WWEdiots and TNArds

You think that was bad? I'd blow that insult out of the water with some of the stuff that Nick has said to me for sticking up for Coco. I won't repeat it though, because I'm a gentleman and what not... and/or I don't feel like digging through threads to find what exactly it was he said. Something about having my tongue in Coco's ass.

I said you had your tongue stuck up his ass. It was in The Board Room.
You think that was bad? I'd blow that insult out of the water with some of the stuff that Nick has said to me for sticking up for Coco. I won't repeat it though, because I'm a gentleman and what not... and/or I don't feel like digging through threads to find what exactly it was he said. Something about having my tongue in Coco's ass.

You bring an interesting perspective here JGlass, and I'd love to hear it from your perspective as a good spam and non spam poster.

On one side of the coin, you tend to defend and praise Coco from time to time, not that's there's anything wrong with that. Meanwhile, I know you're buddies with LSN80 as well. I'd love to hear your thoughts on their "discussions".
You're THIRTY ONE and can't take the three extra keystrokes to fully type out "people?" Other than moving your left hand towards the e, there's no extra work to be done.

I bet you're fat. Go kill yourself. Or eat yourself, if you haven't already attempted to be like that ****** from one of the Shel Silverstein books

Suck my dick while trying to become half the athlete I am. If you can handle that, I'll give you a new chore to do bitch. Seriously, you fucking DORK!
Suck my dick while trying to become half the athlete I am. If you can handle that, I'll give you a new chore to do bitch. Seriously, you fucking DORK!

...Ogre? Is that you?

You're THIRTY ONE and can't take the three extra keystrokes to fully type out "people?" Other than moving your left hand towards the e, there's no extra work to be done.

I bet you're fat. Go kill yourself. Or eat yourself, if you haven't already attempted to be like that ****** from one of the Shel Silverstein books

And this coming from the person whose posots afe virtually unreadzaable mostz of za time and you come off lize the lasc drunx in sa bar?

And I like you well enough and all, MC. But youre the last person who should ever criticize someone elses posts.
I was about to say X, Ogre was def about NERDS, not DORKS. And with that post, I was clearly showing my age. DORK is certainly not the best I can do, but it's all the post was worth.
Suck my dick while trying to become half the athlete I am. If you can handle that, I'll give you a new chore to do bitch. Seriously, you fucking DORK!

Funny, I guarantee you ride coattails and have absolutely no leadership qualities

I could outrun you, outplay you, and out-hustle you, as seeing from how you carry yourself you have no drive, and I'm assuming your coordination is fucking horrible. Judging from your non-spam posts, you have absolutely no future-sight and you only focus on what you're doing right that second, and have no qualms about what you'll have to do 3 seconds from then.

You can't move, you can't plan, you can't win.
Funny, I guarantee you ride coattails and have absolutely no leadership qualities

I could outrun you, outplay you, and out-hustle you, as seeing from how you carry yourself you have no drive, and I'm assuming your coordination is fucking horrible. Judging from your non-spam posts, you have absolutely no future-sight and you only focus on what you're doing right that second, and have no qualms about what you'll have to do 3 seconds from then.

You can't move, you can't plan, you can't win.

What in the blue fuck are you even talking about? Do you even know? I'm guessing you're just trying to see if you can get me riled up, but alas, another thing you've failed at. Does it even hurt anymore, or are you just so used to it that you hardly even notice? I'm honestly curious, because aside from this board, I don't associate with the likes of your sort.
Funny, I guarantee you ride coattails and have absolutely no leadership qualities

I could outrun you, outplay you, and out-hustle you, as seeing from how you carry yourself you have no drive, and I'm assuming your coordination is fucking horrible. Judging from your non-spam posts, you have absolutely no future-sight and you only focus on what you're doing right that second, and have no qualms about what you'll have to do 3 seconds from then.

You can't move, you can't plan, you can't win.

Speaking from experience, dude is one of the toughest and quickest S.O.B.s Ive balled with. Not sure what sport youre referring to, but Ive played basketball and football with the dude, and he has one of the quickest first steps of anyone Ive ever played with, and is impossible to get around. He's one of those guys that if youre playing either with him(and I have many times), you want him on your team. We've played some 11 on 11 football, and dude is a beast of a tight end, and one heck of a power forward. Remarkable hands as well.

Unless were talking soccer, then hes utterly crap. But he'ld school you otherwise, without a doubt.
And this coming from the person whose posots afe virtually unreadzaable mostz of za time and you come off lize the lasc drunx in sa bar?

And I like you well enough and all, MC. But youre the last person who should ever criticize someone elses posts.

Major props for using "whose" instead of "who's" like most of the winners here do, but I wouldn't expect less from Ellis N.

Second, the one I quoted was him being "Super fahking serious" which would (or at least SHOULD) warrant effort if he was actually trying to get his point across, I don't see how it should be in the same light as random bullshitting; I haven't posted lately and since I don't think about WZ 24/7 like most seem to, you might be right about what I've put up lately, I've no idea at the moment
Speaking from experience, dude is one of the toughest and quickest S.O.B.s Ive balled with. Not sure what sport youre referring to, but Ive played basketball and football with the dude, and he has one of the quickest first steps of anyone Ive ever played with, and is impossible to get around. He's one of those guys that if youre playing either with him(and I have many times), you want him on your team. We've played some 11 on 11 football, and dude is a beast of a tight end, and one heck of a power forward. Remarkable hands as well.

Unless were talking soccer, then hes utterly crap. But he'ld school you otherwise, without a doubt.

I am fucking TERRIBLE at soccer. FUCK.

You're no fuckin' slouch yourself there Kid.
Speaking from experience, dude is one of the toughest and quickest S.O.B.s Ive balled with. Not sure what sport youre referring to, but Ive played basketball and football with the dude, and he has one of the quickest first steps of anyone Ive ever played with, and is impossible to get around. He's one of those guys that if youre playing either with him(and I have many times), you want him on your team. We've played some 11 on 11 football, and dude is a beast of a tight end, and one heck of a power forward. Remarkable hands as well.

Unless were talking soccer, then hes utterly crap. But he'ld school you otherwise, without a doubt.

The football qualities mean very little to me; when I was younger I couldn't deal with a 7 second play followed by sitting around forever to go have another 7 second play, so I never played anything more organized than bullshitting around with a bunch of people. For basketball all you said was he has great hands (and I've literally never met anyone who had better/faster hands than I do) but since you're one of the few people I have respect for (as a person) on here I'll take your word for it for now

Although, I was going to leave for the gym at 7:20 so now I'm mad at you, expect angry glances for a bit later tonight


this isn't over sir
The football qualities mean very little to me; when I was younger I couldn't deal with a 7 second play followed by sitting around forever to go have another 7 second play, so I never played anything more organized than bullshitting around with a bunch of people. For basketball all you said was he has great hands (and I've literally never met anyone who had better/faster hands than I do) but since you're one of the few people I have respect for (as a person) on here I'll take your word for it

Although, I was going to leave for the gym at 7:20 so now I'm mad at you, expect angry glances for a bit later tonight

Bro, I honestly don't have a problem with you, but if you're going to attack me, I'm going to defend myself. If your proble was solely based on the fact that I abbreviated a word in a post that had a serious tone, then I really do think you've read way too much into the significance of that post. Anyway, enjoy the gym, because on the off chance we ever meet on the court, you're gonna need all the strength and endurance you can muster.;)
Both of those posts were direct replies to Phasto, so yes, you directly called Phatso an ass kissing pussy.

Actually, I didn't:

Uncle Phatso said:
It's gotten me... right here, I suppose. I'd rather be on my own than look like an ass-kissing pussy.

Replying directly to Phatso is different from what you're saying I did. I didn't call him a name. If you want to get technical, and call into question every, single response, at least have the decency to be honest about what I said. Then again, it doesn't really matter, the proof is right there.

With me you elected to pussyfoot around with it (something you will call me out on later in this post, just to add another count of hypocrisy to the list) making implications and dodging my completely reasonable requests for clarification.

I was in the middle of an argument with Coco. My apologies for not really giving a shit about what you had to say. Now you have my attention. Is that better?

As memory serves when I asked if the "ass kissing pussy" comment applied to me you simply told me to interpret it however I chose to, so don't now try and claim some high ground because I did presciently that. If I was supposed to be excluded from your abuse then I handed you multiple opportunities to clarify that, and if I wasn't supposed to be exempt then your argument above holds no water.

No, I told you to spin it however you like. Was that aimed at each and every poster who took Coco's side? No. I don't mind when someone disagrees with me, but each time Coco is involved in something like this, 20 people randomly show up to provide support. It's odd, especially when he's clearly being a dick about something, and half of them are people he has gone after before, at some point in time. I think some like to let him know they're on his side, hoping to avoid a future confrontation with him. They're *****es :shrug:

"...But he started it!"

Seriously, and you trying to force every single grade-school cliche into a single debate?

No, you're doing it for me. That's not what I said, and you know it.

Please, take the "maturity" shit and shove it. There hasn't been a mature voice in this entire conversation. I'm sure you believe you're above it all, but you're not.

I don't have a problem with you. Dude, I'd struggle to pick you out of a line up, I'm simply pointing out that in this thread you're being a hypocrite, something that you are going to frankly comical lengths to avoid addressing.

I haven't avoided that question. I have told you I'm not being a hypocrite. You're wrong. What else would you like me to say??

I know it's the done thing to accuse me of having some secret agenda for going after you, but sometimes people criticize you not because of a conspiracy but because you deserve criticism.

Again, at the risk of sounding immature (as if ANY of this has been mature), why do these things not bother you when Coco does them? You have a problem with me calling him out on being an asshole, but actually being an asshole is fine? This is why it seems like you had taken a side prior to typing a single word.

As for the charge that I like Coco? Guilty as charged. How terrible of me to keep such an agenda hidden from the population. Know what I should have done instead? My very first post in this thread should have been me pointing out that I like Coco, and because reading comprehension is not strong around here I should later have pointed out to people that the primary reason I entered this thread was because I like Coco.

I do love honesty.

That's exactly what i should have done... no wait... I tell a lie. That's exactly what I did do. The revelation that I like Coco comes a little bit late, especially since as far as I'm concerned this discussion has little to nothing to do with him. This is a discussion about your attitude, and as I have said countless times, the fact that he may or may not do the same things as you proves nothing other than that you are a hypocrite for trying to call him out on them.

Here's the main point - I'm not Coco. I don't tell people to kill themselves because we had a disagreement about someone's "self-importance." That's fucking terrible. If you had even come close to denouncing that sort of thing, I might take what you're saying to heart. I don't think I've been hypocritical. Not at all.

I didn't call you out for being a dick. Coco's a dick. Sly is a dick. I'm a dick. Many of the strongest posters on the forum behave like assholes from time to time. What I called you out for is being a hypocrite.

Yes, Christ, that horse died five years ago. We get it - I'm a huge, evil hypocrite.

You attempt to berate Coco for all of his attitude problems, yet at the same time display each and every one of those negative qualities yourself.

This is where we disagree. I never take it as far as Coco does. In fact, this is the most assholeish I've been. I think "who usually takes it to what extreme" matters here. I come out of the woodwork, ONE TIME, telling him what I think, and this is the response I get? Amazing. So, again, telling someone to kill himself is fine, but being a "hypocrite" isn't? That's fucked.

You call people out for things that you yourself are doing. You whine about someone turning on you just because you disagree with them, then turn around and throw abuse at anyone who disagrees with you.

That didn't happen. I didn't call Phatso, in particular, a name. Spin it however you like, but it's right in front of your face. You yack about reading comprehension, practice it. Stop spinning what I said, and be honest (even if it hurts your argument).

You complain at length about Coco's tone and attitude (both of which Coco is perfectly up front about) whilst simultaneously alternating between behaving like a dick (my attempt to come at you with what you have now conceded was valid criticism was met not with adult discussion but with the response "I don't give a shit about Gelgarin. Gelgarin's opinion is worthless") and acting like a petulant child as I have outlined earlier.

Like I said earlier - sometimes you have to crawl right into the sewer if you want to find the rat :shrug:

Except Phatso, who only tried to say something nice about a poster you were having a disagreement with. Guess we'll add liar to hypocrite.

If you're going to accuse someone of lying, you had better make sure you're right/telling truth. Not sure if you're purposely lying about what was said, or you just don't give a shit. I'll go with being dishonest, seeing you wouldn't have built this word fort had you not given a shit. I'll put this front and center, just so no one misses anything:

Coco has never once said a bad word to me. In fact, I love reading his shit. That isn't kiss ass either, he makes me laugh 24/7 and most of his stuff is spot on.

Here we go - bring 'em out. Bring out every poster on this site who hopes to avoid Coco's wrath by praising his comedic genius. This will probably take all night...

No insult there. Not even close. He may have taken that comment as directly calling him out, but clearly, it doesn't. The comment extended to far more than one poster.

Yes because I'm afraid of Coco's wrath. Dude are you fucking kidding me? This is a fucking forum, if people want to talk shit about me here..... LMFAO. I could give two fucks less about what half of the forums would say about me, let alone someone trying to troll me. How about you go on about your day and go be a mod or something? Arguing with Coco has got you how far?

It's gotten me... right here, I suppose. I'd rather be on my own than look like an ass-kissing pussy.

Ohhh, Go Be A Mod! You see that? Shit, it's possible Phatso was a bigger asshole to me than I was to him :)

Didnt you just say that you were going to stop using Coco as your moral barometer?

I lied. I do that, remember?

As long as there is somebody worse than you out there then you are beyond reproach, is that the standard we're working with here?

No, I'm not beyond being called out. However, when it comes from someone who clearly has a bias, I don't have to respect what he's (you're) saying.

Please don't make me repeat it a third time.

I sure the fuck hope not. I'd hate to have to go through this all over again.

So what you are saying is that I'm right, but that you're going to ignore me anyway because I like Coco? Seriously? Good grief.

No, you made a couple of points which I won't immediately flush down the toilet (1. this is childish, 2. I was a bit harsh in my handling of those who side with Coco).

I'm saying your opinion means little because no matter what Coco does, I highly doubt you'd call him out on it. Why? Because you like the guy. He can say all sorts of terrible shit, and it wouldn't bother you. But, since it's me, someone you "can't pick out of a lineup," you felt the need to speak up. Fuck that. Whatever, it's cool - earlier in the day, I didn't have a personal issue with Coco either. I would have dropped this had you not gone to all of this trouble. I didn't want to be rude, and leave you hanging. After all, I'm a nice guy :)
You're THIRTY ONE and can't take the three extra keystrokes to fully type out "people?" Other than moving your left hand towards the e, there's no extra work to be done.

I bet you're fat. Go kill yourself. Or eat yourself, if you haven't already attempted to be like that ****** from one of the Shel Silverstein books

This was all good natured fun until Silverstein was mentioned. That shit is fucked up!

Roald Dahl or Margaret Wiseman is one thing but not Silverstein.
Only one heel amongst the group as I see it, I guess it's up to the rest of the posters to decide which one ;)

Don't forget the OP, although as I see it, he's a face too.
After all this, I think we can agree on one very important thing: The one or two people in this thread who have a problem with me telling people kill themselves should go kill themselves to spare them from being further offended by what an awful person I am and spare the rest of us from having to hear about it. Simplest solution, really. Who's with me?
Just read through and come to your own conclusions Rohan. And Im sure you'll find that without a doubt, its Habs. :)
Absolutely. Im a huge proponent of unwarranted suicide. There should be far more of it in the world over very petty things.
Absolutely. Im a huge proponent of unwarranted suicide. There should be far more of it in the world over very petty things.
If anyone's so emotionally distressed by what I'm saying that they'd go through with it, then it's warranted in my book as there's no doubt it'd have happened eventually.

So seriously. Kill yourself.

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