining but, to me, his rather unimpressive physique takes away from what we're seeing in the ring. He's slim enough, but could spend some time in the weight room.

All that said, Antonio Cesaro is a good opponent for Miz (or maybe the other way around). Cesaro is holding what seems to be the least regarded title in WWE and if you accept that premise, it doesn't really matter who wins this match.

For whatever reason, WWE appears to be excited about Cesaro, and since Miz appears as a credible opponent who will engage in an eye-pleasing contest but not need a win to cement his reputation, I'll pick Cesaro.
I'm going with Cesaro on this one too. Losing to Miz tonight would take away a lot of his steam, and I agree with others that Miz doesn't need the IC title right now. That said, I don't know where this feud goes from here. Extending it to Mania is unlikely, but I don't know who Cesaro or Miz would face at Mania aside from each other.

Cesaro over Miz
The Miz was an excellent mid card heel, never a main eventer, and a terrible face. Cesaro is a beast and his demolition of Miz on Raw was one of the best things I've seen a heel do in ages, but his Ludvig Borga 2.0 character is not really getting any heat. I'd say get rid of the gimmick, focus on his beastly power and have Heyman manage him so he doesn't have to talk.

Miz was all bandaged up on SD so that's enough of an excuse to just have Cesaro win here as he needs the belt right now.

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